Supreme God King

Chapter 1241: Battle of grievances

Indifferent tone, covering the sky for a while!

Under this infinite black death atmosphere, Meng Fan's whole person is quite stable, motionless like a big Buddha, and five formations appear around his body, each of which is filled with a kind of evil power. Pervade him!

Hessian Ruo Array!

Standing alone, even with the endless vitality fluctuations around him, he was completely resisted. Surrounded by the demon and evil power between his body, Meng Fan looked even more strange and unpredictable at this moment, even with Mo Tianji. Compared with each other, they are all the same.

"what is this!"

Suddenly, Mo Tianji was also taken aback. He felt the power of evil spirits rolling around Meng Fan's body, making him extremely uncomfortable, and immediately sneered.

"Meng Fan, little beast, it seems that you have made a lot of progress, but now no means are of any use. The final battle of the Emperor's Domain has already occurred, and it is destined to have too much soul power into my hands. At that time, I was destined to be a big man in the penalty area, and you were destined to be just a small character crushed by me, and die here!"

The tone was gloomy, and at the same time surrounded by the endless black death air between the sky and the sky, under Mo Tianji's deliberate efforts, Meng Fan was even able to discover the operation of the entire array and continue to absorb. Now that this battle has already happened, there are countless deaths everywhere, which naturally helped the people in this restricted area to form a lot of soul power.

There is no other way around this. Now it was taken out by Mo Tianji. It seemed ordinary, but in fact, it was to hit Meng Fan's cultivation of the mind and make him fall into a state of thinking that he had failed.

Once there is a flaw in the mind, then in front of Mo Tianji is bound to die!

But standing still, watching this scene happen, Meng Fan said with a blank expression on his face.

"It is true that all this cannot be changed, but there is one more thing you have never said, that is, do you really think you can leave here alive today? Even if you have absorbed so much soul power, but Mo Tianji, you also There is no chance to enjoy it. You owe this to me, and even more so... You owe the dead brothers of the reincarnation temple, brothers, the soul can return, let me fight?"

The last few words fell, sonorous and powerful, spread all over the world!

In an instant, this sound wave overflowed and fell into the ears of the disciples and elders of the Temple of Reincarnation. There was a burst of passion, and the eyes were filled with infinite murderous intent.

In the past, the gate of the eternal life was set up in the gate of ancient times, hunting and killing many disciples who didn't know the temple of reincarnation, this was a blood debt.

Some blood must be repaid with blood, and some debts must be used. . . . The enemy's order comes to wash it away!

"The soul can return, fight!"

Between the world and the earth, there were countless voices of responses at this moment, coming from the four directions, countless disciples of the Samsara Palace, like Zhan Wuji, Yun Feiyang and others burst out of blood, killing intent to sky!


Meng Fan roared, surrounded by the Hessian Ruo array, he strode out and walked directly towards Mo Tianji.

Although Mo Tianji wanted to attack Meng Fan with words, the latter was not weakened at all, on the contrary, his aura was stronger, and he used the surroundings to create a greater sense of killing, this kind of adaptability. Can not help but make people stunned.

Surrounded by a large formation of Hessian 笸箩, there is even more golden light flashing between his body, and now Meng Fan has stepped into the stage of the ninth stage of the Profound Origin Realm. Preliminary control, surrounded by its large array, the power of evil spirits as defense, and at the same time the emperor fist blasted out.

Suppress everything with one punch, and I am invincible for anyone else!

This kind of breath exploded like a meteor. Under this kind of shocking vitality fluctuations, Mo Tianji's expression could not help but become extremely bad.

Although he does not want to admit it, he simply has to say that in these short years, Meng Fan has risen like a comet. Standing here today is enough to completely threaten his life and give him a fatal blow. .

Hundred-legged insects, die but not stiff!

Under that kind of crush and blow, Meng Fan is constantly growing, surviving step by step in the cracks. From the original youth and frivolousness to today’s inadequate, this kind of speed of improving strength is not terrifying. people.

Looking at the ages, how many people can do it?

"Go to hell!"

Mo Tianji's eyes flickered, and he let out a low growl. At the same time, he controlled the large array around his body. The black death aura exploded and collided with Meng Fan in the air.

Now that the enemy meets, there is no need to say a word. The heart between the two parties to kill each other is full of strength to the limit, which is the strongest in life. Under such circumstances, this shot is naturally impossible to have any maneuver. With all the room for the explosion, the two divine formations collided in this void.


God array vs. God array!

The air wave hits, and the world roars.

Obviously, the Divine Array that Mo Tianji operates is also a forbidden area secret method, and he is an old monster cultivated for eternity, and the experience he understands is not comparable to yours.

Surrounded by this black death air, it can be said to be the ultimate killing. The attacked place penetrates everything, and a shot is enough to kill in an instant.

However, under this infinite murderous intent, Meng Fan is fierce and incomparable. He opened the way with this Hessian basket, tearing everything apart, and dissolving the opponent’s divine formation. Benmo came from heaven.

It can be said that there is Meng Fan's infinite strength between each fist, and his whole body explodes. He has waited for this moment for too long.

Let his whole person feel like madness, the four roots of physical body, soul, martial arts, and spiritual power are all reaching the point of extreme expansion, punching out, and constantly fighting against Mo Tianji.

The strength of the two of them can be said to be infinitely close to the quasi-god. Although they have not touched the divine way, the methods they have are too special, causing their combat power to be extraordinary.

Under this situation, Zhou Tian was trembling. At a glance, you can see the two of you coming and going. Between the two sides, there are countless majestic torrents of vitality colliding together, any of which leaks. They are all enough to completely crush a powerful Xuanyuan realm.

If we meet on a narrow road, if the enemy is not dead, I will die!

And under the impact of this heavy weather, after not knowing how many collisions, it was as powerful as Mo Tianji was also trembling with blood in his body. I have to say that Meng Fan was extremely difficult at this moment, exceeding his expectations. .

This Hessian 笸箩 array is more than just a defensive effect. Once it invades the body, it will cause extreme trouble. Mo Tianji inherited the secret law of the restricted area, thinking that he was evil enough in this vitality method to suppress the enemy. No one knows how to die.

But after seeing Meng Fan again a few years later, he found that the latter was even more evil, progressing faster than he had imagined, and the same technique was even more fierce.

The palm changed, countless runes gathered in Mo Tianji's hands, a peculiar power also erupted from his body, and he roared,

"Eight Soul Heaven Formation, burst!"

The voice was stern, and along with the light movement of Mo Tianji's fingers, the space surrounding Meng Fan also burst at the same time.

Under this kind of space distortion, a great horror has been caused in it, and the flashing of its runes can be said to completely tear the space apart.

This blow was too sudden, and Rao Meng Fan did not react. The whole person was immediately swallowed by this terrifying air wave. You must know that under the power of this kind of space-distorting space, everything is extinguished. It was ten times more terrifying than the bombardment of the Tianzi technique. The divine formations surrounding Motian's body were completely shattered and vanished.


As the space shattered, Mo Tianji sneered. This blow he had been gaining momentum for a long time was one of the hidden trump cards, blew himself into a big array, not to mention Meng Fan, even a quasi **** in it. All will suffer serious injuries, be immortal or disabled.

Mo Tianji couldn't help but take a big step out of his chest, but at the moment Mo Tianji was advancing, it was in the midst of the waves, and suddenly a figure was also killed.

He was covered in blood, the blue shirt was torn, and the drips fell. Obviously the injury was not light, but his scholar-like face was quite calm, but extremely calm, strode out, and three words came out from the corner of his mouth.

"The Great Seal!"

Only three words fell, and the entire sky shivered violently, and at the same time, a big hand appeared. He had been prepared for it, and he came straight out of Mo Tianji's imagination.

Under this kind of close-range display, Mo Tianji was not given any time to react. Obviously, when Mo Tianji used the method before, Meng Fan also reacted, but he did not avoid it, even if he was fighting against himself. At the same time he was injured, he had been gaining momentum for a long time and blasted out the Great Emperor.

The three masters of the war emperor, one punch, one soldier, and one seal!

Every unique school has its own unique power, and this mark is even more overbearing. It belongs to the head of the three unique schools. At the moment Meng Fan performed it, the sky trembled and his hands were like the sky.

With his five fingers stretched out, his vitality was like a tide, he directly wrapped Mo Tianji, and immediately Meng Fan's expressionless face, with a light grip, suddenly that kind of domineering and extreme power impacted all the defenses between Mo Tianji's body and burst into the body. !


It was visible to the naked eye that half of Mo Tianji's body was torn apart, and the sky was raining blood, and the whole person flew directly, if it weren't for a defensive treasure on his body, surrounding him.

I was afraid that the physical body was completely shattered under the strength before this, but this was also extremely injured, and the first seal was to penetrate his internal organs and almost died.

Come and not be indecent!

The two were injured at the same time, each hitting each other's body, but apparently Meng Fanshi's methods were even more terrifying.

This scene is not unbelievable, and there are still countless immortal gate elders and disciples resisting between this heaven and earth, and Mo Tianji is their gate master.

The scene of the latter's strong landing and crushing Meng Fan can be said to be remembered by everyone, whether it is the gate of eternal life and the hall of reincarnation, they understand the gap between the two.

But nowadays, feng shui takes turns. With these years of hard work, the boy who was crushed and unable to raise his head at the beginning is already qualified for one of the life and death of the war. Don’t bully the young, don’t lose the spirit of Ling Yun. , This old saying in the God-Emperor Domain appeared in the body of Meng Fan now... . The ultimate!

First, there will be more later.


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