Supreme God King

Chapter 1237: The beginning of the fight

You can't!

The four words resounded through the world, and at the same time, the fist came out of the body and was extremely fierce. At this moment, Meng Fan's vitality broke out, not moving like a mountain, moving like thunder, 38 golden lights interlaced between his palms, and the emperor fist burst out!

"Boy, you!"

The immortal gate old man who was caught in the battle roared, his eyes flashed with horror.

Knowing that he was hit by Meng Fan's strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, but the time to react was not enough, he couldn't help raising his hands, all the vitality in his body burst out, and the two meteor-like powers intertwined, suddenly making the void become ruthless. Tremble fiercely.


The space shattered, a blood mist appeared, the old man of the eternal life gate screamed, and his palm burst directly, and Meng Fan had already made a judgment on the bombardment.

Even if he had a high level of cultivation and integrated into the forbidden area, he was violently blown up between Meng Fan's blow, and the blood in his body was shocked.

However, he didn't give him any time to react, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, his hands changed, almost to the extreme, like a **** above the heavens, a lore victory.

With one hand breaking through the air, Meng Fan suddenly punched eight punches in the void, and the fists broke through the air, turning into eight afterimages, directly falling on the old man of the eternal life gate.


When Meng Fan fisted and retracted, there was already a puddle of blood in the void, and the bones were all fragments of the same place, falling on the ground, a powerful person of the eighth stage of the Profound Origin Realm... .. Completely dead, both the body and the soul are turned into nothingness, suddenly causing an uproar around the world!

This is one of the seven eternal growth and elders. Before, he still had a face of disdain for Meng Fan and provocatively spoke out, but only at this moment was a complete death.

This scene is not unbelievable, even if it is surrounded by millions of people, it is a dead silence, and countless people feel that they dare not breathe.

Prior to this, the elder of the Eternal Life Gate seduce Meng Fan to step into it, but Meng Fan took advantage of the situation, using the hairy sparrow and the mysterious tortoise as an introduction to make an elder unable to sit down, and violently walked out.

And the latter is to seize the opportunity of this neutral position, this kind of grasp of the timing and ruthless enough to make any strong person's heart shake.

The white-haired Shura Meng Fan of the past is indeed a well-deserved reputation, so terrifying, so cruel!

"Good job, worthy of the help of my master bird, I knew this old guy couldn't do it!"

"Master Gui is invincible in the world. With me here, how can he resist my strong breath of the overbearing king!"

Hairfinch and Black Tortoise looked at each other, recovered from their previous fears, and immediately looked at each other. Both were shocked. Under the gaze of these millions of people, they became extremely proud and praised each other. , Each looks very admiring each other!

Aside, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, and he was too lazy to pay attention. He looked at the eternal life gate camp and said calmly.

"You let me come over, I have already come over, you let me kill you, and I killed too, dare someone to come out and fight me alone!"

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful, resounding through the world!

Before the Eternal Life Gate issued a challenge, it paid the price of being beheaded and killed by Meng Fan.

But now Meng Fan is using the other way to return his body, questioning the many elders of the Eternal Life Gate, and immediately caused a riot. Under this situation, the remaining big Eternal Life Gate elders all face like pig liver. , A word is difficult to spit out.

There is no doubt that they had their own strength before, set up a big formation, and wanted to seduce Meng Fan into this big formation. Even if they did not succeed, they could lower the morale of the latter, but they let Meng Fan completely seize the opportunity and cut. Killing one person, instead, restrained themselves, causing them to fall into absolute passiveness.

Meng Fan questioned like this. Although they had the intention to resist, the previous thunder methods made everyone see their eyesight. Who dared to go out alone, now even the strong who stepped into the peak of the Profound Origin Realm would be frightened and had to Said that Meng Fan has absolute strength to suppress everything.

In just a few days, the latter returned again, but his strength has been improved to this point. Even if the eternal life gate has been assisted in the restricted area these years, it is not as fast as Meng Fan's practice. I have to say that this is simply a myth. !

How did the latter practice? Could it be the reincarnation of ancient gods?

This is simply a question in the minds of several eternal life gate elders, but now there are not too many opportunities. Under Meng Fan’s questioning, everyone in the eternal life gate has become passive, each with a strange expression, but they dare not speak. Let the whole scene fall into an awkward situation.

One person clamors for hundreds of thousands of strong, this kind of confidence is not unassuming!

With a slight smile, Meng Fan said every word,

"Since you don't dare to go out, then brothers... you are trying to smooth this place for me. After having tolerated it for so long, it has reached the point where the blood is paid for, the people of the eternal life gate... die!"

A word was spit out, the word was round, and at the same time a sound of mountain whistling and tsunami came out behind him.


Numerous powerful men from the three major forces roared at the same time. With a movement, their vitality exploded, overwhelming the sky, forming a torrent of vitality, rushing forward boldly.

A full of hundreds of thousands of qi monks rushed into the barrier and launched the most powerful offensive. Before that, they had held back the murderous intent. Under Meng Fan's punch to kill an eternal gate elder, confidence skyrocketed and morale increased.

It is even more fierce under the hands, and the figures of the vitality monks are like arrows from the string, blasting the sky!


The air wave broke through the air, and the one who stepped in the front was Liu Xin, the old man of Thunder Soul, the white fat man, Zhan Wuji, Yun Feiyang and others. Under such a battle, these people are all talents of the side, no doubt. Explode their most powerful combat power, take the lead, and be the first to rush into this eternal life gate camp!

Such a big battle broke out with one touch!

How fierce it was for millions of vitality monks to fight together. In an instant, the sky became bloody, the vitality ripped open the world, and there were figures flying across the sky and wreckage all over the sky. This is an unimaginable battle.

Before this, there were countless hatreds between the two sides. I don't know how many fights in this corner of the Emperor's Realm. This kind of hatred is already deep in the bones.

In between this kind of collision, it was just a moment that all the means of pressing the bottom of the box were taken out, and the whole world was blood-stained.

Not only Meng Fan, but also among the earth gates and the heaven gates, the Burning Tianling and others, and Zu Wen also attacked at the same time, their vitality exploded, and they broke through the big formation and rushed into this place of eternal life gate!

There was a sudden chaos in the Great Killing Array of Heaven, Earth and Humans. This is the ancient God Array, which was laid by the power of the Eternal Life Gate, but it was also difficult to resist the unified attack of many powerful people in the entire God Emperor Realm. It caused tremendous pressure and countless monks. After that, it was a **** storm, and the head fell.


With a loud roar and a large gun swept across, it directly killed rows of Eternal Life Sect disciples. Zhan Wuji was alone in the air, blood stained with gold armor, but the fighting spirit on his body became more and more vigorous.

Striding out, Zhan Wuji rushed into it, with the help of Yun Feiyang, Gu Xin'er, Gu Qing, Xiao Hei, Gu Xin Ao and others, forming a series of shocking forces.

Now all the disciples in the entire Samsara Temple have been dispatched. The more Tianjiao is, the more he takes the lead, and the deeper the rush.

Under this situation, it naturally encountered a backlash from many disciples of the Eternal Life Gate. You must know that although many of them were unwilling, they were already tied to the Eternal Life Gate chariot, and many people were unable to withdraw. Too much blood from the people of the Emperor's Realm, so I can only fight to the death to protect the eternal life gate.

It caused the whole world to fight in three steps, five steps to kill, and the sky was full of blood. Yun Feiyang licked his tongue and said coldly,

"Everyone, I plan to arrive at this door first. Why don't you compare it to see if the limelight is still getting this guy like Meng Fan!"


Above the sky, Jun Qian nodded and said coldly,

"This guy has pressed us for so long. At this time, he will definitely not let him get out of the limelight by himself. Let's go in together and see who broke this door first!"

Two heroic voices resounded around, and everyone couldn't help but look at it. You must know what place this is, but when millions of monks collided, the whole world was like a meat grinder, even if it was a strong person in the Profound Origin Realm. Inadvertently there is a danger of falling. After all, there are too many people, and the strong are like clouds.

At this time, the more popular it is, the easier it is to be attacked by people as the first bird, but obviously Zhan Wuji, Yun Feiyang and others are willing to be the first bird, a strong and unparalleled fighting spirit erupts towards it. Away.

Not only the two of them, countless Tianjiao experts followed, sweeping all the way, blood-stained in this battle formation.

Looking at this scene, Meng Fan, who was in the air, sighed softly and volleyed in the air, kicking an eternal gate elder to pieces, stepping out of the sky among the blood without any hesitation!

At a glance, Meng Fan and the others already had a considerable advantage. Yun Feiyang and others took the lead in breaking the situation, killing people when meeting people, and killing demons when meeting demons.

In the past, relying on the generally strong morale, it can be said that they are killing Lingran. On the contrary, the disciples of the eternal life gate are quite low. One goes down and the other grows, especially in this kind of battle. Great influence.

However, there was no relaxed look on Meng Fan's face. On the contrary, there was a burst of blood, staring at the elders in the eternal life gate, and striving to resolve the battle as quickly as possible.

After years of collision, Meng Fanke knew too much about who his opponent was and who was playing chess behind the gate of immortality. With the help of the restricted area, this battle was already extremely tragic, but it was a rare battle in the ages. It's just... the killing started!

Second more.

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