Supreme God King

Chapter 1376: track

The tone is calm and sonorous!

No matter who sees this scene, it will shake incomparably. In this world, extinguishing everything, even if it is a sacred one, will be extremely timid and unable to defend.

If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s presence, Yang Qing’s trio had already left, and now they are all imminent, but Meng Fan turned out to be doing the opposite. Even if the six great arrogances left at the same time, the latter did not hesitate at all, but straightforward. Go to the root of the undead.

He stepped out, expressionless, his slender figure cut through the air, letting the surroundings be full of dangers, but Meng Fan didn't realize it at all and only moved forward.

Immortal matter is a matter of reliance!

This reason is enough for him to step into it, even if it is a sea of ​​swords and flames, it is necessary to set foot in it and make it clear, so that it is Meng Fan.

If it weren't for this kind of spirit, I'm afraid it would not be able to rise from the bottom of Ten Thousand Regions, and it would definitely not be possible to break into the restricted area and reach today step by step.

The sword and the sea, even if thousands of people block me, I will go.

"Meng Fan!"

Yang Qing and Cao Qiushui were shocked. They never thought that Meng Fan would be so bold and would make this choice, but now even if the three of them want to stop, it is impossible.

There was silence between the week and the sky, and there was an aura of destruction everywhere, and the entire space had been shattered nine out of ten. If it were not for the strength of the three to reach the sky, the last piece of pure land would have been turned into nothingness.

Under such circumstances, the three of them had reached the final juncture, and one step forward was only one death. The aura of dying was too serious for the three of them to have a chance to reconcile with Meng Fan.

Glancing at each other, the three of them only gritted their teeth, left each, retreated violently, hiding their bodies in this space, turning them into nothingness, and disappearing.

And above the sky, Meng Fan has only one goal, that is...the undead root!

The body was like electricity, and he came to the undead root in one step, blasted out with a punch, the vitality was reversed, and the long sky was broken.

Here is where the undead roots are, and the place where the aura of nirvana is the most serious. Under the erosion of the strong nirvana power, under the impact of Meng Fan's punch, the rolling power has dissipated.

But there is still a small part of it integrated into his body, this kind of thing is like an ant, extremely small, turning into a great dying, and beginning to melt the vitality in Meng Fan's body.

This kind of death breath comes from the root of the undead. It is extremely terrifying. Even a trace of it can melt a sacred statue. What's more, there is now an endless breath of death, and the world is constantly exhausting and returning to the black hole.

Such a scene not only shocked Yang Qing and others, but also outside the imperial palace, including countless sacredness, and seeing the ancient existence in the imperial palace from a certain corner, it was all shocked and took a breath. .

In their eyes, Meng Fan's behavior is undoubtedly dying, completely insatiable. After all, this undead grass is a **** against the sky between the heaven and the earth, which can be met but cannot be sought.

Before the seven great arrogances made their moves, even with the interference of the ghost battle, Meng Fan also gained a lot, but now the latter has taken a completely different path from the six great arrogances, forcibly competing for the opportunity of this undead root.

This kind of behavior is no longer fighting for chance, but...death!

"Hmph, an idiot!"

In the temple, Venerable Ke sneered, all the previous fears disappeared.

It has to be said that the imperial palace and his party arrived today, and it was completely beyond his expectation. Meng Fan, who originally thought he was mortal, was shining. He fought against the strong, blood forbidden area, and swept all directions. It was almost in the entire imperial palace. The most dazzling existence is irresistible.

It is impossible to say that he arrived now, but he never expected that Meng Fan would do this in the end. His voice is not only from him, including the ancient existence in many other imperial palaces. So.

With the sky full of silence, even if Meng Fan was able to penetrate everything and grasp the root of the immortal spirit, there was no way to leave. This was an inevitable fact.

Because time is not enough, the world is already completely permeated by the aura of dying. Everything is a black hole, but it is the supreme ancient means. If there is still time for a stick of incense, perhaps Meng Fan has the possibility of a fight, but from this The dying of the heavens and the earth began, and the time remaining until now was just a few breaths.

Even if it is a sacred one, it is impossible to do it. If you want to get this undead root, then leave, let alone Meng Fan. In the eyes of countless people, the current Meng Fan... will undoubtedly die.

Even if he was dazzling, horrible, and defying before, but everything is because of his wrong move, and it will lead to a loss.


Just for a moment, it made Meng Fan snorted. There was great damage in his body. The bones almost didn't melt. However, the latter resisted with all his strength with strong vitality. The strength of the vitality sealed his body and fisted, like The emperor, the king is coming, the ultimate power spreads from Meng Fan's fist, shakes the sky, and takes the...immortal root!

One step, two steps, three steps...

At a glance, you can see that Meng Fan in it keeps moving forward, getting closer and closer to the root of the undead, but this is simply a race against death.

Because the more Meng Fan moves forward, the faster the vitality in his body melts, and the aura of dying begins to gradually occupy the upper layer of his body. Even at this moment, Emperor Dao and Xiaotian shot at the same time, bursting out powerful defenses, and he couldn’t resist too much. Many, causing Meng Fan to quickly wear down.

After six steps, you can see that Meng Fan's whole person is about to be torn, blood spurts out, and may turn into a mummy at any time, but under this endless aura of death, the latter shouted , The qi and blood in the whole body shook, and the vitality revolved, still... stepping out again.

I want this day, I can't cover my eyes anymore.

I want this place, I can't bury my heart anymore.

I want everyone in this world to understand what I mean.

I want to find...a way home for you!

In between Meng Fan's step, the latter's figure finally broke through this week and came to the whole body of the undead root.

At the moment when Meng Fan arrived, this undead root also sensed something, the runes surrounding him trembled violently, and the flower that bloomed suddenly burst at this moment.

The red petals all over the sky, but each of these petals did not dissipate, but turned into a peculiar spatial force, which turned out to open up the surrounding world. Turned into a wonderful.... Space power!

Under this situation, it turned out that the undead roots were torn apart in this place of ten extinctions, and a space transmission channel was torn apart. This channel is completely invisible under the endless aura of extinguishment, but it is It does exist, no one can imagine, because even a strong man in the sacred realm can't open this channel here, but the root of the undead is really opened, and its bursting petals are it. The way to leave this world.

It really is...

Feeling the power of this kind of space, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Meng Fan's small face, and he strode out and directly merged into this space.

Even if it is Venerable Ke and the existence of many restricted areas, this undead root will have this kind of effect, but before this, all this is already in Meng Fan's calculations.

Many years of life and death, countless cultivation, from the original Wuzhen youth to the bottom of the rise step by step, among them Meng Fan has paid too much, too much, and his mind is by no means his age.

On-site layout, control everything!

This is what Meng Fan has to do, because the crisis he faces has never been the same once, and his reaction has also reached a level of horror like a monster in his practice during several life and death.

At this moment when the undead roots bloomed, although Meng Fan was also shocked, it was only a moment later. The other six great arrogances left directly in the face of this kind of predicament. This is indeed not wrong, including the sacred will turn around and leave. This kind of thought also occupied most of Meng Fan's heart before then.

But it was just that moment that gave Meng Fan a suspicion that the root of the undead was also in this aura of death. Under the burst of that kind of large space, everything turned into a black hole. If it were the root of the undead. The words in it couldn't survive either. The latter dared to launch such an array of extinction and escape from the hands of the six. There were only two possibilities.

One is to die together, directly explode itself, causing the space to annihilate, this undead root will also follow to turn into darkness and become an endless ruin, and the other is.... The world of nirvana is just a means of the undead root to protect its life. The latter is a real god, a psychic world, and there is still a way to leave this space at the last minute.

These two possibilities flashed through Meng Fan’s mind. The latter just chose to follow after a moment of judgment, one for death and the other for a living. Naturally, choosing the former is possible to leave safely, but out In this imperial palace, Meng Fan can guarantee that he might not see this undead root in his lifetime.

Therefore, what Meng Fan chose was to take a gamble, but obviously he was gambled right now. At the moment it merged into this undead root, that kind of bursting flower turned into a strong spatial force. It also wrapped Meng Fan's body in it, and the power of the space flickered, and only a moment later, it completely disappeared in this world without a trace.


Within 10,000 meters, everything is extinguished, the world is eclipsed, and this endless aura of decay has also reached the apex, causing this space to collapse completely, and finally completely into nothingness, everything in it is dead, and there is no more life to speak of. , It really led to the achievement... Chaos!

Outside the imperial palace, countless people shook their heads, looking at it, some were excited, some sighed, and some smiled bitterly. Before this, even the sacred strong couldn't see the last scene, because there was endless silence in it. The aura is so full, it is too rich, reaching ninety-nine percent of the world, it is already suppressing everything, so even the sacred strong cannot be captured, only to see Meng Fan approaching this undead root. But it is impossible to see that the latter really exists.

Secondly, it happened too fast, the undead roots exploding from the petals seemed complicated, but it was just a breath of effort, and it dissipated in that place with Meng Fan's body.

Naturally, everyone meant that in the end, Meng Fan was buried with this undead root, and died on a greedy word. The seven great arrogances competed, and there was the participation of greedy wolf and others. This time the imperial palace The trip was simply too exciting and shocked countless people, but Meng Fan, the most shining one, ended up in this way of death, which naturally made countless people have strange emotions.

Between the imperial palace, a shock.

At this moment, the guardian, including guarding the six elders, also looked at each other, feeling a burst of incomparable regret, and even heartache, but there was no way.

But the red-robed old man who was headed among them sighed, and the moment his eyes closed, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. It was extremely mysterious and unpredictable, but just for a moment, it disappeared immediately, as if... Never happened...

Second more.

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