Supreme God King

Chapter 1347: Want to kill God


The last two words fall, like a thunder, resounding through the world, and that unparalleled domineering meaning is also fully displayed. With the fall of a great seal, the entire sky is covered in Meng Fan’s handprints. The billowing vitality fluctuated a little bit, and violently collided with Han Gui's body.


It was just a moment, even if the cold ghost reacted and concealed the heavens with the sacred secret method, he encountered the most terrible impact. The whole body was torn and blood spurted out, directly causing Meng Fan Yiyin to fall from the void and severely suppressed. On the ground, a huge pit was born.

The air wave vibrates and the dust is everywhere!

At a glance, one could see that there was a big hole on the ground that looked like five fingers spreading, and it was a full kilometer long.

An ancient sacred, facing Meng Fan, this scene is not without shock, whether it is the guardian of the six temples or the many ancient existences, it is a praise, even if it has been seen in countless years Inherited Tianjiao, there is absolutely no such thing as Meng Fan.

Not only the realm, but also the kind of calmness and the power of layout that are not chaotic.

"It really is Meng Fan!"

On the side of the void, Yang Qing looked over at this moment, couldn't help but smile, and said softly.

Along the way, the two sides were no longer hostile as before, but instead made Yang Qing full of affection for Meng Fan, but it didn't show it.

Looking at the entire universe with Yang Qing's identity and means, who would dare to say that it can be compared to him, and there are a few men who can be by his side without being ashamed.

This is not the case for Meng Fan alone. It is because he has no background or blood, but there is always a kind of pride in the eyes of the latter, and there has never been a trace of discouragement.

This class of men is as fierce as a tiger, but at the utmost in the slightest, and as powerful as Yang Qing has to admit after approaching, this is comparable to the arrogant of his own era.

And even in Yang Qing's heart, if she didn't have a strong background, she could be like Meng Fan.

"Hmph, you are great, but my old lady is... not bad!"

After a while, Yang Qing shook her head and suppressed the countless thoughts in her heart. Her eyes looked at Youlong and others above the sky, her eyes sharpened.

Prior to this, she was in absolute suppression, even if the body of Associated Immortal was stimulated, she could not resist the combined suppression of Youlong and others, and was extremely passive.

But at this moment, his body stopped, and the moment his smile was put away, the mark on his forehead changed again, and a faintly terrifying aura surged.

This kind of breath Meng Fan is absolutely familiar, because it belongs to the inheritance that Yang Qing has just acquired, and it comes from... the ultimate god!

Just the moment it emerged, it made the entire world solidify, and Youlong and the others all shivered instinctively, feeling a great terror coming.

"You wait... die!"

After a few words fell, Zhou Tian trembled, the jade hand patted out, and it came crashing, and a kind of destructive power in the palm prints also burst, vitality emerged, and the power possessed was like a world in the hand, a reincarnation, emerging in the world At that moment, it seemed that this piece of the world had come to an end, and everything died, Yang Qing alone!

Such a terrifying way of fighting, Rao Meng Fan couldn't help but look at him, and his heart was shocked.

It is conceivable that Yang Qing, who has already accepted a line of inheritance, is now in Nirvana again in this imperial palace. Even though it is not sacred, this trump card is enough to have Youlong and others drink a pot. Of it.

But at this moment, Meng Fan didn't dare to have any distractions, his eyes were frozen between the ground, and an ancient figure slowly walked out of the ashes. He was wounded and embarrassed, naturally a cold ghost.

Prior to this, he had endured Meng Fan’s blow to the Great Emperor. How overbearing, his power opened the world, but after all, the cold ghost is worthy of the ancient sacred, and it is not dead, even if it is full of blood, but it makes its breath more and more. Terror came.

"Meng Fan, little beast, the old man wants your life!"

The gloomy tone spread all over the world. It was originally a slaying game, but it ended up like this. Naturally, the cold ghost was flooded with endless killing intent and fell into rage.

"If you have any means, take it out. You have already said this before, and it is of no use!"

Meng Fan responded indifferently, staring at Han Gui. Although the voice was like this, he was more cautious.

The transaction between the entire restricted area and the temple itself contained too many things, and Han Gui was obviously not an ordinary person, and it was only then that the restricted area could spend great efforts to revive it.

In this case, it is enough to prove that the latter is terrible, by no means ordinary.

"Since you want to attack the old man with mental power, then the old man will let you take a good look at what is called the ancient sacred spiritual power. With the power of the gods, crush your ant to death!"

Han Gui stared at Meng Fan, saying every word, and the aura in his body became more and more terrifying. Under the shaking of the whole body, the skin on his body began to fall off, revealing a piece of flesh and blood, which looked extraordinarily oozing.

His whole person is like a blood man. Bai Haotian's appearance was quite good before, but at this moment, there is no one who looks like a blood corpse, which is extremely terrifying.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, this should be an ancient secret method. He is making sacrifices in exchange for temporary power. Although it is enough to hurt him extremely, but if he succeeds, it can really suppress you. There is no defect at all!"

After a while, Xiaotian hurriedly said.

Yep! ?

With a change of expression, Meng Fan said softly.

"Is there any way?"


Xiaotian nodded and said,

"He still sacrificed successfully now, immediately shot, concentrated his strength, gathered everything, in a flash... Kill him!"

When he said that, Meng Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he only hesitated for a moment, before gritting his teeth, a resolute expression appeared on his face.

Life and death for many years, but never once caused Meng Fan to hesitate too much. Once he made a decision, he would be able to do it without looking back.

When he stepped out, Meng Fan let out a low roar, and he was alone in the sky, and the Inverse God scroll in his body was also madly running. Under this kind of time, the Inverse God Seal was completely burst, and under that kind of swallowing force, it caused The infinite vitality fluctuations in the heavens and the earth gathered in Meng Fan's body, filling every inch of blood.

Devouring the world, based on the body!

Under this general absorption, in the blink of an eye, I just don’t know how much of the primordial qi that Meng Fan swallowed. When he stepped into the realm of quasi-god, the imprint of the gods changed qualitatively, and the vitality contained in it already had that kind of energy. The special power against the gods belongs entirely to Meng Fan himself, the rolling power is in his body, and Meng Fan grabbed it with one hand and shouted,


A word was spit out, his hand changed, a strange light appeared in his palm, and the jade pendant was in his hand, it was... . Emperor Road!

This thing was specially given to Meng Fan by the old madman to stay in this temple in order to help Meng Fan become the emperor. The latter stepped into the existence of the tenth-order divine object, which was worn by the ancient emperors.

Prior to this, Meng Fan couldn't use it even if his power was fusion, but it was only half a year after Qin Hong was solved, that he initially took control of this worldless god.

Between the jade, the light flickered like stars!

At this moment, Meng Fan was holding the Emperor Dao, and the vitality fluctuations rolling in his body were also integrated into it, causing the Sanskrit sound to be emitted from the entire body of the Emperor Dao, and a breath of ancient and unreliable aura surged.

The sound fell, it seemed that someone was singing, spreading across the whole world, it was a little fuzzy, but it seemed clear,

Cut through the void and cut through the dust,

Become a **** in every battle.

I have never failed in my life,

Don't be a fool for the emperor!

This sentence is continuously transmitted, as the emperor’s path flows out, as if the gods are singing, and at the same time, among the whole body of Meng Fan, countless phantoms flicker. The more vitality merges, the more it freezes, and you can see it clearly. Looks.

Each of Meng Fan is familiar with each other. It is the phantom of the great emperor contained in the emperor's way. Now they are all appearing. Standing around Meng Fan, his breath erupts without saying a word, but it is as if power is fused in In Meng Fan's body.

Just which kind of supreme fusion of will has greatly improved Meng Fan's combat power.

Want to kill an ancient sacred in an instant, even if the latter did not really sacrifice successfully, but it is extremely difficult for Meng Fan. The conventional method has not been thought of at all, only this most powerful hole card is used. The power of this emperor's way, with its own strength, will fight with all its strength. If it fails, it will become benevolent!

In just a moment, holding the imperial Dao, Meng Fan was alone in the sky, his vitality was integrated, and he was completely integrated with each other. There is the terrible breath of the great emperor, with five fingers stretched out, one word by word

"The emperor cut!"

The emperor is angry, and the corpse is millions, the world is plain!

After a while, with these three characters falling, the Emperor Dao made a long cry, and along with all the power of Meng Fan, it turned into a long rainbow, which fell directly, cutting down the heavens, and directly toward the cold ghost who was offering sacrifice Struck.

The sky changes color, everything is covered!

Under this kind of attack, even the cold ghost who was offering sacrifices was shocked and roared,

"Do not!"

But in this tone, there is a fear that has never been left, the power in the body bursts out, a palm is empty, the void resists the past, and it collides with Meng Fan's imperial handprints.

In just a moment, the world swept across, and within 10,000 meters, a **** color!

Third more.


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