Supreme God King

Chapter 1450: Motiandong

Approaching this magic sky hole also made the Tongtianhu people become more careful. They did not dare to be like the kind of publicity before, so that the group of monsters who followed them before stopped shouting, and a group of people stepped into it quietly. The flag is still hanging high.

Walking towards this magic sky cave also made Meng Fan feel that there are still many monsters around it, but the moment his divine consciousness moved, he was shocked. At a glance, he could find countless ancient alien species. It is stepping towards this magic sky cave.

According to Tongtianhu, this Motian Cave is one of the three holy places in the Tianbone Mountains. It is absolutely forbidden on weekdays, especially in the core area. Even Shinto-level monsters cannot forcibly break into it. , Has a strange aura that can hurt the sacred soul invisibly.

However, at a certain time, this magic sky hole will naturally open, and the aura in it will weaken. It is also the time when all monsters are ready to step into it.

So at this moment, Meng Fan was shocked when he saw it, because in the distance, he saw the true magic tree that had been lost in the ancient times walking. It was extremely silent, making people think it was just an ordinary monster, but if you know this For this race, it must go back tens of thousands of meters.

This kind of tree is a living beast, which can swallow everything in the world and transform it into its own body.

There is also a kind of ancient alien monster called Honghuanglu, and a group of war **** ants a hundred meters away. Those are all famous races in the past. Unexpectedly, they all appeared here, quietly walking towards this magic sky cave. go with.

Those of them are extremely powerful, their own race bloodline possesses invincible means, and the realm is quite high.

I haven’t seen the old monster powerhouse. It’s already so difficult. It also made Meng Fan clearly understand that it’s not so easy for the Jedi in the Motian Cave this time. He is hiding here, maybe it has something to do with the opening of this magic sky cave.

Looking at his banner, Meng Fan's mouth twitched, and said helplessly,

"Several brothers, they are all here now, can we collect our banners, it is too dirty to hang like this... No, too ostentatious, right?"

"Brother Xian, don't you know something!"

Seeing Meng Fan, the golden lion shook his head. Its whole body is golden. Although it is in the shape of a human, it is comparable to a hill. It is extremely burly. Its golden hair floats in the wind and looks domineering.

"Our five banners are not only for prestige, but also to warn our opponents, who I don’t know about our four emperors in the Tianbone Mountains, virtuous brother, I am not blowing with you, you just came out of the mountain, not yet Understand the rules of the Tianbone Mountain Range, we usually hang this flag, and the monsters along the way see that we must hide away. Brothers and others have always been like this. This banner is where we are. Where is it? Whoever sees it and doesn’t give me a thin noodle, who dares to move us, so...Boom!"

Before the golden lion was finished, a thunderous sound came out at the next moment. At the same time, Zhou Tian trembled. As far as everyone's eyes could be, they saw a huge handprint coming around the golden lion. Explode it.

The power spread, and by the way, the golden lion was thrown off the carriage, smoke and dust were everywhere, the world was pale, and the words who dared to move me before had not had time. . . . Completely disappear!

A seal fell and burst directly, obviously following this group of people!

I couldn't help but let the Tongtianhu runaway, especially the golden lion, climbed up from the ground, covered in dust, and his eyes became blood red in an instant, and he roared,

"Who, who dares to move me?"

"Your Dragon Lord!"

After a while, a voice also fell and spread all over the sky, and a group of figures appeared in the sight of everyone, but it should be accurate. . . . A group of dragon shadows. Because this group of beasts is extremely huge, the whole body is black, like giant snakes, but it is not, because its head is a dragon head, scales grow like a blade, dozens of shadows stand in the sky, a kind of majesty. It is diffused, making people feel like they can't breathe.

This kind of majesty, such a breath, is really terrifying, especially this is a group of dragons, but it is not the kind that Meng Fan has seen, the latter has been known for many years of warcraft. But I have never seen this class of monsters, possessing such a terrifying prehistoric aura, as if the other party is incomparably old, so old that people have a feeling of facing the long river of history.

this is. . . .

The pupils shrank, Meng Fan’s heart set off a stormy sea, and the next moment the golden lion’s roar directly proved his idea.

"Little cubs of the Zulong line, I didn't think you were here too!"

With a word, others didn't have much, but Meng Fan was shocked enough.

The ancient Ancestral Dragon, Meng Fan rampant and domineering among the ten thousand realms, defeated many fierce monsters, but he has never fought against the powerful Ancestral Dragon, only met a weird dragon in the Bai family. Only, the breath of this group of monsters is exactly the same as that on him.

In Ten Thousand Realms, the ancestral dragon line has long since disappeared, and it is rumored that it has even been wiped out in a long river of time, but I didn't expect that I saw it with my own eyes, but not one. . . A group of ancestors.


Above the sky, a figure snorted coldly. Among the ancestral dragons, five of them were transformed into human bodies. They were five men, each with extremely powerful aura, even if it was not that kind of ancestral dragon. form.

However, the ancient and wild aura permeating the body has not diminished a little, but it is more concentrated. If you carefully sense it, you must know that these five people have already stepped into the half-step divine path, and they are like the golden lion and others. It is a demigod-level monster, and still. . . . Ancient Ancestral Dragon!

"Golden boy, what kind of bull are you? Who do you think you are? You dare to hang your banner when you enter here, and you have all given it to me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. The previous accounts have not been cleared to you! "

One of the humanoid ancestors said in a dark voice, obviously it was not in harmony with the golden lion and others before, and there were a lot of fights, just before that scene happened.


The golden lion ran away, how could he give up under all the eyes, staring at the five ancestors and dragons, and roared,

"What are you guys, dare to talk to me like this? Come on, your lion uncle will play with you, who dares to come and fight me!"

The sound fell, like thunder. At this moment, the golden lion was obviously moved and really angry. It was too embarrassing before. Now the breath exploded, and a layer of golden light spread across the whole body, the runes flickered, and he himself was also stepping. Entering the quasi-god level cultivation base, it is incomparably terrifying, and it confronts him in midair.

The breath is relative, Zhou Tian trembles!

Both of them are fierce beasts of ancient times, and that one is not easy to be born with. Therefore, between the auras, the heaven and the earth are imprisoned, and two monstrous evil auras fill the surroundings, attracting them in this magic sky cave. The eyes of countless monsters around him also looked over.

Now that the magic sky cave is open, I don’t know how many more monsters have come here than in the past. At first glance, although the woods of Zhoutian do not move, there are countless monsters hidden now, including real magic trees, war **** ants, etc. An ancient alien species stopped and looked here with great interest.

After all, both the ancestral dragon and the golden lion are both ancient alien species, and in the ancient times, they were all the existence of the **** of slaughter.

Hearing the words of the golden lion, the ancestral dragon who had spoken before gave a sneer and said calmly,

"Okay, since you have this idea, then I naturally want to accompany you to the fullest, but I am afraid that it is meaningless to just do it. After all, this time Uncle Long's beating you was only incidental. It is important to enter this magical sky. In the hole, so there must be some color before you start!"

"what do you want?"

The golden lion snorted and asked.

"It's very simple. You can choose one of us. As long as you can defeat me, then we will give you a small bottle of our own blood. On the contrary, if you fail, I don't want much. You Give me a bottle of the blood of the Golden Lion!"

One of the Ancestral Dragons said coldly, with a sharp tone.

And this statement immediately caused the people around him to take a breath of air. The most important thing for the line of Warcraft is the heart and blood, including the strength of his life, and there are many inheritances of the line of Warcraft. The most is impossible to give away, because once it is given away, it is impossible to recover.

This kind of color is not insignificant, and the two sides are the kind of existence that has stepped into the demigod level, and the value of a bottle of heart and blood is inestimable.


The golden lion's eyes flashed, and the chill was strong, but just as he was about to nod his head in agreement, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, and it was Meng Fan who looked like a tiger.

"The second lion brother, why don't you leave this matter to the younger brother, the younger brother is willing to do it... It's hard work!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Tongtianhu shook their heads and said in a deep voice.

"No, brother, your strength may not be enough. These ancestral dragons are not the same. We had each victory and defeat against him before. Their strength is very strong, you run away!"

"My brothers, my brother just bowed to you. If I don’t do anything for my brothers, then my brother will be extremely disappointed. Now it is a good opportunity. I hope that the brothers will make it happen. If the brothers do not agree, Then the little brother committed suicide here!"

Meng Fan said with a serious face, his tone even seemed a little excited, he had to help the Golden Lion.

But now it can be described as spinning fast in his heart, even with a hint of excitement.

The most important thing is obviously only these four words, Zulong essence and blood!

It is recorded in ancient books that among the most effective things in this world, there is this kind of Ancestral Dragon Essence Blood. In the past, Meng Fan only got a drop, but now he has a small bottle. What concept.

Even if he is a physical body and other gods, there are still countless distances from the true ultimate physical body, and this ancestral dragon essence blood is too important to him, and if he can get it, it will definitely have a lot of help.

Use it to forge the body, it is simply the supreme treasure in the world, and this ancestral dragon essence blood is extremely rare in the world today, even in the middle ancient domain. The ancestral dragon disappears, so what about the essence and blood? Seeing this group of ancestral dragons with his own eyes naturally made Meng Fan unable to hold back and wanted to do it.

Seeing Meng Fan's words, the Tongtianhu people burst into tears, staring at Meng Fan, trying to stop them, but they were afraid that Meng Fan would really commit suicide, but they were in a dilemma.

"My good brother, I deserve to be from my Tongtianhu clan!"

"Brother Tiger, if I don't die, I must be blessed and enjoy the hardship in this life!"

Meng Fan looked righteous towards the end of the Tongtian Tigers, shook his head, and then turned around to face the Zulongs and said calmly,

"Now... Your opponent is me!"

Seeing Meng Fan’s words, Zulong and the others suddenly hesitated and looked at each other. They had never seen Meng Fan before. In the next moment, one of Zulong said coldly.

"who are you?"

Hearing Zu Long’s words, before Meng Fan could answer, the next moment all the monsters beside Meng Fan raised their broken gong voices, lined up in a formation, and shouted together.

"Emperor Kaitian, boundless mana, Emperor Kaitian, Shoubi Tianxian, Emperor Kaitian, Hongfu Qitian!"


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