Supreme God Emperor

Vol 4 Chapter 5409: Believe it or not

"Thank you Shushu!"

Long Xuanwu looked at Xie Shushu and said directly: "It's good for you to give some broth to the injured children and to recover some strength."

Xie Shushu nodded when he heard this.

"I'll go, I'll go, Shushu, sit down and have a good rest."

Long Xuanmei hurriedly said.

"What does he need to rest?"

Long Xuan hummed, "You..."

But Long Xuanmei ignored it and left with a few bowls of broth.

Long Xuanwu glared at Xie Shushu, then looked at Muyun, and said with a smile: "Brother Muyun, the Seven Stars can kill the Nine Palaces, it's really amazing, I don't know where the Muyun brothers live?"

"Young Master Mu's family lives in the Northern Dragon Region, Cloudwood City!"

Xie Shushu smiled and said, "Yunmu City, second brother, do you know? It's a big city controlled by our Xie family."

Long Xuanwu glared at Xie Shushu and hummed, "I'm asking him, not you."

Mu Yun immediately said: "I am indeed from Yunmu City."

"Amazing, Yunmu City, as far as I know, there is only one side of the profound stone-level power, which belongs to the Xie family. Brother Muyun can reach the Seven Star Realm in such places. It is really the chosen person."

Long Xuanwu praised: "However, I have never heard of a powerful family named shepherd in Yunmu City..."

Xie Shushu said with a smile: "Mr. Mu did not practice in the Northern Dragon Region, but went out to travel and had some adventures. He just returned to the Northern Dragon Region a few years ago."

"Our Northern Dragon Territory is quite different from the year before. Young Master Mu has been away for many years and has successfully cultivated. Now that he returns, he also wants to stay in the Northern Dragon Territory."

Long Xuanwu opened his mouth and said, "I ask Brother Muyun, can you shut up?"

Xie Shushu smiled.

If he shut up, Mu Yun would definitely reveal his secrets.

Yunmu City, has no family, and went out to practice, made some achievements, and returned to the Northern Dragon Region...

Long Xuanwu suddenly smiled and said, "Since Brother Muyun has returned to the Northern Dragon Region and wants to make a career, why not join my Long Family?"

As soon as these words came out, Xie Shushu was stunned.

Okay, this Long Xuanwu has this idea.

This will not work!

Muyun's talent is very extraordinary, and his strength is not weak, how can he join the Long family?

Moreover, he was the first to know Mu Yun.

When Mu Yun heard this, he smiled and said, "I'm used to being lazy, and I don't like being bound..."

"No, no, Brother Mu misunderstood."

Long Xuanwu said with a smile: "Joining my Long family does not necessarily bind you."

"My dragon family has more than a dozen black iron-level forces and dozens of mysterious stone-level forces."

"The entire Northern Dragon Territory is divided into two parts, the north and the south. The Xie family is located in the north, and the Xie family's base is located in Anqing City, which is the core of the northern part of the entire Northern Dragon Territory."

"Our dragon family is located in the south, and Longling City is the core of our dragon family."

"These two cities are opposed to the north and the south."

Long Xuanwu explained patiently: "The entire Northern Dragon Territory has thousands of miles of territory, billions of creatures, mysterious stone-level forces, and top warriors for the Dao to ask the one-element level to the five-element level."

"The black iron level forces, the top warriors ask the six worlds to reach the tenth level."

"With the strength of Brother Mu, it is absolutely no problem to create a black iron-level force by yourself. My Xie family can support Brother Mu."

"Brother Mu only needs to pay tribute regularly, but if you are willing to join my dragon family, this tribute can be waived..."


Mu Yun raised his brows.

Encourage outstanding people to create forces under their own chassis?

Aren't you afraid that this force will surpass the Dragon family and replace the Dragon family?

But thinking about it carefully, Mu Yun was also relieved.

In the final analysis, the Long family is really not afraid.

Mysterious stone-level forces, top warriors from the Yuan Dynasty to the Five Elements Realm.

The black iron level forces, the top martial artist Liuhe Realm to Shifang Realm.

Bronze-level forces, the top warriors are Taoist Tianjun, Taoist king level.

This level of ladder sense is strong.

Once a black iron-level force is born, the Heavenly Monarch of the Taoist House is born, I am afraid that the bronze-level force above it will use various methods to recruit.

If it can't be recruited, then maybe the only way is to kill.

And in the black iron-level forces under the jurisdiction, there is no level that can threaten the existence of their own status, so what is there to worry about?

It's like...

A tiger is in charge of a forest.

In the forest, there are some wolves and some hyenas.

And the stronger these wolves and hyenas, the better the tribute to the tiger.

Let wolves and wolves, hyenas and hyenas fight each other, and the tigers can save themselves the trouble of catching the sheep, rabbits, etc. below.

The entire ancient world of ten laws is set at this level, which completely highlights the extreme of the strong.

Mu Yun smiled and said, "I'm not good at taking care of sect forces, and I just returned to the Northern Dragon Territory. I haven't thought about what to do yet. I want to see the current changes in my hometown."

Long Xuanwu was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

"Brother Mu, if you think about it, let me know at any time, I will wait for you in Longling City." Long Xuanwu said seriously: "You want to join my Long Family as a guest minister, or you can develop yourself, I can support you. of."

Xie Shushu hurriedly said at this time: "Brother Mu has already said, I don't have any ideas for the time being, so don't be **** others."

Long Xuan noon hummed: "If you beep again, believe it or not, I'm more male than male!"

As soon as these words came out, Xie Shushu's expression changed.

His charming spirit can indeed make men and women fall in love with him, but Xie Shushu had tried it before, but it was useless to Long Xuanwu.

In other words, this Long Xuanwu is an iron man, pure iron and pure iron.

Long Xuanwu chatted with Muyun about cultivation, experience, etc., and Muyun also agreed.

Xie Shushu did not know when, and had already sneaked away.

Mu Yun saw with his own eyes that Xie Shushu slipped into the cave that Long Xuanmei had just entered.

The two of them must have been in trouble again.

However, Long Xuanwu was very curious about his experience and his strength, but he didn't notice it.

With good intentions for Xie Shushu's body, Mu Yun quickly excused that he was a little tired and needed a rest, so he supported Long Xuanwu.

And Long Xuanwu also found out that the younger sister who delivered the meat porridge, and that motherfucker, Xie Shushu, disappeared, and suddenly became furious.

At the entrance of the stone cave in the distance, Mu Yun saw with his own eyes, Xie Shushu's reluctance to give up, and the rosy color on Long Xuanmei's face, mixed with anger towards his second brother, Long Xuanwu...

Obviously, before the two started, it was over.

"Very good!"

Muyun nodded, returned to his cave, and sat down with his knees crossed.

In the past, Muyun pursued the improvement of his realm, and more relying on killing and fighting to comprehend his own way.

But after more than 2,000 years of precipitation, Mu Yun found that sometimes, under the meditation, there are different harvests.

Next, half a month passed, and most of the Long family martial artists, including Long Xuanwu, recovered from their injuries.

Especially Long Xuanwu, who was almost unharmed, even broke through to the Nine Palaces of Taoism.

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