Supreme God King

Chapter 1458: The strong is coming


Just a word, clean and neat, but it almost broke Zhou Tian!

This roar included the powerful fluctuations of vitality in Meng Fan's body, converging for a moment, and then exploding. In the faint, the hostility accumulated for many years was revealed, causing the whole world to tremble constantly at this moment, attracting all Everyone's expression moved, and they felt Meng Fan's murderous intent!

If it is an ordinary person, the people around will definitely take action immediately to suppress it, but this is Meng Fan, that kind of hostility appears, even if there are countless ancient beasts between heaven and earth, one is more brutal than one. , But it turned out to be trembling, as if to feel the arrival of a kind of beast king, staring at everything and warning others.

Only after a while, countless monsters turned around and left, no longer fighting with Meng Fan.

Obviously, the previous battle between Meng Fan and Zulong had spread throughout the Tianbone Mountain Range. There are countless people here who know Meng Fan and understand the latter's violent methods.

Between Meng Fan's warnings, this group of fierce beasts considered themselves not opponents, but obeyed the rules of Warcraft, gave way to the strong and left.

After a few breaths, the player who had shot in the field before turned out to have 30% of the beasts, turned around and left without any hesitation.

Although this token is important, nothing can be compared with life. This group of beasts is invisibly proving Meng Fan’s power, and if it knows that Meng Fan’s real body is not a beast, it is estimated that it will be There was an uproar in the entire Tiangu Mountain Range.

A human being, among the beasts, is like a king, watching everything. This kind of thing is definitely not imaginable.

However, even if a large number of powerful people left, there were still more fierce beasts staying in place, and there was a strong sense of cruelty between the eyes. For Meng Fan's posture, he did not intend to give up, but was ready to kill him. Capture the token.


In just a moment, the real magic tree that had previously hit with Meng Fan had already shot, the entire human form, like the same ancient tree standing between the world, the runes flickered, and the power of the body burst, directly turned into countless Dao branches rushed towards Meng Fan, like thousands of hands.

On the other side, the colorful deer that had been above the sky also made a long roar, glowing all over, and a rune came towards Meng Fan. Coincidentally, there is also a huge butterfly above the sky, which is also fanning its wings, only a slight movement, but a strange sound wave burst out, sweeping the sky, and heading straight to Meng Fan.

If anyone can see this deer-butterfly, it must be shocked. The latter is definitely an immortal alien that has disappeared in this world for eternity, carrying a vision, but now it actually appears in this Tiangu mountain range, against Meng Where to shoot.

The three major monsters were all Primordial Alien Species, and each touched the divine way. They had already reached the point of a demigod. In just a moment, the earth broke and the sky collapsed, suppressing all the fluctuations and surrounding Meng Fan.

The name of Meng Fan had been spread throughout the world before, but everyone knew that the latter had just defeated the five great ancestor dragons, and his body was shocking. Under such circumstances, he still dared to take action against Meng Fan, but all of them had absolute capital.

Weekly coverage, monstrous murder!

Under this terrifying and incomparable aura, Meng Fan was expressionless, he was already planning to take action, but he was already prepared.

When a person is in the sky, the vitality in the body fluctuates, and only three words fall between Meng Fan's hands up, resounding through the world,

"The Great Seal!"

Yiyin riots, five fingers covering the sky, but under this blow, a golden handprint is visible to the naked eye that covers the entire world, traverses everything, and hits the three top powerhouses around the sky. Together.


The sound of the thunder burst spread throughout the world, and after a moment it turned out that the void was constantly shattered, and the space debris overflowed around, causing the ground to tremble constantly. The four powers that touched the divine way are confronting each other. This destructive power is not terrifying. There are still people in the field who have not left. They directly spouted a mouthful of blood and burst back. Some low-powered fierce beasts Even if there is no chance of blocking, it is fainting.

Under this seal, it is obviously extremely overbearing. Even if the three top fierce beasts of the True Demon Tree attack Meng Fan, you can see his body explode, each with a grunt, it is difficult to imagine Meng Fan's power. The latter one hit, with one enemy three, not a god, but it caused the three quasi-god-level powerhouses to damage each and burst back, making it difficult to resist Meng Fan's powerful edge.

"Brother, you go first, my door will cover you!"

On the side, Tongtianhu and the others roared, their breaths exploded, helping Meng Fan to stop him.

Meng Fan nodded. The most important thing in his hand was this token. He shook his palm and prepared to put it into the space, but in the next moment, it made Meng Fan's brows raised, a little hesitant. However, this kind of hesitation was only a moment later, and it was that Meng Fan chose not to put this token up, and grabbed it in his hand, directly walking out with a stride.

Bang, bang!

Behind him, while the three demigods of the real demon tree, the one deer and the butterfly were breathing, the Heavenly Tiger and the Golden Lion also brazenly took action, but they were also from ancient alien species, and they were magnificent. Fluctuations swept the world, turned into huge handprints, and rushed into the sky.

Using the four major demigods to cut the way for Meng Fan caused many monsters to deliberately want to shoot, but they were also shocked by them. After all, existences that can cultivate to the level of demigods are rare, but not everyone has that amazing strength.

One step out, his body moved into the void, and after a few breaths at the speed of Meng Fan, he was almost completely out of the circle of war and disappeared from the sight of everyone. However, at the moment when Meng Fan was about to tear the world, his body suddenly chilled. With his current spiritual sense naturally being a psychic, he sensed that he actually had a pair of eyes looking at him through the layers of void, that kind of murderous intent, already made the soles of his feet cold.

After a while, an old voice also fell between this heaven and earth,

"Little thing, give the token in your hand to the old man!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time there was an irresistible law. Under the eyes of everyone, they discovered that there was already a huge dragon head in the void before they knew it.

The latter's body is extremely large, the whole body is black, and the huge skeleton is conducive to the space between the sky and the earth. Pieces of black scales are like mountains, growing on top of his body. That kind of monstrous fierce power fills the surroundings, but one end. . . . Ancient ancestor dragon, and it is the existence that has stepped into the gods.

Only the powerhouse of this kind of realm can give Meng Fan so much pressure, the real **** among the beasts!

God-level ancestor dragon!

At a glance, Meng Fan understood it for a moment. The latter should be the elders of the great ancestral dragons he had beaten before. They were also around this Motian Cave, tracking him all the way, and now seeing this token is finally forbearance. Can't help it, want to shoot.

The breath is nearby, even Meng Fan feels breathing difficulties. The natural king of monsters, especially the alien species reaching the ancestral dragon, although it is only a divine way, it matches the body and the ancestral dragon. Divine power, even if the sacred second-order among humans is not necessarily his opponent, this kind of aura suppresses and is terrifying. It is not the first time that Meng Fan has faced the sacred, but this kind of power is definitely not comparable to the previous sacred. Yes, definitely one of the few old monster powerhouses in the Tianbone Mountain Range!

There was such a shot, but Meng Fan was holding the token, sneered, and said calmly.

"Why, hit the small one, and the old one is here?"


In the void, the huge ancestral dragon snorted coldly and said slowly,

"The old man is here to kill you. If you dare to touch my ancestral line and take my sacred blood, then you have to pay a price, but now you can give me the token in your hand first, and I can let you go. A way of life, otherwise... Hum, this is the old man between the world and the earth, whoever moves will die!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world!

At this moment, although there are many powerful people here, like a real magic tree, a deer and a butterfly, but now they can only turn around and leave. No one thought that a sacred ancestral dragon would come to this place. It's not what they can fight against. Looking at the entire Tianbone Mountain Range, there are absolutely not many existences like the Divine Ancestral Dragon. Once it appears, it will be crushed by absolute strength. Who dares to compete with him for something.

The real old monster powerhouse exists forever!

Faced with the inheritance of this generation of demon ancestors, including the powerhouses who can be regarded as standing on the top of the Pyramid of Ten Thousand Regions, they couldn't help but come to **** and suppress everything around them.

It was just a moment, that was to let the countless beast birds between the world and the earth disperse, and quickly fled the scene.

Under the majesty of this huge dragon clan, Meng Fan sneered and said calmly.

"Old stuff, you have no way to deceive people. If I give you this thing, would you want to crush me to death immediately and let me make a living? I beat your ineffective juniors You can’t bear it if you have a small belly and chicken intestine!"

With a word, the eyes of the sacred Ancestral Dragon were instantly chilled. Indeed, as Meng Fan said, once Meng Fan gave the token, then in the next moment his huge dragon claw would slap in the air. Meng Fan was crushed fiercely into ashes.

Before Meng Fan wanted to surrender it, his move might destroy this token.

Facing its irony, the sacred Zulong said coldly,

"Very well, you don't have to give it to me, I can come and get it myself!"

"Yes, why don't you give it, you have spoken!"

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan shook his head, looked at the holy Ancestral Dragon, grinning,

"I have always respected seniors like you very much. You guys must be easy to speak, but well... It looks like the seniors who came today are... not just you!"

The tone was calm, but in the next moment, including the holy Ancestral Dragon, his eyes suddenly surging, and he was instinctively alert, and he obviously felt something!


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