Supreme God King

Chapter 1328: Meng Fan

The ancient great formation, laid by the four sacreds, must be sacred!

This class of ancient divine formations are the killers of any profound element realm powerhouse in the world, unparalleled and extremely murderous.

Among them, even Meng Fan, who had swallowed the divine spirit fruit, could not completely control this. A large amount of vitality in his body was extracted little by little, shattering his whole body and obliterating his soul.

Only the Inverse God Seal, which belongs to its origin, desperately absorbs it, and extracts the power of the origin of this divine spirit fruit into itself.

The more time passed, the more dangerous Meng Fan became. Nine out of ten of his vitality had been wiped out. Beside him, surrounded by a tower and a seal, the power blended into Meng Fan himself, desperately working for him. The maintenance of the whole body is naturally Xiaotian and Emperor Dao.

But it is also difficult to maintain. Now what Meng Fan needs to endure is not only the overbearing power of this divine spirit fruit, the ancient great formation laid down by these four sacreds is really earth-shattering.

The power of obliteration is unimaginable, even with the help of two gods, but at this moment Meng Fan is trapped in an incomparable Jedi.

"Meng Fan..."

Xiaotian roared, the power of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda desperately blending into his body, his tone was a little low.

Over the years, he and Meng Fan have shared tribulations and have seen too many lives and deaths, but now even he is panicked at this moment of crisis, and watched Meng Fan’s strength become weaker and weaker, and it will finally dissipate. In this world.

"How to do!"

The Emperor Dao is also a little lost, he definitely does not want to see Meng Fan die at this moment, after all, the latter already has the preliminary posture of becoming a great emperor, and is already compatible with his mind.

Once Meng Fan died, he would fall into a deep sleep, not knowing how many years later he would have a chance to wake up.

What is completely different from the panic of the two gods is that in the space of Xiaotian, there is a lot of laughter, and the two people, the hairpin and the black turtle, are actually talking about drinking and drinking, and they are drunk, but they don’t notice at all. This kind of life and death crisis in the outside world.

"You two..."

Xiaotian growled low, really speechless.

The longhair finch raised his head and slanted a glance at Xiaotian, muttering drunkly,

"Two idiots... You see that he has persisted for so long. Although he has used all the means, he has used the most original...Is it against the gods..."

When he said that, Xiaotian and Emperor Dao were stunned. Both of them were artifacts that shocked the world. Before, they were afraid of Meng Fan. All the power was integrated into it, for fear that Meng Fan would just belch.

But under the words of the Hairy Sparrow, it was discovered that the core of Meng Fan’s rebellious imprint was the most important place. Among them, there was a vaguely domineering force that could turn the sky and swallow everything. It was gathering silently and never used it. That's it. . . . Rebellious power!

This kind of power comes from the most original power of Meng Fan's rebellious **** seal, unparalleled horror, even if Meng Fan has cultivated for many years, he has only controlled it.

Before this, even if Meng Fan burned all his vitality and blood to circulate the power of his whole body, he did not use this kind of power against the gods at all. He could only gather him a little bit at the core of the seal of the gods. , Xiao Tian and Emperor Dao could not help being stunned.

You must know that Meng Fan was near death several times before, and he really reached the point of dying, but the latter still retains the last hole card. This kind of forbearance alone can make the two gods. Things are a bit dumb, after all, if the previous one was not well controlled, then this so-called hole card would have no chance to use it.

"The one who knows me... and Lord Bird!"

But at the next moment, an indifferent voice fell, and the speaker was Meng Fan. The latter's body that was already completely shattered suddenly shook, and his eyes opened, even if the flames burned his body, the large array suppressed it. There was a sudden burst of renewed light in the eyes.

There is only one who will leave me alone!

With one move of one hand, the power of rebelliousness that had been motionless in Meng Fan's body suddenly exploded.

This power has been accumulated by Meng Fan for a long time, erupting like a flood in an instant. Prior to this, Meng Fan only swallowed one-third of the power of the spirit fruit, but between the power of rebelliousness, Meng Fan was The power of all the remaining divine spirit fruit is completely wrapped and will be completely swallowed in it. Once activated, it will be unstoppable.

Two-thirds of the power of the divine spirit fruit, how overbearing, if a quasi-god powerhouse is swallowed in this way, he will die immediately.

And what Meng Fan is blessed with is that what he cultivates is the Inverse God scroll. The power of swallowing the power of the strongest man in the past burst out, which was Meng Fan’s most core hole card. He was just to persevere and never used it.

No one can tell the danger between them, but once Meng Fan used it at this moment, he wanted to absorb everything and devour the universe.

This movement is to use the power of the gods for their own use, to contain themselves, from death to life!

This move is to make everything reverse, Nirvana fortune, from defensive to offensive!

This move is to bring the power together, just this and it. . . . Ask the gods!

The force eroded, and the rolling power against the gods directly emptied all the power in this **** spirit fruit, but in a blink of an eye, it turned out that all the two-thirds of the power was completely turned into itself.


Meng Fan, who was already full of life, was roaring up to the sky at this moment, and his body soared, like a beast that shook the sky, turning the sky, and the power in his body was so much that it could overflow the world.

The originally dry vitality gathered, suddenly exploded, and directly bombarded the barrier inside Meng Fan's body, just like countless great dragons revived in Meng Fan's body, furiously marching toward his true vitality entrance, and directly bombarded away.


It was just a blow that made Meng Fan's body become extremely ethereal. The soul was completely integrated with the body, the two were one, the martial arts were integrated, and an unprecedented understanding appeared in Meng Fan's sea of ​​knowledge. The control of the ultimate power of heaven and earth is a transformation of one's own power.

this is. . . . The power of God!

Standing between the same place, Meng Fan did not move, but at this moment, his whole person has undergone tremendous changes. The most surprising thing is that the snow-white hair that surrounds his head is actually From white to black, turning to black.

Transform the mortal into a god, from death to life, Nirvana is like rebirth!

This white hair made Meng Fan white in the first battle of the Heavenly Cold Sect. Later, in countless life and death battles, he was called White Haired Shura and became one of the symbols of Meng Fan.

But at this moment after its complete transformation, it turned out to be a qualitative change in its body, and the original white hair turned black, like a waterfall, flying all over the sky.

Black-haired Meng Fan!

Standing alone, looking up at the heavens and the earth, at this moment Meng Fan's whole body is constantly changing. All the dry vitality is reborn and transformed into new powers, including physical body, martial arts, and spiritual power. Everything is changed at this moment, because Meng Fan no longer It's the Xuanyuan realm, but stepped into a new realm called. . . . Quasi God!

Quasi-God Strong!

This is not just a name, but also a sign that Meng Fan’s power has reached a new level. Before his combat power could be called a quasi-god at best, but now he is a quasi-god, and the most important thing is his body. The rebellious seal of the gods operates, integrating all the power into it, and it is even larger than before. It turned out to be the heart of Meng Fan, controlling all the changes in his body, just like the core of the entire universe.

And the vitality flowing in its body is also completely qualitatively changed, and there is a kind of glittering golden light on it. This kind of power is completely derived from the imprint of the gods, and it turns out that every strand of vitality is flowing and belongs to Meng What kind of combat power will all the power of rebellious gods reach once they are combined?

When did the Wuzhen teenager ever dare to think that one day he would be able to reach the point where he is today? Looking at the world, in the ten thousand years of time, only three people were born, and each of them disappeared.

For the former Wuzhen teenagers, this realm can only be. . . . Looking up, but today Meng Fan really did it, completely changing all of this.

Just one person, turn the sky!

It took me so much effort, and at this moment, Meng Fan finally succeeded. The whole body was in the endless fluctuations of vitality. His eyes opened, his skin was fair, his palms changed, and a strange mirror appeared on it, looking at his new appearance, let A deep yearning appeared in Meng Fan’s eyes, and said calmly,

"Sister, the appearance can be changed, everything can be reversed, but my heart... is still the same, the vows are already engraved in the bones!"

The tone is calm, without any emotions.

As for Meng Fan, he has never told others about his own affairs. No matter how others call him, he is himself, and will follow his own path until the day he is realized.

Creak, creak!

The body moved, and Meng Fan's body was creaking just during this movement, and the rolling force revived in his body, making him feel that there seemed to be infinite power in his body at this moment, enough to sweep everything. ,

"It's a pity.... It's just that I have just reached the level of quasi-god, and it has not formed a realm. I don't know what the power of the gods will be after the realm is formed. If you carefully sense it, you can know how to form the realm of God, but it is not now At that time, because...there are more important things to do!"

While speaking, Meng Fan took a step forward and looked into the distance, his stern intention penetrated the void, and there was still a big formation laid down by the four sacreds around him, but after Meng Fan took this step , All the barriers in front of him are already broken up in layers, even the four sacred powers can’t stop him at all, even Meng Fan just moved forward, Zhou Tian had already given him one. road.

Nirvana is good fortune, life and death struggle, and Meng Fan, who has reached the level of quasi-god, is already. . . . . It's not what it used to be!

First more.


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