Supreme God King

Chapter 1283: Extreme

Outside the back mountain, only an hour passed without much influence at all, but this moment among the mountains, the time of this hour is like ten thousand years to Meng Fan.

Using great means to support the operation of this tens of thousands of mother and child Qi Cauldrons, under constant urging, can be described as extremely exhausting, even with the foundation of the inverse **** seal, it also makes Meng Fan exhausted at this moment.

There is also a limit to forcibly urging the Yin Shen Yin to absorb the power of the sky, otherwise it will only cause the meridians of Meng Fan's body to burst, and the spirit will be destroyed along with it.

This kind of adventure is enough to make everyone stunned, including the hairy finches on the side. The three of Xiaotian also held their breath, quietly waiting for Meng Fan to refine the gods, and did not dare to have any interruptions.

This kind of means, the good fortune of heaven and earth, that is Xiaotian and other gods are also extremely dumb, clearly understanding that once formed, it will be a move that shakes the world.

The ninth-order **** fetish, as Meng Fan said, once formed, it will be the king ding, the limit of the **** fetish.

But for Meng Fan, who is refining tools, his mood is as peaceful as water. Over the years, he has developed an instinct in this life and death countless times.

The more pressure he puts on him, the more he makes himself extremely calm and does not make any mistakes. No matter how difficult it is, he may not be able to compare with the restricted zone he was in that day.


Even though a large amount of energy and blood was consumed, Meng Fan uttered a single word at this moment, but it resounded like the sound of the gods.

At the same time, the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding made a soft humming sound, spreading throughout the world, and at the same time, I could see the runes in it in motion, and the universe turned around.

With the big hands together, the vitality in Meng Fan's body revolved, and at the same time the Inverse God Seal exploded again, like crazy, absorbing all the heaven and earth energy in the sky.

With a beckon, the breath that erupted in Meng Fan's body at this moment was faintly the same as the old madman, and had his unique taste. In the past three years, he completely melted the old madman's heart and blood in his body.

Even if he was consumed severely now, but this big hand did not fall slowly for a moment, the five fingers were closed, and the imprint was smelted, and the whole person's breath, mental strength, and vitality were completely integrated into this ten thousand mother and child qi cauldron.

At such a moment, all the energies of heaven and earth in the ten thousand mother-child qi cauldron fuse, surrounded by infinite runes, and it has reached the most critical moment.

Among them, the light flickered, completely in line with Meng Fan's whole person, and the faint mark of the inverse **** scroll appeared in the sky, covering the sky.


However, just between the electric light and flint, the sky suddenly shook, and Bahuang trembled, causing the space surrounding Meng Fan's sky to change color.

"this is......"

Xiaotian was startled, staring at it, and finally spit out a few words with difficulty.

"Heaven Punishment... It's still the ultimate thunder of the ninth-order Heaven Punishment. This thing is used to kill ancient monsters. How come it appears here!"

It was too late to say, it was fast, before Xiaotian's words fell, the sky changed color, and a jet-black thunder had already bombarded the tens of thousands of mothers and children from the sky this week, making a bang.

The stronger the divine object, the stronger the calamity caused, and the power in it becomes proportional, but the moment it is split is to make the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding tremble, and countless runes are shattered, and Meng Fan spouts blood, barely squeezing out the feet. Step on, roar, and stand firm.

However, the dark black thunder covering the whole world did not stop. The situation suddenly changed. In the next moment between the sky and the sky, more than a dozen dark black thunders were slashed towards Meng Fan, each of which was like stepping into the Profound Origin Realm. The great power above the fifth rank must kill with one blow, and the fierce and extreme force will shock the heavens.

This is the law naturally conceived in the heavens, and it does not allow the ultimate things of heaven, earth and gods to appear.

Boom, boom!

Under this situation, Meng Fan could not help but appear precarious between the heaven and the earth, and he could be destroyed by this kind of heavenly punishment at any time.


Meng Fan looked up at the sky and slapped his palms. The power in the ten thousand mother and son Qi Cauldron spread, and the light of the cauldron flickered. The power of this person and the cauldron merged into one, forming a huge shadow of the cauldron above it, defending the sky. Black thunder.

There were more than a dozen thunders draped on it, and each of them contained the ultimate aura. The fall of the roads directly caused the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Cauldron to continue to break, including Meng Fan's physical body.

"Meng Fan, be careful. This is the power of the laws of heaven and earth. Don't resist the so-called punishment from heaven!"

Under this situation, Xiaotian couldn't help but let out a low growl, and couldn't help but remind.

However, in the midst of this thunder, Meng Fan's whole body remained motionless, standing between the thunder and punishments alone, with indifferent eyes and unrelenting eyes, and one against all the thunder between the world and the earth.

More than a dozen jets of black thunder power slashed down, causing Meng Fan's body to bleed and his skin torn apart, but the whole person did not have any posture of backing away, but said indifferently.

"The rules of heaven and earth, the so-called punishment? A joke... If the sky has eyes, why not see hundreds of millions of creatures crying in the forbidden area, if God is in the sky, why not see millions of dead bodies in the forbidden area? If the sky has eyes, I shall obey the law. If the sky has no eyes, then I will be the gods, and the forbidden area will be destroyed by the sky, and my punishment will be the gods!"

The voice fell, the words thunderous!

At the same time, the vitality in Meng Fan's body broke out again, the blood fell, the big hand merged with the vitality of the ten thousand mothers and children, and the human and the tripod became one.

One person, one tripod, standing in the sky, among the gleams of light, the more the surrounding infinite crisis, the more unstoppable, only the unique breath erupted from Meng Fan's body.

This is his intention, unchangeable, and the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding seemed to sense the supreme fighting intent in Meng Fan's body. The light flickered, the phantom erupted, and the volley collided with the endless thunder in the sky!

Ignore the rules, I am the gods!

These words can be said to contain a kind of heroic spirit, which caused Xiaotian and the three of them to be stunned. Under this situation, only Meng Fan was standing between the sky and the earth, even if the surrounding sky was shaking. The Thunder descended, but directly confronted them with great means, without retreating half a step.

"This guy has been silent for three years..." Cultivating his heart doesn't mean stepping back... on the contrary, he has become stronger..."

Xiaotian muttered softly, his tone was extremely shocking.

The movement of the back mountain caused changes in the sky, including small-scale earthquakes around the world, but now there is no impact in the dark alliance, not because they can’t sense it, but because everyone’s attention is at this moment. It was placed in front of its guardian hall.


The ringing of Hong Zhong caused the headquarters of the dark alliance to be fully alert, indicating that someone had broken into here.

At a glance, there was already a sea of ​​people here, with many dark alliance guards standing there, completely defending everything here.

And among them is a group of young people, and it is the group of people who appeared before the border of the Quartet area, one by one, standing among the many dark alliance guards, very calm, even many people's faces With a disdainful sneer.

And at the next moment a muffled sound came out,

"Everyone, who are you, forcibly broke into the headquarters of my dark alliance, and also injured our disciples, so... not so good!"

The tone was calm and spread all over the world. At the same time, it fell into the crowd and appeared a big fat figure. It looked extremely burly, striding meteors, and a gloomy face. Naturally it was Lin Tang.

Over the years, Lin Tang's cultivation has also improved rapidly, and now his aura has exploded, he has already reached the stage of a half-step Xuanyuan. Of course, apart from its own hard work, it is naturally inseparable from the huge resources that control the entire northern group.

Along with the appearance of Lin Tang, there are also many masters in the dark alliance headquarters now, who follow him. Except for the lonely and proud old man, the old man of Thunder Soul, which is a strong person who is suppressing outside, countless others are breaking the barrier. After coming out, there were more and more figures, glaring at those who broke in.

The headquarters of the Dark Alliance, since Meng Fan stood here, there is absolutely no way to dare to break into this place, especially under the circumstances like this.

And at the next moment, a cold voice fell among the crowd,

"Our identity, you don't deserve to know, let Meng Fan come out!"

The speaker was a young man in black robes, said calmly.

"Want to find Brother Meng Fan?"

Lin Tang’s eyes were cold, and you don’t need to ask, you know that this group of people is coming to trouble. When you step on the soles of your feet, you step out, and a surge of vitality bursts out of his body, but it is just Lin Tang’s breath. At that moment, the black-robed young man standing on the spot sneered, and when he raised his hand, a rune flashed in his palm print.


The breath between the two sides collided, and Lin Tang strode back after a short while, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

I have to say that this black-robed young man is definitely an extremely powerful existence, even though he is young, he has supreme means.

"You clowns don't come here to be embarrassed, let alone you, even if Meng Fan is here, it will be enough to give you face when I come to your desolate land, don't be shameless! "

The young man in the black robe snorted coldly and looked around. An aura of reigning over the world exploded, causing the hearts of all the dark alliance experts to tremble, clearly understanding that this is definitely an existence that is already at the peak in the Profound Origin Realm. , To be able to invest in this kind of majesty, suppress everyone in one step.

However, at the next moment, before the black robe youth's voice fell, and at the same time torn in midair, a beautiful figure came out in this depth, step by step, a red robe, blue silk flying, slender figure enough to make any man in the world do it. It's crazy, but that kind of cold murderous intent is also biting, coming in the air, slowly said,

"I want to find Meng Fan.... Pass me first..."


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