Supreme God King

Chapter 1353: Shameless person

The moment the sound fell and fell into Meng Fan's ears, he was shocked and froze on the spot.

Not only was he stunned, including Xiaotian and Emperor Dao were all struck by lightning. I have to say that if the voice hadn't had a hint of childishness, the three of them would really think it was the rebirth of Lord Bird and Lord Gui. Body, back again.

The tone is simply yes. . . . It is exactly the same, how insidious and insidious, how insidious and insidious, how can one be described as extremely cheap. . . . .

The moment Meng Fan saw this strange bug, Meng Fan was shocked, and he was really puzzled.

But what surprised him the most was that the insect emperor at the core turned his head and looked at this strange black insect. There was a kind of kindness in his eyes, as if he was very willing to hear this. Kind of words.

And this little black bug is also simply, shouting directly,

"Long live my emperor, longevity without borders, the world under the earth, has always been the boss, there is no one forever, and the world is unified!"

Such a sound, it needs to be fleshy and fleshy, it needs more goosebumps, but it turns out that this insect emperor is extremely useful, and he looks like ordinary insects around him.

Even if it’s stepping into the sixth step, the seventh-order bugs are only one or two babbling compliments for it. How can this bug be happy, after carefully looking at the black bug that there is no other breath, the bug emperor nodded , For this black bug, he showed his affection and directly signaled to let it come to his side.

You must know that the black bugs that can be around the bug emperor are all qualified to enjoy the food next to the bug emperor, but they are all treasures of heaven and earth provided by the black bugs on the entire island.

The latter is simply a big landlord, and the speed of cultivation around him can be imagined. It is enough to integrate powerful divine power after eating.

This treatment, this way. . . . .

Damn, it's all right!

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched. He wanted to use the old method to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, but now it seems that he is outdated.

Someone can actually use this method, it is exactly the same as the longhair sparrow and the black turtle, it is too shameless... . But to be precise, it's too easy to use!

Perhaps the insect emperor hadn't noticed it, but Meng Fan's eyesight was amazing. After carefully focusing his mental power, he still saw the difference of this ordinary insect.

He should be the same as himself, using an ancient method to hide his figure. If Meng Fan hadn't controlled the Magic Tree, he would really not be able to detect the weakest change.

Under this circumstance, he naturally stepped into it smoothly and came to this insect emperor's side. He was only one step away from the underground palace of the Sunset Sect that Meng Fan dreamed of.

"This person is very mysterious. He doesn't sound like Cao Qiushui. I don't know what the picture is. It seems that Xiaoye can no longer be so low-key..."

Meng Fan let out a low roar, glanced at the black bug that was tasting the treasure of heaven and earth, thinking about it, and after a while, he slowly flew away and came directly towards the bug emperor.

"Long live my lord, it's really autumn water with heavenly jade as muscles, beautiful and inextricably beautiful, such a beauty is really rare in the sky and underground, I am willing to follow my lord to the death!"

When I said it, it was just how exaggerated and exaggerated. The Xiaotian and Emperor Dao who listened to him were about to vomit. Unexpectedly, Meng Fan had also failed to learn. This method was exactly the same.

It would be the black bug not far away that was stunned, and a pair of small eyes stared at Meng Fan with an incredible look.

And Chongdi obviously didn't expect anyone to praise himself so much, and after a while, it turned out to be in his eyes. . . . . . There was a shy look, yes, it was really shy.

With huge wings flashing, the insect emperor turned out to be an unprecedented move after a while, and directly made a place for Meng Fan to come to his side to enjoy this treasure of heaven and earth. The location was even greater than the black insect before. Get closer.

And there is no doubt that both Meng Fan and the mysterious person rely on it. . . . . Slippery beard and horseback came to this insect emperor smoothly, even if he hadn't stepped into the sunset sect, it was relatively not far away.

The insect emperor was extremely satisfied. It was unexpected that there were two insects whose mentality had improved so high. It was not that he had not seen it, but that the changes between Meng Fan and the mysterious person were not really controlled by this method of change. The sacred realm is invisible, it is exactly the same.

So after a while, Chongdi fell into retreat again, just opening a pair of eyes from time to time to look at the black bug that Meng Fan and the mysterious man had transformed.

But the two of them simply shouted directly,

"My emperor is mighty, the mountains and rivers change color!"

"My emperor is like a flower, beautiful and beautiful!"

Undoubtedly, the two men's slapped horses were once again satisfied by the insect emperor, their eyes were gentle, and they continued to sleep.

"Meng Fan, how do you know that this insect emperor is a female, in case it is a male... you and I are miserable?"

In the space, Xiaotian asked hesitantly, really puzzled.

And Meng Fan snorted, disdainfully,

"Nonsense, there are so many bugs here, not from her, but from the ass..."

But after not paying attention to the bug emperor.

The eyes of Meng Fan and the mysterious person met each other. Both of them were indifferent. They could feel that the other person and himself are the same kind of people, that is, the two talents are real enemies. They will compete for the opportunity here. To collide together.

Suddenly, the two people's spirits collided while the insect emperor was not paying attention, and two voices were also dropped in the sea of ​​knowledge of the two.



There is no doubt that both of them looked disdainful of the latter's behavior, as if the other's actions were extremely contemptuous, and they did not notice themselves at all.

Therefore, even though they are around the insect emperor, both of them are extremely angry with each other, and their bodies are not moving, but the rolling mental power is already secretly fighting.


Void tremors, Meng Fan's mental power collided with the sea of ​​consciousness. It seemed invisible, but it was quite terrifying, causing this void tremor. At the same time, both of them were secretly surprised.

Experts will know if there is any!

Just at the moment of touching, both of them could feel each other's profound cultivation, and Meng Fan's heart was secretly moved, and he could already feel that the other party should also be a quasi-god-level powerhouse, so that he could be with himself. There is no wind left in the collision of mental power.


But at the next moment, the void flashed, and the black bug that Meng Fan had transformed suddenly moved, feeling three deadly murderous opportunities.

Even the other black bugs were not found, but Meng Fan was the first to bear the brunt, because his reaction was to see three silver needles in the void, coming quickly.

This silver needle must be a kind of peculiar treasure of heaven and earth. It is silent, but it is ecstatic. If Meng Fan had not been dead for many years, he would be hit immediately.

However, even the latter is unavoidable, but the large-scale action caused the eyes of the surrounding black bugs to come over, full of hesitation, and made a humming sound, including the bug emperor who opened his eyes again and made Meng Fan all over again. Cold sweat.

If it weren’t for this magic wood to be extremely powerful, I’m afraid Meng Fan would really expose it, and at this moment he could only try to hide his figure as much as possible, pretending to eat nothing, and after a few breaths, he could calm the world again. .


In the distance, even though he didn't succeed, the mysterious person who turned into a black bug smiled obviously and was a little triumphant.

But before he could speak, the void suddenly burst, and the space he was in directly shook open, it was a mental shock, silently, but it caused all the black bugs around him to die, only leaving him alone.


This sudden change caused the sea of ​​insects to riot, attracting the eyes of countless insects to fall on the black insects transformed by this mysterious person. The violent aura overflowed, causing chaos in the world and the mysterious person's black The worms didn't dare to breathe more and were extremely speechless.

Humph, come and go without being indecent!

Meng Fan sneered. The other party wanted to attack him and cause trouble to himself, so he was not polite, and he also secretly blacked the other party. But now after this secret fight, both of them are afraid to play with fire, because once they reveal their identities at this moment, then they are playing with fire**, and both of them are both in shape. In this army of millions of black bugs, as long as one is not careful. . . . The consequences must be quite terrible.

After both of them stared dryly one after another, they were quiet for a while.

However, at the next moment, Xiaodi’s voice came.

"No, Meng Fan, someone has arrived again, and it seems to be an acquaintance!"

With a word, Meng Fan's expression moved and hesitated,

"who is it?"

"Remember the chaos of the Xitian Protoss and the Zhao family, the Liu family?"

Little Emperor slowly said,

"It's their people. I've seen Luan Mi and them once. I am familiar with their aura, and it's not just them, even the three chicks with Bai Lan Ling, who also appeared with them. It should be here. The edge of the island!"

With a word, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed, and he said coldly.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I still have this certainty, because I have quietly left my breath in the place before this, and they have touched it by their arrival!"

Emperor Dao slowly said, as a tenth-order god, its mind is definitely not that simple.

Hearing this, Meng Fan fell silent and thought for a while, but there was a cold smile on his small face, which immediately made Xiaotian and Emperor Dao shook their heads, knowing that Meng Fan must be a bad idea.

After a while, Meng Fan looked at the mysterious man not far away and said slowly,

"Brother, you and I don't have to fight, because the biggest group in the imperial palace has been taken advantage of... but here it is!"


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