Supreme God King

Chapter 1418: I am a piercing arrow

On the desert island, Meng Fan also quickly settled down, and naturally became the lord here. He could exercise his power to manage the deserted island and also take away... . Three ducks.

In this regard, Meng Fan only did one thing, which was to blend in a piece of teleportation jade with his divine mind, and send it out. As for the rest of the time, he just closed his eyes and practiced on this desert island without saying a word. hair.

Under this situation, a full half month passed, and the entire desert island was extremely quiet, except for Meng Fan, there were only three ducks quacking.

Sitting still on a huge boulder, Meng Fan stayed still, facing the sea in front of him, closing his eyes and practicing.

In his body, his vitality was tumbling, his body revolved, and the sky spread, causing a powerful and unmatched pressure. Meng Fan remained motionless and felt himself quietly. Under the impulse of blood in his body, his whole person was in a bloodline. In the state of eruption.

Gods in the flesh!

Being able to do this step was rare in ancient times, but for Meng Fan, he really wanted it, but he really stepped into the Divine Origin Realm. It was definitely not enough just to be physically.

In those years, he saw the terrible divine monkey with his own eyes, resisting the five great sacreds, and if he wanted to be truly invincible, his realm must be completely integrated with the divine way.

But this step is easier said than done, but it is extremely difficult!

Even though Meng Fan is already physically ascended, he still doesn't have much confidence in the improvement of his realm.

However, for many years, Meng Fan has already developed a mentality of not being arrogant or impetuous. Sitting in the same place, sensing the heaven and the earth, the blood capillary openings on the whole body open up and absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth, completely It was gathered between themselves, and under this kind of power, Meng Fan's whole body had a feeling of expansion.

The infinite fusion of energy and blood, all the power is attributed to the inverse **** seal in Meng Fan's body, a little nourishment, and there is also a kind of understanding in Meng Fan's heart, he wants to successfully break through and reach the sacred Realm, the most important thing in its body is the power of rebellion.

Over the years, Meng Fan has continuously improved it. The latter is beyond imagination. It is worthy of being inherited from the Destroy God King. During its operation, Meng Fan has an ultimate control of power. If it can be made Complete transformation is not only completely the same as the power of rebellious **** and the physical body, but also integrated in every inch of vitality, which is the possibility of its breakthrough.

Between the moments, the power of opening the sky, moving with one thought, I am the law.

The way of being a **** is to completely transform one's own attributes into a law. I am the wind, which is the power of the ultimate wind, I am the fire, I am the power of the ultimate fire, and I am swallowed, and I turn everything into nothingness.

Opening his eyes, he exhaled from the corners of Meng Fan's mouth, even the breath could solidify a line in his realm, and he whispered,

"Nishenjuan has an incomparable advantage with ordinary techniques. It swallows everything and is extremely domineering. However, I use him as the foundation of my practice. I have suppressed others for many years, but I have some gains and loses. Now I want to break through. People are very difficult. If it is an ordinary technique, perhaps my body ascends to the gods and at the same time drives me to step into that kind of divine way, but the inverse **** scroll is not at all, unless it is me... Using a mature tenth-tier **** fetish between heaven and earth as a medium, and transforming the pure heaven and earth energy into my own use, I am qualified to log in to the gods thoroughly and break my shackles with that kind of domineering force!"

The tone is dignified, and there is also a huge difference between the higher-order gods between the world and the earth. The important difference is the age. Just like the undead root in Meng Fan's hand, it looks like ten thousand years, but there is no Maturity, just like a human being, only comes from childhood and energy is limited.

And the undead roots like his grandfather’s generation are also the tenth-level divine fetish, but the medicinal power they possess is completely different, which is also what Meng Fan needs, but this kind of thing can at least pass through ten Ten thousand years, the world is more than rare, it is simply looking at all ages, it is definitely not too much.

One hundred thousand years of fetish!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan could not help but sigh, this kind of thing is too difficult to find, it is no longer something he can forcefully obtain, only to see future opportunities.

But at the next moment, without waiting for Meng Fan to speak, a quack suddenly came from the side.

"My lord, where is my servant, where is my beauty, where is my fetish?"

There is no doubt that the speaker is naturally the three ducks, who come here every day and ask Meng Fan tirelessly.

With a word, Meng Fan’s mouth suddenly twitched, and a big mouth used to draw the three ducks away, clearly understanding that once it was the reason or explanation, then there was no need to practice. What this guy said The degree is definitely no less than that of the longhair finch, which can make the river flow back.

The body was flying in the air, and the duck roared,

"No, Lord Lord, this desert island belongs to you, but there is no one, no one..."

Along with the shadowlessness of the three ducks, Meng Fan sat on the spot with a strange arc drawn on his face, whispered,

"Human? It should be... It's almost here!"

Unlike Meng Fan’s having no fun on this deserted island, there is already an uproar among the outside world, because half a month ago, the people of Tianji Pavilion spread a piece of news. Everyone who settles in this chaotic watershed comes to one of the deserted islands, counts the banners, and establishes a dark alliance!

White-haired Shura Mengfan!

These words are also absolutely thunderous for today's Medieval Domain. Under this situation, everyone can't help but shake.

Before this, Meng Fan had just made a big wave in this middle capital city. I didn't expect that the latter not only had nothing to do, but instead set up a big banner in this Middle Ancient Region.

This kind of thing can be said to be extremely alarming. In the eternal time, who dares to challenge the majesty of the Zhongtian Dynasty, except for the one line, the temple, which dares not to give its face.

But I have never heard of any casual cultivator that can do this, but now Meng Fan is safe and sound, and I can't help not knowing how many people are shocked.

Such people are arrogantly setting up their own hills in the chaotic watershed. After this kind of news spreads, it can be said that the major forces are shaken, and it is impossible to guess what they are going to do.

Before this, although Meng Fan acted domineering, but he was not too high-profile, but has been practicing hard cultivation, but now with the help of Tianji Pavilion, it turned out that the matter of letting him raise the banner spread throughout the entire universe. It makes countless people feel unsure.

On the huge desert island, the surrounding area was quiet. During this full half a month, there was no one, except for Meng Fan, there were only three ducks.

Facing the perspiration of the impact, the three ducks lined up to bask in the sun, while the big duck was extremely low, his head low, and said helplessly,

"I thought there was a powerful lord, ooh... I didn't think there was just one more person, I am lonely, boring, empty..."

"I want a maid, I want more people, I want fun!"


Just as the big duck was talking, the two ducks beside him seemed to be struck by lightning, frozen on the spot, staring at the void, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying.

what happened?

When the big duck's expression moved, he felt a little curious and raised his gaze. At the next moment, his body was completely frozen, because following the eyes of the two of them, he found that the sky not far away was already.... . Densely filled with a group of people, all over the sun.

The sky is full of energy and blood, all in black armor, holding weapons, and attacking the entire sky with the intent of killing and cutting. There is a kind of domineering that covers the sky and the earth. This is a desert island with a remote location, where many people come. , Even if I came, I wouldn't pay more attention to this deserted island, but now a group of people above the sky are coming here in dense crowds.

Before that, there were a few huge monsters of the emperor realm, roaring that shook the heavens and the earth, and the sound of dragons stunned the sky, making the sea tremble constantly.

And one of the ducks pointed in another direction. Looking at it, the three ducks discovered that there was also a group of people coming in another part of the sky, and the sky was also filled with blood.

There are as many as tens of thousands of figures, and the strength of that one is extremely good, and they gather together to create an unparalleled terrifying power.

And the most noticeable is the figure in front of everyone, it is a woman, a red robe, three thousand green silk flying, graceful figure, herself an allure woman, but she has a heroic aura that shocks the world.

Two waves of silhouettes had already come in an instant. It was originally extremely empty around the desert island, but only a moment later, it was completely full, flooded with blood, and the world was trembling. How powerful are such rows of monsters and silhouettes.

Under the circumstances of so many people, it seemed that they could not be accommodated. At a glance, the sky was overwhelmed with blood and blood. The three ducks rubbed their eyes. It was completely dumbfounded. It is absolutely unimaginable. It was still empty before. The deserted island with no one, after a few breaths, was completely covered by this figure, and they were all powerful.

Even though he didn't move, the majestic killing meant it had already hit the sky.

In the next moment, the two voices spread all over the world, just like the ancient Hong Zhong’s striking, the sound was unmatched, causing the entire sky, the entire desert island, and the entire sea to be constantly trembling.

"People of the sea of ​​blood, respect King Shura!"

"The Dark Guardian, I have seen Brother Meng Fan!"


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