Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 803: Scream

"Zhu Yan, as the palace lord of the Vermilion Bird Palace, thought she was only the Seventh Stage of Life and Death. I didn't expect that these years, without making a sound, the cultivation base has improved again!"

"Yeah, the Suzaku coercion is cultivated through cultivation. I'm afraid that the Suzaku Forbidden Art of the Sifang Small World, her achievements are not small!"

"Yes, it seems that the overall strength of the Sifang Small World is enough to rank in the top five among the ten worlds!"

Seeing Zhu Yan's every move, everyone immediately talked about it.

A coercion spread, directly squeezing Mu Yun and impacting Mu Yun.

But at this moment, Mu Yun was not affected by that coercion at all.

Suzaku's pressure?

No matter how powerful Suzaku is, can it be as powerful as Shenlong?

Mu Yun is now the body of a dragon. After the dragon is transformed, the dragon scales cover his whole body. This level of coercion has no effect on him at all.

Sword, unaffected, still shoot out directly.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yan's face clearly showed a touch of panic, and she looked very surprised.

Mu Yun is not affected?

How can it be!

Zhu Yan didn’t know the characteristics of Mu Yun’s physique, but what she could be sure of was that even Qing Pang and Xuantian would be slowed down under their own oppression, but at this moment, Mu Yun had not received the slightest. The impact, the speed is actually still increasing.

"court death!"

Jiao wailing sounded, Zhu Yan held up a lotus in her hands as if she was holding a lotus, and a faint sound of khaka rang between her hands.

Zhu Yan shot directly at this moment.

Blossoms of fire lotus condensed in front of her and turned into delicate little people. Those little figures were exactly the same as her, delicate and beautiful, but with a hint of danger.


The shouting sounded, and suddenly, the sound of booming sound spread, between the two, the little people suddenly flew out towards Mu Yun.

Ding Ding Ding...

But at this moment, Mu Yun's sword aura, which was originally a wisp of sword energy, turned into nine ways at this moment, slashing at the villains separately.


A low roar sounded in the air, Mu Yun's figure was originally rushing towards Zhu Yan, but the explosion caused the two to separate directly.

But Mu Yun's body was not facing the front, but backwards.

But this retreat happened to be in the middle of the attack from Qing Pang and Xuantian.

"Blue Dragon Roar!"

"The basalt shield is cracked!"

Two low shouts sounded at the same time, Qing Pang and Xuantian, naturally, would not let this momentary opportunity be, but they would not let it go, and Mu Yun would not let it go!

"Reach the sky, merge everything!"

With a deep cry in the heart, a large part of the power of the explosion just now, which was absorbed by Mu Yun, broke out completely at this moment, directly blasting towards the two of them.

Rongtian Jue, the three-level realm, the first level of Rongwu, combines the power of the same martial arts.

The second level is melting power, which melts and dissipates the opponent's attack power.

The third layer is the realm of fusion of all things, which can integrate the opponent's attack into one's own body, and then release it.

Mu Yun's current state has reached the sixth stage of life and death, and he can barely integrate the power of the seventh stage, but it is just like Zhu Yan. If he is replaced by Fang Tongkong and Poisonous Mountain, Mu Yun himself cannot bear this fusion. , Was directly swallowed by the power, and couldn't live if he wanted to live, let alone be released.

It's like a snake can swallow a mouse and a rabbit, but letting a snake swallow an elephant would be a dead end.

This counterattack immediately left Qing Pang and Xuantian at a loss.

But even if they were at a loss, the two were the seven powers of life and death after all, and with their own strength, they still firmly resisted Mu Yun's attack.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun could only breathe out helplessly.

Even if he displayed the Rongtian Jue and could fuse Zhu Yan's attacks, he could only pose a threat to Qing Pang and Xuantian.

It's hard and hard to hurt two people!

It's not that Mu Yun didn't know how terrifying it was in the seven levels of life and death.

But at this moment, he needs to stand up to give confidence to the blood alliance and strike the enemy.

"Boy, where did your awe-inspiring power go?"

Seeing Mu Yun exiting the encirclement of the three people, Qing Pang laughed and said, "I'll catch it with my hands. Now, no one can save you. The three of me will join forces to kill you. If you still fail, then you will be a man of thousands of small world Laughing out!"

"Why talk nonsense with this son, he just wanted to kill me and wait!"

"Hmph, it was actually aiming at my old lady, thinking that I was the weakest, so would you just use me?"

Three figures stood in front, looking at Mu Yun, murderous in their eyes, it was self-evident.

Just looking at the three of them, Mu Yun's mind was spinning rapidly.

How to kill?

How to kill?

No matter what, he must take the lead in killing someone.

Who to kill?

Of the three people in front of him, none of them were easy to provoke, no matter which one he wanted to kill, it was extremely difficult.

And the three of them work together very cleverly, and they don't give him a chance at all.


Looking at the Tianming Sword in his hand, Mu Yun's whole body suddenly became energetic.


Yes, sword!

There was a smile in Mu Yun's eyes suddenly.

"The three of you, can you kill me? It's ridiculous, but now I am still standing here and alive, and everyone around you can see clearly. If you can't do it, they will take their place!"

"You are so anxious to die, I will fulfill you!"

Xuantian's voice was hoarse, and with a wave of his palm, the strange black power waved.

The black strange power directly transformed into a basalt form, and even the flow of air between the rushing and breathing, between the sky and the earth, turned into a tornado-like violent.

The crackling sound sounded at this moment, and Xuantian rushed out completely.

But at the same time, Qing Pang and Zhu Yan also appeared from another direction, directly from the left and the right, and flicked towards Mu Yun.

"Come on? Good time!"

Seeing the three people directly killing from three directions, Mu Yun directly ignored the Xuantian rushing in front of him.

In his eyes, Xuantian is the master of the Xuanwu Sect. The secret book of Xuanwu Sect mainly focuses on defense techniques. Xuantian is the worst attacker among the three, but the defense is the strongest.

It's not worth picking him!

And Qing Pang was naturally ignored by Mu Yun.

Qing Pang can be said to be the strongest suzerain in the four major sects of the Sifang Small World, and is most likely to become a first-class master.

The last choice is Zhu Yan!

Zhu Yan had the worst strength among the three, and Mu Yun felt that she was most likely to succeed.

"In that case, it is you!"

Mu Yun gave a low yell, and rushed out in one step, the sword came out, and the people moved, but this sword directly killed Qing Pang.

"Boy, you are very smart!"

Qing Pang smiled slightly, the wind whistling under his feet, and the long cyan dragon appeared. At this moment, the long cyan dragon formed by the gathering of real dragons seemed to be exuding cyan light, mighty and extraordinary, with a daunting and strange power.

In the small world of the Quartet, each sect has different cultivation and different strengths. Naturally, there are many secrets.

But at this moment, Mu Yun didn't care about the secrets in the Sifang Small World.

No matter what powerful force it is, he is going to kill Qing Pang.

Seeing Mu Yun slashing towards Qing Pang directly, Zhu Yan's wariness in her heart relaxed a little, but she did not dare to be careless.

And Xuantian even sneered, and directly killed Mu Yun from the rear.


At this moment, between Mu Yun's palm, a blood drop suddenly appeared.

Essence and blood beads!

Since the three condensed blood beads released their powerful power last time, Mu Yun has never given up on condensing.

Only this time, the condensed blood beads were no longer as simple as three, but directly condensed into one, but this one was as big as an egg.

"Let you **** ultimate move!"

Looking at Qing Pang, Mu Yun showed a ferocious smile on his face, and stepped straight forward.

The blood bead in that hand also rushed towards Qing Pang directly at this moment.

The rumbling voice was about to explode at this moment.

Qing Pang's expression changed, and he felt a strong sense of oppression from the blood beads.

Great power!


Almost for an instant, Qing Pang retreated directly.

Although he was able to resist the explosion, it was hard to guarantee that he was not injured.

The three of them attacked Mu Yun and was injured by Mu Yun. In front of so many people, he couldn't afford to lose his face.

However, at the moment Qing Pang took a step back, Mu Yun smiled.

Seeing the blood drop out of Mu Yun's palm, seeing the blood drop that was about to explode, at this moment, he actually made a bend and returned directly to Mu Yun's back.


Qing Pang suddenly realized that Mu Yun's goal was not him!


With a loud shout, Qing Pang shot out again.

But at the same time, Mu Yun also stepped out, blasting directly towards Zhu Yan and Xuantian.

Quit? No need!

Seeing Mu Yun rushing towards the two of them, Xuantian and Zhu Yan became cautious in their eyes, but the eyes of the prey in hand were even more obvious.

Mu Yun, the prey, came to the snare.

No matter how powerful the blood bead exploded, it wouldn't hurt them both.

But Mu Yun had to bear this price!

"Xuantian sphenoid bone changes!"

"Biming God Burial Technique!"

The two rushed out at this moment.


But they were not afraid, and Mu Yun was even more not afraid.

The shout rang, and suddenly, a rumbling sound, tearing the space in the midair, a series of ink-colored space blades appeared directly.

It's just that those spatial blades were originally exploded by blood beads, but at this moment, Mu Yun directly backhanded and grabbed all the spatial blades.


With the sound of shouting, the space blade directly shot out, Mu Yun immediately controlled the space blade and condensed into a space vortex.

That whirlpool, the direction of Pentium, is not someone else, it is Zhu Yan!

"Boy, do you think I'm good to kill?" Zhu Yan's face was slightly pale, obviously, the power of the explosion surpassed her imagination.

With both hands stretched out, a barrier suddenly appeared in front of him.

Keng Keng Keng...

At this moment, the spatial vortex that Mu Yun killed directly moved Mu Yun's body and hit the barrier.

"You are naturally the one who is most likely to be killed!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and a voice rang directly from the space vortex.

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