Supreme God King

Chapter 1330: Are you going to be my enemy?

Punch. . . . . Get out!

Under this blow, the void trembled, and no one would have thought of it. The confused figure really flew out, and the way it spoke casually, like a ball, hit the wall.

Who is the latter, but the current quasi-god, the real Tianjiao, what a realm, but between Meng Fan's punch, the figure flies directly over, this scene is not unscrupulous.

Suddenly everyone in the field was dumbfounded, including Yang Qing, she knew Meng Fan best, because it was only an hour to be separated from him.

And the latter appeared again, but the combat power was completely different from before, reaching an unthinkable point where the power of that punch was clearly visible to everyone.

"Quasi God!"

Yang Qing uttered two words, and Qingcheng's pretty face also appeared with a hint of shock.

I have to say that Meng Fan at this moment is too domineering, but between this blow, she already has a unique temperament, even she feels pain in her face.

The other people are even more so, Bai Lanling, the Xitian God Race, and the great arrogances of the Zhongtian Dynasty each swallowed their saliva, already feeling the grim situation at this moment.

Before that, they faced a Yang Qing, although it was terrifying, but after all they bullied the less, but now there is a big evil star like Meng Fan, but it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.


With a loud roar, he stood up, his hair fluttered, and his face was a little distorted at this moment.

I have to say that under this kind of time, his anger has reached the extreme. In his eyes, Meng Fan is just a lucky ten thousand land turtle, how could he be qualified to compete with him.

The latter is even one of its must-cut targets. He has always ignored it, but now it is just the opposite. He was hit by an existence that he hadn't seen.

"I want your life!"

Roaring in confusion, body riot, coming again.

Before arriving at the great cauldron one step, Meng Fan looked at the great cauldron carefully, frowned slightly at the confusion coming from the sky, and finally raised his hand and punched out.

Emperor Fist!

The loudness of the fist and the explosion of air, the whole field suddenly set off a big sonic boom again, and during this kind of fight, Meng Fan's gaze looked and his fists moved.

Suddenly, it was like the same Primordial Beast rushing away, one person shook the sky, his breath exploded, and his fist moved forward like thunder, creating an endless mile.

Bang, bang!

There is no doubt that if you want to enter the Great Ding and check it immediately, you must first solve the already crazy chaos.

Therefore, at this moment, Meng Fan's shot was naturally fierce and extreme. He stepped out in one step and affected his whole body's combat power.

Just at the moment of the fight, all the vitality defenses around Chaos were split. Even if it was as powerful as Chaos, stimulating the blood, but it was difficult to resist Meng Fan's terrorist methods. The blood in the body was surging. Under the shock, its jaws shattered and blood flowed out.


Roaring in confusion, another word was spit out, and his hands changed. It is worthy of being one of the emperors of the Western Sky God Clan. The more at this moment of life and death, the more it resembles the resurrection of the ancient demon king, and the violent aura is stronger. .

"How can you be my opponent if you are a terrapin. A successful blow doesn't mean you can compete with me!"

The tone was cold and the sky trembled. At this moment, between Meng Fan and his fist hit, it caused Zhou Tian's big sonic boom, which eclipsed everything.

"Is it?"

Meng Fan snorted coldly and spit out two words, but just after these two words, when the soles of his feet stepped on the sky, the bones of the whole person turned out to be crackling, blood erupted, and his whole body It is twice as big as before.

Qi and blood skyrocketed, fists out of the body.

If Meng Fan was terrifying before, then between this step, the latter's aura turned out to have a significant improvement, as if the violence in the body was ten times more terrifying than before, and the power of the billowing divine power worked, Shrouded the void,

"Is he Meng Fan? How can it be rumored to be stronger? Isn't it the Profound Origin Realm? Unexpectedly, he has already set foot on the quasi-god, and he was only trying his own strength before gradually improving, not his Peak combat power!"

Aside, a woman in a pink robe standing beside Bai Lanling covered her mouth in surprise.

She is also graceful and graceful, from the oiran in the Tianji Pavilion, she has very eyesight, and she can see the horror of Meng Fan at a glance.

And Bai Lanling, who stood by, nodded speechlessly, a little helpless, did not expect this at all, Meng Fan would suddenly be killed, and Tianji Pavilion’s valuation of Meng Fan had reached a terrifying point that day. , And now I am afraid I have to improve a bit more.


But in the field, the figures are staggered and the waves of air are impacting. Under the situation that the aura is even more explosive, Meng Fan is even more terrifying and violent than before. The billowing vitality is surging, which is already a qualitative change from before. .

The quasi-god realm and the integration into the divine way are not just talking.

Meng Fan relied on his Demonstration of God's Reverse God Scroll, and the attribute that swallowed the sky was also integrated into Meng Fan's vitality. Now that it has exploded, it has a posture to absorb everything, invisible. I don't know how much confusion and fierce attacks to resolve.

In the previous fist fights, Meng Fan was only in the initial control of himself, and he was thrown into chaos with a punch. At this moment, he was even more fierce, and he was absolutely suppressing the crazy chaos. State.

After just eight steps, Meng Fan stepped forward, and also blasted out eight punches, which meant that Chaolu was completely defeated, with blood spurting out, and his figure retreated.

But at the next moment, Meng Fan made a move, blatantly stepping past, with one foot in the air, without hesitation, this foot was directly on the face of confusion, a generation of princes of the Xitian God Clan, a magnificent supreme pride , That is, Meng Fan kicked it out and hit the ground directly, bursting out a huge deep hole, not knowing how many ribs he broke.

Fly out again!

Everyone swallowed. If it was possible to say that the chaos was unprepared before, then nothing can be said at this moment. Only one thing is that Meng Fan can absolutely suppress the chaos, and the two sides are not at the same level at all. Above.

Invincible of the same rank, sweeping the world, this is the way Meng Fan has always been going, and it is also his will.

"Meng Fan!"

After a while, the Tianjiao of the other great Western Sky God Races all roared, stepping out and flying towards Meng Fan.

Standing between the same place, Meng Fan looked at the world like a giant humanoid beast, looking indifferently, without saying a word, but under this kind of look, he simultaneously made the bodies of the heavenly arrogances of the great western gods freeze. , Paused in this mid-air.

They are tianjiao, and I am invincible. They all think that they are powerful and unparalleled, but they are not stupid. The terrible combat power that Meng Fan broke out before fell into everyone’s eyes, and the chaos of the same level could not be supported. In the half-zhuxiang time, Meng Fan has already beaten one and a half to death. Even if they are large in number, I am afraid that they will only add a fraction to Meng Fan, and the most important thing is that there is still a death in the sky. The immortal body of Yang Qing is staring at her.

The two super powerful quasi-god powerhouses suppressed everything, and they were no longer able to control them.

Sweeping his gaze, Meng Fan's eyes were like knives. In the Zhongtian Dynasty, the Xitian God Clan and other great powers, they all skipped one by one. Finally, he looked at the three people, Bai Lanling, and said calmly.

"You... want to be my enemy?"

The tone was calm, just a statement, but suddenly the bodies of the three beauties, Bai Lanling, were slightly stiff.

I have to say that at this moment Meng Fan suddenly appeared, his murderous aura covered the world, and he had already taken away all the light. Even the other's gentle question made the three people's minds tremble, as if an answer no. If it is good, then Meng Fan is very likely. . . . Destroy the flowers!

And after a while, Bai Lanling smiled charmingly,

"Of course not. Before, it was only for money. Tianji Pavilion has always done things like this, but now that you are here, how can the slave family make a move and how willing..."

The sound is falling, it can be said to be tired of people, very beautiful.

After all, at this moment, everyone knew that with Meng Fan present, who else could stop Yang Qing. Then simply stop blocking Meng Fan. After all, it doesn’t make any sense. After all, the three of Bai Lanling only took Qin Hong’s divine objects to do things, and now this matter far exceeds the plan. Everyone is too terrifying.

The former white-haired Meng Fan went retrograde all the way and fought countless Tianjiao, but today's black-haired Meng Fan returned to the original, he has become the king of Tianjiao, watching everything.


Yang Qing gave Bai Lanling a blank look and said coldly.

"Ladies, after grandma aunt comes out, you must have fun with you, but it's not now!"

The tone was cold and resentful. After all, she was still trapped in an absolute Jedi before this. If Meng Fan suddenly came to the rescue, then I am afraid that let alone stepping into the cauldron, even survival is a problem.

But obviously now is not the time to argue about this, Meng Fan said coldly,

"Go, go in and take a look, the chaos was just hit hard by me, don't waste time!"

The voice fell, and at the same time Meng Fan stepped towards the big tripod stepping into it, and immediately asked Yang Qing to wave his hand and condense.

"Be careful, this thing requires qualifications, don't rush!"

However, when Yang Qing spoke, she stopped in amazement, her pretty face was shocked, staring not far away.

Because at this moment, Meng Fan, who was walking forward, did not stop at all. After the palm of his hand fell on the great cauldron, a small golden sign popped up directly from the great cauldron, which fell into Meng Fan’s hand, and the cauldron trembled. The swift void teleportation absorbed Meng Fan's figure into it. From beginning to end, he didn't even know that he needed qualifications, so he simply stepped in here. . . . Dading space, as if not requiring qualifications. . . .

First more.


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