Supreme God King

Chapter 1306: Zhu Dixian

Endless darkness, no life!

Under the endless devouring of the emperor's Taoist spirit, only the last mental power belonging to Meng Fan was in it, immovable and immortal, but compared with Zhou Tian, ​​it was too small and too fragile.

"Jie Jie... After holding on for so long, I still have some ability..."

"It's just a pity... You don't have any chance... Now that it is immortal, when will you stay?"

Surrounded by this endless darkness, the sound contained a hypnotic smell, naturally from the spirit of the Emperor Dao. Between this long confrontation between the two sides, he had already given him the absolute upper hand, and his tone was quite evil.

However, this last trace of Meng Fan's mental power was completely indifferent, and was not affected at all, allowing the voice of the emperor to continue to fall.

Finally, after another countless centuries have passed, Meng Fan’s voice slowly fell.

"Say.... So much, aren't you tired?"


The spirit of Emperor Dao sneered,

"It's just that you are weak and look like an ant, which is ridiculous!"

"Really? Then you think you can't obliterate my last thought?"

Meng Fan said calmly, without any waves in his tone.

"It's just a matter of time!"

"Really, do the spirits of the Emperor Dao also like to brag, with you, can it obliterate my will?"

The words are like electricity, slowly falling, but they seem to be beyond doubt, and the endless darkness between the sky and the sky trembles suddenly, as if there are countless big hands grabbing against Meng Fan at this moment, with thunderous anger.

"Joke, you are too arrogant. You are a young junior, but at the peak of the Profound Origin Realm, you dare to talk to me like this, humph... In the long history, I have seen more gods than you have ever heard. Many, what qualifications do you have!"

The voice of Emperor Dao rumblingly came out, like thunder, while the endless aura suppressed, as if to tear Meng Fan completely.

However, under the endless changes this week, Meng Fan said calmly without moving.

"You also said that it is a long history... But now the future belongs to me, the times are different, the past remains the same, and the future... is uncertain!"

"You think that by virtue of your ability to surpass the gods, all the masters of the emperor's way in the past have the sacred qualifications, sweeping the world, and dominating the world forever. Why do you have anything!

Emperor Dao responded indifferently, full of endless contempt. And as the sound fell, it exploded like stars in the endless darkness, and at the same time came out a phantom.

Each Dao is a fantasy-like character, but the breath does not move. The only thing in common is that it has endless domineering, like a king who is rampant in the world, penetrating everything, and emerging from this world.

"Kneel down!"

Two words were spit out, seven or eight phantoms stood around here, some were young, some were old, and they looked different. The breath that appeared in each of them was the suppressed Zhou Tian, ​​all broken. .

If there are people from the ancients here, it must be a surprise, because everyone here is a great emperor, famous in the ancients.

The middle-aged one is called the ancient demon official emperor, the old is the Qinglian Yuanshen, and there is another one that looks very young but has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. The surname is Jiang Minghun, which has been called by some people for eternal time. He Jianghun the Great.... .

This group of people are the masters of the previous imperial Dao. The latter has experienced too much, but the master of any one can be said to be earth-shattering, reaching the sacred level, and appearing at the same time, earth-shaking, this phantom is like a living one. The holy emperor is watching the world.

Such suppression caused Meng Fan in it to encounter a strong oppression. It seemed that the last mental power could be broken at any time. I have to say that the pressure of this group of great emperors is too great. Anyone can see it. To tremble and surrender, even if it is a sacred one, you must lose immediately. This is not facing a great emperor's phantom, but a group.

In the long history of Wanyu, the names of these seven or eight people resounded through everything, and now they are standing in front of Meng Fan, targeting the latter.

With a sweep of his mental power, Meng Fan looked around, but under the presence of the countless emperor's breath, he was indifferent, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Why, do you think you can compete with this group of ancient emperors?"

The voice of Emperor Dao came out, full of mockery.

And Meng Fan smiled, calm and relative, this last trace of mental power unfolded like petals, and at the same time, the light flickered and the breath spread. It is Meng Fan's martial arts, which integrates his methods for many years, and it is his will. This In a moment, it broke out completely, showing in front of the emperor's Taoist spirit.

"The gods in your mouth have become history. It has already been said that the past is immortal and the future is uncertain. This group of emperors is indeed rampant in the ancients and builds mighty combat power, but in the future they are destined to have my share. They have become settled. , But I’m not determined yet, how do you know that I’m inferior to them, and can’t surpass? My way, I do not respect the world, do not worship the gods, dominate forever, there is only one person, the gods in the past run wild, then because there is no me, and Now that I have come out, the gods...I am no longer gods!"

The voice rumbling, the thoughts spread.

Even though there is the aura of infinite emperors in the sky, several great emperors are in front of him, but Meng Fan is showing his own martial arts, with relative will and calmness.

Even before the emperors of the past, Meng Fan did not feel discouraged or retreated at all. Instead, he faced it calmly and ignored the gods.

This is not arrogance, but Meng Fan’s own thoughts. Over the years, he has strengthened his own mind-cultivation. Without this kind of mind-cultivation, I am afraid that Meng Fan would have died in countless lives and deaths. Whoever is the one forever.


And at the next moment, all the emperors around him smiled, but instead of the previous oppression, each emperor spit out a word, looked at Meng Fan, as if smiling, and nodded toward him.

This scene was too shocking, as if this group of ancient emperors were resurrected and recognized Meng Fan, and if someone with a discerning eye would understand, this was a fusion of wills that would allow this group of emperors to recognize it.

It is completely impossible to fake, it seems simple, but it needs to have the true heart of the emperor in this emperor’s way. Looking at the world, the emperor does not dominate the world, ignores the domineering and ambition of others, Lao Tzu is number one in the world. Everything else is under me. If there is no such ambition, how can I be called an emperor!

Several great emperors, at the same time, admitted that smiling at Meng Fan, that kind of breath became soft, the light flickered, and the whole world became brighter. It surrounds the center of Meng Fan, which is like the core of the entire galaxy, with infinite power. Melt into Meng Fan and recognize him.

Even at this moment, the emperor’s spirit has something to say, but looking at this scene is quite speechless, even though Meng Fan is young, even if it seems that his realm is only low, he already satisfies any requirement of the emperor. The most important thing to control this imperial way is not strength, but.... . That kind of emperor's heart can only drive... The way of the king!


Suddenly, under the approval of the emperors, Meng Fan's mental strength suddenly soared, and his body outside was shocked, his eyes opened, and he awakened from this world, his body stood up, and his blood shocked. Like the same ancient beast, it suddenly stood up.

Finally... Woke up!

One person, one weapon, spiritual integration, at this moment... . Meng Fan was recognized by Emperor Dao and became the new descendant of this ancient artifact.

And at the moment when Meng Fan was inherited, the bells above the sky reached a full seventy-eight times. At the core of the imperial palace, a huge spatial crack was found at a glance. Above the sky, it looks like a sun, extremely dazzling.

This spatial rift is a portal. Walking through this door, no one knows what is in it. The vague aura radiates, enough to make the sacred tremble.

In front of it, there are six elders sitting, all dressed in gray linen robes with expressionless faces, just sitting in that place between heaven and earth, with white hair and shawls, and waves of vitality surge from within. , Into the door of this space, maintaining the operation of the door of this space.

Anyone can understand that as long as they feel breath, the six elders sitting in this void are.... . The six great gods, any one seems to be able to break the ground and destroy everything.

Shenyuan strong, will never come out!

But in this temple at this moment, there are six people who are sitting on the sky at the same time. This scene can be described as too spectacular. Even the many princes who come and go after passing by here, can't help but look surprised. The six beings gave a deep ceremony before stepping into the imperial palace.

The bell rang, and after a full eighty-one strokes, the gate of the imperial palace space was closed. At this moment, it could be said that the crowd was boiling.

Countless Tianjiao stepped into it, and at the moment when the bell came out of the 80th, three figures appeared around the sky. Naturally, they were Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er, and Cao Qiushui.

Seeing this scene, the three of them trembled with blood and blood at the same time, and they felt extremely coercive. After saluting the six elders, they followed and stepped into it. Finally, they were not late, but it was clear that the three of Meng Fan were indeed. It was the last batch. After the figures of these three people merged into it, the eighty-first bell also slowly fell, shaking the world.


Above the sky, the six elders uttered a word at the same time, expressionless, and grasping the void with their palms, and endless spatial fluctuations came, letting the void gate slowly merge, and at the same time the ancient voice of vicissitudes fell.

"The flowers bloomed in the world for a thousand years, and the eternal emperor became the emperor, and the imperial palace opened for a period of ten years... ten years later... ... reappeared..."


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