Supreme God King

Chapter 1264: Old knowledge

Beauty is like jade, warm and white!

Under this scene, the eyes of everyone in the field suddenly looked over, staring at the large areas of skin that the woman had leaked outside, and felt a moment of dryness in her mouth.

The woman in the box raised her face tremblingly, not too big, less than twenty, a pair of bright eyes, red lips, and a slightly high nosebone, and the coordination of her facial features looked particularly moving.

Tears flashed in his eyes, and at a glance, it was a strong desire to make people vacate. She was a rare and peerless beauty.

Indeed, as the old man said, people are afraid of comparison. After this woman appeared, the nine beauties before them all had a feeling of eclipse.

Especially when there was only a piece of light veil left on this peerless beauty, it was even more so, and the audience suddenly fell silent, only saliva flowed from the mouths of many people.


In the field, the black-robed old man smiled slightly and said softly,

"Don’t just watch, everyone, if you want to be yours tonight, then take this girl away, but this low price is four Tier 6 gods, but this girl is absolutely first-hand. I belong to Baihua Pavilion. Reputation guarantee, it must be worth it!"

With a word, the group of heroes immediately reacted, thousands of them, a large number of true demons are all rising hot desires, and what is more, they walked over to look at the woman carefully, grabbed a hand on her white skin, and attracted The girl screamed, but in exchange it was the laughter of many powerful men.

Under such a lively scene, standing in the figure of Meng Fan in the distance, staring at this woman, finally sighed softly and said slowly,

"The Immortal Palace... Lei Yingying!"

The tone was calm, and what made Meng Fan dumb was that this beauty turned out to be Lei Yingying, who had a relationship with her before. The latter was also the first time to know the ancient family of the Middle Ages in the God Emperor’s Domain. Zhe should be one of the four major families under the Xitian God Clan, and his background was once full of supreme glory in Meng Fan's eyes.

But now the latter was caught in this restricted area, which is really unexpected.

Life is impermanent, misfortune is hard to come by!

I have to say that Lei Yingying has become more beautiful in the past few years. Under this situation, it naturally attracted a lot of competition from people around. Many true demons directly bid for the sixth rank. The status of the gods drew everyone's surprise, but this beauty is indeed worth the price.

And just between the noise in the field, a voice came in the next moment,

"A Tier 7 divine object!"

With a word, the expressions of everyone in the court suddenly changed, and it was discovered that the person who bid the price was a man not far away. His complexion was pretty good. He was dressed in a white robe with a slight smile, and followed him. Many men in black are unpredictable, but they are all quite powerful.

And what attracted the most attention was the badge on the chest of the white runner. This badge was a peculiar symbol, which was immediately seen.

"Huh, it turned out to be a barbarian from the frontier!"

"Yes, what the nobles of the past, but just a few bad money!"

Obviously, under this white robe man's big hand, it can be said to have caused quite a shock, and even made some real demons resent, itchy at all, but there is no way.

This white-robed man is obviously quite wealthy, so he would dare to do such a big deal.

In the field, the smile on the face of the old man suddenly spread all over the place, he hehe happily came out and said loudly,

"Okay, domineering, this young man has sold the price of a seventh-order divine object, is there anyone higher!"

With a word, the audience is dead. After all, everyone understands the value of a seventh-order heaven and earth fetish, even for a woman in the heavens, the earth and ten thousand domains, it is quite a handwriting, but few such people dare Do it.

Including the Baihua Pavilion elders in the court are already satisfied, palms stretched out, just about to open the coffin, but at the next moment a calm voice broke the audience.

"Three seventh-order gods!"

The sound fell, and for a short while, the audience was silent, including the old man in the auction, and the young man in white robe did not react. Looking in the direction of the speaker, it was the position of Meng Fan and the monkey.

Standing in place, choosing to ignore the countless gazes around him, Meng Fan was dressed in a black robe, surrounded by vaguely black death, and looked extremely mysterious.

There is no doubt that Lei Yingying is his old friend, even if there is no grievance, but Meng Fan is Meng Fan after all. Although he is extremely cruel to the enemy, but facing an unarmed girl after thinking twice in her heart, she still softens. Can't see her being so bullied by other people here.

No matter who knows what Lei Yingying will do if she is bought, she must have been played with a very miserable end in the end, which is not what Meng Fan wants to see.

So even if it was spending money like dirt, Meng Fan gritted his teeth to do it.

"This...what did you say!"

The old man asked hesitantly, really couldn't believe his ears, let alone him, the people beside him didn't believe it at all, and could only stare at the court here.

Meng Fan didn't speak, but strode out and came to the old man. When he raised his hand, three seventh-order gods fell, each shining with a peculiar luster, and said calmly.


The three seventh-order gods are completely overwhelming the white-robed youth, and everyone on the side draws a breath of air-conditioning, constantly guessing about Meng Fan’s identity, and many women are even looking at Meng Fan’s eyes. Shining, there is no doubt that this is definitely an absolutely huge diamond king.

"Enough, enough!"

Grasping these three gods, the old man nodded again and again, and immediately looked at the white robe youth not far away. The latter's face had already changed from the smile that controlled everything before to extremely ugly. He stared at Meng Fan. , When the sole of the foot was stepped on, a strong breath of black death erupted, and he shouted,


But before he could speak, an old palm appeared behind the young man and grabbed it. He whispered a few times, so that the white-robed young man's complexion was somewhat softened, and he stopped speaking in the last step.

There is no doubt that under this situation, Meng Fan naturally won Lei Yingying's so-called goods at the highest price in the audience, which caused the thunder in the field to shake. This kind of price is definitely top in a few years. Point.

Baihua Pavilion was naturally extremely happy, and directly arranged the best room for Meng Fan and Shenhou, and sent Lei Yingying, ordering that no one should disturb Meng Fan and Shenhou. Now he sees the latter two It is simply sacred, enjoying the most perfect treatment.

Exquisite room with quaint furnishings around.

And in it, there is an extremely wide bed with a jade body on it, lying on the figure of a beautiful woman, naturally Lei Yingying.

Now she was already bound by a strange chain all over her body, including her mouth, and most of the blue shirt on her body was taken off, which looked particularly moving.

And at this moment, outside the room, a young man walked in. It was not who Meng Fan was. There was a relaxed look on his face. He was extremely satisfied with this place. As the monkey said, it was extremely quiet and there was nothing. When people bother them, it looks like they are just looking for flowers and asking Liu's place.

And the more dangerous, the safer it is. It happens to be suitable for the two of them to set up the sacred formation here, and place the most important part of leaving this blood city here.

Feeling the approach of Meng Fan, Lei Yingying who was on the big bed immediately struggled away, tears fell, her mouth was blocked, and she could only make a whimper, which seemed extremely pitiful.

The man slowly approached, and suddenly Lei Yingying's eyes flashed with despair, and finally a big hand fell on her, even making her feel the temperature of her palm.

However, the next moment her body lightened, Lei Yingying realized that the chains that bound her body were gone, and Meng Fan's figure stood in place, watching him quietly, while taking off her robe. Came down and covered Lei Yingying’s suburbs,

"Get up, it's okay, you should for the time being!"

Hearing this, Lei Yingying's pretty face was stunned, and she raised her head to stare at Meng Fan. Now that the latter took off her black robe, she naturally saw it very clearly, the naturally scattered white hair, the scholar-like face, and her narrow eyes. It means infinite sharpness, as if to be able to see through everything.

This face is a bit familiar to Lei Yingying, and feels extremely strange, as if the latter has a special aura more than before, that is, the indifference that belongs to the emperor's domineering world, and the former A little bit green but completely different.

After hesitating for a few breaths, Lei Yingying murmured.

"Monster... It's you!"

That's how she always called Meng Fan back then, and she couldn't help making Meng Fan smile, nodded, and said softly.

"It's me, meet again!"

When the voice fell, Lei Yingying's eyes flushed, and immediately after her body moved, she threw herself directly into Meng Fan's arms, crying.

During these few years, Lei Yingying has obviously been reduced to this point. It can be said that she has suffered countless hardships. Although she has not been touched by anyone, she enjoys that kind of life of fear and fear, like hell.

But now I finally saw Meng Fan, a familiar person, and that feeling of the year reminded Lei Yingying. The latter turned out to be in this restricted area. As always, he suddenly made Lei Yingying never again. Unable to restrain it, she burst into tears.

For this piece of warm jade in his arms, Meng Fan also had no choice but to stroke her hair with his big hands to give him quiet comfort.

After a while, when Lei Yingying's crying gradually became smaller, Meng Fan just joked.

"Please, you should put on the robe I gave you, and you have been my prisoner twice. Although I have a habit of treating prisoners of war, you are a prisoner of war too beautiful, let alone I can't help it! "

When the voice fell, Lei Yingying was suddenly shocked, only to realize that she was unclothed, and a large area of ​​skin was exposed in the air. Before, she could patronize and vent her emotions, and her pink blush immediately reached her neck, making her delicate face He looked extremely cute, and quickly covered his body with Meng Fan's black robe, annoyed.

"Monster, it's cheap for you to touch me... Don't remind me soon!"

"Please, can you still make sense!"

Meng Fan glared at him and said in a low voice.

"You came here first, and you didn't give me a chance to speak at all, and you still had your tears and nose still on me, I didn't speak anymore!"

"Don't make sense, don't make sense!"

At this moment, Lei Yingying was also extremely relaxed, regaining the demeanor of the size J, blushing and pretty, facing Meng Fan's gaze, not giving way to each other.

After the two looked at each other for a few breaths, they both laughed. I have to say that once the deceased met under this kind of stressful environment, it is really a rare and incomparable coincidence. Both of them have been relieved from their strained nerves, and they all belong to... the same world has become human, it is difficult to find a way home in this life!

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