Supreme God King

Chapter 1432: Shenmai


This natural law of heaven and earth formed in the ancient times is full of power and is also the foundation of the great uninheritance. Looking at the world, why the Golden Family can maintain so many gods and masters, gathered in them, immortal and growing continuously.

One of the reasons is because it must have the support of divine veins, and feeling that it is the greatest help for any gods in the world.

It cannot be said that having one thing must be able to achieve the supreme power, but without this one thing it definitely cannot become the supreme power.

Such existence is simply enough to make a supreme power crazy and launch the most powerful offensive, but now it is placed in front of the three of them, flowing quietly like a stream.

Including Meng Fan, the Empress, and Gu Xin'er, the bodies are also shaking. It is unbelievable. No one would have expected an unexpected gain. Before this, the three were only trying to bury the bodies of these dozens of powerful gods. After getting the approval of the former Lord of Chaos Valley, he gave this thing as a gift.

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless!

This kind of existence has very limited opportunities to feel it, even if it is the Zhongtian dynasty, the forces of Yike will place him in the most taboo place.

The most terrifying elder in the family retreats around it, comprehending the natural laws of the gods in this divine vein, to cooperate with itself, and will not give other people a chance.

But now Meng Fan actually got one by himself. Thinking of this, it really made the look on the three people's faces become weird and weird.

"Is it true that good people are rewarded?"

Meng Fan muttered, a little speechless, but after all, this was an extremely shocking opportunity, stepping out, and the three of them directly into this strange space with the Empress.

Just the moment I stepped into this place, Meng Fan’s heart was touched tremendously, and the blood in his body was tumbling, uncontrollable, and the strongest response, including the Immortal Imprint, made Meng Fan’s whole person simply They are almost obsessed with it, including the empress on the side.

However, Gu Xin'er seemed a little calm at this moment, and did not have strong feelings. It was because she herself did not reach this step. In front of this divine vein, only the strong divine Dao can be moved. For this kind of The existence of levels has a big effect!

"Unexpectedly, we can still see a true masterless divine vein in this world!"

"Yes, if it weren't for being sealed here by one of the masters in the ancient Chaos Valley, I'm afraid someone will be able to find him!"

Xiaotian and Xiaodi said at the same time, and their tone was full of shock.

Both of them are ancient artifacts, but at this moment, they feel incredible about the existence of this divine vein at the same time. It is unexpected that Meng Fan has just established a power and is ready to achieve supreme achievement.

This is to have a huge divine vein ready for him. This is simply the biggest hole card he will achieve in the future. If Meng Fan is willing to tell that he has a divine vein, there will even be a strong **** in front of him. There is a huge temptation to come here, as you can imagine.

Looking at each other with the empress, Meng Fan said slowly,

"It is rumored that the first time you enter the divine veins, the effect will be extremely huge. It will be powerful and qualitatively changed by sensing the law of the Ming and Ming and cooperating with yourself. Xiaotian, Xiaodi, Yan'er, Xin'er, you all try Give it a try, but this thing is extremely overbearing, don't be greedy or chew, just suit yourself!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the Empress and others nodded their heads. In front of this kind of chance, they couldn’t help being unmoved. At the next moment, Meng Fan’s body moved, and each step merged into this divine vein. .

It was a natural river with flowing water. After stepping into it, it was like swimming. However, the water surging into Meng Fan’s skin looked like thunder, and suddenly opened a door for Meng Fan and others to see. .

The ultimate feeling is for the gods, and the only way is king!

It was just a moment, as if this word came out in Meng Fan's mind, without any emotion, like a machine, but when it fell into Meng Fan's ears, it was extremely powerful.

Engraving this sentence deeply into Meng Fan's bones made his whole body shake, with strong heart palpitations and feelings.

Not only Meng Fan, the Empress, Xiaotian, Xiaodi, and Gu Xin'er were also shocked instantly after stepping into this space. Standing in this space, they were already obsessed with it.

The river flows between the sun and the sky, and every trace flowing beside them is an invisible law.

This divine vein is like a key, helping everyone here to open the door of power, and truly see all the divine ways that exist between the heaven and the earth, so infinite and so broad.

Compared with this endless vitality divine way, the laws touched by all their cultivation today are simply a drop in the ocean, too small.

The power to pass the heavens and the earth is not only for the vitality cultivator, but also for Xiaotian, Xiaodi, an ancient divine object, which makes him feel huge and completely obsessed.

Even if someone attacked the five people at this moment, they would definitely not wake them up, they could die of obsessive sentiment.

Chao Wen said, once can die!

This sentence is absolutely true to the vitality monks between heaven and earth. The more powerful monks are, the more sincere they are in cultivation. Only by possessing this strong desire for power can they help them. To the point where it is now.

If I smell it!

The four words suddenly opened in Meng Fan’s sea of ​​knowledge. At this moment, Meng Fan’s body was silent, unmoving and fearless. The whole person was sitting in the river beside the stream like this, practicing for many years, countless lives and deaths. Let Meng Fan himself create a supreme mind. Even when facing these many divine ways, after a moment of loss of consciousness, he quickly calmed down, his own divine thoughts blended into it, and all divine rules in the divine veins were sensed.

Everything I see, everything I recognize, is in my palm and belongs to my heart.

Undoubtedly, this divine vein definitely helped Meng Fan open the door to the power of divine way, and it was what he needed now, too important to be ignored.

Under this circumstance, Meng Fan did not have any restraint. He concentrated all his mental energy to sense the laws of the gods. The feeling of immersion in it was too beautiful and too intoxicated for him. Every law of the gods was It means that the supreme existence in the ten thousand realms, under constant induction, caused the inverse **** seal in Meng Fan's body to undergo a subtle change. Under this change, it completely complements Meng Fan's body. , Let him see himself more clearly and more comprehensively.

With the palm prints spread out, in the palm of Meng Fan's hand, a flower that twists the sky appeared, which was filled with infinite power, as if it had a smell of destroying all living beings.

Through this infinite divine way, to perfect his own meaning of swallowing, Meng Fan’s whole body is constantly flashing, and it is so silent, not just him, the Empress, Xiaotian, Xiaodi, Gu Xin'er are also completely like this, in this Under this circumstance, they can't tolerate any distractions, not because they can control it, but because the sincerity in the cultivation of vitality in the body makes them so crazy that even a trace of divine thought cannot sense the outside world.

One hour, two hours. . . . . Eight hours have passed!

The few people in it were still the same as before, completely silent in their own world, but at the next moment Meng Fan's expression moved, but suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed like a sharp sword.

This kind of perception is of great benefit to Meng Fan. If it were normal, he would never wake up, but now it is different. It is not that Meng Fan wants it, but his body is constantly reminding Meng Fan, a kind of instinct that makes Meng Fan. Anyone who is strongly separated from that state of sentiment, no longer continues, but awakens himself from the silence with great perseverance.

Because in an instant, there was a loud voice beside him, full of weakness and uncomfortable smell. . . .

At a glance, Meng Fan discovered that the person who made the sound was Gu Xin'er, who also sat in the same place, feeling the way of God, but the whole person was completely different from before, belonging to the temperament of Gu Xin'er. It is gentle, kind, and even unwilling to work with others.

But at this moment, the latter is completely different. Compared with the previous one, there is a huge difference. It is like a goddess above the nine heavens, extremely cold, with open eyes, one black and one hundred, which seems to be filled with two worlds, containing power. Destroy everything!

this is. . . . .

Meng Fan's heart shook, and he carefully probed this mental power away. After a few breaths, he was shocked, because at this moment there were two kinds of divine thoughts in Gu Xin'er's body. One divine thought belonged to Gu Xin. The body of the child, that familiar feeling Meng Fan will never admit his mistake.

And another kind of divine mind is. . . . A breath of extremely ancient vicissitudes, as if it were ancient prehistoric, and this kind of breath is extremely broken, like countless fragments, competing with Gu Xin'er for control of the body, and even constantly suppressing Gu Xin'er's one. Kind of divine thought, to crush it.

Two gods!

Meng Fan couldn’t help being flustered. He had never seen Gu Xin’er have this kind of reaction before, and never at any time, but in this divine vein, there was such a big change in his body. He had a feeling of inability to start, this extra divine mind was extremely aimed at Gu Xiner's own divine mind, and he wanted to break it.

As soon as he bit his tongue, Meng Fan tried his best to calm him down, thinking about the situation he encountered in his mind, and suddenly his expression changed in the next moment, and he blurted out.

"Ancient crossing the robbery method!"

After a few words were uttered, Meng Fan's calm face suddenly became hideous, revealing an endless chill!


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