Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4649: My time has come

The rumbling sound erupted at this time.

The palm prints tear apart the space around the world, making the space chaotic and unable to stabilize.

Mu Yun and Xie Qing are different from the past. Looking at the world of Canglan, they are definitely powerful figures standing at the top level.

But under these circumstances, any means has become a vain!

The figures of Mu Yun and Xie Qing are like a flat boat between the rolling waves, unable to stand at all.

"what happened!"

At this moment, a voice rang out indifferently between the void.

"Mu Qingyu has a good calculation. After taking three life essence fruits, what does he want to do?"

"No matter what, today, leave you two physically here, and let Mu Qingyu save you with two life essence fruits!"

The cold and merciless voice resounded at this moment.

Emperor Ming!

Emperor Fengtian God Emperor Ming!

At this moment, Mu Yun and Xie Qing both felt like falling into an ice cave. The two of them who had originally retired and left the customs were full of confidence. They only felt that the five people between the world and the earth were rivals.

But at this moment, the tyrannical aura of Emperor Ming made the two feel as fragile and pitiful as ants.

This is the gap.

Under the **** emperor are all ants.

Not fake at all.


Xie Qing cursed loudly at this time: "Di Ming, what is your ability to bully us, find my foster father!"

However, no one responded.

This piece of heaven and earth seemed to have become the home of Emperor Ming, and everything was under his control.

Xie Qing cursed, but to no avail.

That terrifying oppressive force made the two understand that they and Di Ming are not of the same level at all, and they are completely different from each other.

Even if the two of them used a variety of methods to release the heaven and earth oven, the Cangdi Tower, the Thunder Rod, and the Underworld Dragon Spear, they still had nothing to change.

What is the origin of life?

Di Ming seemed to be angered by his father, so he came to retaliate against the two of them?


The rumbling voice kept ringing.

But when Mu Yun and Xie Qing felt that their vitality was cut off and there was no way to escape, suddenly, the surrounding world, all the restrictions and thousands of palm prints, suddenly disappeared.

The moment before, it seemed like a stormy sea.

The next moment, the rain passed and the sky cleared.

These rapid changes made Mu Yun and Xie Qing both stunned.

But no matter what, run quickly!

The two figures immediately disappeared into the horizon, scattered and fled, disappearing...

Canglan World.

Endless time and space.

Between an unknown world.

The surrounding area is vast, and the clouds are lingering, and here, it is a land of a continent, I don't know where it is, I don't know where it is.

At this time, between the continents, an aura of terror spread.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of figures in martial suits and armor in the land of the mainland, all kneeling on the ground, holding a spear, looking forward like a torch.

These people, dressed in uniform costumes, their armor gleamed with a faint cold glow, and their bodies carried the supreme mighty power, and each of them possessed an incomparably terrifying aura.

Moreover, without exception, these people, each of them, are all inscribed with an ancient vicissitudes of handwriting on their shoulders.


At this time, tens of thousands of warriors, neatly arranged, knelt on one knee, their eyes all gathered at the end of the front, a mountain top.

There, a figure stood with its hands held up, and the breeze lifted its clothes.

Its face is peaceful, its posture is graceful, as if it was born with it, it has a high-level bearing and high-level majesty.

And the tens of thousands of warriors around below, every warrior looked at this person with reverence and eagerness.

"See the patriarch!"

"See the patriarch!"

As the time goes up, the sound of the mountains whirring and the tsunami sounded one after another, and the heart-palpiting breath erupted between this unknown world.

The young man raised his hand slightly, and many figures, neatly and uniformly, stood up one after another like a machine.

At this time, beside the youth, another youth stepped out and appeared beside him.


The young man who appeared was Li Xiuwen, but Li Xiuwen at this moment looked at this familiar friend in front of him nervously.

He suddenly felt that he no longer knew Gu Nanwan.

At this moment, Gu Nanwan stretched out a hand, patted Li Xiuwen lightly, and smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, I won't harm you, you are my best friend."

At this moment, Li Xiuwen nodded, but he was still shocked.

Gu Nanwan is still Gu Nanwan, but it seems like a different person, not Gu Nanwan anymore.

"What do you want to say?"

Gu Nanwan looked at Li Xiuwen and smiled: "Just say whatever you want!"

"What's the matter with you? And, where is this place, we are no longer in the secret realm of Cang Emperor Palace? Where is Mu Yun? Where is he, how is he?"

Li Xiuwen couldn't help it after all and asked a lot of questions.


Gu Nanwan slowly said at this time: "I am Gu Nanwan, and I have the descendants of Gu Beichen's bloodline. In this world of Canglan, the bloodstone has been living for trillions of years. Passing on from generation to generation is the opportunity for my Gu Beichen's recovery."

"Now I am Gu Beichen, but I am also Gu Nanwan. Don't worry, I will harm you."

"This is the end of the sky in the world of Canglan. We are about to leave this place, leaving the world of Canglan, and returning to the ancient world of Qingxiao!"

"As for Mu Yun, he is fine, you don't have to worry about him..."

Li Xiuwen was stunned for a while, looking at Gu Nanwan, not knowing what to say.

"Gu Beichen, Gu Nanwan, you..."

"These things are complicated to say. To put it simply, in the past, the battle between me and the other seven, and Li Canglan, were all heavy losses. Each in its own way, either slumbered or reincarnated, waiting for the opportunity, and now, My time has come!"

"Qingxiao God Emperor Gu Beichen, one of the eighteen ancient **** emperors in the great famine period is me!"

When these words came out, it was like a bolt from a blue sky, causing Li Xiuwen to sit on the ground in shock, his face pale.

Qingxiao God Emperor Gu Beichen!

He is famous, dominates the world, in the prehistoric period, one of the eighteen ancient **** emperors Qingxiao God Emperor.

Li Xiuwen felt that the biggest dream he had in this life was to get together with Mu Yun, but now, this is simply more terrifying than getting together with Mu Yun.

The ancient **** emperor!

A stronger existence than the two great **** emperors of the present era.


Li Xiuwen trembled: "Apart from the world of Canglan, is there any existence?"

"That's nature." Gu Nanwan went on to say: "Back then, the world was one. The Canglan world was one of the ancient worlds of the universe. It was just that the war started, the world was separated, and some worlds were destroyed. The ancient **** emperors are resurrected, reincarnated and awakened, and the universe of the universe will eventually work together to become the universe of the universe again!"

Gu Nanwan murmured: "In this power of heaven and earth, we must divide for a long time, and we must unite for a long time. It has always been like this..."

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