Supreme God King

Chapter 1391: Follow the trend

The power of the flesh is coming!

Under the eyes of everyone, Meng Fanfei did not use his own vitality method, but simply suppressed it with the force of the flesh, bones trembled, qi and blood merged. At this moment, Meng Fan's fists burst into black, and his whole body was black. All the strength from above and below converged and directly impacted.

Fighting with the power of one's own body against the ancient alien beasts, this class of scenes fell, even if this is the middle capital city, which encompasses countless heroes in the world, the geniuses come out in large numbers, and they are used to seeing capable people and strangers. .

"Who is he, is he looking for death!"

"No, it's because he has absolute self-confidence, he thinks his body is invincible, and suppresses Warcraft!"

The crowd was amazed and uttered a voice of discussion. There were already discerning people who could see the difference between Meng Fan. It was more than domineering, and it had an invincible style in the world.

Looking at the world, people who dare to do this are already rare. Even if there are tens of millions of people around, they can't help but **** in air and sweat for Meng Fan.

In the mid-air, Meng Fan's figure turned to the extreme, with his fists breaking through the air, and his fists suppressed, turning into countless meteor-like rays of light, directly colliding with two golden bulls.

At this moment, the two big golden bulls also aroused that kind of ferocity, thinking that the humans in front of them were despising them, with golden light flashing all over, and blood erupting.

The ultimate power belonging to their clan burst out, directly hitting the fists of the fleshly body Meng Fan, and the huge head was lifted into the void, just to make Meng Fan's body broken!

Boom, boom!

Above the sky, thunder rang out, but in the blink of an eye, Meng Fan and the two golden bulls had gone through thousands of collisions. Each force was extremely fierce and terrifying.

The vibrating air wave is enough to break the vacuum. Although the vitality method is not used between the two sides, the power of the physical body is already scary enough.

Under the gaze of everyone, everyone held their breath and focused on the field. Even if it was a moment, they didn’t want to miss it. They didn’t expect that this event would burst out before the event was opened. Wait for the shocking battle.

Such a big battle is definitely enough to shake all directions.

With Meng Fan and two golden bulls as the center, the three bodies of powerful men like monsters collided, tearing the world and breaking everything into a vacuum, and the waves of air were enough to shred everything and envelope everything.


At the next moment, in the midst of such violent storms, as far as everyone's eyes could be, they saw two shadow bombs flying out, and they were two big golden bulls.

The bodies of these two monsters hit the surface of the sea, and at a glance they saw the blood flowing out of their bodies, their bones shattered, and they suffered heavy injuries!


Such a scene immediately caused an uproar among the heroes. There were more than tens of millions of people here at this moment. There were countless eyes focused on it, and it was really difficult to speak.

How golden bulls exist, but no one does not know.

The ancient alien species, with the ultimate physical body, comparable to the two quasi-god level monsters, but at this moment... . It turned out to be blasted out by Meng Fan's physical body.

Using a human body to fight against the two ancient monsters, bombarding with pure physical force, turned out to be... suppress!

This class of combat power is a sensation!

"His age!"

In the attic, Qin Hong was no longer as calm as before, his body suddenly exuded a different kind of domineering aura, his eyes were like torches, staring into the distance, and the corners of his mouth spit out a few words, extremely indifferent.

It was too far apart, and even Qin Hong couldn't tell the difference under Meng Fan's deliberate cover. He could only vaguely feel that the other party was not very old.

If it is less than a hundred years, then it is undoubtedly the existence of the same level as the seven princes of the imperial palace.

At this age, I am afraid that there are absolutely rare existences in the entire ten thousand domains. Each name can be said to be engraved in Qin Hong’s heart, which naturally aroused his speculation, wanting to know where Meng Fan came from. Place.

No matter who was at this moment, he couldn't ignore Meng Fan. The shocking power that the latter burst out was really terrifying.

Around the world, there was an uproar!

"Two wastes!"

In the distance, Qin Mingyue grabbed his hands and gritted his teeth.

"What is the use of the two of you? You don't have to do your best to kill him, just a little beast. Is it so hard?"

With a gloomy tone and endless hatred, the two golden bulls suddenly roared, their bodies vacated, and runes flickered. An overbearing power spread from the body, like two stars condensed here. Between heaven and earth.


The sound was thunderous, the surface of the water vibrated, and endless fierce intent came toward Meng Fan.

There is no doubt that the two golden bulls at this moment have already evoked endless murderous intent. Wanting to attack Meng Fan is no longer just a physical confrontation, but is inspired by the powerful blood in the body, and the ancient secret law is running.

Two ancient monsters of alien species!

Meng Fan's brow furrowed, he was confident enough to suppress the two of them, but he wanted to use his power while exposing his own techniques.

This is the Zhongtian Dynasty, surrounded by thousands of people, I am afraid that as long as the iconic things such as the emperor fist and the inverse **** scroll appear, then Meng Fan's identity is undoubtedly exposed.

It is not terrible to reveal the identity, the only thing that worries Meng Fan is that it may delay the plan of God Monkey.

There was a moment of silence, Meng Fan's heart was also standing momentarily with countless thoughts, and finally his pupils shrank and said coldly.

"God monkey!"


In the distance, in the cabin, the monkey has always been sitting cross-legged, not moving. After all, his realm and identity should not appear too early, everything is just given to Meng Fan.

"Since it's all here, I will play big if I want to play. I have a plan. It's better to start now!"

Meng Fan's expression remained unchanged, but a trace of scorching madness emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"I am in the light, you are in the dark. Now it is just an opportunity. According to what we did before, I will attract their attention this time, and put the attention of the heavenly dynasty to me. You secretly go to the prison to rescue Yin. Princess Yin, you and I move at the same time, without delay!"

Take advantage of the trend, and adapt to the changes!

Before stepping into this middle capital, Meng Fan and God Monkey didn’t even have a complete plan, and they didn’t even have a clue, because this is an immortal heritage, where the defenses are strong, the strong are like clouds, and they want to do it. People are too difficult.

But over the years, Meng Fan has been able to live from the Wuzhen youth of the year to today, and his biggest ability is to perform on the spot, which changes instantly.

Under such pressure, the latter has an idea in his heart and worked out this kind of plan.

With a word, he immediately opened the eyes of God Monkey, the light flashed, and finally said,

"Although it is feasible, but I can say that you need a lot of pressure here. Although this grand event will attract many strong people, it is a golden opportunity for us, but those old monsters who guard But it still won't move.

There is no big problem with my current cultivation level to break the guardian in this big prison, but it takes a lot of time. Among them, there must be a real master guard of the gods. The strong of the three realms are no problem, but. . . . . In this middle capital city, there are still strong people who are guarded. Unless you can draw their eyes to the past, there will be enough time! "

In the middle of the city, break the hell!

This kind of thought is only possible with such audacious people like God Monkey and Meng Fan. Even for the two of them, it is an absolute nine-death life. Walking between this life and death, one carelessness is the possibility of falling into the abyss of immortality. among.

Everyone knows that in addition to the guards of all aspects in this central city, the most terrifying thing is the guarding elders sitting in it. No one knows the exact number.

But this kind of position is guarded by the oldest existence of the Zhongtian Dynasty in turn. In the huge Zhongtian Dynasty, there are many ancient existences in retreat. It is not a shocking event, but there are still a few old monsters. The person is in a sober state, cooperating with the Zhongtian Great Array to survey everything.

That kind of sleeping old monster is not within the calculation range of Meng Fan and Shenhou. It is possible to wake them up unless the mid-sky city is really broken, and the old monsters that are routinely guarded outside can have to calculate.

There is no doubt that if you want to give the monkey the best environment for grabbing people, then it is necessary for Meng Fan to make a big enough disturbance here, and even let the big guardian elders pay attention, only then can the greatest assurance of success.

This method is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to act, and it will give Meng Fan a huge murderous opportunity. However, after a moment, Meng Fan nodded and said in a deep voice.

"no problem!"

The three words fell, and the monkey's fists could not help being clenched, there was a moment of silence, and finally,

"Thank you, brother, this time I'm hurting you, if so..."

"You have already said that you and I are brothers, I don't want to hear anything else!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, interrupted God Monkey, and transmitted the voice directly.

In this world there is a special feeling between men and men, called brothers, and this kind of feeling is not something ordinary people can get and have, because for this kind of person, it doesn’t matter who owes someone who is a brother. Whose word. . . . . Swordsmanship!

Hearing that, the monkey was not saying anything, he took a deep look at Meng Fan, and then it turned into a stream of light silently, even if it was under the attention of everyone, but for the monkey who stepped into the gods realm. As far as the top powerhouse is concerned, it is already possible to do nothing, quietly leave the field, and head directly to the feared prison in this middle capital!

Standing between the world and the earth, after sensing that the **** monkey had gone, Meng Fan's gaze was condensed, and he looked at the two golden bulls indifferently. In front of him, the ancient law condensed, and the two ancient monsters were completely mad and monstrous. The vitality wave hits, ready to tear Meng Fan completely!

However, in the midst of this kind of violent storm, Meng Fan turned a blind eye. All his attention was focused on Qin Mingyue not far away. For him, since the plan is already underway, then everything can be done. It is to serve for the plan.

It is nothing to defeat these two golden bulls in public. The only thing that can really make the whole field boil is to make the noise here as big as possible!

As soon as his heart moved, in the next moment Meng Fan's soles were already stepping out, quiet as a virgin, and moving like thunder. The moment his soles stepped out, they moved the void, like the ancient demon **** descended, and went straight to Qin Mingyue!


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