Supreme God King

Chapter 1232: return

Targeted by the emperor!

If this sentence is what an ordinary person said, it must be a joke, because the most terrifying thing in this world is this golden twelve alliance, which is the top existence between the whole world and the eternal.

It's impossible for many people to fall into the mouth of the emperor, let alone stare at someone.

But Meng Fan is absolutely different. After the Bai family left, he naturally enjoyed this kind of honor, and it was not yet a family, but. . . . . . A few!

Under this situation, Meng Fan was very helpless when he heard the words, rubbed his temples and said softly.

"Anyway, they are about to leave. They can do whatever they want. They can still kill them!"


King Yan laughed and said,

"Little brother Meng Fan has a good attitude. I can guess one or two points. It should not be the emperor who wants to deal with the little brother. Otherwise, we won't use spies, but come from the emperors of the emperor. The deeds of the little brother before have spread throughout the Middle Ages. Someone of mine has also heard about it. I think... Maybe the little brother will fall into a huge whirlpool!"

"What whirlpool?"

Meng Fan's pupils shrank and asked curiously.

"I don't know if the little brother has ever heard a sentence, called the emperor not to be insulted!"

King Yan squinted his eyes and said slowly,

"This sentence comes from the ages before, and it has always been circulated in the Twelve Leagues of the Middle Ages. It refers to the emperor who walked in the ten thousand realms. Before the little brother killed the chaotic soul, it was equivalent to touching this hornet's nest. , You have to know that no matter who mentions the little brother, it is said that the little brother is the one who defeated the emperor. Then what do you want other emperors to think, you must know that there is a big difference between the emperor and the emperor.

The strength is different, and the family may not be just one person, but the emperors of the past must abide by this rule, that is, if anyone insults one of the emperors, then the others will also take action until that person is defeated! "

When the voice fell, Meng Fan suddenly gave a wry smile, thinking of what Bai Shui'er had said before, and said in a condensed voice.

"That said, the other emperors will rush to find my news and challenge me!"


King Yan nodded and said softly,

"So I advise the little brother to lower his head when he should lower his head. If the next time there is a family of emperors looking for brother Meng Fan, you might as well deliberately fail. What if you give him a name, as long as you don’t die, otherwise it will be more troublesome. The bigger you get, the Golden Twelve League has five clans, five families, one line and one dynasty. These twelve behemoths are not something that little brothers can provoke now. The longer they get off, the more they will cause you to find them. Your emperor is getting more and more terrifying. It may not even be the emperor of the world. It is possible for the ancient emperor, and it is no surprise that there is even a god-level existence in it!"

The tone was solemn and full of reminders.

Although it was persuading Meng Fan to fail deliberately, Meng Fan understood King Yan's reminder but was absolutely kind. The more he went on like this, the more pressure he faced.

The ancient emperors were indeed extremely powerful.

Especially the emperor among them. Although Meng Fan defeated a chaotic soul, his strength does not represent the strongest among the emperors. On the contrary, according to Bai Shui'er, if it is truly compared among the emperor Tianjiao, chaotic soul It's really not a character.

And the last time he was able to kill Chaosun was because there was the Bai family behind him, with Bai Rong, Long San’s deliberate help, and he himself was in this Bai family, or in a fair duel. There is not much to let Meng Fan get lucky.

But if you meet in this Middle Ancient Realm, I am afraid that Meng Fan will not be so lucky.

The latter twelve alliances dominate the world, occupying this Middle Ages forever, which can be described as the true limit of strength. The forces that want to fight against it are estimated to be only forbidden! Now that Meng Fan already has a forbidden area, it would be extremely unwise to anger the Golden Twelve League.

No inheritance, eternal family!

After thinking about it, Meng Fan said calmly after being silent for a moment.

"I think about it!"

For Meng Fan, he has never bowed his head in front of others in his whole life, especially when he deliberately failed in the face of challenges, it was quite uncomfortable. Noting Meng Fan’s unkind look, King Yan didn’t say much, he just smiled and persuaded him.

"I believe that the little brother will definitely step into a stronger realm in the future. It is not impossible for people who dare to fight against the emperor alone in ancient times. As long as they are alive, everything has hope."

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled, his eyes flickered, and nodded.

After the time passed, after finishing finishing in this sea of ​​blood, Meng Fan didn't stay there anymore, directly chose to organize his figure and left immediately.

You must know that although he desperately wants to cultivate in this Middle Ancient Realm, things in the Divine Emperor Realm are definitely not over.

He was ejected from extraterritorial space that day, and he came here by accident. After he came out of the Bai family, he had the idea of ​​wanting to go back, but after all he helped Fen Tianling find the fire lin jade, and now all this is complete, then Meng Fan was also non-stop, ready to leave immediately.

Before that, although he cut off the connection between the restricted area and the Eternal Life Gate, Meng Fan knew that the Eternal Life Gate was still there, and Mo Tianji was still there.

Such a huge and fierce ancient force would never collapse in one day. Under such circumstances, Meng Fan knew that it was time for him to fulfill his promise.

The old bereaved dog that was expelled from the Emperor's Realm in the past is going to end up with Naqi after all!

After finishing the arrangement, Meng Fan didn't stay there either. After a day, he got on the ghost ship in the sea of ​​blood and slowly left.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Meng Fan, it also made countless powerful people in the entire sea of ​​blood feel sorry. The powerful and extreme figure on the cliff of the king that day faced the challenge, and the influence of the four kings was really affected. It's too deep.

If Meng Fan can stay, I am afraid that the power of the entire blood sea will become a new level, and it may even carry out a great conquest against other chaotic areas, and it is not impossible to wipe out all the chaotic places around the blood sea. may!

But unfortunately, Meng Fan's ambition is not here, so everyone can only regret it!

Looking at the ancient ship slowly disappearing into the sky, a faint resentment appeared on the pretty face of the Spirit King, helplessly said,

"Hmph, this guy is really different. She has so many hints that she will not sneak into my boudoir at night... Now she left without saying hello. I really don't know what Bai Shui'er has. What's so good, why don't you let him get lost!"

The voice fell, and the King Yan and the Ice King suddenly laughed. They clearly understood that although the Spirit King was carefree, she was a full-fledged beauty, and she was always clear and clean. The Evil King had pursued her for so long before. The latter are ignored and completely ignored.

The only expression of affection for Meng Fan was that Luohua deliberately flowed ruthlessly. The Ice King shook his head and said in a condensed voice.

"He probably won't be back, it's a pity!"

"Don't look forward to him coming back!"

At the next moment, King Yan said slowly, and his words immediately caused the expressions of the Ice King and Spirit King to move, and he looked at King Yan hesitantly. King Yan stared at the disappearing shadow of Meng Fan, saying every word,

"There is a kind of person in this world... Never want to be lonely and refuse to bow his head. Whether facing any strong person, Meng Fan is this kind of person. I guess he doesn't come back. If one day Meng Fan Once he sets foot in the Middle Ages again, then maybe the person he wants to fight for... should be the emperor!"

The voice fell, and both the Spirit King and the Ice King were extremely shocked. Although the two set foot to become quasi-god-level powerhouses, they were full of infinite fear for this behemoth in the Middle Ancient Territory.

However, according to what Meng Fan said, if one day beats invincible hands in the same age, then he will look for a higher goal, and this higher goal may be here. . . . . .

Dragons can survive diving and dare to cover the sky in all directions. This is the power of the latter. On the contrary, the stronger the environment, the more it creates infinite potential. When it is strong, it is strong, and the soul is immortal. . . . . Don't stop!

After leaving this sea of ​​blood, Meng Fan walked all the way, non-stop. You must know that he is now in the center of this world. If he wants to set foot in the Emperor's Realm, the journey is quite long. It is a headache for Meng Fan to think of it. .

But fortunately, now Meng Fan's cultivation base is strong, he opens the way when he meets the mountains, builds bridges when he meets the water, and under the constant spatial transmission, he finally stepped into the area of ​​the Emperor's Domain after half a month.

For this familiar sight, Meng Fan's heart was also agitated, speechless all the way, straight to the ancient place of the Samsara Hall.

This is the place he once yearned for so young, and also a place to stand. After experiencing countless things, he was driven out of this place again!

The Divine Emperor Territory can be said to have recorded too many stories about Meng Fan. In recent years, Meng Fan has experienced countless killings and wanderings. Struggling between life and death, growing up in pain.

The moment he saw the many buildings in the Samsara Hall, Meng Fan's heart was surging. Looking at the familiar sight in front of him, he took a deep breath and said softly.

I’m back, and after experiencing so many things, I believe that no one is qualified to drive me out of this place. The gate of eternal life. . . . Do you know, are you ready?


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