Supreme God King

Chapter 1302: The enemy is on the side


The two words fell, causing Meng Fan's heart to move. He hesitantly looked at the fat old man in front of him, while the old man smiled slightly and took out a sign.

"Before entering the temple, I was born in the Samsara Hall... I have practiced with Senior Brother Xuanhuang!"

With the palms open, the small brand that appeared in the palm of the palm has undergone a period of decay for an unknown amount of time. It is extremely primitive, and only two words can be seen vaguely on it. . . . . Reincarnation!

Samsara Hall!

The pupils shrank, causing Meng Fan's mind to be shocked. This brand is the ancient history of the Samsara Hall, and he also owns a piece. It was the first day of setting foot in the Samsara Hall, proving that it was the Samsara Hall. . . . . disciple.

A sacred one, turned out to be a disciple of the temple of reincarnation!

The token in the hands of the old man does not know how many years have passed, but it is still quite intact. There is no doubt that the latter is exactly what it said.

"So rest assured, I was also a disciple of Samsara Hall, although I... Forget it, just follow me!"

The fat old man looked at Meng Fan with a smile and waved his hand, leading the three of them directly into the hall behind him. The old man's place was built in this mountain, faintly containing all the vitality fluctuations in the entire week, at a glance, the green mountains and green waters are like a fairyland.

After the old man, everyone strode into the hall, which was simple and elegant, with a breath of vicissitudes.

"This is the place where I usually clean up. Five thousand years have passed. The last time I saw Brother Xuanhuang was... when he was seriously injured!"

The fat old man hissed, and took the three of them to the hall and sat down. With a move of his palm, he took out four cups and a teapot. At the same time, the flames rose and he made a pot of tea for the three of Meng Fan.

While raising his hand, Meng Fan drank it, but with a palm of his hand, the blood in his body began to rush wildly, making his whole person uncontrollable, with a strong sense, even including the inverse that had been in Meng Fan's body. The seal of the gods is followed by a move, extremely strong.

"Purple God Tea!"

At this moment, Bai Shui'er whispered, and the pretty face was full of shock, which made the fat old man smile and said leisurely.

"You deserve to be the emperor of the Bai family. He has good eyesight. This is not the old man blowing to you. There are not many in the world. The old man only has a few here. If I didn't see my nephew Meng Fan today. The old man will definitely not take it out. The value of this pot is about the same as a Tier 8 divine object."

Purple God Tea!

With a shock, Meng Fan quickly suppressed the qi and blood in his body and circulated it all over his body. He immediately felt an incomparable comfort. The power contained in this tea eroded the whole body and was actually enough to help the vitality practitioner. Fusion of vitality, speed up operation.

Meng Fan had only heard of this thing before, but it was rumored to be the four great teas of ancient times. They have a reputation, and the most important thing is an effect.

This thing is enough to help the sacred power to improve the vitality operation of oneself, and to regulate oneself in just drinking tea, which is even more effective than cultivation.

Such things can be said to be extremely cherished. They are regarded as taboos by the great powers of the past, and only the most powerful can enjoy them. Including this thing in the Bai family of the emperor clan is also extremely rare. It is rumored that there are too few elders in supply, and it is good for other people to get some occasionally. This is why Bai Shui'er is so surprised.

Without waiting for Meng Fan to say anything, Xiaotian's space trembled, and two figures emerged and flew directly towards the fat old man.

"Master, do you still remember my disciple, I am your disciple Queque!"

"Master, do you remember me, I am a tortoise!"

The people who talked are naturally Hairfinch and Black Tortoise. Now that they see the old man, the eyes of these two people are shining with green light. Obviously they understand that the old man is sacred in the world, and he is a level of purple tea. The background must be extremely rich.

The fat old man looked dumb, but when he was about to speak, he realized that his thigh was hugged. Cao Qiushui was looking at the fat old man with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Old gentleman, although I have a teacher's school, I can change to another court and worship you as a teacher. Please give me some of this purple **** tea!"

"All to the old man... Get out!"

The fat old man couldn't laugh or cry, kicked Cao Qiushui away, and shouted,

"Don't ask the old man. The old man is just using this to support the scene. If you have no tea, you have to kill one. Admire me as a teacher and give the tuition first. Less than one artifact is free!"

The voice fell, stunned Thunder, and looked like an incomparable bachelor. It was the Hairfinch, Xuangui, and Cao Qiushui who looked at him reluctantly, and could only stop.

However, this group of people would never let go of the Purple God Tea in the hands of the old man, and immediately stepped forward to divide it up, not giving anyone any chance at all.

Meng Fan gave a wry smile and whispered to the mischief of the people around him.

"Dare to write a senior name?"

"Hehe.... Just call me the sky!"

The fat old man said calmly, looking at Meng Fan.

"When I came... I was in trouble!"

When he said that, Meng Fan's expression moved and he nodded, and the fat old man naturally took a sip of tea and said softly.

"I asked you to come here.... It is also for this matter, the three companies are crushing, hum... It is a good method, and you should probably know that Brother Xuanhuang has some enemies in this temple, and since you have come here, An old man will naturally not let some people deal with you before you step into the imperial palace, so this period of just cultivate here!"

There is no doubt that this is the blessing given to Meng Fan by the fat old man. If there is a sacred seat, then naturally it can help Meng Fan save considerable trouble and can concentrate on cultivation.

Temple, Lord Ko!

Even if he didn't see it, Meng Fan understood that the latter must be extremely powerful among them, and it would be quite easy to deal with him.

With a hand, Meng Fan said in a condensed voice.

"Only thank you first... the old man is gone!"


The sky shook his head and said slowly,

"And I can only protect you before I promise to become a god. As for once you step into the imperial palace, everything depends on you. This time, countless arrogances have come from the world, Meng Fan, I know you. The cultivation base is strong, but you also need to be more careful, because you have offended too many strong people before.

They may not do anything to you on the bright side, but once they enter the imperial palace, then the other three people will not be able to do it. Today you just saw a mess, but you still need the Zhao family and the Liu family. The two emperors in China are hidden behind them. Which one is not easy, and they are not just one person, but they have several places. If they attack you together, how many can you resist? "

The tone was calm, but the danger contained in that one was incredibly huge, making Meng Fan clearly feel a burst of pressure.

As the old man in Tiandu said, the chaos that appears today is a powerful enemy, not to mention the potential enemies of Bai Haotian, the Zhao family, and the Liu family. Once they step into the imperial palace, they will go straight to the sacred. No one can interfere with all taboos.

This is also an excellent opportunity for several other companies to take action against Meng Fan. No one can say anything about killing Meng Fan, but can only admit his fate.

Ambush on all sides, murderous intent!

Such a description is definitely not an exaggeration. Once Meng Fan stepped into the imperial palace, it was equivalent to stepping into the ghost gate. He would encounter several simultaneous attacks. If he was in the imperial palace, he would have no inflammation. With the help of Wang, Lingwang and others, the strong people faced were more than before.

Even if there are Cao Qiushui, Bai Shui'er, etc., compared with the powerhouses of the three emperors, it is like a drop in the ocean, and they will face deadly danger.

"And there are two others you need to be extra careful!"

Tiandu sighed faintly and said softly.

"One of them is called King Soul. He is the younger generation of monks in my temple. He has lived in this temple since he was a child. He is very young... but he is extremely powerful, and he has reached the level of quasi-godness in his cultivation. Once you step into the imperial palace, you will surely be your enemy. He is more terrifying than other people. Even the chaotic old man can suppress it with full confidence, but this person makes the old man very jealous. , Has a terrible secret method, because the person who taught him is... Venerable Ke!"

Let a sacred deity do not have full confidence in suppressing it. This is definitely already touching the divine way, forming a realm, and completely controlling it, only with this kind of means, such a strong, how terrifying.

Holding his palm, Meng Fan gave a wry smile.

"There are so many people who still want my life, so what about the other one?"

"The other one comes from... Yimei, surnamed Yang, is the imperial family of Yimei, and is the daughter of the current Yimei Master...Her strength is also extremely terrifying, and she should be He Wang. The souls are similar, and they are very hostile to you. Both of them belong to the pinnacle of this young generation. They are also the strongest in the imperial palace this time, Meng Fan. I have to say that the old man really admires you, because Senior Brother Xuanhuang did not attract hatred as much as you back then. I am afraid that if you step into the imperial palace this time, more than half of them will be your enemies, including the two strongest talents this time!"

The sky slowly said, the tone is really weird, I have to say that this is a kind of honor, how can ordinary people be like this group of people's magic eyes, but looking at the whole world, no one is willing to get this kind of honor. .

With a depressed face, Meng Fan said slowly,

"One line? I don't seem to offend them, right!"

"Hey, then you have to ask your little lover!"

The sky glanced at Bai Shui'er and said weirdly.

Hearing this, Meng Fan looked at Bai Shui'er, and at this moment, there was a rather unnatural feeling on Bai Shui'er’s pretty face, a little blush, and it looked like it could drip.

"That... She is called Yang Qing... We have known each other since childhood..."

"Since childhood girlfriend?"

Meng Fan scratched his head, really hesitating.

"Then you have to shoot me?"


Bai Shui'er nodded, and even the snow-white neck was blushing, the beauty was amazing, and finally wept softly.

"This Yang Qing has been...something abnormal since she was a child. We discovered it at that time. I just left and didn't stay with her because she...likes girls..."


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