Supreme God King

Chapter 1404: Same means

Count meters in one step!

Qin Hong's body was like a phantom, but after a moment, Meng Fan fell far behind him, which immediately caused many powerful people between heaven and earth to take a breath.

Where is the core of the sky, with the great suppression and great means deployed by the Queen of the Central Capital, even a sacred one needs to withstand endless pressure.

However, this Qin Hong's strength is definitely beyond everyone's expectations. It is terrifying and unparalleled. A powerful and unmatched aura bursts out between his steps, and the runes flashes between his body.

Even though he was in the realm of the Quasi-God Realm, his own combat power was doubled after using the Zhongtian Immortal Body, which brought down Meng Fan by far!

In such a place, just one step may require great effort, let alone such a long distance!

"As expected of Prince Zhongtian!"

"The inheritor of the supreme power does have extraordinary combat power, but this step has already explained everything, Meng Fan is not his opponent!"

There were whispers among the crowd. There are countless members of the Zhongtian Dynasty. After seeing Qin Hong displaying this ancient secret method, there was a hint of confidence in his eyes, thinking that the latter's strength Has reached a point comparable to sacredness.

The Zhongtian dynasty, which has been here since ancient times, has been immortal forever and passed on to the world. Naturally, there is a reason. This kind of Zhongtian secret method cannot be easily practiced. If the cultivation is successful, it will also have amazing power.

Under this situation, the clansmen of the Zhongtian Dynasty could not help but show a slight smile, including the five guardian elders nodded, quite proud.

"If Meng Fan fails, I can take action to protect him from death, and then forcefully imprint my gate in his body, and then everything will be up to him!"

In the attic, Yue Chong laughed and said calmly, her tone full of confidence.

However, standing above the sky, Meng Fan chose to ignore the hustle and bustle between the sky and the sky. Even though it was already a hundred meters away, he didn't see any panic.

"The secret method is indeed very strong, but the secret method that is equally contending... I really have it!"

Slowly opened his mouth, and in the next moment Meng Fan stepped on the sole of his foot, an ancient mark in his body revolved, absorbing the heavens, frantically devouring all the energy between the heavens and the earth, and turning them into himself.

Under such absorption, his body is constantly expanding and standing on this sky.

Go against the gods, swallow the world!

Such devouring power can be called the world-breaking, making Meng Fan's whole person like the same ancient sacred, even the pressure contained in the entire world is swallowed by it.


Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar. It was only the moment when Meng Fan was moving, it caused a big storm between the heaven and the earth, because at this moment Meng Fan absorbed not only the energy of the heaven and the earth, but also the whole week. Everything is incarnate in the body, turned for self

This kind of absorption is extremely terrifying, making Meng Fan look like a kind of black hole. Here is the secret realm planted by the holy queen of the ancient sky, with absolute suppressing power. Every rune floating in it seems simple, but heavy. Jun.

But between a few breaths, the world was almost drained by Meng Fan, all runes, all pressures were integrated into oneself, this is true. . . . . What a horror!

Including the five old guardians, Yuehan and others, they never thought that before Meng Fan had no means to operate against the sacred, but now under the oppression of this kind of sacred queen, he just took it. Come out, the most original. . . . . Rebellious seal!

In other words, when Meng Fan fought against the black-robed old man, he didn't use his full strength, he still had hidden hole cards, and it was even more terrifying.

Swallow the world and stand in the sky!

After a while, Meng Fan stepped out one step at a time, and under this endless vitality, his whole body was glowing, like a mountain, boldly moving forward.

step. . . . . Ten meters away!

Same as Qin Hong before, if he doesn't move, it's thunder!

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan’s breath is countless times stronger than before, even in this endless pressure, but it is swallowed crazily, one dying and the other, allowing his whole person to step in this absolute forbidden space. It was all unparalleled swift and violent, and directly chased Qin Hong.


Before that, Qin Hong's expression changed. With his strength, he naturally sensed the changes in Meng Fan behind him. He sneered and said calmly.

"Very well, you didn't let me down, then really use heaven and earth as a trial, let's start!"

The tone is calm and strides forward, also unstoppable.

Two silhouettes, one after another!

It looks like a leisurely house, but in this absolutely forbidden space, the pressure contained in it is enough to make an ordinary quasi-god powerhouse completely shattered. However, it seems to be completely ineffective to Meng Fan and Qin Hong. , You can only gather your own strength, step out in stride, and look forward to it!

"Old man... Not as good as the two of them!"

After the void, a figure came, and it was the black-robed old man who had blocked Meng Fan before, but he stopped before this world. Although he was about to die, he did not want to consume this world and died directly.

The faint pressure in this space caused even the sacred black-robed old man to collapse his mind. If he stepped into it without a strong hole card, he would fall. After thinking about it, the black-robed old man couldn’t help but vomit. A few words.

I have to say that this is already an admission of changing directions. Although Meng Fan and Qin Hong are not sacred, their combat power is no different from the powers of the sacred realm, and in this world, they have secret methods. By operating and blessing oneself, it can reach a terrible point.

The other two places in the void, the infinite space, were also shattered layer by layer in front of Meng Fan and Qin Hong.

The two great arrogances are fighting, and at this moment, everyone is taking a breath of air. The scene is too difficult to judge. Meng Fan is also a powerful secret method. It is as fast as Qin Hong. fall.

Two great quasi-god realm powerhouses less than a hundred years old gathered on this Zhongdu River. Such a scene can be said to be difficult to encounter in the ages. This level of confrontation can be called two divine soldiers that cut everything and crashed.

Under countless gazes and several breaths, Qin Hong who was above the sky suddenly stopped, and his figure was already close to the last point of the sky in a short time. The whole person did not move, but his complexion became solemn. stand up.

Yep! ?

After that, Meng Fan raised his brow. After a few breaths, he also relied on his powerful strength to come to the place occupied by Qin Hong, and went hand in hand with him. The method was to discover that there was a huge barrier in front of him. The space barrier is spread between the world and the earth.

At a glance, the surrounding area is already full of powerful heaven and earth energy. If the power is running a few steps forward, the seven-color flowers that bloom in this area can be collected.

However, neither Meng Fan nor Qin Hong focused their attention here, but looked at the most central part of this space, where there is a strange lotus, on which there seems to be a woman sitting in Panxi. Eyes closed.

This woman can be described as a demon and variety, but after a glance, even though Meng Fan and Qin Hong are a little silly, even if they are the beautiful women they are used to seeing in the world, they have a kind of bang for the woman in front of them. Naturally, the latter is so beautiful, and has a special atmosphere in itself, which reminds Meng Fan of someone who is... Empress!

Only the strange aura of the female emperor is the same, even if it is a female body, it seems to be able to dominate the world and be called the gods and demons!

After a while, an indifferent voice also fell into the ears of Meng Fan and Qin Hong.

"I have the secret method of three heavens, one difficulty and one difficulty, collect lotus and leave... Or to sense my three heavens, every heavy day is a life-long difficulty. If you can't get through it, it will be the death of a body burst. It is absolutely impossible. Survive, think about yourself, and walk through the triple heaven for... the ultimate physical body, to be born again!"

The tone was indifferent, as if it came from behind this woman, and as if it was not.

However, at the moment he finished speaking, two unanimous voices came out at the same time.

"I choose to pass!"

Glancing at each other, Meng Fan and Qin Hong's eyes flashed fiercely.

Both of them are peerless arrogances, extremely confident, and don't know how many opportunities have been seized for many years. Now that they are here, it is naturally impossible to have any retreat, not to mention the previous bets, and there is no room for ambiguity.

After hearing the voices of Meng Fan and Qin Hong, the woman sitting on the lotus slowly opened her eyes, stood her beautiful body, looked at them, and uttered a few words after a while.

"Okay, first heaven, kill and kill!"

The last three words fall, the world is cold!

Both Meng Fan and Qin Hong suddenly tightened their bodies, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up. They sensed a great threat, extremely strong, even if they were the two great arrogances, their hearts trembled at the same time, and even infinite in their minds. Phantom.

Between life and death, only that kind of supreme power can put such pressure on the two people, and even the courage to confront them is almost impossible.

With a loud roar, energy and blood rushed into the world, Meng Fan forcibly calmed himself down, concentrated on understanding the sea, and controlled himself. Only then was the naked eye visible that a punch in the void came from the woman's jade hand.

And the power contained in it makes Meng Fan and Qin Hong feel at the same time that if they can’t bear it, then it must be just as the woman said, they will be exploded by this fist and disappear...There will be no chance of survival. !


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