Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 814: A touch of kendo

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The tyrannical force that Mu Yun took in this step was unknowingly, with a hint of authenticity.

What is Tao?

Flowers bloom and fall, yes!

Yunjuan Yunshu, yes!

Sunrise and sunset are also Tao!

There are thousands of avenues, all-encompassing.

Sword, naturally there is also the way of sword.

To be precise, it is the sword of the warrior.

Jian Xin, Mu Yun is still controlling the sword by virtue of the general trend of the world.

But Sword Dao is the martial artist who uses the power of heaven and earth to guide the power of heaven and earth with the sword.

Everything is very illusory, but when everything is touched, it is a powerful manifestation of power.

For swordsmen, the most fascinating thing is Kendo!

Mu Yun's sword heart is the sword heart of nirvana, and if he can comprehend kendo in the future, it is naturally a kendo that goes to nirvana.

At this moment, Mu Yun's sword actually gave the meaning of kendo in it.

Throughout the ages, the swordsman's dream of swordsmanship, with one sword, the power of heaven and earth is guided and changed.

It's just that in the thousands of small worlds, in the realm of life and death, there is only one person who has comprehended the way of kendo-the unintentional swordsman!

Dubbed the title of Juggernaut, this person is the well-deserved first person in the world of kendo in Xiaoqian!


Mu Yun stepped out, and the sword shadow's power skyrocketed, and the violent bear phantom's arms gradually broke apart, and the tyrant's entire body also seeped blood.


In the end, the violent bear phantom shattered directly, and the tyrant retreated in embarrassment.

With blood in his mouth and spit out, the whole person was completely embarrassed at this moment.

" could it be possible!"

Seeing Mu Yun, the tyrant's entire face was as gray as death, and the trace of moral meaning, the trace of the power of heaven and earth from the guide, directly killed himself.

That trace of the power of heaven and earth is really minimal.

But for Tiandi, it is very small, for him, it is as powerful as a flood. The appearance of a flat boat on the waves and sea is exactly what the tyrant felt just now.


The tyrant was dumbfounded.

"It's not kendo, it's just a touch of the edge of kendo!" Mu Yun shook hands with the fairy sword, and said with a smile: "It seems that things are impermanent. If you want to enhance your strength, you still need to challenge a stronger one. Opponents, the five of you, can just be my stepping stone today."

Seeing this scene and hearing this, not only dozens of small world alliance warriors were stunned, but everyone in the blood alliance was also stunned.

Today's Muyun is completely different.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the reason why the blood alliance could stand up quickly was because Ye Qiu, Xue Ruqing, and Feng Yu'er quickly broke through to the seven-fold state of life and death.

But now, Mu Yun's strength is completely able to compete with the Seventh Rank of Life and Death Realm, but he doesn't know whether he is stronger or weaker compared to the Seventh Rank of Life and Death Realm.

But these are not important anymore.

Today, the powerful strength displayed by War Thunder, coupled with the accumulated wealth of the blood alliance.

Now even if the five big and small world warriors come to attack again, they are directly shrunk in the Dragon Sealing Array, the five big and small world warriors will be able to be blasted into dregs alive by the extinguishing war thunder.

The blood alliance has become different again!

Nirvana may die, but it may also be a new kind of rebirth.

The blood alliance at this moment is the rebirth after Nirvana.

This is because Mu Yun has been suppressing the growth of the members of the blood alliance to prevent the foundation from becoming unstable.

Even if it is an elixir, if the power is too explosive, swallowing one, the power of the pill is not fully released, and then starts to swallow the second pill. The two kinds of pill will accumulate in the body, which will also cause a lot to the martial artist's cultivation. Impact.

Mu Yun knew at this moment that there was no shortage of pill for everyone in the blood alliance, what was lacking was fighting to digest the pill.

Today, it is a very good opportunity!


Even if they saw Mu Yun contemplating a trace of kendo, the four of Zi Cangming were not afraid at all.

As the leaders of a small world, how can their highest-level existence be worthless because of the defeat of the tyrant.


Mu Yun laughed and said, "I will let you see what is true arrogance!"

With a frantic smile in his eyes, Mu Yun clasped Mie Zun's sword tightly and rushed directly to the five people.

One is worth five!

Under these circumstances, Mu Yun's position truly proved to be blatant!

What is arrogance, this is the real arrogance!

"One sword and six immortals!"

Mu Yun's arrogant voice sounded at this moment. Seeing that the leader is so overbearing and all the blood alliances, it was as if they had been beaten up with chicken blood, each and every one of them roared, and directly killed those warriors on the sea.

Lots of people! They are not afraid!

Their leader is so powerful and domineering, if they cringe, they are really sorry for the elixir elixir that they have swallowed during this period of time.

Keng Keng's voice continued to sound, Mu Yun one person stubbornly resisted the five, with the sword in his hand, everything was under control.

The seven martial artists of the five life and death realms were shocked to discover at this moment that their attack, under the fairy sword in Mu Yun's hand, did not pose much threat to Mu Yun.

And even if one of them was lucky enough to attack Mu Yun's body, his attack power was greatly reduced, as if it really hurt Mu Yun's strength, but it was only one or two tenths.

Where do the five know.

The three martial arts of the Vajra Body, the Hundred Gold Body, and the Bone Refining Body that Mu Yun had cultivated at the beginning are now combined into the three-body body protection Qi Qi, covering Mu Yun's body through the second layer of the Rongtian Jue. surface.

Coupled with the dragon body, the dragon scales covered all important positions of Mu Yun's body.

There is also the tortoise-back golden armor obtained in the Kutian Temple, which is condensed by the strongest tortoise shell of the Xuanwu body.

The three protections can be said to have made Mu Yun's body into a copper wall and iron wall.

This kind of protection is amazing!

And the three kinds of protection, no matter which one they are, are the top-notch existence. Otherwise, if Mu Yun had fought alone in the three life-and-death realms and seven first-class powerhouses, he would not have persisted to that point and would surprise Zhu Yan.

"This kid has weird protection and has a fairy weapon in his hand. It is impossible for us to kill him!"

"It's not impossible. There are too many weird things in this place, and the top powerhouses of the blood alliance are all looking at it. It is said that Diwen and Dou Yunfeng are both on the soul-falling island, and they have not yet come out!"

"Damn it!"

"Amitabha, the pastor and benefactor has a murderous mind, and it is difficult to save it for a while. My Buddha is compassionate. I think we will look for opportunities next time and save this person again!"

"It can only be so!"

The five immediately fought in one place, and after the discussion, they checked the time and looked at Mu Yun with anger.

But in the end, he could only shout: Withdraw!


Seeing the five people wanting to leave, Mu Yun laughed and said: "When the five big and small worlds came to my blood alliance, they came and left. I could not stop him, but today, you guys are arrogant and arrogant. Disciple, come as you want, leave as you want?"

"The martial artist and the small world who will enter the small world of Canghuang in the future do not know the geometry, everyone is like this, how majestic is my blood alliance?"

Hearing this, the despicable expression in the tyrant's eyes became stronger.

"Is it possible, relying on you? I want to keep the five of us here!"

"Hmph, I can't keep the five of you. It's okay to keep you as a tyrant!"

Seeing the contempt in the eyes of the tyrant, Mu Yun suddenly shot out.

"Stop him!"

Seeing this scene, the other four great ancestors rushed out one by one.


Only at this moment, with Mu Yun as the center, the spatial blade accelerated sharply at this moment, and the crackling sound completely sounded at this moment.

The four figures were immediately blocked, and they were not allowed to advance.

The spatial knives gradually converged, forming a spatial vortex, completely surrounding the four people.

Seeing Mu Yun approaching him, although the tyrant showed an angry look on his face, there was no bottom in his heart.

The five people joined forces just now, helpless Muyun, and now he himself, facing Mu Yun holding an immortal weapon, really can't say whether he will win or lose.

"Aren't you very good at talking?"

Looking at the tyrant, Mu Yunjian was moving, and the sharp sword aura, like a changhong surging through the sun, directly surged out.

The sound of crackling sounded at this moment, and Mu Yun's whole body was directly like the rising sun, with a ray of light, and went straight to the tyrant.

"Blood Demon Burst!"

Seeing this scene, the tyrant knew that if he didn't work hard, he wouldn't have to fight hard.

The blood demon explosion is the small world of the violent demon stimulating the potential of the body, exploding ten times more power than usual, and the effect is the same as Mu Yun's God of War Art.

It's just that Mu Yun's God of War Art, after being used, does not damage the body, nor does it squeeze the body's potential.

But the blood demon explosion will cause a heavy blow to the martial artist's body!

This kind of blow is hard to recover for a while, but at this moment, the tyrant has no time to think about it.

If you don't do anything, you won't know how to die!

The devilish energy in the sky gathered, and the tyrant's entire body skyrocketed directly out of thin air at this moment. The skyrocketing body was not his body, but a powerful force triggered by the monstrous blood explosion.

"Everything at the bottom of the press box is on display!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun smiled, his sword shining brightly.

"Sanyuan Guiyijian!"

With the sword coming out, Mu Yun's whole body completely risen at this moment.

Mie Zun Sword at this moment exudes a truly ten thousand zhang ray, an unmatched sword aura, blowing Mu Yun's hair up, and between the violent wind and dancing, Mu Yun's long hair is floating with the wind.


With a loud shout, the sword spirit fell.

"Want to kill me, dream!"

At this moment, the tyrant's body was as high as one hundred meters, one hundred meters long, and his arms tens of meters thick, directly lifted up and grabbed it towards the sword light.


However, the moment the arm was raised, a chuckle sounded, the tyrant's entire arm was directly looked down, and the sword light was still descending.

"Blood bursts into the world!"

The tyrant didn't dare to be careless at all, he stepped out directly, his body skyrocketed again, and a **** light appeared again on the surface of the body that was tumbling with devilish energy.


The sword light fell and slashed directly on the tyrant's abdomen.

But this sword, after all, only hit the tyrant's abdomen, without cutting it in the middle.

Seeing this scene, the tyrant's whole body suddenly surging with blood.

"Take it down!"

"Have you taken it down?"

Only seeing the expression of the tyrant, Mu Yun smiled slightly, put the Mie Zunjian away, and slapped it directly.

That palm looked extremely bitter, with almost all the suffering in the world, which made people heartache, regret, annoyance, and sadness. At this moment, all the negative emotions appeared.

"Bitterness under the palm!"

Mu Yun opened his mouth slightly, and his indifferent voice spread out...

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