Supreme God King

Chapter 1463: Forbidden Palace

Through this road, Meng Fan and Lan Caiyi walked directly into the entrance of this passage, the hall.

It was just a breathing time. In this week, an ancient breath came oncoming, making Meng Fan's heart startled, and he felt breathless, as if moving his little fingers was a laborious move, and there was a faintly in this ancient hall. Extremely great pressure.

At first glance, this is a huge altar, surrounded by inexplicable metal, the whole body is blue and immortal.

And in this week of sky, the most central place is in the center. You can see an extremely old crystal coffin. You can see an ancient body in it, but it is broken, and there is no head or limbs. , Just a body.

It's just this section of the body that has already shocked Meng Fan's mind. The blood flow throughout his body, as if he had seen the laws of the gods in this world. In this body, everything between heaven and earth, countless mysteries are included. Concentrating on it is the end of this vitality cultivation, giving him a feeling of facing the highest mountain peak.

The body of the mother of all people in the line of Warcraft in the past, the body of a generation of demon ancestors!

This kind of legend is placed in front of Meng Fan's eyes. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many monsters want to set foot here, but they have not succeeded.

However, by chance, Meng Fan came here with the blue-clothed woman and witnessed this half of the body.

Although it is only one-third, but if it is reported, it will inevitably shake the world, and I don't know how many storms will be caused in Wanyu.

Comparable to the existence of the Divine King Realm, through the ages, there have been only a handful of strong people who can set foot on this point.

The cultivation of vitality, step by step, is trapped, the three sacred realms, and above them, there is a **** king!

Prior to this, Meng Fan had only heard of such existences. He didn't expect to see it today. Just through this half of his body, he had a feeling of facing the highest mountain peak, like the peak of the gods, and everything started.

If its complete body is here, I don't know what it will be like!

With his five fingers clenched, Meng Fan's heart set off a terrible storm, staring at the half of his body carefully, completely silent. The latter has been pursuing goals for many years in order to find the highest path of vitality, and once asked the gods how far they can reverse everything.

Seeing the existence of this **** king realm today finally made Meng Fan seem to have found a beacon in the dark. The powerhouse of this realm is too mysterious and too powerful. It is just that this half of the flesh is like It is the extreme of this world, what a point this is.

Once he reaches this state, he will surely know countless insights, and then that goal in his heart, I am afraid it will also be achieved!

God King!

The two words flashed across Meng Fan’s heart. The latter was completely idiotic. The half of the body of the demon ancestor of the past generation was here. Even without any insight, just letting Meng Fan stare at it would cause him The power of vitality is operating, as if he has insight into countless divine ways in one thought, and has made great progress.

And while Meng Fan was obsessed with it, he did not notice the blue color clothes on the other side. The latter stood quietly in place, but gave birth to a very complicated look on his alluring face. , As if thinking of something.

After a few full breaths, Lan Caiyi just took a step forward, sighed faintly, and walked towards this half of his body.

However, in the middle of the movement, there was a sudden tremor of the sky. In the next moment, it turned out to be an ancient aura that sealed the world, completely sealing the entire space, closing everything, and everything was turned into absolute prohibition, including The road that Meng Fan and others entered here was completely sealed.


With a flash of eyes, Meng Fan forced himself to wake up from what kind of induction, looked around, and finally landed on Lan Caiyi's body.

However, Lan Caiyi was obviously more dignified than him, with vitality out of the body, coldly snorted,

"It's not me, someone here!"

As soon as he said it, in the next moment there was a gloomy laughter in the void,

"Yes, the old man waited for a long time, tens of thousands of years, and finally... Wait until you!"

The world is imprisoned, everything is sealed, under this kind of power, it turns out that the entire Zhou Tian is completely trapped in a mysterious large formation, and a fly cannot fly out. And in the next moment, the space flashed, and through it, you could see the figure of an old man, a linen robe, weakened figure and pale hair, but his eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the field, suddenly Appearing in this piece of heaven and earth, blocking the bodies of the two Meng Fan and this generation of Demon Ancestor.

Suddenly appeared, the breath was terrifying to the extreme, even if it didn't move, but a great terror was that Meng Fan and Lan Caiyi had been completely wrapped.

Even though he was as powerful as Meng Fan, he felt his whole body numb. The whole body was full of blood and blood, and his mouth was wide open, as if he was being stared at by thousands of poisonous snakes. The latter was absolutely terrifying enough. He stared at the old man. After a while, Meng Fan Dumbly,

"Old Bodhi!"


Hearing this, the old man's gaze swept away Meng Fan, and said in surprise,

"Unexpectedly, it's been so long, but there are people who know me, little guy, you are a human, you are here, and you know the old man. It's really funny, hehe!"

The laughter fell, but Meng Fanke was not so happy. The vitality came out of the body, and he immediately fell into absolute defense, and his heart was even more turbulent. It seemed that this situation was beyond his control.

He came for this bodhicitta, but not to see the Bodhi Patriarch. He didn’t expect that he would not only step into the tomb of the demon ancestor of the past generation, but also saw the strong man before the eternal age, the old man of Bodhi, who turned out to be Alive.

At the beginning, he saw on the intelligence that the Bodhi ancestor was seriously injured. He is already dying frequently. Few people are alive. Bodhichitta will inevitably be left behind. But now he is still alive and smiling. In Meng Fan's heart, there were 100,000 grass and mud horses galloping past.

But the shock returned to the shock. After a few breaths, Meng Fan had already reacted, protecting his vitality, coldly said,

"You didn't die that year?"

"It seems that you little guy knows my story!"

The ancestor Bodhi snorted and said calmly,

"Of course not. How can a powerhouse of my level be known by ants like you, right, woman, I really want to know, who are you, his descendants, or is it him?"

While talking, the ancestor of Bodhi looked at Lan Caiyi with a playful taste.

And Lan Caiyi was extremely calm, said calmly,

"I am no one. It's just a blue color suit, a human being. I can't think that since you have stepped here, you are worthy of the three sacred realms. You actually passed this place completely by yourself, and finally came to this tomb, a good method!"

"Thank you for the compliment. The traps laid here are indeed terrible. The old man also spent a lot of effort back then. It was only when I finally walked here that I almost consumed all my strength, but it is a pity that the old man is angry. If you want to open it in this physical body, you still can't do it, you need a key!"

The ancestor Bodhi said coldly, as he said, his old face also gradually became ugly.

"I really disappointed the old man. I didn't think that the old generation of Demon Ancestor was so cautious that he had placed a prohibition in the flesh, but thanks to the old man's skill, he stayed here and waited quietly, finally waiting for your key.

This physical body wants to be truly opened, only with the help of your soul body, otherwise no one can break the inheritance of this generation of demon ancestors, little girl, no matter who you are, now you are just a quasi-god ant, In front of the old man, it was a finger-crushing effort, so I advise you not to work in vain, and give yourself out obediently! "

The tone was gloomy and Zhou Tian trembled.

At the same time, Meng Fan also understood the reason. The old Bodhi ancestor came to the tomb of this great demon ancestor by virtue of his powerful cultivation, but this half of his body was banned. , So that Bodhi ancestors can't control at all, and they can't control it. They need a kind of spirit body, and this kind of spirit body comes from the blue color clothes.

"Hmph, it's death anyway, do you think I will choose to die!"

Lan Caiyi sneered and said coldly,

"A finger pinched me to death. You don't think your words are too arrogant, let alone that it is not the peak. If I am not mistaken, you are already dead. It is only with the help of a certain energy body. Only by protecting a trace of your own mind can you talk to us. If you want to be resurrected, you still need a distance!"

Energy body!

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood why the Bodhi ancestor was so strong in front of him. The latter was actually completely dead and transformed. . . . . Bodhicitta is gone.

Just like the Lord of Chaos he had encountered in the Chaos Valley, a strong man who reached the level of sacredness was unpredictable, and it would be difficult for him to die completely. Although the body of the latter may have disappeared, it is also a trace of himself. The body of the soul is re-engraved on the bodhicitta. This bodhicitta itself is the ultimate pure power. The ancestors of Bodhi controlled it to reveal themselves and use this power to sustain themselves.

Although it appeared, it was definitely not its peak moment, but it was able to preserve a few percent of combat power, which Meng Fan could not know at all.

Staring at Bodhi Patriarch, Lan Caiyi said coldly again.

"But one thing I am very curious about is that you have completely died, and you can't survive such a long time. Even if you use this energy body to live to the present, it is useless to get this physical body. If you are not yourself, it is not yourself. Yes, with different attributes and mutual restraint, there is no way for you to resurrect, unless..."

"Jie Jie!"

Hearing Lan Caiyi’s words, Bodhi ancestor smiled sorrowfully, revealing an inexplicable terror.

"You also said unless, unless I am... I have practiced the restricted area exercises, right? Congratulations, you guessed it!"

As he spoke, Zhou Tian trembled. In the whole body of the Bodhi ancestor, a strong black death air suddenly appeared, sweeping the world and covering everything, comparable to the fall of night, making Meng Fan and Lan Caiyi Tuantuan. Surrounded by water!

Third more.


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