Supreme God King

Chapter 1243: Tragic

A quasi-god-level powerhouse blew himself up!

This scene is so amazing, it can be called shocking, so that all the strong between heaven and earth are slightly frozen. It is not easy to cultivate to this step.

Anyone in the ages needs great talent and great perseverance, to walk out of the road that others can't go, and finally need the opportunity to guard against the sky.

These things are indispensable, they belong to the pinnacle existence in the entire Divine Emperor Realm, but now they have fallen in public!

"The Dean..."

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a cry, all the disciples of Qiankun Academy were crying on the spot at this moment, and the whole body trembled, and Shuangning was also staggering, with a miserable face, and muttered,

"What the dean wants most in his life is to set foot on the divine way. I didn't expect that after he set foot on the divine way, he chose to explode not long after this. The time for the achievement of the divine way is only half a year. I wait... Is it really worth it?"

The voice trembled, causing the many monks in the entire Divine Emperor Realm to be silent. That desolate aura blended into each monk. This was a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Even the vitality monks could not avoid it, targeting the entire Divine Emperor. Monk in the field.

In ancient times, it was all started from the restricted area. The latter looked at all beings in the heavens and the earth like slashing pigs and dogs. Whenever a catastrophe came, a large number of monks died.

In front of it, human lives are like ants, full of endless despair, but after all, there are some people who are willing to stand up and stand up to this catastrophe, fight the restricted area, and be indomitable and immortal!


Above the sky, a word came out at this moment, Zuwen’s figure stood in the mid-air, and the light flickered. The whole person was covered by a kind of divine power and runes, as if there was a reincarnation in his body, cold. Cold road,

"Brother Zeng Ping is one step ahead, but I'm still waiting, this battle is still... the old man lives, not for stealing, just to kill this group of animals in the restricted area!"

Words of thunder, spread all over the world, and immediately made countless cultivators of the Emperor's Realm enthusiasm, clearly understanding that this battle is not over yet, and Zeng Ping died only for the victory of this battle. If this continues, Then there is no doubt that the latter will die in vain.


Countless monks roared and uttered a word at the same time, and the vitality in the body exploded, accompanied by the sound that resounded through the sky, and launched a life-threatening attack on the many ancient fighting demons in front of him.

Although the ancient gate transformed by the Demon Orb was shattered, there are still many ancient true demons born before in this place of the immortal gate.

However, at this moment, all the cultivators of the Emperor's Domain were besieged, especially the disciples of Qiankun Academy, with blood red eyes, and went straight to this ancient true demon.

Among them, the disciples with low cultivation level can't consume this true demon, but fortunately, the vitality in the body exploded, directly exploding the soul and body, completely shattering the whole body.

"Willing to follow the dean and swear to kill the true demon!"

A roar before his death spread all over the world. This scene happened not only to one person, but to the entire world. I don’t know how many disciples of the Reincarnation Temple and the disciples of the Universe Academy were fighting desperately. , Even if it is impossible to fight against the real demon, then he will blew himself up and fight for opportunities for others.

This scene is too tragic, too tragic!

Rows of monks died, and rows of strong men fell between the world, never seeing each other again, and among them were many familiar faces.

Above the sky, Mo Tianji glanced at the scene, and couldn't help but feel a bit hideous. The collapse of the ancient gate transformed by this demon spirit orb had too much influence on them.

Once the support of the restricted area is lost, they will not be able to compete with all the monks in the Divine Emperor Realm alone, especially with so many people in the latter.

With a cold snort, Mo Tianji said disdainfully,

"A group of ants, I don't know that life is precious, it really is a low life!"

In the distance, Meng Fan's gaze kept looking around the world, and finally he let out a light sigh, his heart touched, coldly said,

"This is probably a feeling that you can't understand in your whole life. Some things are more important than your life. How can you understand what responsibility and belief are!"

The tone is calm and contains a strong reluctance.

However, for many years, the latter was definitely not a mother-in-law. After a while, Meng Fan suppressed all his feelings, directly raised his hand, and the heaven and earth mysterious yellow pagoda enveloped him and strode forward.

At every step, there is a feeling that makes the entire sky tremble, Qi and blood are like a sea. At this moment, Meng Fan also merged all the vitality in his body into this hand, and went straight to this Mo Tianji. Xiaotian protects him.

One person, one tower, for so many years, join forces again, a life and death blow!

Under this kind of power, an edge of suppressing everything suddenly penetrated the entire world, and went straight to the top of this Mo Tianji. It was already Meng Fan who was ready to preemptively and understand the grievances!


Mo Tianji's eyes were gloomy, blood spit out, and he sneered.

"Asshole, little beast, I still use you to teach me? Since you have the so-called belief, then let you see if your belief can defeat my secret method!"

The last few words fell, and at the same time, the palm of Mo Tian's hand changed, and the infinite black death spirit in it circulated, and his eyes were demonized.

The breath of the whole person skyrocketed, and a strange and unpredictable power burst from his body, causing Zhou Tian to blockade. Everything around it for kilometers around it was static, completely covered by the power of one person.

Obviously, under this kind of moment, it is already the most critical moment, and the whole battle can be said to be the result of this moment.

If Meng Fan was defeated, it would be a big blow to the monks in the Samsara Palace and the entire Divine Emperor Realm. After all, I don't know how many powerful people regard him as a soul figure, and vice versa!

Therefore, under this double head, Mo Tianji and Meng Fan both had their auras skyrocketing, murderous Ling Ran, and neither side was defeated, so they each gathered all the means and burst out suddenly.


In an instant, Meng Fan fisted, and under the fusion of Xiaotian’s power, it was extremely sturdy and swept through everything, but when the air wave hit the area around Mo Tianji, it was abrupt. Freeze.

Although Mo Tianji remained motionless, the black death aura surrounding him was ten times stronger at this moment, and he resisted Meng Fan's punch.

With a cold smile, Mo Tianji said every word,

"Little beast Meng Fan, since you know that I have joined the restricted area, then naturally you understand that I have inherited the restricted area. You can't think that you can force me to this point. In that case, let's see what is called a restricted area... Fa!"

Between raising his hands, the infinite black death energy surrounding Mo Tianji suddenly moved, and came straight to Meng Fan. At this moment, it was like a tide surge, vast and immeasurable!

And wherever it went, even the space began to corrode, and a little bit of dying aura turned into raindrops, which caused countless monks under it to collapse directly, with their bodies and souls turned into nothingness!

The breath of death!

For many years, Meng Fan's nerves can be described as extremely tough, but under this kind of breath, he was in a daze, and his figure could not help taking a step back.

"Be careful, this is the supreme high-level secret method in the restricted area. It is this kind of extinguishing method after the black death gas is cultivated to the extreme and turned into a divine way. In ancient times, I don't know how many bloodthirsty gods... I can't think of this guy. It's already enlightened!"

Xiao Tian gritted his teeth and said, he was quite familiar with this kind of breath, and his tone was filled with a smell of incomparable resentment, as well as a hint of trembling.

And as soon as his voice fell, five roars were heard between the heavens and the earth at the same time. Hull, the person who said the words, stood in the ancient forbidden areas above the sky. They all changed their hands and the marks flickered. The aura of death that touched the Shinto between the fingers suddenly exploded.

The latter dared to wait for the many powerhouses of the Emperor's Domain in this eternal life gate. Naturally, they were prepared long ago, with a series of killer moves, and the dying of the evolution of this black death is one of their true cards. After the demon orb was broken, it was naturally taken out.

At the moment that emerged, it made Zhou Tian tremble, and the heavens and the earth paled. Among the five forbidden areas, the ancient palm imprints, each like annihilation, suppressed Zuwen and others, and said indifferently,

"The heaven and the earth are dead, only the restricted area, even if you destroy the door of the space formed by this demon orb, you can't escape. There is no more than a group of ants... Mo Tianji, a quick fight!"


Above the sky, Mo Tianji smiled gloomily, this kind of extinguishing aura enveloped nothingness, and it came directly toward Meng Fan, this kind of extinguishing means came across the sky, killing everything in the space.

Rao Meng Fan has Xiaotian's defense, but it also penetrates completely at the same time. Everything around his body is beginning to corrode, and countless tribulations that swallow everything come to the world. This kind of gas evolved from the black death. Annihilation of the divine way, this kind of power that touched the sacred was completely released, reappearing in the human world, and immediately put Meng Fan under unprecedented pressure.


In an instant, Meng Fan’s figure receded, but the dying air penetrated Xiaotian’s defenses and fell into his body, tearing his body, blood bursting, and pieces of flesh and blood directly turned into nothingness. Leaking the bones caused Meng Fan to snorted and strode away, suppressing the blood in his body.

But this was just a prelude. In the next moment, Mo Tianji strode forward and closed his hands. Suddenly, the aura of death was even more terrifying, as if the sun was shaking.

Surrounding the center of Meng Fanwei, the entire sky came under fierce pressure towards Meng Fan. There was no vitality under this kind of silence, cutting off everything, and immediately letting Meng Fan in it fall into... . Moment of life and death!

First more.


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