Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 818: Re-entry

"This is natural!"

Wuji Aotian laughed and said, "I'm only here for the secret, so I won't disturb you all of Xuankong Mountain!"

Unexpectedly, Yun Lang had agreed to everyone to enter the Hanging Mountain so easily, and Wuji Aotian was also a little unexpected in his heart.

It's just that the unexpected returns to the unexpected, but Wuji Aotian understands it in his heart.

Yun Lang was able to let everyone in so easily, he didn't know what he was making.

Rumor has it that Mu Yun was the heir of Yun Venerable thousands of years ago, and he was inherited by Yun Venerable, and this Yun Lang was the former disciple of Yun Venerable.

Back then, a great battle between Mu Yun and Yun Lang caused Yun Lang to be hit hard, and Mu Yun set up a small world of blue and yellow, and only later arrived in the small world of the Five Elements.

It now appears that Yun Lang is unfathomable, he controls the Xuankong Mountain and communicates with the immortal world, while Mu Yun is the establishment of a blood alliance, from the insignificance at the beginning, to the powerful now.

But all the existences related to the famous Yun Venerable ten thousand years ago have been unachievable.

It's a pity that Venerable Yun and Venerable Blood didn't seem to have left any hidden treasures. Otherwise, I am afraid that in the small world of Cang Huang, there will be not three big secrets, but five big secrets!

"Please, everyone!"

As Wuji proudly thought about it, Yun Lang stretched out his palm, inviting everyone to enter.

For a time, the mighty team directly entered the Hanging Mountain...

"What? Yun Lang directly opened the Hanging Mountain, letting everyone enter the ancient dragon site?"

In the blood alliance, Mu Yun's eyes came out when he heard this news.

With this Yun Lang, Mu Yun couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"Leader, what shall we do now?"

Mu Yun laughed and said, "I'm a disciple, me, I don't play cards according to common sense!"

"Leader, what are you talking about?"

"No, nothing!"

Mu Yun laughed and said: "Since Yun Lang will let them in, he must be sure that they can't find the entrance to the Tongtian Secret Store. If that's the case, then we will help them!"


Hearing Mu Yun's words, everyone in the blood alliance was even more puzzled.

Why help?

How to help?

The relationship between the blood alliance and Xuankong Mountain, everyone knows, fire and water are incompatible.

The battle that year was shocking, and the other small world warriors and Xuankong Mountain will be put in. It is estimated that the blood alliance will go there directly, let alone enter the ancient dragon ruins!

"The entrance to the secret burial is in the ancient dragon site. They can't find it, so we will help them find it!"

"Leader means..."

Zhu Yunshou suddenly had bright light in his eyes.

Back then, he, Dongming and Xilong were all used as chess pieces of the Blood Spoon Project by Xuankong Mountain. As a result, they were sealed in the world below the ancient dragon site.

Later, I found a shelter in that weird cave.

And later, Mu Yun left the ancient dragon site directly from the weird passage.

They can reach the ancient dragon ruins without entering from the hanging mountain!

"The leader really is..."

"Okay, Chief Executive, you don't need to talk flattery, get ready, let's go!"

Seeing the inexplicable dialogue between the two, everyone suddenly looked puzzled.

Where to go!

It's just that Mu Yun didn't explain, but to gather the manpower was to start.

Mu Yun didn't know what Yun Lang was doing.

But he knew that Yun Lang dared to let many big men enter the ancient dragon site, just thinking that they would not be able to find the secret burial entrance.

Although Mu Yun didn't know why Xuankong Mountain knew that Tongtian Hierarch's secret was there, and had never obtained it for so many years, but Mu Yun knew that Yun Lang had no peace of mind.

"Good disciple, others can't find the secret burial entrance, then see if you can find me, Master!"

A wicked smile hung from the corner of Mu Yun's mouth, and there was also a chilling smile on his entire face.

Under the leadership of Mu Yun, many strong men of life and death in the blood alliance set out in a mighty manner.

Di Wen and Dou Yunfeng, who also led a large group of warriors from the two worlds, set off with Mu Yun.

"Boy, this little blue world is saying that you are the inheritor of Venerable Yun ten thousand years ago, and that Yun Lang is Venerable Yun's lover. You two seem to be a fateful battle!" Wen looked at Mu Yun and said with a smile.

"A battle of fate..."

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yun's mouth: "You can say that!"

Everyone in the blood alliance finally set off.

But Mu Yun's heart gradually became uneasy.

The last time he saw Yun Lang, he was surprised, shocked, desperate, and sorrowful.

But after so long, when the master and apprentice met again, he didn't know how he should face Yun Lang.

kill him!

It's required!

But the current self does not have the corresponding strength to kill him.

The original plan was to rely on various worlds to create contradictions between the Hanging Mountain and thousands of small worlds, and it would be better to destroy the Hanging Mountain.

But now Xuankong Mountain has directly opened the ancient dragon ruins. This plan can be said to be completely frustrated.

This is beyond Mu Yun's imagination.

But the question that always lingered in Mu Yun's mind was, how could Yun Lang let everyone enter the ancient dragon ruins so easily?

Could it be that he doesn't value the Tongtian Secret Store at all?

That's impossible!

This thought, even Mu Yun himself felt impossible.

After thinking about it, Mu Yun really couldn't find any excuses.

"Leader, here it is!"

But before he knew it, Mu Yun discovered that everyone had entered the ancient dragon site from the place where Mu Yun once left.

It is still the exterior that looks completely indistinguishable, but the interior is an empty mountain.

Hundreds of warriors were standing in the mountain at this moment, and there was no trace of crowding at all.

And more importantly, everyone looked beyond the mountain peak at this moment, but found that those warriors from various small worlds had actually discovered this place.

"Let's go!"

Mu Yun arranged his clothes and smiled slightly.


"Go out now?"

When Mu Yun's words fell, everyone was taken aback.

"We are here to find the secret, is there any difference between going out now and going out later?"

Mu Yun smiled slightly, and everyone was stunned.

But if you think about it carefully, it is true.

Ever since, the hundreds of warriors in the blood alliance, the five elements small world, and the battle armor small world are so mighty, and they walked out of the mountain in a serious manner...

The big guys who were looking for the small worlds of the secret storage outlets were shocked when they saw the three warriors appearing.

It's just that when I see the people of the three major forces, my face is weird.

Coming out of the mountain...

Seeing this scene, everyone looked like a gorilla, staring at the three teams.

"It's you! How did you get in!"

What I found in this piece was unbiased, and it happened to be the reincarnation of the small world of reincarnation.

Lun Dongcang looked at the crowd in shock, and said inconceivably: "Mu Yun, know the shortcut to enter this ancient dragon ruins!"

Lun Dongcang still couldn't react to what happened at this moment.


At this moment, a shout sounded again, and the Poisonous Mountain of the Five Poisons Small World appeared here, watching everyone shout: "Mu Yun, you are really shameless. You know the shortcuts in the ancient dragon ruins, but you don’t tell us, let We surrounded Xuankong Mountain, offended Xuankong Mountain, and then sneaked in by shortcut ourselves!"

"How can you be so shameless? We paid for the news!"

Seeing the angry appearance of Du Wanshan and Lun Dongcang, Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"Two Venerables, first, this shortcut, I know it’s right, but I’m not obliged to tell you, right? It seems that our relationship is not so good, right? Second, you pay 20 billion for the best spirit crystals to buy It’s the specific location of the Tongtian Secret Vault, and the way to enter the Secret Vault. You didn’t ask me, why should I make such a fuss, tell you!”


When the time came, the two great sages looked at Mu Yun with anger in their eyes, and it was not unbelievable.

It's just that today's Mu Yun can no longer be killed if they want to kill. He stared at Mu Yun fiercely, and the two venerables still didn't do anything.

"But to be fair, it seems that many people have entered this secret area. The two spars seem to have lost some money. If they enter the secret store, they will not get the treasure, but will lose. With some manpower, it's nothing to do with it!"

"Shut up!"

Lun Dong Cang hummed: "Mu Yun, you better promise that you should find the secret burial entrance this time, and you must not be alone in the secret Vault!"

This sentence is already a threat from Chi Guoguo, but nowadays, the relationship between Mu Yun and several worlds has long been in full swing, and Mu Yun doesn't care if it doesn't hurt or itch.

Furthermore, if the two want to kill themselves now, they also have to see if they have this ability!

Dou Yunfeng stood up at this moment and said with a smile: "Since everyone has come to find the secret store, there is no need to have a war of words in the secret store. Two people, this time Yun Lang easily allowed everyone to enter. In the ancient dragon ruins, it must be that the entrance to the secrets left by the Lord Tongtian is not so easy to find, right?"

"That's natural!"

Poison Wanshan hummed: "If it is so easy to find, Xuankong Mountain will enter the secret storage soon!"

"Huh, idiot!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun cursed: "Maybe people even know the entrance to the secret store, they won't tell you, just wait for you to drill inside, kill you all, and kill you all at once."

"Do you think everyone is just like you, with vicious minds?" Du Wanshan said disdainfully: "Mu Yun, you don't need to be proud now, there is a moment when you kneel down and beg for mercy."

"Haha... the mind is vicious, and then the mind is vicious, it is no better than your five-poison small world, each of them is very poisonous."


Poison Wanshan really didn't bother to talk to Muyun.

He was afraid that if he continued talking with Mu Yun, he might be killed by Mu Yun's anger.

The two groaned angrily and left this area.

At this moment, the secret is not found, it is not suitable for fighting.

When you find the real secrets and enter them, as long as Mu Yun is out of order, encountering them is definitely the end of death!

"Master, how do we find the entrance to the secret store?"

Ye Qiu stepped forward at this moment and looked at Mu Yundao.

"Don't separate everyone, I'll take a look first!"

Mu Yun's words fell, leading everyone, and began to walk around the ancient dragon ruins.

Along the way, I also encountered many warriors from other small worlds.

Seeing Mu Yun, some were resentful, some were surprised, and some were whispering. Basically, they had different expressions, but Mu Yun didn't care. Instead, they went straight to the center of the ancient dragon site, raised their heads, and watched. Above!

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