Supreme God King

Chapter 1224: Unwavering

King Shura of the Sea of ​​Blood!

A few words fell, and the expressions of countless people around the world immediately moved, focusing on this slender figure. Before then, a name had spread throughout the chaotic place. Everyone had already known that there was a sea of ​​blood. A king who emerged in half a month!

Under this bronze mask, everyone couldn't see its face at all. The latter was extremely mysterious, but there was a discerning person who discovered at a glance that this figure is definitely not old, and it hasn't even reached thirty years old.

Under this situation, the expressions of many powerful men could not help but solidify, like petrification.

According to the truth, the blood sea failed five times in succession, and it has already reached a point where life and death are at stake. This time, one must hope to fight back and save the previous fiasco.

But beyond everyone's expectation, it was a younger generation who came up in the ranks. How high can the cultivation base be at this age?

In an instant, countless powerful people around this world shook their heads and sighed, fearing that the blood sea might be over!

At this moment, it was obvious that the mountain ghost and others had also discovered this. Their eyesight was extremely fierce. After a few breaths, the mountain ghost coldly snorted and raised his finger.

Under such action, a figure directly stepped forward after a while and came to Fengwang Cliff. He was a burly man with a bald head and an extremely majestic figure, like a hill.

He also reached the stage of Hunyuan Realm, with a big knife behind him, looking at Meng Fan fiercely.

Hunyuan Realm!

Everyone around him shook their heads. This is obviously the humiliation of the Soul Bone Mountain Range to the Sea of ​​Blood. According to the truth, the person who fought Meng Fan should be a qualified person, and now the rules are changed, and the other kings are too. Can play.

So even if it is not the Five Little Kings, it should be a group of people who can be crowned kings in this spirit bone mountain range.

But now this group of people are all around this mountain ghost, and they don't make any moves. They just line up with a Hunyuan realm, which undoubtedly doesn't look down on Meng Fan at all and intends to insult him.

Standing on the cliff of Wang Wang, the big bald man gave a sneer, strode towards Meng Fan and said coldly.

"Boy, you should remember your uncle's name, Liu Yong, do you know?"

The tone was severe, and at the same time Liu Yong, the big man at this moment, moved, a huge blade of light shot towards Meng Fan volley, like a long rainbow!

Under this situation, it can be said that many sergeants in the entire blood sea are filled with righteous indignation, but there is no way, the latter can be described as complete contempt.

However, standing still, Meng Fan remained motionless, and there was even no change on his face. Now he wears this bronze mask in order to hide his identity.

After all, this image of him is really too famous. Those who are robbed of marriage in the imperial white family will probably be registered in any powerful force, and he does not want to cause trouble to himself.

In a blink of an eye, the blade light from the void fell directly, bombarding with vitality, and when it was less than ten meters away from the top of Meng Fan's head, the sky suddenly trembled, and immediately countless meteors penetrated and went straight to this place. Liu Yong is here.

Every meteor is a shadow of an arrow, its vitality impacts, and its strength can penetrate the mountain. In the next moment, Liu Yong's place in the air is completely enveloped and directly penetrated!


Liu Yong let out a miserable cry, his body shattered and blood was overflowing. Before he could land on Meng Fan's body with this knife, he was completely penetrated by these countless arrow shadows, and he died on the spot!

At this moment, the Shura Guard, who was covered with gold armor, stood behind Meng Fan. The countless arrow shadows shot out from their hands, killing Liu Yong completely in the midair, and even approached Meng Fan. No physical qualifications.

"Insult me ​​King Shura, die!"

Suddenly, all the golden armored guards roared, their blood exploded, shaking their surroundings,



Especially when the last two characters fell and spread all over the surroundings, they came from thousands of **** men, revealing an endless **** spirit, although Shurawei's growth time was relatively short.

However, he had a pretty good foundation before, and it was extremely tough under this kind of battle formation integration.

Suddenly, the expressions of the people around the world changed. They didn't expect that Liu Yong was dead before Meng Fan could take a shot. He looked like a clown in front of him, and even Meng Fan, who was standing still, didn't even look at him. From the beginning to the end, he stood in place, and the face slap of the Soul Bone Mountain Range did not succeed, but it was a complete failure!

Everyone who drew the sea of ​​blood was loudly applauded, it was a small mouth, although Liu Yong's strength was low and he was just overwhelming, but after all, it represented the Soul Bone Mountain Range.

This was just the moment of the collision. It was not good for the morale of the Soul Bone Mountain Range, causing some people to shook their heads. It was really too careless about the Soul Bone Mountain Range.


In front of the many powerful mountain ghosts, a cold snort came out, and at the same time everyone saw a figure walking straight down, just like a middle-aged man, dressed in a gray robe, and thin. Walking slowly, a black hair fluttering in the wind, invisibly, a majestic murderous intent came towards Meng Fan.

Great master above the Xuanyuan realm!

At the moment when the middle-aged man appeared, everyone around him immediately held their breath and stared at Feng Wangya tightly. There is no doubt that the middle-aged man at this moment is definitely not the pretender Liu Yong before, but the real master of the Soul Bone Mountain Range!

"Hehe.... Unexpectedly your army is not bad!"

As his figure approached, the middle-aged man's eyes stared at Meng Fan and said lightly,

"The person you killed before is my subordinate, you can call me Mo Dao, or you can call me Mo King, this is the person who made the King of the Soul Bone Mountains this time!

The voice fell and spread all over the surrounding area, which immediately caused a change in the expressions of many people around. The latter is a strong man who is in the limelight in this spirit bone mountain range. He has the qualification to go straight to the five little kings. Before in this spirit bone mountain range, he killed countless people. According to the rumors, the latter would be extremely cruel once he shot. A killer blow.


At this moment, Meng Fan finally raised his head, his face under the bronze mask was neither happy nor sad, and his eyes were so opposite.

"Although that person is just a little guy with me, but you killed him, I am not happy!"

Mo Dao said indifferently, striding towards Meng Fan while speaking, and at the same time a strong and unmatched vitality fluctuation has already exploded, solidifying the world, as if this piece of void is trembling.

"It makes me unhappy, so you... die!"

The last two words fell, the palm of the hand moved, and the vitality exploded, and the huge handprint volleyed across the entire world, enveloping Meng Fan with a terrifying murderous intent. As soon as the expert made a move, he knew if there was any. With this kind of vitality erupting, Zhou Tian was torn apart, knowing that he had reached the eighth stage of the Xuanyuan realm.

Before making a decision, killing and decisive, wanting you to live and die, this is the self-confidence of such a strong man.

It is quite terrifying that a rising star within a hundred years can reach this point, and it belongs to the generation of great heroes anywhere in this world.

Yiyin volleys, suppress Zhou Tian!

And between the horrible palm prints, Meng Fan was standing in place, and it turned out to be the same as before.

This kind of approach is too peaceful, and it has caused countless people's hearts to jump. This is not Xiao Liu Yong, but a real master of the Profound Origin Realm!


At the next moment, the big hand fell around Meng Fan's body. However, although Meng Fan did not move, a golden vitality barrier appeared instinctively around his body during this vitality slap, resisting around.

Mo Dao's endless vitality slapped on it, and Meng Fan remained motionless under the golden light, and the latter did not blast his vitality barrier at all!


Mo Dao's expression changed, and he couldn't believe it, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes. At the same time, he stepped on the sole of his foot, changed his palm, and shouted

"Goshawk is determined, demon kill!"

A few words fell, his whole body boiled, and his murderous intent skyrocketed. At the same time, countless figures appeared in the emptiness, and at the same time they began to attack Meng Fan. This kind of vitality method has reached the word of heaven. Every afterimage in between contains unparalleled terrifying power, penetrates the sky, concentrates a little, and rushes towards Meng Fan.


Mo Dao screaming, the most powerful trump card exploded, palm impact, vigor and vitality!


All of the people on the sidelines suddenly felt their faces tearing apart, an extremely powerful wave of vitality blasted towards Meng Fan, and a master of the Profound Origin Realm made such a move, which can be described as breaking the world and destroying everything.

But at the next moment, beyond everyone's expectation, Meng Fan still stood there, his whole body was still there, the surrounding golden light appeared, resisting the surroundings, and all the vitality fluctuations falling on it were resisted, like cracked firecrackers. Usually there is a crackling sound, and it is impossible to shake the hair of Meng Fan in it!

"Impossible, what kind of method are you!"

Suddenly, Mo Dao's eyes were red, and he roared. This was definitely not a small blow to him. It was like hitting an evil spirit. After all, Meng Fan had never taken a shot from the beginning to the end, only being quiet here. Do not move.

"There is a kind of you do it, do it!"

The roaring sound spread all over the world, gloomy and violent, causing Meng Fan to raise his head, looking at his distorted face, and finally said,

"Do you want me to do it?"

The tone was calm, and at the next moment Meng Fan’s white palms placed on both sides finally stretched out, and a finger was stretched out towards Mo Dao Void, but between these fingers, it was like a sword light coming out of the body. Long Hengkong.

A kind of extremely terrifying vitality fluctuation erupted from it, comparable to a meteor, before Meng Fan's voice fell, it penetrated the entire world, fiercely bombarding Mo Dao's body.


The sound fell, and between the fingers, he was directly blasted away, his body burst into pieces, a large mouth of blood spurted out, and it hit the ground. He didn't know his life or death, but Meng Fan stayed in place from beginning to end... .. Do not move, just use a finger!

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