Supreme God King

Chapter 1356: Go through three barriers first

To open the mountain gate, first pass three levels!

These words fell, making Meng Fan and Longma look at each other, both of them were able to sense a trace of solemnity from each other's eyes.

The hurdles for the trials of the ancient heritage are right in front of you.

Needless to say, the two of them also understand, but it is also full of danger, if it is easy to go, I am afraid it will not let the ancestors of the sunset sect be arranged like this.

Arrogance is like a dragon horse. At this moment, I also feel a little pressure, but it is arrogant.

"Hey, come on, kid, there is a way to follow Uncle Long!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan didn't speak, but just stepped out and walked calmly towards it.

Over the years, there has been too much experience. This kind of place is indeed quite terrifying, but it does not make Meng Fan feel shrinking.

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, Long Ma let out a low growl, and the two of them also went up at the same time.

The week is peaceful here, and there are rows of palaces standing there, but at the moment they move, they cause a change in space. Two golden roads appear in them, paving Meng Fan and Longma in front of them.

There is no doubt that even if the eternal time has passed, the power held here still has not dissipated, but the moment of touch, a lot of things have been opened invisibly, causing Meng Fan and Longma to take a breath and understand. This is definitely a Dragon Lake and Tiger Den.

Along the road, Meng Fan and Longma kept moving forward. After only about a hundred steps, they could not walk again in front of them, because the front was blocked, and the road between them was sealed by a huge stone monument. , There are only two words on it, Liguan!

"If you want to pass, break open with force, the higher the realm, the stronger the stone will be. Only when the power is respected in its realm, can it be opened!"

At the same time, a voice of vicissitudes of life fell in the sea of ​​knowledge of the two Meng Fans.

Hearing that, Meng Fan's expression moved, and his heart was sighed with emotion. It is worthy of the sunset sect. He has courage to plant this thing. The higher the realm, there is no limit in itself.

Only the ancient power can dare to say this sentence, otherwise it will inevitably be beaten in the face.

And here I am afraid it is a sacred arrival, the power of this stone tablet will also follow the change, reaching the end of its own realm, if it is unable to cultivate to the extreme, it will not be able to break this barrier.

The ancient heritage, under the prestige, is not vain.

But at the next moment, the dragon horse on the side gave a long roar, and directly transformed into a Juying Shadow, and rushed forward fiercely. Under the domineering impact, the world was torn apart, and its hoofs were lifted. Kicked up and passed.


With just one foot, the stone tablet in front of him flashed with golden light, and in the next moment it burst into pieces, turning into countless dust.

One blow, burst and unmatched, this dragon horse is an ancient alien species, quasi-god, obviously its power has reached the peak of the quasi-god level, and it will be so.

The latter dare to say that it is an ancient alien species and a sacred bloodline, and I am afraid that it does have a great background, otherwise it will not be able to enter this imperial palace.

"Boy, can you do it!"

Turning his head, Ryoma asked viciously.

With a proud tone, Warcraft naturally has a big advantage in this respect. In addition to its own body, the Warcraft with the sacred blood will reach infinite power, which gives Ryoma a strong confidence.

But Meng Fan smiled, stepped forward, raised his palm, and did not respond, just a little finger gently stretched out, a little empty, and landed on the stone tablet.


Another burst of noise fell, and the stone tablet shattered, as if it hadn’t appeared before. Before that, Ryoma erupted all over his body, and his blood circulated. The body of the ancient beasts used his full strength, but Meng Fan was extremely casual, just Just one finger!

The end of power has always been Meng Fan's pursuit for many years. Physical cultivation has made him never afraid of anyone of the same age. This kind of power explodes.

It may be a difficult thing for other humans, but Meng Fan's physical body has never been placed at the same level as humans, but wanted to be suppressed. . . . Swire Warcraft!

This. . . . .

Ryoma's expression changed, he cursed, concealing the flash of horror in his eyes, turned around and left without saying more.

And Meng Fan also smiled and continued to step forward. It seemed easy to break this strength barrier, but it was just that kind of real enchantment for both of them.

Whether it is Longma or Meng Fan, before this, they have been constantly tempering their physical bodies. Only by practicing with strength can they be able to make this step bigger. If you want to suppress everything, you need to pay a price that other people cannot see. It’s the same. . . . It's huge!

As the two of them took another hundred steps, Zhou Tian changed, and a stone tablet came again. This time there were only two words on the stone tablet, soul pass!

As it said, the previous test of strength was the physical body of the two, and the soul barrier left at this moment was aimed at the spiritual power, and it was also the same as before. The higher the state, the higher the stone. The difficulty is getting stronger.

Om, hum!

In an instant, two voices came out at the same time, and Longma and Meng Fan no longer hesitated. Knowing the sea riots, the mental power in their bodies also filed out, rushing towards this stone monument.

For this mental power, the two had already competed before, but they did not distinguish between winning or losing.

But now under the impact, each has used the most domineering means, and each move is comparable to the tide.

Although it seems random, both Meng Fan and Longma are full of war spirits at this moment. Naturally, they not only want to suppress the stone monument, but also suppress the other side.

After the time of a stick of incense, two voices broke, and the two fast soul steles before Meng Fan and Longma burst into pieces in no particular order.


Ryoma snorted heavily, which was really uncomfortable. For him, losing to a human being was extremely unacceptable, especially this human being was still quite wretched. . . Taking one step out, Ryoma went straight forward again.

Obviously, these three levels did not accompany the two of them to take a hundred steps, but a level will appear. After the two have broken two consecutive levels, the third stone monument also falls again, with two large characters on it, Daoguan!

really. . . . .

Meng Fan sighed in his heart. The ancestors of the Sunset Sect that left these three levels are extremely picky. For the later heirs, it turns out that the soul, the body, and the martial arts need to reach the extreme before they are qualified to enter this heritage. .

I have to say that this is really difficult, and Meng Fan is a bit retreat, after all, these three levels are already so abnormal, but there are others!


After a while, Long Ma let out a low growl, glared at Meng Fan, and immediately sat cross-legged in meditation. The whole person's spiritual power was activated and blended into this martial arts stele.

Inspired by its spiritual power, this stone tablet also shone with light on it, and a phantom appeared. It was an old man in a white robe with white hair. It looked kind and kind, just like an ordinary amiable old man, except in his eyes. The moment I opened it, only one word came out,


It's just a word, every day changes, everything is different.

At this moment, the latter seemed to be the incarnation of the common people, with the horror of suppressing everything, as if the supreme divine voice burst out of it, resounding throughout the world.

After this kind of divine sound came out, Long Ma immediately shook his whole body. Even if he possessed the most powerful martial arts, he was completely suppressed by the old man. In the void, the divine sound covered the world, as if the old man was teaching Long Ma.

So strong!

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan's heart was shocked. Although he did not know the identity of the old man, this third level was definitely not as easy as the first two levels. With a heavy sigh, Meng Fan also sat cross-legged, his mental strength was shocked, and the void struck, colliding with the martial arts stele.

Just like a dragon horse, opposite Meng Fan sat an old man who was exactly the same, but the moment his eyes opened, he was even more domineering, and the sound of the gods also sounded in an instant, spreading throughout the world, causing Zhou Tian to tremble.


Infinite divine sounds, like infinite truths, at this moment, Meng Fan's heart actually gave birth to a feeling of facing a high mountain. This is because the opponent's martial arts is absolutely suppressing himself. Once it is lost on this If you don’t, then you think your own martial arts are not as good as the opponent. This is extremely harmful to the cultivator, and it can even hinder the cultivation of the mind.

With a low growl, Meng Fan is not an extraordinary person either, his mental power is operating, suppressing everything, and at the same time the infinite way bursts out from the sea of ​​knowledge.


It is the same word, Meng Fan replied to the old man, just sitting cross-legged in the void, martial arts turned into divine sound, and the old man discussed the Tao together.

Such a scene is not unbelievable. I have to say that the trial of the Sunset Sect is simply incomparable, and ordinary people have no possibility of breaking through. Just under the three barriers is enough to stop most of the world's arrogance.

And at the same time, all the temple elders who had been capturing the breath of Meng Fan in this imperial palace before were unable to capture the breath of Meng Fan again. After the latter stepped into this strange space, everything Everything they can't see, including the six sacred elders who are guarded outside.

The six people looked at each other in amazement. This kind of situation is absolutely impossible. After a moment of silence, the Red Robe Elder said slowly,

"There are only two possibilities, one is that after 50%, everything is concealed, and the other is that... the forbidden space he has stepped into has a cultivation base above us, that's the case!"

With a word, the other five people suddenly twitched their mouths. Although there are countless imperial powers and great opportunities are like scales across the river, there are still a handful of people who can have this kind of cultivation. The chances left by it are naturally shocking.

Unless it is after reaching the fifth floor, if it does not arrive, then it can only prove that Meng Fan's ability to find opportunities is true. . . . Time is scarce, so I have to take it!

However, despite the shock from the outside world, Meng Fan was caught in a bitter battle at this moment. Sweat continued to fall from his forehead, and the whole person was silent. The voices of the divine entangled in the void kept reverberating.

This kind of fight alone lasted for half a month.

Finally the void stood still, the divine voice between the two sides fell, and the figure of the old man sitting not far away from Meng Fan slowly disappeared, just the moment of disappearance, as if he smiled slightly at Meng Fan.

Breathing out heavily, Meng Fan opened his eyes and looked at the straight road in front of him, only to find that he had finally passed the first stage of martial arts, completely breaking the three stages. . . . . . You are qualified to step into the palace of the Sunset Sect!


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