Supreme God King

Chapter 1325: True God Disintegration Array

The disintegration of true gods**!

A few words fell, and Meng Fan couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately there was a strong throbbing in his pupils.

These words are not only known to Xiaotian, even he has also seen from ancient books, but it is a legend about the age of ancient gods, which is this kind of method against the sky.

Step into the sacred, how terrible!

And it is rumored that in the ancient times, once the sacred reached the final juncture, it could disintegrate the body and explode directly, and the generated power would be ten times, a hundred times more than before.

Before this, Meng Fan just wanted to obliterate the four sacreds in front of him, but he did not expect that the latter was more bachelor than him. After seeing the loss to Meng Fan, he stopped fighting with him, and brazenly resolved!

"Fuck... Don't be like this!"

With Meng Fan's concentration, Rao couldn't help but explode a swear word. He stepped on the sole of his foot and his body burst back.

However, the four sacreds did not give Meng Fan this opportunity. The latter four people control themselves with a trace of spiritual thoughts, and they can cultivate to the point of sacredness. It can be described as extremely cruel, but after the thought, it is the rune that suppresses the world. Let everything stand still.

Poorly, the four powerhouses of the Waka clan originally wanted to summon the ancestor's spirit to deal with Meng Fan, but he didn't expect that his spirit was invincible, and now he blew up even more simply.

Under this situation, not only the four sacred minds must be resolved, but the bodies and souls of the four of them will also disappear and turn into ashes.

But now, everything is beyond their control, the four sacred powers are burning, and the infinite vitality fluctuations cover the sky, making all this static.

Including Meng Fan himself, unable to break free, was controlled by the sacred formation burned by the four.

"Junior, you are very strong, but I wait for the four people to burn power, unless you can break through the divine way, otherwise, there is no vitality at all, even if you go through the enchanting, it is impossible to fight against this kind of true **** disintegration, this is a definite number! "

The indifferent voice fell, and immediately at the next moment King Wuji’s body suddenly burst open, and fell with a bang, and a divine thought from the peak of the Profound Origin Realm plus the gods of the world became invisible and integrated into this week. .

Bang, bang, bang!

The same is true for the other three sacreds, the world is stained with blood, and all the power is transformed into a rune, integrated into this week and sky, covering Meng Fan completely.

At such a moment, it can be said that the latter was completely trapped, let alone leaving, under that kind of power burning, it directly gave Meng Fan absolute suppression.

As if Zhou Tian was an endless sea of ​​fire, it started to burn, even with the power of Meng Fan, it could not be restrained, the vitality in his body started to flow quickly, even if he had an inverse scroll, it was of no use, because here are four The absolute realm laid by the sacred cut off everything, and Meng Fan became the turtle in the urn and was completely trapped in this great formation.

The Zhoutian world is full of great arrays, and at a glance, it is infinite blood.


Meng Fan let out a low growl and blasted a punch.

The golden emperor fist broke the world, but it fell in the midst of this week, but it was bounced back by a kind of counter-shock force, and the burning force directly shattered Meng Fan's tiger's mouth.

Without a single blow, Meng Fan's methods came out one after another, approaching to blast the surrounding world, but even if Meng Fan's fierce attack fell between this week and the sky, it was also completely ineffective.

This is just like what King Wuji said before, it is a great array of vitality formed by the disintegration of the four sacreds burning themselves. It involves ancient secret methods. Even if Meng Fan has passed the enchanting 10,000 times, it is also above the level of the Profound Origin Realm. Unable to break this divine formation, I was completely trapped in it.

The blood flowed out, Meng Fan's fists were completely broken, revealing the bones in it, and it was the power of this vitality array that shocked him even more.

Now he can't leave, but the big formation between Zhou and Tian is constantly closing, and these four sacreds have formed an absolute realm in this square of heaven and earth.

In such a field, burning power and suppressing Meng Fan, it is certain that as long as one more hour passes, all of Meng Fan's power will be completely disappeared and directly refined in this vitality formation.

In this world, Meng Fan has only one hour, and the power in his body is constantly passing by. That kind of large burning is burning all the vitality in Meng Fan's body.

"damn it!"

Meng Fan roared, and the vitality gathered again, and a seal was in the air.

However, the imprint fell, and the result was the same as before, it was impossible to break through, and it was impossible to leave.

"What to do, Meng Fan!"

At this moment, Xiaotian was panicked, it was really shocking.

With such a big array, I have already seen the end of life and cannot leave at all, and the hairy finches and the black tortoise are even more dumbfounded, staring at this blood-colored space and crying loudly.

"No, as handsome as I am about to die here..."

"Master Gui hasn't soaked up all the girls in the world yet!"

"be quiet!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, the more he was in this kind of moment, the more he forced himself to stay calm, his thoughts kept spinning, naturally he wanted to break through and leave here.

However, the great formation between Zhou and Tian was too terrifying. After many attempts, Meng Fan had already given up any hope. There was no chance at all. He was not a god, and he could not leave.

"It's not a god, don't enter the Shinto... Not as good as Shinto!"

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan suddenly changed his expression, muttering words at the corner of his mouth, repeating this sentence repeatedly.

"what do you want to do!"

Xiao Tian Ning said, as if he had imagined something.

Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and as soon as he raised his hand, a fruit appeared in his palm. The light flickered, and it was the divine spirit fruit he had obtained before.

"The power that constantly suppresses me in this space is ready to refine me here, and this divine spirit fruit contains the power of the gods of the undefeated urchin's life. Once I swallow it, it can even burst me. This is the place where I seek the power of God's way!"

Meng Fan said every word.

"Do you think it can?"

Xiaotian was a little dumb,

"Although this is said, it is extremely difficult to control the balance. This kind of environment is undoubtedly ten times more dangerous than your usual breakthrough. One of the Nirvana is not good, and you cannot absorb and suppress it. Balance, then you will fall into a state where both are passive, and you will directly tear a soul out!"

"There is no choice, right? Since there is no choice, then this is the best choice!"

Meng Fan let out a low growl, and immediately sat cross-legged in this **** space.

In the heavens of the week, there is a great array of ultimate vitality planted by the four sacreds, constantly refining the Meng Fan in it, but at this moment, Meng Fan ignores the environment in the heavens, and directly swallows the spirit of this **** Go down.

Creak, creak!

The moment it fell into Meng Fan's mouth was to directly face the crisis of life and death, and the bones all over his body were creaking.

I have to say that Meng Fan was too decisive at this moment, even if it was a hint of hesitation.

The power in this divine spirit fruit is terrifying, but it is the essence of a sacred life, which was swallowed by Meng Fan in this environment. The blood in the body burned, and Meng Fan’s body was immediately needed. Explosive.

At the moment of life and death, unsuccessful.... . Benevolence!

Imperial palace, endless space!

A beautiful body flew forward, and the green silk was flying in the air. It was so graceful and graceful, but the face of Qingcheng was the only way to perceive the changes in the world, listen to the sound of the gods, and keep moving forward, naturally Yang Qing.

After having Meng Fan's strong man who drew away the waka clan, she was naturally unimpeded all the way and came quickly. She can practice till now, Yang Qing is definitely not a mother-in-law.

With a full stick of incense, the more you listen to the sound of the gods, the more it makes Yang Qing feel countless, even if she is a powerhouse of the quasi-god level, but under this kind of wonderful sound, it is also improved rapidly. The understanding of the power of God has reached a new level.

But in the next moment Yang Qing opened her eyes, because the voice of the gods was over here, and she was completely cut off, so she could not help but wake up.

And at a glance, I found that the whole world is completely different from before. This is a peculiar valley, but it is completely different from the outside world. It is full of life, surrounded by birds and flowers, and you can even see that many monsters are inhabited. Full of a taste of paradise.

And not far from it, there was the sound of water ding-dong, falling continuously, and it was a huge waterfall, in the middle of this valley, the waterfall seemed to descend from the sky, with infinite power.

Even if it was thousands of meters away, Yang Qing's heart was shocked. She could feel the turbulence of the current, and even more could find that it must contain extremely mysterious power.

This should be the rumored artifact of the ultimate **** king.... . Flying waterfall!

Seeing the things in this legend with my own eyes naturally made Yang Qing's heart tremble, but at the next moment a voice broke the peace.

"Unexpectedly, you still came, but it's been a long time since I saw you, Your Highness Yang Qing, how are you doing these days!"

When he said that, Yang Qing's eyes were immediately seen, only to find that there were a group of people not far away, five people, and the first one was a white robe, handsome, slightly long hair, and a pair of eyes stared at Yang. Qing, but it seems to contain infinite sternness, standing in place, it is infinitely terrifying.

And the four people behind him are also quite terrifying, all of them are the young generations of Tianjiao, one by one sealing the void, extremely terrifying.

With her eyes facing each other, Yang Qing’s pretty face was suddenly covered with frost. She took a step, but her vitality exploded, surpassing space, and said indifferently,

"Yes, the third prince of Zhongtian...Qin Hong!"

The second thing is that tomorrow is Mother's Day. Please remember to wish your mother a happy holiday, and wish all your mothers a happy holiday!


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