Supreme God King

Chapter 1208: Phaseless and inanimate!

Between the movements, without hesitation, at this moment Meng Fan's mental energy was completely integrated into it and disappeared!

The fall of this scene was not unbelievable, and the four including King Yan were shocked, a little sluggish, unable to react, the more powerful they were, the better they understood all the power contained in this ancient mirror image.

With the power of mortals, there is only one way to attack the sacred power, and there is only one way to be backlashed by its unparalleled terrifying power. Both this spiritual power and the body will be hit hard, so that the four quasi-god of Yan Wang will be strong All of them came to a halt here, dare not make any movements!

But Meng Fan, who had just arrived here for a while, brazenly stepped into it, making all the people almost dumbfounded and stupefied.

"This guy is crazy!"

After a few breaths, the Evil King just reflected and said coldly.

On the side, Qingsi was flying. Among the four kings, there was a woman who was equally powerful and unparalleled, and she was the spirit king who was famous among the blood. Now Dai's eyebrows are also wrinkled, hesitating,

"I'm afraid this person has already been crushed by the power in it.... The body is also likely to die?"

The voice fell, but the other King Yan and King Ice did not speak. The two figures stared at this mirror image, as if thinking of something, with a kind of understanding.

At the next moment, the world shook, and the aura suddenly spread between the mirror images in the same place, and Meng Fan's figure could be seen among them.

At this moment, the latter actually appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, as if sitting cross-legged in front of the two strongest men, and it was no longer a mental power, but the flesh that was beside the stone tablet was drawn into it. .

In the mirror image, breath impacts across the world.

When the two extreme powers fought, that kind of sacred power overflowed, although Meng Fan was in it, but there was no damage, but that kind of sacred power touched and merged into Meng Fan’s sea of ​​knowledge. The infinite insight of the reader makes him obsessed and no longer estimate anything else.

Zhao Wendao, Xi can die!

After checking repeatedly before, Meng Fan made up his mind, even if he was born with his own body weight, he also stepped into it, because he didn’t believe that these two gods would only leave a mirror image here. His experience is life and death, in an instant.

Many places with ten deaths and no life are the places where life exists, so Meng Fan chose to take the risk to understand the divine way and step into it with his own spiritual power, instead of watching from the outside, he chose to integrate into it!

This kind of choice may seem ordinary, but it requires the cultivator to have a moment of innocence, and the endless desire to become stronger, even beyond the courage between life and death.

Thinking of simplicity and dare to do is another matter!

"it is as expected!"

After a while, King Yan sighed softly, and a complex expression appeared on his face, slowly saying,

"The two great powers in the past staying here for a mirror image is even more of a test. One way of practicing is not to respect the gods or respect. If you see the power of the gods, those who are ecstatic will take the risk and try, even with infinite obstacles. They will approach this kind of power to improve themselves, and the two people who have to choose are this kind of cultivating lunatic, you and I are... Compared with this little guy, they are courageous!"

The voice fell, and even though the Evil King and the three were opposed, they felt speechless, and there was nothing they could say.

Although all of them are the kind of lords who will not have any frowns in the face of the Dead Mountain and the Sea of ​​Blood, far higher than Meng Fan's level, there is a kind of fear in this ancient cave. He was extremely careful not to touch the gods.

And Meng Fan came from behind. It only took half an hour to see through all of this. He stepped into it without hesitation, and acted decisively like a slap on the faces of several people!

Fearless gods!

These words seem simple, but how difficult it is to be able to do it, and after a while, King Yan roared.

"It's still too late. This little guy has already walked out of a way, you and I don't hesitate to step into it together. Among them should be the divine powers of the two great powers of the past!"

When the sound fell, the other three kings all looked at them, and immediately stepped out, and the four figures stepped into this ancient mirror image like thunder.

The space changes, and the atmosphere of the gods spreads over the surface. The Yan Wang and the four feel that this moment is not only their spiritual power stepping here, including the physical bodies of the four of them also stepping in at the same time, being integrated into this. On an ancient battlefield.

Being in this battlefield is even more terrifying than the external stimulation. Even the four of them are trembling with blood in their bodies.

And now there are endless divine powers floating around this world, this kind of power is the picture formed by the remaining power of the two gods, and it will fall into the eyes of everyone.

Such power belongs to the two powerful forces that existed in the past. If it is normal, it may cause a big threat to everyone, but in this secret realm, these powers have no harm at all. They are just extremely pure powers of the gods. Maintain the secret realm.

The power of the Lordless God, these words mean too much!

For Meng Fanji, it is undoubtedly the greatest treasure of heaven and earth, making the eyes of King Yan and the four people red, and they have already discovered that Meng Fan, who first stepped here, is more direct, already cross-legged. Sitting in meditation, ignoring the others, directly began to absorb the surrounding Shinto power, completely blending into itself.

"Damn... Can this guy speak loudly without the lion!"

The corners of the evil king's mouth twitched, and he couldn't think of a little guy that he had dismissed before, but he was a step ahead of him and absorbed so much divine power.

But before this, it belonged to them, but it was given to Meng Fan so much because of hesitation. The thought of here almost made King Yan almost run away, and their teeth were itchy.

After all, the remaining power of the divine way in this secret realm is extremely limited. It absorbs a little less, so that Meng Fan absorbs so much, and there is not much left for the four of them!

"Don't say it, this is a mysterious realm of gods, don't move around, absorb the power of the gods first, and then let this kid get all gone!"

King Yan said in a deep voice, taking the lead in a cross-legged position to absorb Zhou Tian, ​​and the other three kings on the other side did not hesitate. Now they have lost one step to Meng Fan in this link, so they immediately caught up!

At the same time, the five light groups were absorbed in this secret realm, just like five stars, they began to frantically compete for the power of the divine way contained in this world.

Suddenly, Meng Fan's brows, who had been motionless, frowned slightly. He had already fallen into that kind of unconscious realm of the unity of nature and man, and the endless divine power merged into his body.

This thing was really too long for Meng Fan, this kind of thing was what he wanted most and what he lacked most.

To reach the point where Meng Fan is today, he has already begun to move towards the divine way. The more he touches this power, the more he can improve himself. Under that kind of absorption before, it can be said to be rash, because he is just himself, but now that there are four more quasi-god-level powerhouses, naturally there are four more powerful competitors.

Under this situation, even if Meng Fan hadn't awakened his consciousness, he felt a burst of pressure. However, in the next moment an ancient mark in Meng Fan's body moved, it was already running wildly, and it was a sign of rebellion!

Once printed, swallow the world and suppress everything!

Suddenly, Meng Fan became even more crazy, like a black hole, competing with the four quasi-god powerhouses for the power of the gods in this secret realm. But feeling Meng Fan as a powerful opponent, the Yan Wang and the four also gritted their teeth, all their energy was used to suckle, and they crazily absorbed the surroundings.

After a few breaths, the power of the divine way in the secret realm is getting less and less, and it is not even enough to maintain the whole secret realm. After all, this is only the remnant of the two great gods.

The faces of King Yan and the others were green at this moment, because if the world energy in this secret realm had 100%, then Meng Fan would have absorbed 50%, and the four of them would have reached 50%.

Even if they used their great power later, they couldn’t compete for Meng Fan. It was derived from the ancient times of the Rebellious God Seal, which made Meng Fan too capable of grabbing. The devouring power far surpassed the four quasi gods. Under a situation of equal competition, these four are far behind them.


There was a deafening noise, and finally all the divine power contained in this secret realm disappeared, and all the five men of Meng Fan absorbed a clean one. The battle scene that had previously appeared between the world and the earth disappeared and turned into nothingness.

This kind of power disappeared, but Meng Fan himself was full of energy and blood, and the vitality under his body was constantly running. Before he had captured 50% of the vitality power, his strength immediately became leaps and bounds.

You must know that this kind of pure and unowned power of the divine way is more effective for Meng Fan than any treasure of heaven and earth, making Meng Fan feel countless. Between the blood and energy, like a dragon, lying in place, it is possible at any time. It broke out infinite power and broke the distance. . . . Only one line between!

The ninth stage of the Profound Origin Realm!

It is very close to this powerful realm of passing through the Divine Soul Tribulation. Meng Fan broke through not long ago, but such a great opportunity is rare in a thousand years, and once it is obtained, it is enough to save countless years of hard work. .

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan let out a low growl, forcibly suppressing the blood that might break through at any time, his eyes flashed, and he looked forward suddenly. Including Yan Wang and others are all awakened, their eyes focused on the one in the sky.

In the absence of the terrifying battle scenes as before, there is something more in this emptiness, floating quietly, but a small scroll. The ancient vicissitudes and the unpredictable breath make Meng Fanwu instantly People hold their breath and stare at the five big characters on this, yes. . . . . . No phase and no living body!


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