Supreme God King

Chapter 1367: Suppress

Tell me to kill, then you will regret it!

With one word, the world moves!

Inside and outside the entire imperial palace space, at this moment no one did not feel trembling about this sentence. Everyone stared at Meng Fan with wide-eyed eyes, and had to admit that Meng Fan was really... Not surprisingly endless!

Greedy wolves in the restricted area, what a murder, it is recognized in ancient times!

However, facing this moment, Meng Fan didn't care about the other party's past at all, did not put the wolf in his eyes at all, and even the characteristics of the wolf that killed the most, was an attitude of contempt.

This is really... too arrogant!

Not to mention Meng Fan, even the old monster powerhouse dare not say this in front of the greedy wolf. In ancient times, the greedy wolf killed people. I don’t know how many blooded the top powerhouse among the ten thousand domains. Today, there are people who are indifferent and opposite, dare to claim that they are killing the way above the wolf.

Suddenly, Zhou Tian was dead, including the guardian of the six elders who felt speechless.

And at this moment in the imperial palace, greedy wolf's eyes narrowed, showing a slight smile, said calmly,

"what did you say?"

Although the tone was questioning, the overwhelming vitality fluctuations came from the sky, towards Meng Fan, creating an absolute vacuum.

If it weren't for Meng Fan to be different from what it used to be, and to form an absolute realm of power against the gods, he would probably be greatly suppressed.

Greedy Wolf can be called a peerless killer in the restricted area because he has multiplied the black death air to a terrible level, permeating the void, as if burning, swallowing all vitality, making the whole world more and more Silent and gloomy.

And Meng Fan's expression remained the same, saying lightly,

"Don't talk nonsense, just take it out if you have any means. You used to be rampant all over the world because you didn't meet me, but now you meet me...kneel down!"

The last two words fell, as if thunder was exploded out of thin air!

At this moment, Meng Fan was so arrogant and arrogant that he took the initiative. With a roar, the surging vitality burst out, turning into a sea tide, breaking through the world, coming in the sky, and colliding with the terrifying aura of the wolf.


In an instant, the void rioted, and Meng Fan strode out, his vitality surrounded his body, and the phenomena of the phaseless and silent sutra surged at this moment. The whole person was on the sky, like a great Buddha, fearless and fearless.

Perhaps others thought he was arrogant and thought he didn't know good or bad, but for Meng Fan, it meant that he was crushing.

The so-called greedy wolf, the so-called forbidden zone, in his eyes, must be a flat ground, blood debts and blood, the goal to be reached in a lifetime, so how about awe!

Transformation in that dreamland has allowed Meng Fan's own mood to reach an unprecedented level. The enemy he faces is neither arrogant nor impetuous, but only kills!

The air wave hits, suppressing Zhou Tian!

In just a moment, the infinite potential of the two is to collide in the void, each has already formed a domain, and the power possessed can penetrate into any scream in this domain, even if there is no body. In the collision, but in this world, there are already countless crackling sounds of space bursting.

And before moving, Meng Fan exploded his strongest means, waved his big hand, his vitality merged, and he clearly understood that if he wanted to deal with the existence of greedy wolves, he could only be crushed to death with absolute strength.

Therefore, the immortal imprint in his body absorbed the heaven and the earth, and Meng Fan stood in this sky like a great emperor. When he raised his hand, the huge imprint smashed through the sky.

"The Great Seal!"

Just one seal, overwhelming everything.

Before this, Meng Fan was just a quasi-god-level powerhouse, and did not form a domain. Now, after his realm has been improved, this kind of shot is not only an increase in his own combat power, but also an extra Kind of invisible momentum.

One is the emperor, I do... You can’t!


Between these marks, the sky and the earth were covered, and the greedy wolf's eyes flashed murderously, and the black death air in the whole body surged, and at the same time, a deep claw, a volley caught,

"Greed wolf strike!"

With just one blow, the black death air in his body boiled, like a supreme greedy wolf grabbing towards him, there is a terrible, that kind of rushing wolf that suppresses sentient beings and knocks the whole world apart. Shadow is the greedy wolf that killed the incomparable in ancient times.


Before the two men fought in close quarters, they might not have such a terrifying aura, but now, isn't it? This kind of collision is too overbearing, causing the entire sky to lose its color, causing countless old monsters to be sweaty.

Now the methods of the two are comparable to sacred, even if the ordinary sacred and one-fold people are in it, it is difficult to fight, and it will be torn apart by the power of the two, this kind of combat power is too terrifying. , Are not restricted by the realm, but after too much accumulation, can there be this kind of confrontation after breaking through the realm.

The palms and claws collide, the strength is staggered!

In the next moment, the claws of the black wolf above the sky were visible to the naked eye, but began to break apart every inch. Under the horrific power of this great emperor’s seal, the greedy wolf itself actually retreated, spouting blood. , Covered by Sunday, and fly it out.

One hit...successful!

Both sides are in the same realm, both belong to the realm of quasi-gods, and merge themselves. However, under this kind of collision, Greed Wolf is not Meng Fan’s opponent, and both sides face each other. , Causing Greedy Wolf's body to burst into pieces, including the kind of phantom he possessed with the surging black death aura, also suffered heavy losses.

An uproar!

The fall of this scene can be called a thunderstorm. In the temple, there were countless strong men who showed disdain for Meng Fan. They thought that the latter was too arrogant and might be invincible among humans, but this can be faced with ancient times. Greedy wolves, under this kind of killing gods, it is bound to suffer.

But now it seems that this is not the case. The two sides deploy their respective strengths and make a full blow, how overbearing.

However, the consequence was that the greedy wolf was blasted out by Meng Fan, which really made everyone...

"The ancient wolf greedy did not fully grow up. Although the restricted area resurrected him, this is only his infancy, and he will be integrated into this experience. Otherwise, Meng Fan will not even be able to support the power of a little finger in front of him. !"

After a while, one of the six guarding elders slowly said, and immediately attracted the approval of several others.

A blow to the greedy wolf, this scene is indeed shocking to the world, but today's greedy wolf is not a complete growth, only the level of the quasi-god domain, but if you give the greedy wolf time, then the latter is an ancient sacred nightmare.

"That's true, but don't forget. Although Greedy Wolf was in his early childhood, he was extremely arrogant, his own power was terrifying and extreme, and he could be invincible at the same level, but now he and Meng Fan are the same little guy. It's higher than the grade, but it was blown out. What does this show?"

However, at the next moment, the red-robed old man headed slowly said.

When he said that, the other five people were silenced and looked at the headed old man in surprise.

"This little guy, Meng Fan, has unlimited potential. Indeed, greedy wolves are destined to grow and will reach a terrifying point. He is a sacred nightmare. Meng Fan in this period is naturally not his opponent, but don’t forget, Meng The speed of growth is not slow, and if one day both sides reach the same sacred level, do you think this scene will happen again!"

The tone was vicissitudes of life, but the eyes of the twelve red-robed elders headed by the temple at this moment looked at Meng Fan with a look of excitement and expectation.

Between heaven and earth, a mess!

Under the previous fight, it is already a judgement!

In the same realm, Meng Fan was able to crush the greedy wolf, which I have to say is an unimaginable myth.

And in the void, after a few breaths, a figure stepped out, covered in blood, with broken clothes, standing quietly, but the violent air enveloped the world, naturally it was a greedy wolf flying out.

Rao had never expected Meng Fan, who had gathered all the power in his body, to be so terrifying.

Same level suppression!

This is what any Tianjiao in the world wants to do. Greedy Wolf has always been like this, but here it turned out to encounter Meng Fan, that kind of overbearing power, extreme strength, even his wolf-greedy power. , All invincible!

Against the gods, the setting sun changes!

These two rare god-level methods have been thoroughly integrated by Meng Fan. Only when he uses his own martial arts and his mind to be completely compatible with it can he create today’s Meng Fan with black hair like a waterfall. Fan is like a great emperor.

Where I am, suppress any strong man in the same realm as me, no matter who you are, whether you are a strong man in this era or not, this is what Meng Fan will do.

"Very well, I'm so excited now!"

Greedy Wolf roared, looking at Meng Fan with both eyes, a kind of peculiar rune spread out in his eyes.

Under this kind of rune, Meng Fan's heart trembled, and the hairs all over his body stood upside down, knowing that this greedy wolf should have an extremely powerful hole card.

When the breath only appeared, it gave Meng Fan a sense of life and death, as if there was something in the latter's body.

But the more so, the stronger the fighting will in Meng Fan's eyes, he practiced along the way, but he had never been afraid of anything. Qi and blood exploded, rolling against God, Meng Fan himself was firmly on the sky, looking at the greedy wolf indifferently.

Between the pupils, the runes flickered, making the greedy wolf more and more horrible, alone on the sky, the endless aura suppressed Meng Fan, and at the same time he roared,

"I am, all human beings are going to die!"

The tone was gloomy, but in the next moment, the sky collapsed, but two voices fell at the same time.

"That's...not necessarily!"

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