Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4646: End of the World

When Huo Li and Bing Xiaochen saw the incoming person, they were slightly startled. The breath in the body was surging. Everyone in the restaurant felt that a tyrannical oppression seemed to fall from the sky. .

"The two are eating near me, Yuanshi Pagoda. As a landlord, shouldn't you come to see them?"

The young man smiled slightly and sat down calmly.

"Little Er, add a pair of bowls and chopsticks."

After the words fell, Huo Liu and Bing Xiaochen both restrained their auras, did not say a word, looking at the young man in front of them.

"Di Xuanhao, it's rare for you to appear once."

Huo Liu smiled at this time and said: "Back then, your ninth brother Diyuan was very active. In Canglan, his fame was so great that he was calculated to death by Mu Qingyu, and even more aggrieved, he died in the hands of Mu Yun Xie Qing. "

"Now, your elder brother is also very active..."

Hearing this, Di Xuanhao smiled indifferently, picked up his chopsticks, and picked up the vegetables.

"The two came here to see if I would go to the first heaven, right?" Di Xuanhao smiled and said, "The battle over there seems to be over. If I guess right, Fate One must be It's not easy to be slapped by Mu Qingyu!"

Huo Liu and Bing Xiaochen looked at each other, and they both said nothing.

"As for my eldest brother... he has always regarded Mu Qingyu as the enemy of his life, and it is estimated that he is not feeling well now!"

Bing Xiaochen smiled and said, "You know everything."

Di Xuanhao laughed and said: "Many things can be known at a glance. In the eyes of our father, everything in the world of Canglan can be overthrown, even if it is a few of our brothers, if they die, my father That's just about reproducing some heirs. He has always paid no attention to his own blood..."

Bing Xiaochen said again at this time: "You are here to confide in us."


Di Xuanhao smiled calmly and said: "The matter over there is over, I have to tell the two, I didn't mix it up!"

"Okay, since there is nothing wrong, then we will leave." Bing Xiaochen said at this time: "You continue to guard your Yuanshi Tower, we continue to guard the Phoenix Realm without interfering with each other. As for other heavenly realms, What we are doing has nothing to do with us."

"It's so good."

Bing Xiaochen and Huoliu, get up, check out, and leave...

Not long after, Di Xuanhao walked out of the restaurant, and the crowded streets were very lively.

This is the state of the vast majority of people in the Canglan world.

From the realm of sage of heaven and earth to the realm of dominance, what is considered is nothing more than what to do today, what to do tomorrow, how to improve strength, obtain power status, etc...

How ridiculous!

Di Xuanhao smiled at this moment like self-deprecating.

This is like ants roaming all over the ground for a lifetime.

And his Emperor Xuanhao, is he not one of the ants, at best, it's just...a little bigger.


I don't know when, two people appeared beside Di Xuanhao.

One person bowed and said: "The news came back, and Mu Qingyu really showed up and extorted three life origin fruits from Mingyi."

"Dixing, Di Yifan, the two adults, also returned without success, and... the four origins gathered together and left together, not knowing where they went..."

Hearing this, Di Xuanhao stopped.

"I knew it would be like this."

Di Xuanhao murmured, the space around his body was solidified at this time, except for the two people around him, the streets and the attics, at this time, it seemed that time had fallen into a standstill, and then, body after body, exploded, shattered, one after another. Dao's horrible aura passed through the entire ancient city.

At this moment, tens of millions of cities collapsed like fireworks bursting.

Di Xuanhao was taken aback by the two of them.


"It's okay."

Di Xuanhao clapped his hands, looked at the place where he was in ruins, and muttered, "It's just an eyesore."


Things in the first day realm are naturally not hidden from the top forces of the major heavens.

The news spread, and the parties shook.

Ye Xiaoyao appeared, but Di Ming did not appear.

Such things are really incredible.

The news related to the Cang Emperor Palace gradually reduced its popularity.

On the first day of the world, the deserted mountains, the foreign space, the secret realm of the Cang Emperor Palace, the end of the sky!

Mu Yun and others didn't know what was happening outside.

Hundreds of young martial artists from the Fengtian realm gathered here.

Here is a vast world of heaven and earth. Mu Yun, Xie Qing, Wen Yuewen, Cai Weiwei, Jin Xuaner, Long Taixuan, Long Fuling, Gu Fengyue, Yuwen Mansion, Mingyunxuan, etc., are all here. .

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Xie Qing murmured at this time: "I have reached the realm of half-step Emperor Hua, and there is absolutely no problem with dealing with a quasi-emperor, but unfortunately I won't let me take action.

"Can you shut up?"

Mu Yun couldn't help but shout.

This guy has whispered so many times along the way.

Very annoying!

"It was my father who asked him to come, and he arrived at Half-Step Huadi. He was sure to be unharmed, and even if he was not an opponent, it would be impossible for my father to let the Master die. He should be prepared and at least be able to leave."

Mu Yun looked at the square and said: "The spatial structure here is different from the Cang Emperor Palace. We should not be in the secret territory of the Cang Emperor Palace. As for where... it's hard to say."

Xie Qing said with a weird expression at this time: "Then if we go out, we will go directly to the Dixing Laowo Star God Palace, isn't it a dead end?"

Mu Yun rolled Xie Qing's glance.

"By the way, what is the so-called End of the World!" Xie Qing looked around and couldn't help saying: "It's just a vast world, there is nothing at all."

At this time, everyone is located between a desolate world, a continent, and at a glance, it is flat and not convex, but farther away, there are mountains and mountains, and the trees are strong.

In fact, they have been walking here for several days, and they are all in such a terrain, and there has been no change.

"Your father fooled us..." Mu Yun said helplessly at this time.

Xie Qing looked around, and then said, "Let’s find out separately, don’t be too far away."

With that, Xie Qing pulled Jin Xuan'er beside her, and at this moment, she took a few people and left here.

Mu Yun glanced at Xie Qing and sighed helplessly.

At the same time, everyone dispersed and moved in all directions.

Cai Weiwei now followed Mu Yun, heading in one direction, and left Yukong.

"Weiwei, how do you feel?"


Cai Weiwei looked around and said: "Daddy, did you find out?"

Mu Yun also shook his head.

The two walked together at this time, and continued to move toward the endless land ahead. Suddenly, the light in front flickered, and it seemed that there were thousands of stars of light falling from the sky, one by one at this time.

Mu Yun and Cai Weiwei looked at each other and drove away.

At this time, when they came to the front, the two of them could see exactly what it was like.

A piece of galaxy, sprinkled from the sky, between that star river curtain, contains an extremely comfortable atmosphere.

"Notify them to come right away."

Mu Yun said.

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