Supreme God King

Chapter 1440: One man and three gods

The setting sun, but I am undefeated!

This sentence resounded like a Sanskrit sound, resounding through the world, and the moment Meng Fan uttered the mantra, his whole person turned out to be doubled again, countless vitality fluctuations merged on him, and the vitality fluctuations in his body turned out to be happened. . . . Qualitative change.

The sunset changes!

In the ancient times, the teaching method of the sunset sect, which can be called the emperor, is so inherited. I don't know how much power was killed in the ancient times, but it was a pity that it fell in this imperial palace, and the eternal time has not reappeared. However, at the moment when Meng Fan's power is operating, one can see the amazing changes in his body. After countless compressions, that kind of vitality fluctuation is pure to the extreme. Between Meng Fan's punch, there is a Kind of overbearing.


In the sky, under Meng Fan’s backhand punch, you can see the three bodies of Venerable Mad Saber. Soon even the vitality fluctuations of the three people collapsed layer by layer, causing these three The person flew out directly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Just a punch, that is, the combat power is completely different from before!

Even with the power of the Three Gods, there was a kind of domineering that couldn't resist Meng Fan.

Under this scene, it can be called a flat ground blasting, which has caused countless powerful people in this world to have a dull-eyed feeling. Now that this battle has arrived, it has attracted the power of the entire chaotic valley, the biggest dark horse in the chaotic valley, vs. the three veteran forces.

This kind of battle will undoubtedly affect the pattern of the entire chaotic basin in the future, and no matter who wins or loses, it will cause a big storm.

But now it is natural that countless people gather around the base camp of this crazy door. As far as their eyes are concerned, most of them are already extremely dissatisfied with the dark alliance. After all, the pressure Meng Fan is facing is too great, but only after this punch. , Is already making everyone speechless.

Looking at this chaotic watershed, there are naturally no lack of discerning people. At a glance, I can see exactly how Meng Fan's combat power is. Although powerful and physical, there is a limit. But just after everyone thought that Meng Fan's hole cards had already been used, they discovered that Meng Fan who was in the battle at this moment turned out to be stronger and constantly improving himself.

Scrolling against God, the setting sun changes!

Under the operation of these two methods, Meng Fan at this moment was so many times stronger than before. When it is strong, it is stronger!

Such a method is absolutely unparalleled in the world, constantly improving their own combat power, such a person is absolutely rare in the whole world, especially in the realm of Quasi-God.

"It's worthy of being... White-haired Shura!"

"Don't say this kind of person is a hundred years, I am afraid that this person will be the only one in these ten thousand years, even if it is the only descendant of the emperor clan, I am afraid... he will not enter his method!"

The whispers among the crowd were really too trembling. They naturally saw Meng Fan’s methods. His own combat power was already quite terrifying, but under the increase of these two ancient secret methods, it was to make his whole person. Strength once again improved, comparable to the supreme evildoer.

Above the sky, Meng Fan completely ignored the surroundings. In his eyes, it was now blood red, and the evil spirit appeared, only the three gods in front of him.

If it were normal, Meng Fan would never choose this kind of difficulty. Even if he came to this chaotic valley, it would not allow Ling Daiyou to develop so quickly. In the end, he would use the three sacreds of the chaotic valley as his opponent, but give it to him. Sufficient development time of oneself, gradually improve.

Even if he faced the three gods, he had no certainty. It was a life of nine deaths. Although fearless, it did not mean that Meng Fan did not like safe methods.

But now that the catastrophe is approaching, the time that can be given to Meng Fan is definitely not much, so that he will take the risk and improve himself in such a radical way to strengthen the dark alliance.

You must know that the words spoken by Qin Mieren that day made Meng Fan vividly remembered, the forbidden area struck, and twenty-three sacred statues were missing. . . . . With the kind of crisis in the future, the time left for Meng Fan can be described as pitiful.

If you are not strong, you are fish!

If you are not strong, you will die!

If you are not strong, you have to try that kind of feeling that you can see the separation of the people around you with your own eyes, and that you can do nothing. . . .

This feeling Meng Fan has already been. . . . Enough, now he is absolutely unwilling to let the things of the past happen again, so there is only one way for everything, only to rise in chaos, kill everything, let the entire dark alliance continue to expand, starting from the chaotic valley, Achieving the supreme power has only a glimmer of life in the endless murderous in the future.

Time does not wait for me, only. . . . Fight against the sky!

After deciding all this, Meng Fan naturally has no regrets. At this moment, the real trump card explodes, and he takes a stride. There are two god-level methods of Inverse God scroll and sunset change at the same time. powerful.

Let Meng Fan himself break the shackles again, and his combat power skyrocketed!

One step out, the void moved, Meng Fan's whole person descended like a sacred person, and between the next step, that kind of domineering that looked at the world naturally spread.

Now that his two big hole cards have exploded, it is also Meng Fan's true combat power. If he fails, he will become a benevolent. Between the shots, Meng Fan's vitality burns, only after one step, accompanied by this punch.


The sky trembled, and under the eyes of countless people, you could see Meng Fan's breath soaring, and even the three gods changed their expressions at the same time as the punch fell. The vitality in the body exploded and resisted. With a punch, it collided with the power of the three gods, causing the sky to burst, and you could see that the three sacred gods retreated directly as before.

And Meng Fan then strode out, crossing the world, every step falling was accompanied by the attack of Emperor Fist.

Volley step by step, fist and fall!

At this moment, Meng Fan is above the sky, and that powerful aura spreads. Every step down makes the entire void tremble. Its own aura seems to be three points more violent than before, and the fist that falls is also shaking. The three sacred things keep retreating.

One punch after another, step after step, even if Meng Fan is only in the realm of Quasi-God, he is suppressing the three gods of Venerable Crazy Blade, and the power of vibration is constantly spreading, and the latter is like the emperor, who is king of the world.

Eight full steps are eight punches!

Even if the three of Venerable Mad Sabers have powerful divine power to protect their bodies, they were also shattered by Meng Fansheng at this moment. Under that kind of unstoppable and infinite power, they were extremely panicked. Blood spurted out, looking very embarrassed.

However, between the fall of this ninth step, Meng Fan's body freezes and stops advancing.

"The Great Seal!"

Just when these three characters fell, that kind of huge handprint appeared, which also made Meng Fan's own burning breath reach the extreme.

If you don't make a move, it will be Absolute Thunder and kill everything. This is Meng Fan, and this has been his method of killing for many years.

The previous count of punches was nothing more than an accumulation of momentum, but now the vitality in the body has changed. Between this seal and the air, Meng Fan's vitality merges, and a huge palm emerges in the midair, directly slapped, the whole person Like a great ancient **** and demon, the big hand fell and smashed everything.


In an instant, the big hand wrapped the three gods of Venerable Crazy Sabre. This seal was honed by Meng Fan's killing intent for many years. Although it is not Meng Fan's strongest killing method, it is undoubtedly a real trump card he is most familiar with and best at. .

In the current state, this kind of power erupted. At the moment when the handprints spread, the three of Venerable Mad Blades roared at the same time, and the whole body burst. Even if the three of them resisted with all their strength, it would be difficult to resist Meng Fan's overbearing blow. It was terrifying. The air wave swept through, directly penetrating the defenses of the three of them, wiping out their bodies, even the souls in the sea of ​​three people encountered the strongest attack at the same time, trembling constantly, causing the bodies of the three to fly out and completely burst. .

Become in control, look forward to everything!

After such a scene fell, there was a great uproar between the whole world, but Meng Fan was still under absolute suppression before a few breaths, and even everyone would think that Meng Fan had no power to fight back.

But things are not the same as wishes. Between these taboo formations, Meng Fan alone suppressed the three gods and took the upper hand. After the fall of the Great Seal, his advantage became extremely obvious, and his power penetrated everything. , The three gods were seriously injured at the same time, it was difficult to resist Meng Fan's supreme edge.

But after a while, Meng Fan in the void let out a low growl, vigorously suppressing the blood raging in his body.

The previous blow to Meng Fan was also very expensive, but running two god-level methods at the same time, although it can make Meng Fan's combat power soar in a short time, and has a kind of invincible hegemony, but the time that Meng Fan can persist is not long. .

If he becomes sacred one day, he may become able to fully perform without hindrance, but now Meng Fan is only in the realm of quasi-god.

The body trembled lightly and blood flowed out, and Meng Fan could feel that if the injury in his body was no longer paying attention, it would definitely break out after half of the incense, and it would be impossible for him to move his little finger.

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan let out a low roar, his body stepped out, and the void moved, and at the same time two words were spit out from his mouth.


When I spoke with my mouth, the space of Xiaotian trembled at the next moment, and a huge cauldron had already flown out of it. The whole body was pitch black, and a hazy atmosphere emerged. Naturally, it was the cauldron of the ten thousand mothers and children, in Meng Fan. Between his thoughts, the big tripod enveloped Zhou Tian, ​​and went straight to the nearest old woman.

Only in an instant, the great tripod was closed, completely besieging the old woman, and Meng Fan stepped out and moved forward.

"Boy, what are you going to do!"

Above the sky, Venerable Mad Saber who strode back stabilized his injury, and his expression changed drastically when he saw Meng Fan's movements, he shouted.


The man’s sword is one, and it strikes with one blow, but despite the fact that this sword is extremely terrifying, the sword intent traverses the world, but it directly smashes on a layer of huge vitality defense, in which the cauldron flashes like a star, impressively It was the strength of this tens of thousands of mothers and sons that actually helped Meng Fan to besiege him and the poisonous woman and old woman at the same time.

There is also a large formation in this ancient **** formation. It feels that the heaven and the earth have formed Meng Fan. . . . In the battle!


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