Supreme God King

Chapter 1266: To make

The tone was calm, but at this moment, the moment his voice fell, a figure was already stopped between the whole world.

The figure is not tall, with a black robe and monkey faces, staring at the two old men in the field. At this moment, those eyes are a little scarlet. The violent atmosphere must be able to cause a great uproar. The Xuanyuan realm is overwhelmed.

However, this world of heaven and earth has been completely sealed, and everything cannot be passed to the outside. There is no doubt that the person who shot is naturally the monkey!

There is Meng Fan before, and God Monkey afterwards!

The two didn't have any words at all, and they were anti-encircling the two old men, blocking any way out, making this space a battlefield for the two.

"Hidden strength, there are quasi-god powerhouses, you guys...who are they!"

The black-robed old man's expression changed drastically, cold sweat was like a wave of cold sweat, and he hadn't noticed the horror of Meng Fan and God Monkey in his feelings before. It seemed that they were just two ordinary wind children who were looking for flowers and asked Liu before they came forward.

But the moment the latter showed off his breath was so vigorous that he was shocked. In this case, wherever they came to kill, it was a death!

With one step, Meng Fan said calmly,

"You don't need to know, you just need to know... Fate stays!"

After a few words fell, the latter stepped out and blasted out with a punch, the action was simply extreme, pushing it horizontally.


In the middle of the air, the old man raised his palm and blasted out his fist. He and Meng Fan were facing each other. The impact of the power between the two sides made them uncomfortable.

Now that Meng Fan's combat power has increased, his vitality has exploded, which is extremely deadly for the old man, a quasi-god powerhouse who has not sensed the realm of God. The two collided one after another, which turned out to be a tie.

And now there is a horrible existence of the God Monkey in the field. Just when Meng Fan started his hand, the God Monkey also punched him. Before the old man could react, he broke all the quasi-god defenses and bombarded the old man. Above the body.

With a punch, a quasi-god powerhouse was almost interrupted by his waist, covered in blood, his figure burst back, and flew out.


The old man was covered in blood, pressed forcibly, endless pain spread around him, roared,

"Who are you? Do you know the super-killer leader in this restricted area? You can't afford to offend it. Before, our sneak attack was considered our mistake. How about making a friend now?"

Hearing the old man’s words, the white-robed man also reacted and said quickly,

"Yes, I warn you, my father is a strong god, as long as you are in this restricted area, you will be chased by him, and there is no way to go. Are you ready?"

The tone is serious. If this sentence is heard by people in the forbidden area, the expression will definitely change, especially the words of this extreme killer commander have extraordinary meaning. In this forbidden area, not only the royal family cannot offend, It also has countless powerful leaders who suppress the border and wasteland, and has countless ancient true demons under him, and it has the peak and extreme strength in itself to be recognized by the imperial family in the restricted area and suppress the generation of the border.

This kind of identity is taken out, no matter who it is, it is necessary to weigh it, because even the quasi-god is unable to face that kind of supreme existence, once it reaches the realm of the gods, it has the power of ghosts and gods. Rumors can sense everything, even if this battle extinguishes all auras, it is possible to be sensed by the strong gods and remember their auras.

Undoubtedly, this kind of hole cards are incomparably powerful. In this restricted area, I am afraid that the royal family has to be weighed a little. However, Meng Fan and the monkey in the air just looked at each other and launched an offensive directly. Kill.

Looking at the restricted area, perhaps only two of them don’t care at all. These two brave guys even the royal family in the restricted area want to fight, let alone the so-called big commander. If they can’t leave the restricted area, they will only die. Enemy, don't care about others.


In the blink of a finger, two terrifying murderous intents came, which did not give the old man and the white-robed youth any chance to react. Under the bombardment of such two domineering extreme forces, the white-robed youth had no chance to intervene, only the old man. One person resisted, training was wounded, and the whole world was red with blood, all with an expression of disbelief.

A divine trump card was taken out. Who wouldn’t think about it, but the two of Meng Fan were so decisive, ignoring the divine spirit at all, making the old man hard to say, and they had to fight with all their strength, so they had to say that they met Meng Fan and the monkey. The existence of these two statues can be regarded as **** mold for eight lifetimes, provoking people who are destined to not be able to.


At the next moment, the old man's leg was completely interrupted, burst into the mid-air, wailed, and retreated, but he was completely covered by the big hand of the **** monkey. The old man let out a low growl, his eyes were dead, knowing that defeat was doomed, and finally said,

"Can you tell the old man...who are you...forehead seems to be not in this restricted zone!"

"Lord Killing Commander?"

Striding forward, the monkey smiled indifferently, and finally said,

"If I remember correctly, my father had a battle with him eight thousand years ago!"

The tone was calm, but it fell into the ears of the old man like thunder, with a shocked expression on his face,

"You are his offspring, what kind of clan you are... how is it possible!"

However, it is a pity that the old man's screams cannot be heard from this world at all. Everything has already been covered by the monkeys and completely imprisoned. Under this big hand, he blasted open the world, merged everything, and completely wrapped the old man's body.

The palm print opened the sky, and the golden power impacted, a quasi-god-level powerhouse suffered infinite blows like this, the body was shattered, the soul disappeared, and it was completely shattered between the world and died in the hands of the **** monkey.

The quasi-god strong, died on the spot!

In addition to so many big men in black before, this scene really can be said to be murdered instead of being killed, and there are still so many strong men, blood stained and broken. The white-robed youth was also completely dumbfounded, stunned in the same place, his face was pale, and it was difficult to utter a word.

As he walked past his body, Meng Fan came to him and slammed his fist in order to result in the white robe youth, but at the next moment the voice of the **** monkey came, interrupting Meng Fan’s movements.

"Slow, it should be useful to keep him!"

The voice fell, Meng Fan's movements stopped and he looked at the **** monkey hesitantly, and the **** monkey strode over, pressing a hand on the forehead of the white-robed youth, and a mysterious power appeared in his palm prints. , After a few breaths, he laughed,

"Sure enough, if you really want to kill someone, someone will come and pass us a knife. This group of people really came to pay tribute!"

While speaking, the monkey did not kill the white-robed youth, but knocked him unconscious when he raised his hand, and integrated a mysterious rune into this space.

"what happened?"

Meng Fan frowned and asked hesitantly.

"I still have a certain understanding of this forbidden area, mainly because of the ancient memories of my clan. It is not easy to get the position of great commander in this forbidden area. It is equivalent to their eighth rank ancient and lofty status! "

The monkey said calmly,

"Especially this extreme kill is even more powerful. If we are to be tortured to death by him in this restricted area, of course, this kind of commander must hear about the imperial family in the restricted area, and will meet every 100 years. Attacking the royal family, this guy is like that. I was still thinking about how we would step into this palace of blood. Now it seems that it doesn't have to be so troublesome anymore, but we can get in through him!"

When he said that, Meng Fan suddenly reacted, thought for a moment, and whispered,

"You mean.... We turned into his guards, stepped into the palace in the restricted area in the name of tribute, acted by chance, and then looked for what we got!"

"Not bad!"

The monkey nodded, and at this moment Lei Yingying also walked out, with a slender body, wearing Meng Fan's robe, and meeting the monkey with a salute.

"Hey, good old friend?"

Noting the joking gaze of the **** monkey, Meng Fan suddenly let out a dry cough and said in a condensed voice.

"No, this is just a friend of mine in Wanyu. I hope she can leave with me if there is a chance!"

"No problem, I just need someone to guard the deity formation, so she can stay here and take care of it."

The monkey said,

"Once we get the space rune, we will immediately activate the space rune. At that time, this large formation will operate, sensing the space rune in our hands, and it will let our body be absorbed before this large formation. It should be safe for me to be able to teleport directly to millions of miles away from this **** imperial city, but one thing is... we need to not be trapped in the **** imperial city or be killed by others. killed!"

Hearing the words of the **** monkey, including Meng Fan, fell silent and clearly understood the danger of his move. It could be called a life of nine deaths. There are so many powerful people among the imperial family in this forbidden area, even if they have sufficient preparations. Definitely dead and no life.

But Meng Fan said calmly.

"How long will the **** formation be completed?"

"Three days!"

The monkey spit out three words, and after raising his hand, everything in Zhoutian became calm, disrupting the entire battlefield, blood stains and remains disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Three days, such a short period of time, is equivalent to great pressure for Meng Fan. Only three days later, this trip to the restricted zone is to see a difference, whether it is life or death, and it will be at that time. It is clear.

Thinking of this, asked Meng Fan to sit down forcibly, exhaled heavily, and began to practice. He just waited quietly, but didn't panic.

He had already made up his mind before that, so for Meng Fan, once he decided, there would be no change. He never regretted his life and death, and the blood was tumbling for Iraq!

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