Supreme God King

Chapter 1411: Big trouble in the capital


After a few words fell, it was extremely calm, but the resistance contained in the words was extremely obvious, suppressing the entire sky.

At this moment, Meng Fan is standing in place like this, but the terrifying aura is overflowing, and it is already different from the previous world. It is absolutely different.

"Meng Fan!"

In the distance, a rumbling voice came from above the sky, and the person speaking was the wooden old man among the five elders in the capital. Now the five people are straight behind him, but they have to take Meng Fan into consideration.

Although the latter is only a junior, very young, but now who dares to regard him as a junior in the world,

"It was our fault to shoot you before, but you also beat Mingyue, and everything has been wiped out from now on. Now you should not interfere with my Zhongdu Dynasty, otherwise the old man at the end of the world will definitely kill you, and the Zhongtian Dynasty will definitely kill you. You should understand what it means to offend us, so... don't act rashly, you were also considered to have obtained the inheritance of my middle capital queen before. When I capture this person, you can leave safely!"

Undoubtedly, at this moment, the five guardian elders no longer care about Meng Fan. Because of their negligence before, the Zhongtian Great Prison was broken. Under such circumstances, if the monkey is allowed to leave, what will happen Don't talk about majesty in a dynasty, this big prison is the top priority.

Hearing the words of the old man, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, and between everyone's eyes, he pointed to the **** monkey above the sky, and said calmly,

"He is!"

With one word, the world moves!

The fall of such words made everyone stunned, and immediately many of them had already reacted. The golden monkey above the sky should be in the same group as Meng Fan, which means that the Great Prison of Zhongdu was broken. Meng Fan had a relationship, and both came to this central capital at the same time.

No one who can cultivate to a strong level is a fool. After a few breaths, they reacted. No wonder Meng Fan was so fierce before. He was supposed to help this **** monkey cover up and attract the attention of the five old guardians. , After being connected together, it is already to make all the truths clear.

No wonder Meng Fan did that before, no wonder he would brazenly oppose the mid-heaven dynasty and shake the world, everything is just for... . Robbery!

"This is his purpose!"

The crowd trembled, including Zi Xueqing, Bai Lanling and others who knew that Meng Fan had other goals, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

This is the Zhongtian Dynasty, one of the eternal and immortal heritage, but under the eyes of all the people, how brave the two came to this Zhongtian Emperor's capital, brazenly robbing prison.

After all this appeared, it was a huge wave in the court, and everyone was in incredible surprise.

"Meng Fan!"

Between the sky, the monkey sighed softly, and the brother fell, making his heart warm. At this moment, blood was flowing out of his body and his wounds were covered.

Obviously, I also experienced a fierce battle before breaking into the Zhongtian Great Prison, but stepping on this sky, the whole person stood upright, suppressed Zhou Tian, ​​and shouted,

"Yes, today, you and my brother will play this Zhongtian City, I will deal with you five boys, you come to break through the God Formation, this Zhongcheng City still has its own defenses, but without awakening the sacrifice spirit, it will be impossible to defeat this great formation. The power is fully utilized. As long as there is a gap, I can move the world. Between today, my **** monkey is here. Whoever stops me is death!"

The words were powerful, and at the same time the power of the **** monkey strode out, brazenly heading towards the void, causing the look of the five guardian old men in the field to change drastically.

"Boy Meng Fan, wait for the old man!"

Now these five guardian elders reacted, they were about to blow their lungs with a gloomy expression and drooling, but there was nothing to do. They had already seen the **** monkey, and they naturally recognized the yin beside the **** monkey. Princess Yin, the latter's generation should be regarded as Qin Hong's aunt, and once enjoyed the supreme glory in this Zhongtian Dynasty.

What happened back then, this group of old monster powerhouses are naturally very clear, and they also have a lot of hatred in the line of the gods. Now they see what can be called enemies, and they are extremely jealous. The five directly turned into meteor-like existences. Go to the monkey.

This is the end of the matter, a battle is inevitable!

And standing in the void, Meng Fan's opponent is the black-robed old man in front of him. He has already gone through a fight before, and he has absolutely suppressed Meng Fan.

But now Meng Fan, Meng Fan is definitely not the one Wu Xia Amon, eyes like cold stars, slowly moving forward, just a step, that is, the entire world is completely sealed off, a kind of overwhelming pressure is spreading. .

The black robe old man Qin Hun's expression moved, and he let out a low growl and said indifferently,

"Hmph, I was able to suppress you before, but now it is also natural energy to die for me!"

A palm split, the vitality opened up, he is sacred in the world, so old and close to death, but his combat power is still terrifying, and the majestic power of the gods in his body is integrated, and the entire world is completely covered. Just between this palm, it seemed that the entire sky was pressed towards Meng Fan.

Standing in place, facing this mountain-like palm, the rolling force made the clothes between Meng Fan's body fierce, but his figure did not retreat but moved forward, just like before, with a punch.


In the midair, the palms of the fists faced each other, bursting out a torrent of weather, and layers of void collapsed.

At the next moment, he saw the black robe old man Qin Soul spouting blood, his whole body trembled, and he moved backwards, a few meters away before his body froze.

this is…. .

Such a scene involuntarily made the onlookers take a breath. It is hard to imagine that they are witnesses to Meng Fan's sweep.

Under the attention of the public, before this half an hour, Meng Fan was not the opponent of the black robe old man, and was crushed by him, but only half an hour later, the impact of the power of the two sides turned out to be a disadvantage for the divine.

The horror is so terrible!


The black robe old man yelled, swallowed the blood in his mouth, faced Meng Fan, and strode out.

He is a strong man before the eternal age. Naturally, it is impossible to admit that Meng Fan is a junior. The aura between the whole body bursts out, and every step is made to make the aura of the old man stronger than before. The runes flickered, and the secret method was operating. At this moment, the black-robed old man had obviously gone violently. He directly unfolded an ancient secret method, and the whole person's combat power was doubled, reaching a level of unparalleled horror.

"Zhanlong Jue, die!"

When a few words fell, and between the sky, it seemed that there were nine elders in the sky at the same time. The breath burst, the vitality was flooded, the nine people were united, and the sky descended, and they smashed towards Meng Fan. The power operates at the same time, and the power in each person's hand is unmatched and terrifying, fused in the palm of the hand, falling from the sky, with a powerful aura that suppresses the wasteland.

The power of the gods runs the god-level method with all their strength, and their own strength is combined with the strength, and just a move will twist everything, and there is a terrible way to completely shatter the vacuum.

The fall of the power of the Eight Desolations caused the world where Meng Fan was located to be completely in a vacuum.

But among them, Meng Fan remained undaunted, looked around indifferently, and said calmly,

"Before I was not your opponent, but now... You are not my opponent. The gap between you and me has been reversed. You suppressed me half an hour ago, but after half an hour, it was my turn! "

A few words were spit out calmly, facing a sacred ultimate move, which could be called a storm, but Meng Fan simply ignored the impact of the blood in his body, and all the vitality fluctuations were concentrated in the palm of his hand.

The power of the previous law was clearly realized in Meng Fan’s mind, and just a moment later, Meng Fan stepped out, black hair dancing, standing in the sky, like the same ancient killing god, with unmatched aura, hands tightly grasped, With another punch, the runes flickered between the punches, and a kind of destructive power was fused into the front of the punch.


This blow was shockingly the first form performed by the Sage Empress Zhongtian. After comprehending the three forms, Meng Fan's whole person was like opening up the roots of wisdom, and his understanding of this body cultivation line reached an astonishing level.

Take meat as the base, force as the pressure, immortal and immortal, and fight to the end of the world!

This was the strong gate of the Queen of Heaven in the past. Even though she was just a woman, she was once invincible. Wheel body repair has reached a point where people before and after are insurmountable.

And today reproduced in the hands of Meng Fan, this kind of god-level technique can be called the supreme killer move. It was used by Meng Fan for a small test. Even if it was facing a sacred statue, Meng Fan burst into a strong crush. meaning.

The power is running, the energy and blood are fused, the force of rolling destruction is concentrated on the front of the fist, and a punch is dropped, and the figures of the nine elders in the void collide together, causing the world to collapse and everything to lose its color!


The thunder-like voice came out again, deafening, even the people below the height of 10,000 meters felt the waves of air tear their faces, and backed away, and the low-level people directly sprayed out blood, this kind of great pressure The bottom is too terrible.

Between the weather and the waves, the void collided. After a while, the bodies of the nine elders burst into pieces. Even the god-level method could not resist the power of Meng Fan’s attack. The power of destruction penetrated everything, and the intention to kill was rampant. , That kind of vitality and the ultimate coordination of the physical body, resulting in infinite power, destroying the world.

Open the sky with one blow, holy avoid!

After a while, among the fragments of the sky, the body of the black robe old man Qin Hun flew out with a big mouthful of blood, and the bones all over his body were not known how many broken, and Meng Fan punched it from the sky. Falling, suppressed between the ground, the flesh torn, unable to get up...

A sacred one, defeat it... For today's Meng Fan, it only takes two punches!


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