Supreme God King

Chapter 1279: The world shakes

Heaven, earth and cosmos, Zhongtian Dynasty!

Rows of buildings are stacked on top of each other, standing around the world, like mountain peaks, in which the energy of the world is flooded and the vitality revolves. It is of great benefit to any vitality monk, and the cover is huge, which is rare. The blessed world made countless monks jealous.

But in these tens of thousands of years, this place has not been affected in any way, located at the top of this world, enjoying the worship of thousands of people, and has never stopped.

Five families, five clans, one dynasty!

The Twelve Golden Leagues, eternal time flows, in which they also profess to be the same, the five clans are headed by one line, and these five are headed by one dynasty, which is the medieval dynasty.

Including the Bai family once also respected the Zhongtian Dynasty as their residence, and its location was in the center of this Middle Ancient Region, known as the place where ten thousand yuan began.

After several years, this place has always been the real pinnacle of this world of heaven and earth, and the world of vitality. If you look at this ten thousand realms, if you really can compete with it in terms of qualifications, strength, etc., besides the restricted area, there is only one Pulse...

The huge palaces are lined with magnificent magnificence, but at this moment, among the deepest halls among them, there is silence, and there are crowds outside.

At a glance, this group of people are strong and powerful, and even see more than a dozen powerful people who are already at the level of quasi-god, but now they are extremely respectful before these dozens of halls. They lower their heads and dare not be. There was any commotion, just waiting quietly for instructions.

After I don’t know how long, a long sigh came from the palace inside,

"He... is he dead? There should be only one disciple left!"

"Yes, Xuan Huang... He was still very young when I saw him, and he just debuted..."

There was a response from the other hall, with a sigh.

"This is not the time to talk about this. Now he broke the rules in the restricted area and the ten thousand domains and stepped into it. This already means that it may cause a big commotion, and maybe it will involve a real confrontation between the two sides... I don’t know what the temple would look like and what attitude it would take. Among them were many people he had offended, but they all worked hard in them... And now Kod has become the red robe elder among them. How should it be handled?"

A voice of vicissitudes came out again, with a trace of worry, and after hearing this, all the palaces seemed to be immersed, looking at the last hall.

This large hall is ordinary and unremarkable, and it looks like it was built by ordinary people, but behind all these halls, the people who spoke before are waiting for instructions from the owner in this one.

After a few breaths, there was a hoarse voice that resounded through the world. The moment it fell, the words were condensed, turned into runes, carved on a piece of golden paper,

"Everlasting time, Li Xuanhuang was the third person to prove the gods in this ten thousand realms. It can be called... The Great Emperor Xuanhuang, immediately spread the world and pursue his title!"

Just a few words, it can be called the verbal method, the golden paper that formed the glittering light, people dare not look directly.

At the same time, all the voices stopped at the same time, and only two words echoed in this group of temples,


Emperor Xuanhuang!

Such a name can be said to have been truly recognized by the Zhongtian Dynasty, and only the strong who stepped into the gods can have such a title. Among the vitality monks, who dare to become the emperor is the easy generation. In ancient times, there were war emperors and blood baths. God emperor, immortal emperor, etc... and from today onwards, there is an extra emperor, which is remembered by the world!

Even if it did not appear, once its combat power came out, it would inevitably shock the world. The result of this battle was that someone brazenly broke into this restricted area, against the three people undefeated, and died in the blood king formation. Knowing what a thunderous shock will be set off in the entire ten thousand domain.

This emperor... . Well deserved!

Imperial palace, temple!

On top of an ancient sacred mountain, this place was covered by snow for eternity, completely sealed, and the world was dark. Only this sacred mountain could reach the clouds, like a peak, falling from the sky to Jiuyou.

The icy feeling is like a body, even the strong of the Xuanyuan realm will shudder on this mountain, feeling that the blood will freeze.

This is the place where monks in the world yearn for. It is not affiliated to any power. Only the ancient temple is occupied. The people of the temple are called ascetics.

Even if it is a line, a dynasty and other powerful existences, they only have the qualification to enter here, but they don't have the right to control this place. All the rights are among the ascetics in this temple.

Once you enter the temple, you will never leave!

This is the motto of this ancient temple. Everyone in this temple is also the closest existence to this imperial palace in the world. It is close to the most terrifying place of heaven and earth vitality and mystery to cultivate, and the benefits can be imagined.

But no one can step into and leave this imperial palace, unless it is to break the ancient rules, otherwise, they will only die on this temple.

But throughout the ages, there have been countless monks willing to set foot here and enter this temple to practice, and even more powerhouses who have reached the level of the gods regard this as the supreme glory.

Everyone understands that this imperial palace was left by several great gods in the ancient times, and even opening one of the tip of the iceberg is a great benefit.

In one of the ancient temples, it was extremely dark, and at the center of it was an old man sitting cross-legged, with a small figure and dry skin, looking like an incomparable lingering age, as if he might die at any time.

And there is a bump on his chest, and it can be seen that it was left by someone who passed it with a punch.

This fist mark can be completely restored with the strength of the old man, but it always stays on his chest. One in this hall is two thousand years old, and he finally opened his eyes, looking at the sky, above his dry face. There was a hint of resentment, as if thinking of something, muttered,

"You have proved God... How can you not fight against me... You died..."

The tone was extremely hoarse, with a faint murderous intent, a light flashed in the eyes of the old man, as if a universe had exploded in his eyes.

Where the breath comes, it oppresses the void and destroys everything. This is a powerful person who is still stepping into the divine way, a complete god, and an ancient existence in this imperial palace.

After a few breaths, the hoarse voice slowly fell.

"Even if you are dead... I won't make you feel better... You still have a disciple, you are willing to pay so much for him, I want you to lose so much, presumably you should be... . Very happy!"

At the same time, the Bai family, the Liu family, the Zhao family, the Western Sky God Race, the Eastern Sky Demon Race...including the entire Middle Ancient Region were all caught in an uproar. Those who are qualified and capable to know about this matter are shocked and shocked. Melaleuca waves, so many old monster powerhouses are awakened from retreat.

Enter the restricted area and fight the three gods!

I have to say that no one has done it in these eternal ages, but it was completed by this master and apprentice, but the price paid is really huge!

This can be said to have caused discussions from all parties, meetings, etc., and there are also countless reactions, and I don't know how many strong people move.

The world's attention has shocked the world.

Baijia, Baidi Mountain.

In an ancient hall, a gentle woman carefully looked at the divine strategy in front of her, her eyebrows frowned, and finally she sighed softly, closing the scroll, and concentrating,

"Meng Fan... Couldn't you guys be able to be quiet for a while... Break into the restricted area and come out at a loss as you thought... Even if you come out, you will be in big trouble again, I'm afraid that the restricted area in the entire ten thousand domain The killer will treat you as a target after today. Not only will the restricted area deal with you, there are some people who will definitely not settle down, and will do it on you. From now on... Your enemies are probably more , And more powerful..."

The tone sighed, but after a while, there was a tough look on the pretty face of the gentle woman, and a rune was gently drawn, and the breath came out.

After a few breaths, a middle-aged man walked in outside his boudoir. He was tall and bloody. He had touched the divine way and reached the point of quasi-god. However, he was extremely respectful to the gentle woman. He raised his hand. Give a deep salute and whisper softly,

"His Royal Highness Shui'er, you are looking for me!"

"Not bad!"

The gentle woman is naturally Bai Shui'er, nodded and said softly,

"Now I should be qualified to take charge of the Dark God Guards in the family!"

"Yes, you are now one of the two heirs of the family, and the Great Elder Bai Rong has already handed over the Dark Guard in your hands, you naturally have this qualification, what's your order!"

The middle-aged man said indifferently.


Bai Shui'er's eyes flashed, she looked outside, and said,

"Now I want you to go down the mountain immediately and lead all the people my Bai family can trust in the world to find Meng Fan's whereabouts. You must protect him. Anyone who wants to attack him is a murder, no matter what your identity. What background, remember his life... For me it is ten thousand times heavier than mine!"


The figure of the middle-aged man disappeared quickly, like a ghost, leaving only Bai Shui'er in the entire room, quietly looking out of the sky.

After a few breaths, Bai Shui Er's **** curled up, leaning against the chair, and sighed softly. There was also a tired look on Qingcheng's face, murmured,

"Meng Fan, the people in these ten thousand domains are really tired. The Bai family has a lot of things, and the ten thousand domains have many things. There is no grievance, the world is like a tide like water...Even if it is you and me, it is impossible. Escape, when will we be able to get together in a house, surrounded by mountains and rivers..."

Second more


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