Supreme God King

Chapter 1350: Bumpy road ahead

Another half a month passed by in a hurry.

The emperor road is endless. After a short period of tidying up, Meng Fan, Yang Qing, and Bai Shui'er also walked together, stepping out to a deeper place.

Regardless of the future, Meng Fan's ambition will never be changed.

However, the more they move forward, the crisis they face is also huge, even after nearly three years, they are only at the point where they have reached 30%.

And when starting with this place, Meng Fan discovered that the difficulty of moving forward again was about three times the difficulty they had faced before. No wonder Bai Rong said that what was able to step into this place was already sacred.

If Bai Shui'er and Yang Qing didn't have the emperor map in the hands, I'm afraid it would be difficult to move an inch.

The so-called emperor map, only the Bai family, one line, an ancient force that can control it, although the space of the emperor palace is unpredictable, after all, there are countless ancestors from the two families who have arrived here.

Once he went back, he had the supreme existence to portray the emperor map, recording the many dangers and some strange creatures in the imperial palace, etc., which was regarded as a cheating method by the great emperors.

This kind of thing has already been secretly spread, so the journey for everyone to step into here will be longer, not because of strength, but because of the help of powerful forces behind him, and attach great importance to this imperial palace. , Like the restricted area, Bai Shui'er, it is all like this.

But despite this, this thing only has some help. The more you move forward, the help will become smaller and smaller. Wanting to walk in this imperial palace is not just relying on experience, if there is no absolute Strength, there is only one way to die.

This Di Tu couldn't really make Meng Fan and the others completely seek good fortune and avoid evil, but could only step out of their own good fortune.

Moreover, the entire space is chaotic and extremely unstable, connected among countless small worlds, and when stepping into some places, one can see a kind of creatures that grew up in ancient times, a rare treasure of heaven and earth.

However, more often than not, I found out that this place was a unique and dangerous place, including endless murderous opportunities. If you are not careful, you may be suppressed by the strange laws of space.

Even if they are as powerful as Meng Fan, the three of them must be careful. They have strange creatures and large formations that they have never seen before, even now they are inexperienced masters in this imperial palace, the younger generation. Top Tianjiao is also likely to fall at any time.

After traveling for two months, in an ancient space, surrounded by snow and wind, suppressing the world, even a spit of water may cause freezing, which is extremely terrifying.

It’s easy to say for Meng Fan and Yang Qing, but it is a huge challenge for Bai Shui’er. It is already extremely difficult to force Bai Shui’s power to fight against Zhou Tian’s rules and continue to move forward. The child has this incompatibility.

"Shui'er, walking into it will not suit you anymore!"

Meng Fan said softly.

"Opportunity is accompanied by risks. In this powerful opportunity, you also need strength before you can get it. It's better if you stay here. We find a place, and you hide in it. Wait until the day the palace opens, we It is possible to meet outside this temple."

The words made Bai Shui'er hesitate. She had just reunited with Meng Fan and others, so naturally she didn't want to be separated so quickly.

However, Bai Shui'er is also very sensible, and naturally understands what this place is. However, in the Eternal Palace, her realm is no longer strong enough to move forward. If it is forced, it will only bring endless trouble to Meng Fan, making it impossible for the latter. Let go of this imperial palace.

After a moment of contemplation, Bai Shui'er nodded, staring at Meng Fan, and said softly.

"Then you promise me, you must be careful!"

"Do not worry!"

Meng Fan smiled, extremely calm.

The three of them walked all the way. After crossing the ice and snow space, they finally came to a hidden cave. This is already the place of the imperial palace. Without the powerful murderous intent, the great aura contained in the heavens is extremely rich. It is a good place for any cultivator in the world to retreat.

"Okay, let's separate here!"

Bai Shui'er stood on a rock above the valley, watching Meng Fan, the green silk was flying, saying every word,

"You must remember that you are not just a person, there will be someone waiting for you!"

Facing the beautiful woman's watery eyes, Meng Fan was immediately silent for a while. If he could, he really wanted to stay. With a woman like Bai Shui'er, it was definitely his blessing to get this kind of confidant.

However, the number of people wanted to be quiet and the wind continued. For Meng Fan, there were too many, too many, on his shoulders. He had to go all the way and set foot in the depths of the imperial palace, seeking opportunities and directions.

Looking at the beautiful woman's watery gaze, even though Meng Fan had all kinds of words, in the end he only sighed softly and turned into invisible.

And at the next moment a voice came out,

"Well, boy Meng Fan, your bodyguard journey is here too. Although you will see you again, but you may not know for a few years. Don't be too weak to meet again!"

As soon as he said, it was Yang Qing who was speaking, and Bai Shui'er's expression moved suddenly, and he said dumbly.

"You have to be separated from Meng Fan. According to the truth, you two are both at the level of quasi-god. If you are united, you must be able to stay safe and sound in this imperial palace. Why should you separate?"

"Shui'er, this is the Dilu, we didn't come here for...there's no harm! Before that, I could delay some time to save you, but it's no longer possible."

Yang Qing sighed softly and said slowly,

"Since I'm a descendant, I will have my responsibility. Although my grandfather didn't say it, but he wants the strongest arrogant in this era. I bet that although most of them are out there, there will be more A powerful existence stepped into the depths of the imperial palace, looking for our own opportunities. If Meng Fan and I are united, if we are too lucky to avoid evil, we may be able to leave the imperial palace alive, but we will never fight for opportunities. There is so much progress. The only opportunity for this thing is to kill and only seize, so we need to move separately and walk out of our own emperor road, the emperor... has always been alone!"

The tone was calm, but very sassy.

I have to say that Yang Qing is one of the strange women that Meng Fan has seen in his life. She was born in one line but her identity. There are many direct disciples in one line. Yang Qing can go to this day, only in that kind of bone. Pride and unyielding are just the most important reasons for him to prove God.

"Good point, little girl!"

Meng Fan raised his head, looked at him, and said calmly.

"I once told a friend of yours, see you on the road to becoming a god, now it's the same for you, just see who is faster!"

The two of them looked at each other, and just for a moment, they wiped out countless sparks, like two stars colliding.

Although Bai Shui'er was equally stubborn, she was different from Yang Qing. In the final analysis, Yang Qing and Meng Fan belonged to the same group.

Even if they are now friends and have a very deep relationship, they still have a war, because they all want to be the best in the world, suppress everything, and be the first arrogant in the world. On this road, the throne is only One.

Before that, the two of them made short shots on their own. They were not struggling with life and death, but they were extremely afraid of their respective strengths. At the same time, they were also eager to try. If there is a suitable opportunity, Meng Fan will give birth to endless sex, wanting See if your Inverse God Scroll can be the body of the first battle, the odds of winning are geometric!

"Hehe, okay!"

After a while, Yang Qing put away her fighting spirit, smiled sweetly, and at the same time raised her hand, a scroll fell into Meng Fan’s hand.

"Although I despise you and want to beat you back to get my water back, I still have to say that you must not die here. I saw this thing before, it is very interesting!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, he saw the scroll at a glance, and when he opened it, he saw that it was a scroll of portraits.

This portrait was very ordinary, with only a black wolf on it, with sharp eyes, which made Meng Fan's heart jump and looked at Yang Qing.

"This is what I picked up from the group of people in the restricted area before. This thing will not appear easily. Once it appears, there is a possibility that the things on this portrait are also here. I have heard my grandpa said, He should be called... greedy wolf!"

Yang Qing solemnly said that she was very cautious at this moment, even with a trace of fear.


Hearing this, Bai Shui'er's face paled, and her jade hand gripped Meng Fan's arm tightly, biting her red lips.

"How is it possible, logically speaking, shouldn't it be the time when it comes?"

"It should be!"

Yang Qing shook her head and explained,

"Before I saw the two seniors beside Meng Fan and the Flying Waterfall go to the ancient space at the same time to fulfill the golden covenant. Although I don’t know exactly what this covenant is, it should be a group of gods who established themselves in the ancient times. The oath, and the most important point is this painting, he is called the wolf, Meng Fan.

You probably don’t know that the forbidden zone is conquering the world, and it is intended to cause a catastrophe every time. You have fought twice before, but in fact, compared with the plan of the real forbidden zone, your previous two times are considered to be It's a little bit of a witch, because when the forbidden area initiates a truly terrible disturbance, it will be straight to this Middle Ages.

Even the ancient forces were swept by it, and centered on this Middle Ages domain, covering all the big domains of heaven and earth, once a turmoil, there will be more than one big domain, there will be hundreds, thousands of places, spreading to the middle ages, eight great places. God's Domain and all other places, and the most obvious omen that will be launched is the greedy wolf. The record in its restricted area is the beginning of the chaos of the world! "

Greedy wolf!

His pupils shrank, Meng Fan said solemnly,

"Just this one?"

"No, it should be four. These four people are the most terrifying existences in the forbidden zone who conquer the ten thousand realms. From generation to generation, each of them has the origin of God. In this forbidden zone, it is rumored that the king of God will be removed. Outside are these four people.

Although the seven restricted areas are fighting each other, there is an old rule among them, that is, these four people are the co-owners of the seven restricted areas.

In ancient times, this has always been the case. Even if the wolf-greedy generation fell in the ten thousand domains, the forbidden area has its eternal gods origin, which can guarantee the resurrection of the wolf-greedy four. The task formed by its generation is to help the forbidden area. In the battle of Ten Thousand Realms, it is rumored that once these four people are great successes, they are unstoppable without the King of Gods. Under Ten Thousand Realms, they are all ants. My grandpa is extremely afraid of these four guys. They are called greedy wolves, seven kills, and an army! "

Yang Qing said slowly, with a cold tone.

"The other one is called... Taibai, it is rumored that Taibai's combat power is comparable to the King of Gods. In addition, the three greedy wolves can only be regarded as the three generals, but they are already unmatched in terror. These four kills Although the star has the origin of God, it is not easy to cultivate, but once it appears, it will destroy the world. I once saw a picture in my family. Taibai appeared, leading the three generals and many ancient truths in this restricted area. The devil, the ancient existence descends, the world is bloody, but it is a **** color, the gods at dusk, no one can resist, Meng Fan, for sure, I guess the wolf is very likely to be in this imperial palace to experience and revive the gods. , Waiting to be merged, the restricted area has spent such a large amount of work, that cold ghost is just one link!"

Seven kills, greedy wolves, break the army. . . . . Too white!

Many names flashed through Meng Fan's mind, and I had to say that Yang Qing's words surprised Meng Fan, and he never thought it would be the case.

However, for a moment of indulgence, it caused the blood in Meng Fan to boil quickly. If Meng Fan is afraid at this moment, then it is not Meng Fan. For him, the real excitement is in this imperial palace. Among them is really called Tianjiao Ruyun.

Yang Qing, Qin Hong, and the disciple of Venerable Ke Wang, two of them have already fought, and they are both similar to Meng Fan, while the other is mysterious and potential enemy. Now there is a little more, it is the more terrifying wolf greedy, and the four major killing gods in the restricted area.

Upon hearing this, after being shocked, Meng Fan’s reaction was no longer fear, but apathy.

"Don't worry, I want to meet, and I want to... kill!"

The last two words were uttered very simply. For Meng Fan, this was the case. The more Tianjiao, the more he would have a heart to collide with him.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one who is the emperor in all ages!

To achieve this step, one must step on the heads of all the world's arrogant talents. Forever, this name shakes the world and attracts hundreds of millions of attention, but it is a price. . . . . It is also extremely huge!


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