Supreme God King

Chapter 1221: Perception

As time goes by, the atmosphere in this sea of ​​blood has become more and more tense. You must know that there is a famous chaotic place around this sea of ​​blood. It is not just one piece, but one piece that will create the emperor. They are all out of control.

Including not only the Sea of ​​Blood, but also the fierce lands of the Soul Bone Mountain Range, the Sphere of Sky, etc., are also considered to be quite famous in this Middle Ancient Region.

But at this moment in this chaotic place, countless powerhouses are already paying attention. Every 100 years, this group of kings is coming, and it can be regarded as an absolutely not small flourishing age.

Because that time was extremely bloody, the last time there was a scene where the Dragon Slaying King Xu Lei from the Soul Bone Mountain Range personally tore the King of the Sea of ​​Blood by hand, which caused a sensation.

Under this situation, it is naturally to attract the attention of these desperate and blood-licking mercenaries, especially in this sea of ​​blood, another king was born, and the so-called name of King Shura has already stimulated everyone.

In particular, the Shurawei that has just been established these days can be said to be vigorous, sweeping around the sea of ​​blood, looking like a big fight. Under this situation, it is obvious that there will be a good show above this group of kings, which is naturally exciting. The crowd drew a lot of excitement.

This kind of collision is quite rare. It is about two major forces. There are countless people who directly bet on how many rounds will King Shura die.

And this scene had no way to affect Meng Fan who was cultivating in the secret room. The latter could be said to be motionless now, even if time had come quietly, it was quite calm. The whole body was motionless, and the whole person sat cross-legged, qi and blood boiled, constantly hitting the acupoints in the body.

To open up the nine acupuncture points for life and life, it can be described as difficult to achieve this!

Not to mention the complete control of this magical skill, the entry to this level alone made Meng Fan stump, and it took him a full 13 days to barely open the five acupoints, and he wanted to be here. Under the situation of little achievement in the non-organism, it is necessary to open these nine acupuncture points, one is indispensable!

The breath impact, vitality surging, and once again gathered between the abdomen, but no matter how Meng Fan moves, under the constant impact, the acupuncture point still cannot be reopened, finally causing a large amount of vitality to dissipate.

Opening his eyes, Meng Fan murmured,

"I am afraid that time is not enough, and once all the previous efforts are exhausted, it will be extremely detrimental to the cultivation of the mind. The next time you want to impact, it will be even more difficult!"

The tone is slight, but it contains a special flavor. People who are familiar with Meng Fan will naturally understand that he has already made a certain decision in this invisibility. After a while, his figure was sitting on the spot, without saying a word, but with a flick of his fingers, at the same time a small bottle flew over and fell into Meng Fan's palm.

Opening it up, Meng Fan's whole body trembled, and all his clothes collapsed, and the light blue liquid also circulated through Meng Fan's body, instantly letting his body shine brightly, as if sacred.

Life is immortal!

Such a thing is impressively the immortal liquid that Meng Fan obtained before recreating his body, but it is his great harvest in this intangible non-life hidden, an eighth-level divine object!

At the moment it eroded Meng Fan's body, this liquid also melted into Meng Fan's body and turned into the skin, like magma entering the body, and seemed to burn in Meng Fan's body.

Creak, creak!

Under the endless pain at this moment, the bones were creaking, and the flesh was under a powerful force invasion. Meng Fan gritted his teeth, bloodshot in his eyes. This indestructible liquid is the most powerful and domineering heavenly material, and the powerful medicinal effect will naturally produce a huge response when entering the body.

And Meng Fan also needs to rely on this powerful medicinal effect to open the other four acupuncture orifices. In the next moment, with a single hand movement, Meng Fan sits on the spot, gathering blood and qi, endlessly rushing out, living inside the body. The vitality and the effect of this medicine merged with each other and began to impact.

If this scene were seen by others, it would be a surprise, even if it is a quasi-god-level powerhouse like King Yan, all flesh-body cultivators in this world and 10,000 realms understand that the so-called eighth-order **** is the strongest. Overbearing, just blending into this eternal life liquid is terrifying enough, this is one of the seven physical treasures between heaven and earth, how can you wait for it?

Its strong medicinal power is easy to break itself and hurt the soul if it is not well controlled.

But now Meng Fan has not only blended into this immortal liquid, but also used this power to practice god-level exercises, break through himself, and open acupuncture points!

This is not only necessary to suppress the strong medicinal power of the Immortal Liquid, but also requires Meng Fan to fully control this medicinal power, meticulously, and use it for himself.

This approach is not only to have absolute self-confidence in oneself, but also to endure the danger of nine deaths. Although once it is successful, the benefits are endless, but it is also accompanied by the word success...


But at this moment, Meng Fan is like a madman, his eyes are red, violent qi surges, and the vitality fluctuations in his body are running wildly, fusing himself, and under the stimulation of endless medicinal power, his physical body bursts out with infinite power at this moment, lifting Open the sky, reach out and split the ground, extremely domineering!

Such power is simply bursting out of Meng Fan's capillary blood. As long as Meng Fan is careless, then his body will be torn first.

But at this moment, Meng Fan was holding on, clenching his teeth, controlling this absolute power, blending into himself, concentrating all the blood to impact that acupuncture hole, fusing this intangible body power.

At the moment when the majestic qi and blood impacted, that acupuncture hole also opened with a bang, forming a circle of heaven in Meng Fan's body, like a small world, in which a strange power was naturally generated, emptiness, like Black holes are endless!

However, at the moment of formation, Meng Fan's whole body trembled. His majestic power almost went off fire, causing physical damage. However, Meng Fan, who was sitting still in the void, roared, like a hundred thousand real dragon roaring this week. The ancient beast broke away from this cage, and the sound was thunder, shocking the void.

The power runs, and once again suppresses this kind of power. At this moment, Meng Fan is floating between life and death, but he has no hesitation. It is miserable in the blood and blood, while controlling the power in the body directly to the next. The acupuncture point impacted away.

For a full hour, the entire secret room was in this kind of absolutely violent aura, suppressing all the surrounding imprisonment.

In this Fang Xiaoqian world, if even a strong Profound Origin Realm stepped in at this moment, it would be possible to be crushed by this kind of bursting force. The ultimate power that erupted from Meng Fan's body is really too great. After the horror, that kind of unparalleled vitality opened up everything, and the impact was endless.

Life and death, to overcome the strong!

Finally after expending such a great effort, Meng Fan's figure freezes, and the light in his body flickers, because at this moment the nine acupuncture points in his body are finally opened up. Meng Fan was not in it before. It was extremely dangerous to walk through the ghost gate.

However, the result of the exchange is also extremely worthwhile. Meng Fan stayed still, and the unmatched qi and blood fusion in his body, as if he were alive after the opening of the nine acupuncture points, each of them flashed like nine stars, linked together, at the same time A peculiar power spread out. The previous emptiness and emptiness enveloped Meng Fan's body, incorporating the residual medicinal power of the immortal liquid into it, and taking the acupuncture points as the foundation, causing Meng Fan's body to undergo abnormal changes!

Such a change can be called Nirvana in Nirvana!

This kind of god-level exercise is integrated into oneself, even if it is preliminary, it has great power, so that Meng Fan's physical body does not know how many grades have been promoted, qi and blood are born, and vitality is merged. Opened his eyes, Meng Fan’s eyes were filled with strange runes, like a world, and under the influence of this kind of emptiness, let him improve his understanding of this intangible body, control himself, word by word ,

"There is no form and no life, with no form as the form of the law, and no life as the body, I am emptiness, and emptiness is me!"

The sound fell, and all the vitality surrounding Meng Fan boiled for an instant, forming a strange body, like a Huang Jian battle armor, shrouded around Meng Fan, and above it was densely integrated into a layer. A touch of golden light, including it.

This is the initial change of the Wuxiang Wusheng, and it is also the foundation of the method. One is the power of the Dhamma, the other is the power of the physical body, and the two are merged, immovable!

And at the moment when Meng Fan, a strange formless and inanimate body appeared, the vitality in Meng Fan's body could no longer be restrained. It was surging and made Meng Fan's expression move and clearly understood that this was... .. is about to break!

Meng Fan had already absorbed a large amount of the power of divine Dao in the intangible lifelessness before. It was a rare great fortune in this world. Not to mention him, including King Yan, who have received huge benefits. .

And now Meng Fan has the immersion of the immortal liquid. This kind of thing can be described as the so-called great cultivation resource. It is rare in the world. It is even more difficult to want the two powers to merge together. Looking at the world, it is only like the emperor. The glory that the godless son of the race can enjoy.

But unlike them, the emperor was given the gift of gods, and all of this was killed by Meng Fan. He was captured by the tiger's mouth, and he only relied on himself.

And having this kind of great cultivation resource is good. Today, Meng Fan’s foundation has been laid before, and now it’s even more like a potent medicine, causing Meng Fan’s originally frozen vitality realm to explode again, and the whole body surges with blood and blood. The whole body, the whole person is about to explode,

It was just between a breath, endless waves of vitality surging crazily, breaking open the barrier in Meng Fan's body like a rotten one, making him roar, standing in shape, and suddenly reaching... The point of ninth order!

Third more.

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