Supreme God King

Chapter 1409: success

My inheritance has someone to succeed!

Such words fell between the heaven and the earth, although it was extremely slight, but how could it be concealed from a group of great masters like Qin Hong, the guardian of the elders, the expressions on each face could not help but solidify, and they looked at the void sternly.


Countless spiritual thoughts echoed in this mid-air, carefully searching for the breath of Meng Fan, but no one had found anything, including the five guardians.


Qin Hong frowned and said softly,

"His breath has disappeared, completely disappearing in this piece of world, how can he exist?"

"Not bad!"

Standing on this sky, the Empress Zhongdu nodded and said calmly,

"It is indeed dead. He is unable to resist the path of hyphenation at all. It is not just him. The powerhouses under the three realms of my shot don't even want to think about it, but... my three levels The ultimate requirement of the trial is to perceive my own method. The so-called bottom line is to be able to inherit my inheritance at all costs. Didn’t you also recover from serious injuries by my fingertips? In this world, I am both God, this is my domain. As long as it reaches my standard, even if it disappears in this space, I can reunite him!"

The tone was calm, spread all over the world, and immediately set off endless shock.

Under everyone’s gaze, the five fingers of the Central Capital Empress lifted up, and power spread, and a vicissitudes of life burst out, directly permeating the sky, covering the entire void completely, at this moment Everyone can clearly see the spatial changes in it under everyone's eyes, and a figure slowly walked out, precisely.... . Meng Fan!

Not life and death, but sentiment!

Everyone's heart touched, and they already understood the meaning of the Queen of the Central Capital. In its absolute domain, the remaining power can restore everything. The last trial of this third level is simply insoluble.

Any cultivator will be cut off by it after taking it, but the true meaning behind it is to comprehend this hyphenation idea with their own power. Once they can successfully understand it, then they are qualified to inherit it. Inheritance of the Queen of the Capital.

Knowing that it is death, still do it, using the way of the body to cut off the water!

Such difficulty is not unfrightening, and that's why no one can succeed in the eternal time, because this level is inherently unsolvable and impossible to resist.

Only like Meng Fan, who is crazy for cultivation, witnessing himself, is completely pursuing with a pure heart, even if it is life and death that cannot be blocked, can he pass this last stage and realize in this life and death. The true meaning of broken.

A hyphenation is not only to cut off the opponent, but also to cut off itself!

Want to hurt others, want to hurt yourself!

Of course, another condition that all these trials meet is because the person who wrote the question is the Queen of Heaven, one of the top powerhouses in the ancient times.

Even in the sacred state, it has reached an unprecedented level, and it is only qualified to deploy such a powerful field.

The previous Meng Fan in this realm was already completely broken up, but it was not really dead, but the original power spread in this realm, and his fingers closed again.

The mere restoration of power is to make his whole person regain his true body with the immortal realm.

Opening his eyes, there was a strange light in Meng Fan’s eyes. The moment he was cut off before that made Meng Fan understand the great horror between life and death, and had a profound understanding of himself. The true meaning of hyphenation is firmly portrayed in Meng Fan's sea of ​​knowledge.

The three major inheritances, the final blow, all the truths were completely realized by Meng Fan.

Even if you want to perform this last hyphenation trick, Meng Fan still needs to keep in touch, but it is enough to be of great help to him. It is simply Meng Fan's extra method of killing God out of thin air.

Among these three tricks, it includes the strongest understanding of the body-cultivation line in the past of the Sage Empress Zhongtian, which is integrated into Meng Fan's martial arts.

Such help is not terrifying, it is unimaginable for anyone, it is simply to make Meng Fan like Nirvana rebirth, once it is able to raise the realm at the same time, to reach the point of the Holy Empress in the sky, display it.... .

I am called invincible in the world, and I am called the emperor from the perspective of age!

There was an uproar above the sky. No one thought that this would eventually develop to such a point, and even less that Meng Fan would actually overpower Qin Hong to win this last inheritance.

"I lost!"

Standing in place, Qin Hong spit out a few words, and a trace of shock appeared on his face.

"Unexpectedly this last inheritance will be like this. I really don't have the bachelor aura on you, knowing that I will die, knowing that I will break it, knowing that there is no solution, and cutting everything... Qin has been taught, what I said before It will certainly come true. In a hundred years, I, Qin Hong, will leave Meng Fan when I see you. I will not attack you, let alone take your chance!"

His voice was clanging, and at the next moment Qin Hong turned around and left this space. Although his heart was extremely frustrated and frustrated, he was ultimately a supreme arrogant, with his own dignity. Under this situation, he would naturally go. Realize, not deny.

Seeing Qin Hong's actions, the countless powerhouses between the world and the earth were silent, and their eyes were shocked. Not only Qin Hong, including the thousands of powerhouses between Zhoutian, and countless old monsters are now convinced. feel.

There are so many rashes in the ten thousand domains, so what a fate!

It is difficult for anyone to achieve Meng Fan's kind of sincerity in seeking the truth. Facing a certain mortal situation, it is a huge price to pay only a little guess for oneself.

Able to reach today by himself, Meng Fan is not relying on anyone, but his own kind of dedication, unparalleled sincerity in cultivation!

The first person under Shinto!

Previously, Meng Fan yelled above Zhongdu River, which caused countless people to go violently, but now this group of people sees Meng Fan’s eyes with a kind of hotness. If the latter can call these words, It seems that there is also a feeling that he deserves it, not only because of his combat power, but also because of his dedication!

Above the void, letting countless complex looks between Zhou and Tian, ​​the Saint Empress Zhongtian said calmly,

"If you can pass these three levels, I don’t need to exist anymore. I hope you can treat my practice well, carry forward the whole line of physical cultivation, fight against the forbidden area, and protect the world. My last gift, you are … Take it!"

After a few words fell, the figure of the Queen of Heaven, who stood between the same place at the same time, became more and more blurred, until it completely disappeared, but the lotus flower that had been going under her body was flying at this moment. He got up, shattered in the air, and finally turned into a drop of blood, slowly falling into Meng Fan's body.

"Holy Queen’s...

After a while, the guardian five elders shouted at the same time, and with their concentration, it was difficult to restrain themselves, staring in the void with shock, staring at the drop of blood.

There was nothing strange about this drop of blood and it looked extremely calm, but the moment it fell into Meng Fan's body, it was like magma entering the body, sinking into the belly of a volcano.

I ignited Meng Fan thoroughly and screamed. The blood of the whole person ran away. Every inch of the bones all over his body made a crackling sound. The skin became red and the hair stood upside down. I felt an unprecedented power in it. Running in the body, constantly rushing.

This circulation of energy and blood almost distorted Meng Fan's whole body, and the hair on the whole body began to fall off little by little, and even a lot of power was ejected from his body, turning into a rune between his body. , Enveloping Meng Fan completely, in this case, no matter who is able to sense the slight changes in Meng Fan's body.

Even though it was constantly being worn down, a stronger and more terrifying aura burst from Meng Fan's body, permeating the sky, making everyone's hearts tremble.


In the attic, Yuehan's expression suddenly changed, why didn't he expect that Meng Fan would survive the murderous intent set by the Zhongtian Dynasty and also get the greatest inheritance.

"No, his realm hasn't moved, could it be..."

"The ultimate physical body, exhausting the world, is for... God!"

In the Zhongdu Palace, the five guardian elders said in unison, and their tone was full of shock, which may not be seen by others, but they are naturally different from ordinary people. They are surrounded by Meng Fan's body. After the rune, it was already known that the latter's body was undergoing profound changes.

It’s not Meng Fan’s own realm of vitality, but his body, a drop of the heart and blood of the Queen of the Central Capital melted into Meng Fan’s body. This is a great master who stepped into the three sacred realms in the past. How terrifying, in the midst of a drop of blood. Enveloping too much power, the moment he merged into Meng Fan's bloodline caused his whole body to erupt with power and his body was transformed.

Between several breaths, even if Meng Fan's whole person's vitality realm did not change in any way, at this moment, the breath between the endless runes became more and more horrible, and more violent.

Black hair was dancing, the clothes on his upper body broke apart, his muscles were sharp and angular, and that kind of rolling power kept casting Meng Fan himself, his eyes closed tightly, and the whole person did not move, but there was a dominance of the world, suppressing the sky The breath became stronger and stronger.

And at this moment, the immortal imprints in Meng Fan's body are also echoing each other and merging continuously, finally leading to the moment when Meng Fan's body is stable, that kind of rebellious power belonging to Meng Fan's own body is completely integrated into every inch of skin. .

Finally, someone reflected in this world and couldn't help but roar,

"The flesh is astonishing!"


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