Supreme God King

Chapter 1370: ally

Rotten sweet potatoes, smelly bird eggs!

The voice spread all over the world, and Ryoma suddenly turned anger into a smile, feeling that Meng Fan, who was not pleasing to the eye before, was also much taller and handsome at this moment, which made him extremely happy.

This sentence can not be described as arrogant, so contemptuous of the two great arrogances of the world, but it made the many temple elders outside the field no longer dare to say anything, because before that, he saw Meng Fan alone suppressing the wolf. Amazing combat power.

The latter ran rampant all the way, courageously overwhelming everything, is already one of the most terrifying arrogances in the entire age, and is enough to be qualified to aspire to the gods. Who dares to look down upon this kind of person?


Above the sky, Qin Hong and Wang Soul both roared, strode out, one left and one right, their respective breaths exploded, like mountains and rivers pressing on top, they came towards Meng Fan.

Two palm prints fall from the sky!

The two quasi-god realms are derived from no inheritance. They are full of their own background, and they are already like Meng Fan. The martial arts are completely in line with themselves, striving for the limit of the realm.

This kind of arrogance is not easy to come out, once it appears, it is to suppress everything and sweep the same age.

Under the full force of the shot, this week's day was immediately covered, and the endless pressure hit, which was much more terrifying than facing the greedy wolf before.

After all, Greed Wolf is only one person, whose strength is now similar to that of Qin Hong and others, but now they are two great arrogances, and the extra pressure is not as simple as one plus one.

However, between the void, Meng Fan's body did not retreat but moved forward, with a loud roar, his five fingers closed, and the void punched with extreme sturdiness. The volley hit Qin Hong with a palm above the sky.


Both of them were physically ascended, and once they collided, they burst out with infinite power, causing the two of them to shake in the air, but the more fierce attack was launched in an instant.

Fists collided, unbeatable!

This is the second time the two have met each other, and they have experienced several years in this imperial palace. Not only Meng Fan has an amazing opportunity, but Qin Hong is equally extraordinary. Compared with his previous one, he has made considerable progress. The light behind him Flashing, like the same sun, overbearing, the sun is in the sky, the power of each punch is comparable to a volcanic eruption.

Indistinctly, the latter seems to be only one step away before breaking through and achieving divine achievement!

This kind of great power was added, and Qin Hong's palm turned into a fist, causing endless pressure on Meng Fan.

"Meng Fan, I've been waiting for you for a long time, take my life!"

On the side of the sky, Wang Soul's figure is already reached, striding out, and the whole body is unpredictable.

Its ability comes from the temple, and here is the forbidden place for all vitality cultivators in the eternal age, gathering the secret methods of countless powerful people between heaven and earth.

Therefore, although Wang Soul is not like Meng Fan, Qin Hong’s only unique and supreme way of cultivation, one way to the extreme, but it integrates the strengths of hundreds of schools and brings together the major sacred advantages. .

His vitality flickered, and there was a peculiar chaotic energy covering his whole body, but between his fingers, his body shape became endless.

Every figure has a secret method, which is extremely terrifying. Seven or eight shadows attacked Meng Fan directly. The secret method they held was different, and they already covered the world. The various secret methods were unpredictable, targeting Meng Fan. Absolutely murderous!

Temple, king soul!

This is not the first time that this name has fallen into Meng Fan's ears. He has already known the horror of the other party, and it will make the old man in the sky so jealous.

I didn't expect the latter to be like this. Many secret methods were added together. What a terrifying qualification and what a terrifying cultivation method was this.

To this day, Meng Fan is nothing more than a means to control the powers based on the Inverse God Scroll, but the most fundamental thing has not changed.

However, at this glance, it seems that there is no origin in the king's soul. The latter is a melting pot, gathering the aura of countless powerful people. However, each of them is extremely fierce, like thousands of stars, attacking together, just look at it. People are dazzled.

"Opening the mountain seal!"

With a snap of their fingers, Meng Fan and Qin Hong confronted their opponents, and after shaking them back with a punch for half a step, they yelled back and at the same time palm prints appeared.

For this kind of infinite secret method, it is already impossible to come over, and it is impossible to defend it, so there is only one force to defeat a hundred cleverness and use absolute power to blow everything.


Visible to the naked eye, the void burst out with countless sonic booms, and at a glance, under the absolute impact above the sky, Meng Fan’s powerful energy blasted everything directly, overturning the secret method of how many kings’ souls are unknown. The figure, tear it apart completely.

But that kind of fierce murderous intent did not disappear, because at the moment when the last figure was beheaded by Meng Fan, the last King Soul body appeared three meters away from Meng Fan.


A word falls, the word is like a cold and electric, murderous intent.

Just a finger, fast to the extreme, is the most terrifying blow that King Soul hides among many methods, thousands of thunder offensives, the final blow will kill.

There was an infinite cold atmosphere in this finger, and the light that seemed to flash between the fingertips had already reached the point of a god-level method.

Just asking for a blow is to prepare to kill Meng Fan and go straight to the point.

The pupils shrank, Meng Fan's body stood on the spot, but the soles of his feet stomped on, the blood exploded all over his body, his instinctive palm stretched out, grabbed the void, and resisted in front of him.


A finger pierced through, and instantly pierced Meng Fan's palm, and under Meng Fan's instinctive defense, he stopped this mortal blow in front of him.

The breath eroded, but it almost shook his arm, and the strange breath contained in his fingertips directly entered Meng Fan's body. If it were not suppressed by the power of rebelliousness, he would immediately attack his heart and break it. Its life.

Meng Fan snorted, but without moving his body, he punched his backhand directly on Wang Soul's lower abdomen.

The power of a punch, even if it is a random blow, is also a thunderbolt, and it directly blasted Wang Soul's body.

However, after a while, the yin wind behind Meng Fan hit, and the knife in his hand was like electricity, and a figure that was about to reach the extreme had already arrived behind Meng Fan. The previous battle between Meng Fan and Wang Soul had divided too much attention.

Naturally, at this moment, he couldn't fully defend his back, and directly gave the opponent a chance to block, which made Meng Fan feel a hot pain coming from his back, and directly caused Qin Hong to split it with a hitter knife.

The body moves, the void fights turn!

Meng Fan came one hundred meters away in one step, but the green shirt was dyed red in an instant. The opening in the back was deep enough to reach the bone, and blood was flowing out and dripping.

Such a combination, even if it is as powerful as Meng Fan, has encountered an unimaginable crush. Outside the imperial palace, all the strong could not help but look sideways. Now that the imperial palace has reached the level it is today, it is too intense.

The wars are one after another, and they are all this kind of top arrogant standing above the times. Under this collision, countless people are sweating for Meng Fan. Although the latter is against the sky, he wants to be here. It is impossible for a place to fight Qin Hong and Wang Soul by oneself.

This level of difficulty is undoubtedly like climbing to the sky.

After a successful blow, Qin Hong appeared, sneered, and said calmly.

"How is it? It tastes good, right?"

With a gloomy tone, Wang Soul coughed afterwards, a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, but a cold smile appeared on his face.

Apart from greedy wolves, for them, the greatest threat in the entire imperial palace is undoubtedly Meng Fan. This kind of knocking out their opponents is not bright, but it is extremely effective. In other words, it does not need to be upright.

Despite the fiery pain, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Not bad, kind of interesting!"

He didn't move, even if he was in an extremely disadvantaged position now, he didn't see any panic in Meng Fan.


Seeing Meng Fan's reaction like this, Qin Hong and Wang Hun were taken aback for a moment. Even if the two of them were at this kind of moment, they would never do this. There are more than 40% of the imperial palace here. The ground is surrounded by endless dangers, unable to move the space to escape, and there are two people in the field. This is simply a must-kill situation for Meng Fan, facing the threat of life and death, but Meng Fan seems to have not sensed it, and It's a look like a bamboo in the chest.

"Huh, just pretending to be a ghost, what else do you have? I have sensed your strength before. Although you have improved significantly in the past six months, you may still need a life and death battle to meet you alone, but facing the two of us , You have no chance."

Qin Hong sneered, staring at Meng Fan with a pair of eyes, as if to see through his heart.

"Don't you know?"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Indeed, the two of you have joined forces very well. This kind of killing was inevitable to kill me. Didn't you think of it before, but... you have allies, but it doesn't mean I don't have one.

If you tried your best to suppress me with all the sacred means, maybe I might actually be planted here, but you two are jealous of each other, and you don’t have the determination to kill me. You want to test what I have. The hole card, dare to say that to you, which caused a delay with me for a while, then the current words are calculated according to time... My allies should be coming soon! "

The tone was calm, at the moment of falling, Qin Hong's expression could not help but change slightly, as if thinking of something.

"Allies, what allies do you have!"

Wang Soul frowned, but at the moment he had just finished speaking, a sound like a natural sound also slowly fell.

"Of course... it's me!"

Void tore, a beautiful figure appeared behind Meng Fan, blue silk flying, a red robe, walking over with slender legs, the angular face has a beauty that makes people unable to look directly, and a pair of eyes move the world. , Like a heavenly man, both strength and appearance have reached the point where people are shocking. It is obviously a descendant of Yang Qing...and it is here!

Second, thank you all.

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