Supreme God King

Chapter 1296: Anti-kill

Zi Xueqing also reacted to the weird smiles around her, her pretty face turned flush in an instant, even her snow-white neck was like this, and it seemed as if her skin could drip.

"It's not... It's not like this..."

The soft mosquitoes spit out, and the two elders of the Zi family couldn't help but laugh, and the grass Qiushui on the side leaned forward and back, and the laughing stomach hurts.

Obviously, the more you explain, the more you cover up this kind of thing, and it feels like it's not clean.

With a dry cough, Meng Fan said quickly,

"How are you guys here!"

Zi Xueqing's pretty face flushed and whispered,

"It was the fellow Cao Qiushui who came to me and said that you have set foot in the Middle Ages, and someone wants to kill you, so I am here, and this fellow said that the strength of the two of us may not be enough, so I invited The two elders in the Zimen retreat, Aoki and Hanyang, came to help!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan couldn't help but arched his hands towards the two elders of the Zimen, a trace of surprise passed in his eyes.

It’s not surprising that the emperor and Tianji Pavilion can know how secret he set foot in the Middle Ancient Territory. The latter is such a huge force. It’s normal that there is an intelligence system belonging to them in the entire Middle Ancient Territory, but Cao Qiushui However, he knew it for the first time, and he dared to kill the emperor. It seemed that the background behind him was definitely not small.

All this just happened between the electric light and flint, but it has caused too much change in the battle situation in the field. Both Cao Qiushui and Zi Xueqing are the top masters of the younger generation, and once again there are two more quasi gods, both sides The powerhouses at this level have already caused the same, and Meng Fan is watching him.

Under this situation, the ancient ancestors of all the great emperor clans were very poorly complexed, and said nothing, of course, not including the headless old man. He was only immortal by virtue of his blood, and he naturally did not look without a head. If so, I believe it must be... . Quite exciting!


After a while, the cold weather whispered and decisively said,

"This little beast can't be killed anymore, it's not good for us to drag it any longer!"

These people are all old monsters of eternal cultivation. They are naturally decisive. Although they are unwilling in their hearts, it is Meng Fan’s side that has gradually turned its disadvantages into advantages. Under the circumstances of unfavorable judgment of the situation, Glancing at each other, the figures of several people are all moving backwards quickly.

The five quasi-gods flee at the same time, including other people from the Western Sky God Race, who come quickly and go quickly, directly tearing the space and leaving.

"Where to go!"

Cao Qiushui roared, but before they could move, he discovered that Zhou Tian was imprisoned, a majestic divine formation enveloped this world, the runes flickered, and the power evolved, it turned out that an absolute was formed in this world. The domain suppresses everything and imprisons everyone in it.

Not far away, a middle-aged man walked out, headed by him, suddenly more than twenty figures appeared around the world, all in black robes, expressionless, standing on the sky. , Each seal one side.

But a powerful qi and blood burst out of the body, obviously all that kind of terrifying killer.

The middle-aged man arched his hand and said loudly to Meng Fan.

"I have seen Young Master Meng Fan, who came to protect Young Master under the orders of His Highness the Dark God Guard of the Xiabai Family. Please forgive me if you are a little late!"

The words are powerful, the blood spread, and it turns out to be another... . Powerful at the quasi-god level!

And it’s not just the strength of this middle-aged man, the more than twenty people around him are all that kind of ultimate battlefield, and countless killers came to the elite Bai family, including several Profound Yuan realm strong In addition, once it is united, the combat power is definitely not as simple as doubling, it will be a trapped celestial formation!

The Bai family... . Dark God Guard!

This name is definitely not unfamiliar to everyone in the field. It drew the corners of the mouths of the ancestors of the Zhao family and the Liu family to twitch. That powerful force has some existences that perform secret tasks.

And the most famous team of the Emperor Bai family walking in the Ten Thousand Territories is the Dark God Guard. Among them are the killers who crawled out of the pile of dead people. They came suddenly, only for Meng Fan!

Three waves of rescue, that one is extremely powerful, how can it happen in ordinary times!

Under this scene, everyone could not think of it. The change was so fast, including the look on Meng Fan's own small face that was shocking.

He only has one back hand, but now there are two more. Before that, Bai Shui'er had already thought of how to protect him. Meng Fan could not help but sigh in his heart. The beautiful woman on Baidi Mountain treated him the same way. It is deep and meaningful, how can this kind of beautiful friendship be rewarded...

"No wonder.... They always commented like that..."

In the distance, Bai Lanling and the others were also dumbfounded. It was absolutely beyond their expectation. Even the Dark Guardian with the Bai family had already been killed.

"Unexpectedly, the asking price is...some less!"

Tianji Pavilion has an ancient heritage and an extremely accurate principle of acting style, and wanting to kill a person is not only based on the strength of the other person, but also the strong background behind the latter to be able to price.

And now it seems that Meng Fan is not only with the help of dark alliances, Zhantang and others, even in this Middle Ancient Region, but also has many friends, including powerful allies such as Zimen and Blood Sea. Down, the latter's upward head is extremely valuable.

And in this battlefield, now the world is completely solidified. Under the appearance of the dark guards of the Bai family, this space is already completely confined, and no one can leave or escape.

"Very well, it should be time to pay the accounts owed before!"

Licking his tongue, Meng Fan calmly said, stepping out, Zhou Tian trembled.

Under the latter's move, it is not just a strong person who is working at the same time, but a group of... . Powerful and extremely powerful existences, including Yan King, Ice King, Spirit King, Zi Family Elder, Bai Family Dark God Guard, Zi Xueqing, and Cao Qiushui, all of them, under the explosion of vitality, suddenly formed the entire world. The monstrous torrent, imprisoning everything, completely sealed this week.

If it was only in the near-death state before, then it can be described as a complete change now. Under this kind of situation, the whole world is trembling, and the five ancestors and the many people of the Western Heaven God Clan have all become turtles in the urn.


When a handprint fell, there was a man of the Western Sky God Race who could not dodge, and was directly blasted away by Meng Fan on the spot.

The blood fell, causing the other five ancestors to look like dead ashes. Before that, they all took their own hands and set up a peerless killing game against Meng Fan, but they never thought that there were so many guardians next to the latter. The death that was originally aimed at Meng Fan turned out to be about to... . Has become their burial place!

This kind of contrast is too huge before and after!

However, Meng Fan and the others are not women. Everything is sealed just before they are done. Everyone is going all out, and the overwhelming air waves are bombarded away.


In the middle of the air, Chaoshantian's big hand blasted out. With his quasi-god-level combat power, how terrifying, the huge handprint spanned the sky and the earth, but when he raised his hand, he was resisted by the three torrents of vitality.

The people who shot were Meng Fan, Zi Xueqing, and Cao Qiushui. With Meng Fan's single combat power, it was possible to shake the quasi-god, not to mention two more helpers.

"The mountains and rivers open, the sun and the moon change, town!"

Cao Qiushui's shots were even sharper, his aura exploded, and he also reached the peak of the Profound Origin Realm himself, with words in his mouth, and the shots were even more fierce to the extreme.

Suddenly, the world changed suddenly, and the overwhelming vitality rune directly smashed his handprints into pieces. The three figures joined hands and moved forward. The shaking Qi Lang let Chao Hantian gulp out blood and stepped back.

"Little beast, my clan... I won't let you go!"

Looking at Meng Fan, endless regret and unwillingness appeared in the eyes of the chaotic cold sky, but it was too late for all of this. Meng Fan strode out and his handprints changed.

On the chest of the ten thousand mother and child Qi Ding, one person and one tripod are united, the light is shining, and it is shocking for nine days. It is a kind of overbearing force that crushes everything. Then it strikes, like the same mountain, which naturally crushes the chaos and cold. .

"Don't say you won't let me go, sooner or later I will ask the emperor behind you for this account!"

The tone was powerful, sonorous and thunderous, containing Meng Fan's unique arrogance.

Toward the emperor clan hates debt, this is how arrogant, but spit out from Meng Fan’s mouth, it has a different taste, if it can survive, it is destined to be a rising top existence in the future. The emperor... It's not just talking!

Above the sky, a wave of air erupted, and the power of Meng Fan's trio was united, but in less than half a stick of incense, the chaotic cold sky was full of scars, blood spurting out, and constantly receding back.


Meng Fan spit out a word, and the big cauldron fell and slammed into Chao Hantian's body fiercely. It was only for a moment that his quasi-god level body was completely disarmed and turned into a **** mist, and he stepped out, and the void hit , Kicking and stepping on his soul is to let the chaotic cold sky completely disappear in this world.

A quasi-god of the Xitian Protoss... Such a death, plus several other elites of the Xitian Protoss, this loss is estimated to be extremely distressing even if it is introduced into the Xitian Protoss. This level of combat power is not said to be there, and today But it is not just the Xitian Protoss who is sad.

Meng Fan looked around at a glance. Under the attack of King Yan and others, the other four great ancestors did the same. The blood stained the sky, and the defeat was only a matter of time.

Before they deceived the less and used the power of several great ancestors to target Meng Fan alone, and set up a death-killing game, but in this instant they were targeted by their methods, the Yan King and the Spirit King beat one, The vitality pierced through the sky, the roads were torn apart on them, and the blood continued to spray out.

It is directly that the previous murderers have become prey. It is really 30 years Hedong, 30 years Hexi, all the ancestors of the emperor who came to kill Meng Fan are destined to be... . Anti-kill!


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