Supreme God King

Chapter 1262: The City of Blood!

After another ten days have passed, Meng Fan and Shenhou both become more and more open. They are covered with a layer of black robes, covering the whole body, with a restrained breath.

Although the two of them had already recovered successfully at this moment, both Shenhou and Meng Fan had already reached their peak state, and their combat power was unparalleled and terrifying.

However, the more so, the more cautious the two of them, the reason is only one point, on this constant journey, the two finally set foot within the real royal capital of this blood forbidden zone.

The City of Blood!

Within thousands of miles, it is already under the control of the City of Blood, the true core of the seven restricted areas in this place!

If someone can recognize Meng Fan and the monkey at this moment, then it must be a big shock, because the identities of the two are registered in this blood forbidden zone, and they are absolutely famous. Many people in the restricted area mentioned people who hate their teeth.

This kind of character, even in these ten thousand domains, will keep tracking, killing, and arresting the restricted area, but these two people are bold, not only do not need to arrest the restricted area, they kill themselves and have to do this. But they are already two real masters, bold!

With his body moving in the void, Meng Fan's gaze looked around. This place was already different from other restricted areas. There were a large number of people walking on this dome.

There are already many humans among them, but the difference is that Meng Fan clearly feels that what this group of people is practicing in their bodies is not the orthodox vitality, but the black death energy.

And along the way, Meng Fan kept inquiring about some of the rules in this forbidden area. They are divided into equal levels in the large forbidden area. Standing on the pyramid is naturally the blood royal family. Anyone who sees him Even if you are 10,000 meters away, you must kneel down and bow your head without saying a word.

But below it is the many ancients in the forbidden area, the kings, nobles, etc., all belong to the line of the forbidden area, and they are divided into nine levels.

According to the ancient times above Liu Kai, it is no different from the people of the royal family. The higher the rank, the greater the power, and the same is high and requires worship.

And down there are the ancient true demons, the people entrusted by the royal family, then the people who practice the black death in this restricted area, and then the various beasts in the restricted area, even the first-order. , And finally...the people who cultivate orthodox vitality are at the end of all ranks.

In this restricted area, there are altogether divided into numbers and so on, even if low-level monsters are only used for pulling carts, they are used by many nobles.

However, it is not easy for people to trample, because after all, it depends on the owner to beat the dog, but the vitality monk is not, in this restricted area, there is a recognized fact that the vitality monk is equivalent to a slave!

So on this road, Meng Fan saw countless scenes like this. Many of them were not monsters, but a group of human beings. They were lashed by the monster steward above and hit on the body, revealing a road. Blood stains.

This sentence is absolutely true. Meng Fan could not help but want to do it several times before, and was forcibly held by the **** monkey. Until later, Meng Fan's heart was cold, but his heart was bleeding.

Even if everyone has left the restricted area, the whole ground is equivalent to a huge prison. Any vitality monk in it is like a pig and dog. Unless someone can overthrow the restricted area one day, no one can resist here. .

I thought that even if the Beast made a mistake, it would be pardoned, but once the vitality monk resisted, he would be executed immediately in this restricted area, and anyone had the right to put to death and resist the vitality monk.

The closer he got to the blood city, the more so. Meng Fan even saw a piece of human beings being pulled by iron chains, and many women were not covered in clothes, allowing a group of true demons and others to abuse them.


Fists clenched and veins violent. Even though Meng Fan was already indifferent, he couldn't restrain himself in many cases. There was even a salty taste between his teeth, which was obviously left behind by blood.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big deal. You will have a chance sooner or later, but not now!"

On the side, the monkey reminded, for fear that Meng Fan couldn't help but cause a big commotion. After all, this place is different from the prison, it is already very close to the blood city.

If the aura of the two leaked out, they could even alarm the old monster powerhouse in this forbidden area. By that time, they would be enemies all over the world. They would not even want to break into the palace, they would not even be qualified to survive.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it."

Meng Fan uttered two words from between his teeth, his face gradually calmed down, but he engraved the previous scenes firmly in his mind without saying a word.

The more they moved forward, the closer they got, and finally fell into their eyes and saw a city like a dragon, the City of Blood.

Prior to this, Meng Fan had also seen countless wind and rain, but had never seen such a majestic city, even if it was the imperial family, Zimen was not inferior to this.

The city wall alone is tens of thousands of meters, and even one piece is made up of a special kind of blue brick. The whole city looks straight through, blocked in the void, like an endless endless, endless, endless. Countless figures walked back and forth into this city, and compared to this huge blood city, they were like rows of ants.

"This is it. I came here once a thousand years ago because an ancestor of the blood royal family wanted to see me and took away the things that belonged to my clan. If it wasn't for the imprint of the **** monkey to connect with my life , I’m afraid they will also take away forcibly, things that belong to my sacred monkey clan, it’s time to return it to me!"

The monkey said indifferently, staring at the blood city, and at this moment, his eyes were filled with endless murderous intent.

Obviously there must have been a story in this year, and it seems that it is definitely not simple, but Meng Fan did not ask much, and said in a condensed voice.

"The crowding out of the vitality monks here is too serious. If I want to not attract people's attention, I am afraid it will be impossible to go in like this!"

Between the words, the aura that surrounds Meng Fan's body changes, and when he moves against the gods, it turns out that Meng Fan's body is born with a hint of black death out of thin air.

Set foot on the top, martial arts master!

At this moment, Meng Fan was completely standing on the top of this profound element, and his own cultivation reached a point of extraordinary transformation. With this kind of help, his own rebellious scroll swallowed everything and transformed everything, including this black death. Qi can be changed, and it has to be a supernatural existence.


Shenhou admired and said that he felt extremely mysterious to Meng Fan's exercises.

"Let's go!"

Meng Fan said lightly, without any hesitation, the two also followed the crowd and set foot in the blood city. One is a monster, and the other looks like a monk who cultivates the aura of black death, so even if it is surrounded by strong defenses and there are a large number of ancient fighting demons, they still have not found the difference between Meng Fan and the **** monkey. People entered it smoothly.

But the moment Meng Fan's heart jumped when he stepped into it, his instinctive mental power felt a crisis, including the **** monkey.

Exploring the surroundings in the realm of the two people naturally found a difference, because at this moment the land in the blood city is different from the outside world, like two worlds, completely sealed, and there is a big imprisonment in this underworld.

"Sure enough, there is a magical formation!"

Meng Fan and Shenhou looked at each other and said at the same time.

There is no doubt that under the coverage of this **** formation, the entire void is completely forbidden, extremely terrifying. This line of Meng Fan and the **** monkey intends to go deep into the palace, and they definitely do not intend to die, but intend Leave alive.

But once it was the words of the royal family that alarmed the blood, then Zhou was imprisoned, all blocked, and there was no way out for opening this divine formation. The two could only be sealed between this place, and then it would be a dead end.

"According to the old plan, I already knew that the defenses here are tight, but since you and I know this, you can set up a large space array first!"

The **** monkey said coldly. Before this, the two were already ready for this. At this moment, they acted immediately and searched for the blood city.

According to the Divine Monkey Institute, he can first lay down a secret magic array, and once it is done, he will leave through this large spatial array, teleport to the outside of the blood city, and then think of a solution.

However, once this space array is cast, two people can’t watch it anywhere, and the aura will attract the attention of other people, so you need to find an absolutely safe and reliable place before it can be a secret method of actual combat. .

The City of Blood is extremely huge. Meng Fan and the God Monkey are walking here. After a full half an hour, both of them are a little dizzy, but they still haven't found a good place to place the God formation.

This place can neither be too far from the imperial city nor be discovered by others, it is extremely difficult.


Even if it was concentration like Meng Fan, he couldn't help but burst into a swear word, but the next moment the **** monkey stared at a magnificent courtyard attic in the distance, he hehe smiled, making Meng Fan a little confused.

"what happened?"

Hearing this, the monkey gave Meng Fan a white look and whispered.

"Son...You haven't tasted a woman's taste yet!"

When he said that, Meng Fan suddenly coughed. During these years, he could only cultivate, life and death, and the only time he was in such a drowsy state, he could not remember.

Seeing Meng Fan’s expression, the monkey smiled and said in a deep voice.

"Come here, let Lord Monkey show you how aggressive it is to be a man!"

During the words, the figure moved, and the monkey took the lead and went straight to the attic in the distance. However, Meng Fan was a little at a loss, so he gritted his teeth, followed behind the monkey, and set foot in a very uniquely decorated attic not far away.

Before Meng Fan stepped into this gate, he already felt a strong fragrance rushing toward his face. On both sides of it, Yingyingyanyan's women stood in a row, all dressed in exposing clothes and fair skin. It was a deep bow to the people who came and went, revealing the scenery under the skirt, and also with a few winks by the way.

Even if Meng Fan's reaction was extremely slow, he was reacting at this moment. The look on his face was so wonderful and wonderful. This should be the legend... Brothel!

First more.



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