Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4638: Dust-free reappearance

The emperor star smiled at this time: "The herdsmen have demonstrated the strength of the Qingmen in recent years, half-step Huadi Digital, showing those of Jiangzhou Realm, Furong Tower, and Seventh Heaven Realm, as well as the Titan Protoss and Dragon Clan. In, wait..."

"Could it be possible that you think that only Mu Qingyu can do the calculations?"

"These forces really make the herdsmen seem to be able to compete with my emperor clan, but you should understand, what is the real rivalry?"

"The **** emperor is the top, and the comparison is the title **** title emperor, even if it is the quasi emperor and the half step emperor, in the end, it is impossible to decide the outcome!"

Lu Qingfeng said nothing.

"Lu Qingfeng, my third brother just gave you a chance, I will give you another chance, surrender, or die."

At this time, Emperor Star stood still in the air, his voice still calm and confident.

In his whole life, he has stood on the top of the mountain.

Only the father is above him.

Facing the human emperor Mu Qingyu, he was inferior, but he never gave up the pursuit, even if Mu Qingyu became the **** emperor, could his emperor star not become the **** emperor?

He didn't think he was inferior to Mu Qingyu.

Because he can continue to catch up!

At this moment, Lu Qingfeng looked at the emperor star in front, and looked at emperor Yifan on the left, and smiled helplessly: "It seems that today, it is impossible to escape death?"

"Since you refuse to surrender, then..."

Di Xing fell down and shook his palm.

With seven huge stars, the light instantly rose up between the sky and the earth, seeming to destroy the sky and the earth.

But when the emperor star shook his palm, the seven stars went straight to Lu Qingfeng's body with lightning speed, and were about to smash Lu Qingfeng, suddenly, a strange scene happened.

As the seven stars traveled forward, the space was rippling like water, and the seven superstars disappeared in an instant.

And the next moment.

From the entire first celestial realm, there was an earth-shattering roar, piercing the ears, and even the entire first celestial realm trembled for a moment.

At this time, the face of Emperor Star was instantly extremely ugly.

Di Yifan stood not far away, frowning.

What happened?

"Tsk tusk, Emperor Star, picking up a rock and hitting him in the foot, doesn't it feel uncomfortable?"

A lazy, gentle voice sounded at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, only a young man in white was seen walking out of the void step by step.

The young man with eyebrows and sword eyes, a simple white gown, long black hair **** at will, a belt around his waist, and a very casual dress, but even so, it gives people the feeling that they are elegant and free as a god.

The boy stood there, as if he was not there.

The most weird thing is that one pair of eyes, exuding a faint silver light, is suddenly strange.

Di Xing and Di Yifan both looked at him at this time.



The two brothers both spoke out at this time, with a bit of surprise in their tone.

Lu Qingfeng also looked at the white-clothed boy at this time and arched his hands.

His strength and Di Yifan may have fought head-to-head, but facing the emperor star, it is indeed inferior.

The first emperor, simply three words, gave infinitely powerful strength.

At this time, Guiyi stood with his hands held down and looked at the two of them.

He glanced at it, as if looking thousands of miles away, smiled and said: "Yuanyou, you are not dead yet, I didn't expect it..."

As if thousands of miles away, a voice sounded and hummed: "The things you didn't expect are gone."

"The origin of time and space is unified!"

The evil emperor’s voice also sounded at this time, and he smiled: "Help me get out of the formation quickly, this Yuanyou Formation Emperor is not very strong, but this formation is really annoying, you help me out, how can I kill the Emperor Star? ?"


Guiyi laughed loudly at this time: "Poxie, you are too high on yourself!"

"The deity is the evil emperor, it's not about breaking the evil, return to one, if you are calling my name directly, believe it or not, I will never end with you!"

"Break the evil! Break the evil!"


At this moment, Emperor Star looked towards Guiyi and muttered: "You... actually reached this point by Mu Yun's side?"

Just now, his Seven Killing Stars should have been teleported to his Star God Palace.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't stop it.

However, Guiyi can rely on the power of time and space to move his Seven Killing Stars away.

Emperor Star didn't care what the Star God Palace was like now.

It's just unity... but it's not the unity anymore.

"I have seen Emperor Cang and solved many worlds. I am already very strong."

Guiyi said again at this time: "Emperor Star, how about I try two tricks with you?"

Hearing the words, Emperor Star's expression tightened.

The origin of heaven is Tianyi!

The earth has its origin one!

The origin of life is one!

The origin of time and space is unified!

The four origins, becoming autonomous beings, becoming living beings, are closely related to the time and space life in the world, and the power they possess can be described as endless.

"Try it."

Guiyi smiled at this time and said, "How can I know if I don't try?"

As Guiyi said, he shook his palms, his thumbs and index fingers were right and wrong, forming a square mark.

"No dust!"

When Di Yifan heard these three words, he almost subconsciously retreated hundreds of miles.

At this time, Emperor Star also had a cold expression on his face. He shook his hands, and when he checked the time, a seal appeared in his hands.

"The most precious treasure, seal the **** seal!"

When Di Yifan saw this scene, he was taken aback for a moment.

As expected, my father gave the seal of the sixth place of the Heavenly Conferred God of the Thirteenth Treasure to Emperor Star!

At this moment, Emperor Star was holding the seal of the Heaven Sealing God, inside the seal, instantly condensing a world of heaven, earth and the world, wrapping his body.

At this moment, Gui Yi moved his hands, a square beam of time and space, at this moment, went straight to the Emperor Star.

At that time, the empty beam of light thundered in front of Emperor Star.

In time, the body of Emperor Xing retreated hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, and thousands of miles, leaving a wide gully on the earth.

Di Yifan's heart palpitated at this time.

No dust!

As the unity of the origin of time and space, the understanding of time and space can be described as unmatched by the **** emperor.

Wuchenkong is a selfless world that is separated from time and space. When hit, all the power of the warrior will be wiped out.

He didn't dare to stop it at all!

Even if Emperor Star possesses the Seal of Heaven Sealing, one of the Thirteen Great Treasures, it is still unclear whether it can be blocked!

At this time, the space that was passed by the stripped light beam collapsed and turned into black holes.

This is the second time that Guiyi has performed Wuchenkong.

But compared to what Mu Yun saw last time, it was a thousand times more tyrannical.

This is the real power of Wuchenkong!

Lu Qingfeng was standing beside Guiyi at this time, his eyes were also shocked.

He thinks that he has reached the point of Wushuang Sword God, turning all his domains into a world of swords, attacking and killing, invincible.

However, seeing this dust-free light beam at this time, he only felt that, even if he had the Sun Moon Star Sword in his hand, he might not be able to resist it.

Is this true unity?

The origin of time and space!


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