Supreme God King

Chapter 1338: The way forward

The emperor road is endless, how lonely.

The more you go after it, the harder it will be to go. I don't know how many ancient strong men are buried, and it also buried too many secrets in the eternal time and space.

Before that, it took a full year for Meng Fan and Yang Qing to walk about 20%, and moving forward again made Meng Fan discover that the future is more difficult. It is no longer a smooth road, but an endless dilemma. .

There are still many places to go around before, but the more you move forward, the more difficult it is for Meng Fan and Yang Qing, because the laws of endless space in this emperor road are constantly changing, not only It is a difficult ancient place with the strongest.

Many places are bound to pass, and among them there are endless ambushes, and even a careless foot can directly fall into a taboo space, unable to come out, and completely restrain it.

This kind of place can be described as killing every step, and if you are careless, you can fall into it.

Therefore, with the strength of Meng Fan and Yang Qing, Rao did not dare to speed up here, so he could only try his best to keep himself on guard at all times.

For two full months, the two did not advance too fast. Of course, it was also because of Meng Fan’s injury. After all, he had to repair himself during the previous battle and be firmly in the realm of Quasi-God. Various means.

Set foot in Shinto, but completely different from before.

There was nothing other than the dangers along the way, making Meng Fan a little lonely, after all, the two guys, Hairfinch and Black Tortoise were missing. If it were on weekdays, Meng Fan would really resent these two guys, but since he was missing, he felt that he had lost two interesting friends.

However, Yang Qing is more, which makes Meng Fan a headache.

Although it was cold when they met, after the two sides approached, Yang Qing replaced the Hairfinch and the Black Tortoise along the way, like a hundred thousand why, but asking this and that made Meng Fan laugh and cry.

"I said, boy Meng Fan, how did you find those two monsters, did you lie to me!"

"Yes, you definitely lied to me, saying, you have any hidden secrets, all provoke them, otherwise you will watch the fight!"

In this regard, Meng Fan missed the Hairy Sparrow and the Black Tortoise even more. There was a line of inheritance here, clearly a violent girl. . . . And it's extremely annoying.

During this quarrel, the two also moved forward slowly.

And Meng Fan also understands that although this emperor's road is extremely broad, but in some places, it is bound to return by different routes. According to Bai Shui'er's character, he should be waiting for Meng Fan after arriving at a certain place, so Meng Fan is also unimpeded. Keep stepping out.

After another full month, Meng Fan and Yang Qing also predicted that they would reach Dilu about 30%.

Because in this area, the world is no longer as simple as it was before, and the aura is overflowing, and there is a rolling coercion in the world. If the general Profound Origin Realm powerhouse can't even breathe here, here The natural world array has changed, and there may be terrible fierce lands everywhere.

Including Meng Fan and Yang Qing, the two also spent a lot of energy, and under high alert, they never had any rest. As a result, both of them are almost like two beggars, both in blue shirts. It was about to stick to Meng Fan, and his face was even worse.

Yang Qing was not better there either, she was a little uncomfortable all over her body, and some blood stains could be seen on her white and condensed skin, all of which were left over from the previous fight, but after all she could see that she was still a beautiful beauty.

If the two quasi-gods are able to do this, one can imagine how dangerous this Dilu and his party is. There must be many arrogances who have given up before this and are no longer moving forward. It is also a good choice if you find one of the ancient places to practice alone and wait until the imperial palace opens again.

After all, there is no need to take risks. Although there is no reason, it is also risk-free.

The law in Wanyu has always been the same. Opportunities are accompanied by endless murderous opportunities, and only the truly powerful are qualified to obtain it.

However, after stepping into the next world, Meng Fan and Yang Qing looked at each other, and there was a sense of joy that could not be concealed in their eyes. Because this heaven and earth did not move the same as before. At first glance, it was a mountain. It seemed that no one had come in for a long time. The birds and flowers, the trees are lush, the heaven and the earth are full of energy, which can be regarded as a rare cave.

For Meng Fan and Yang Qing, who are working hard all the way, it is naturally good news, and they can naturally be sorted out here.

After stepping onto this mountain peak, Meng Fan was full of energy. After careful investigation, he finally nodded and said in a deep voice.

"There should be no problem. This is just an ordinary blessed land. Without the harsh environment before, no one is lying in wait!"

"That's good!"

Yang Qing let out a long sigh. The two of them are extremely alert along the way, and both are a little scared. After all, many places in this road seem peaceful, but they are actually a dead place. Any ancient wood can be resurrected. Take your life.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then you have to go aside!"

Yang Qing said softly, her eyes looking far away, eager to try.


Meng Fan was taken aback, following Yang Qing's gaze, he couldn't help but notice that there was a huge lake in the world not far away. The surrounding water and light fluctuated like a flat mirror, extremely cool.

"Do you want to take a bath?"

Finally, Meng Fan reacted and said dumbly.

"of course!"

Yang Qingbai glanced at Meng Fan and hummed.

"Aren't you dirty? This old lady worked hard to hurry. Now that I have this place, I naturally want to enjoy it. First say yes, I will go first, and then you will go again. By the way, guard me outside, and the most important thing is One thing is that you are not allowed to take a peek, do you understand, if I get caught, hum!"

When he spoke, Meng Fan was a bit speechless.

Glancing at Yang Qing’s exquisite figure, Meng Fan gave birth to a hint of joking, and said with a smile,

"What's the matter, everyone is buddy, it's not better to be together!"


As Yang Qing gritted her teeth, three thousand green silks flew, and a mark suddenly appeared on Bai Jie’s forehead. The faintly powerful immortal body was about to explode, causing Meng Fan to leave immediately. For this powerful The woman really has nothing to say.

After a while, Yang Qing stepped out, a few steps into the lake, cheered, the clothes on her body also quickly fell off, only a layer of underwear fell, although the cover was still complete, but the shoulders The white skin is on the outside, the bumpy figure is almost perfect proportions, especially a pair of straight women stepping into the water, looking extremely tall and attractive, after Meng Fan glanced at it, he hurriedly made an enchantment. Immediately, he walked away, sat cross-legged, muttering words, really dare not look forward to it.

I have to say that this is definitely not a big visual impact, Yang Qing's beauty is really amazing. Even with Meng Fan's concentration, it needs to be suppressed forcibly, so I no longer think about it.

There was another sound that came down, and Yang Qing must have fallen off all his clothes at this moment and walked into the lake.

"Hey, it's really unfair. There are women in this world who want to be beautiful and attractive to men in the world, but they don't have a good appearance and body. But some people... Tsk tsk, if you want to do this, you don't plan to be with men anyway. Together!"

Meng Fan snorted. If Yang Qing heard this, she might really be going away.

And he was also sitting cross-legged on a large rock, his whole body was still, the vitality in his body was running, the qi and blood were united, and he moved against the gods, falling into the cultivation.

This is Meng Fan, where he is either practicing or killing people all his life, and he does not relax himself at all times. Only then can he have the power he has today.

With his eyes closed tightly, Meng Fan was quietly sensing the changes in his body. Now the most important thing for him is to transform the power of rebelliousness into a realm, and take another step.

This step is very important. The Absolute Realm is the supreme symbol of the true gods. In this realm, I am everything, the sky, the earth, and the stars. Covering everything with my own power is my will. This is what dare you. Called God.

In the first battle with Qin Hong, Meng Fan also suffered a lot from the lack of a realm, so the latter also wanted to form a realm as much as possible in the future time of this imperial palace.

Once it is truly formed, Meng Fan can even be sure that he has reached a level of incomparable strength. Even if he leaves the imperial palace, he may not be qualified for a battle even if he faces the sacred group from ancient times.

Standing alone, sitting still on the rock, the whole person is like an old monk, motionless, that kind of powerful qi and blood circulation makes his whole person completely integrated into this void, not moving and fearing.

However, after only a half-zhu incense, it made Meng Fan suddenly open his eyes and looked at the void. There was endless murderous intent in his originally peaceful eyes.

Even when facing Qin Hong before this, Meng Fan only had a strong fighting spirit. Unlike this moment, the latter seemed to have suddenly released all the hostility in his body, his face was a little distorted, looking at the sky above. In one direction, a few words slowly fell after a while, as cold as frost,

"The breath of black death...Are you from the restricted area?!"


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