Supreme God King

Chapter 1475: Under siege

Liu Yilong, roll over and die!

The tone was rumbling, like a sky thunder, Meng Fan stood in place like this, but the majesty of the emperor was already displayed to the extreme, looking at the world, ignoring everything.

And after this voice spread throughout the world, Liu Yilong, the ancestor of the Liu family above the Celestial City, suddenly changed his expression, feeling a fiery pain on his face.

He just said his name, and Meng Fan called his name directly, let him lead the death, like a big mouth drawn on his face, before he was always a majestic elder, despising Meng Fan .

"Boy, you are looking for death, the old man is here to take care of you personally, don't think that you can be presumptuous here if you have some skills!"

Liu Yilong let out a low roar, his gray hair fluttering, and after a moment he was like a demon, stepping out, walking directly from the heavenly **** city, and heading straight for Meng Fan.

Stride out, the world fades!

Although it is only a sacred realm, Liu Yilong's methods can definitely not be compared to ordinary sacred to survive from ancient times to the present.

With one step out, Zhou Tian trembled, and its speed was extremely fast. The most murderous intent was to wrap Meng Fan and imprison everything.

Under the Celestial City, Meng Fan was expressionless, standing in place, motionless as a mountain, facing Liu Yilong, who was extremely fast, raised his hand and punched away. A terrifying punch also came. Hit Liu Yilong directly.


With one blow, Zhou Tian trembled, with fists facing each other, both Meng Fan and Liu Yilong erupted in the air, their eyes red.

Each and every one of their own strengths are displayed. Under this kind of moment, there is no intention to have any remaining hands, fierce and dynamic, the most powerful hole cards are used to crush the opponent.

Bang, bang!

The void burst, and in an instant, under countless gazes, I saw two figures in the field intertwined, one old and one young, but the strength of both of them was extremely terrifying and fierce.

The vitality is overflowing between the bombardments, and any one of them has the overbearing to destroy everything, unfolding continuously in the entire field, and smashing Zhou Tian quickly.

A quasi-god realm vs. a sacred powerhouse!

The battle between this class of hands is already called a divine battle, which is extremely rare. Between a few breaths, the world in the field is tumbling, the ground is shattered, and in the next moment, the void flashes.

A figure quickly retreated, blood spurted, and the body hit the ground, smashing a huge deep hole, which turned out to be... Liu Yilong, the ancestor of the Liu family!


For an instant, the people above this **** city and the outside world were in an uproar. Now there are millions of people gathered around here, plus the many disciples of the Liu family in this **** city. .

I thought it was just a crush, but I saw a sacred statue being beaten out in public by Meng Fan. In the previous fight, it turned out to be Meng Fan... Get the upper hand!

What a mighty power of a quasi-god domain powerhouse to suppress the sacredness!

Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief, but the fact is that Liu Yilong who was in the deep pit vomited blood, covered in dust, looked quite embarrassed, without the sacred majesty he had before, and had a pair of eyes. Looking at Meng Fan in horror, he uttered a few words.

"The flesh is astonishing!"

The tone was flustered, and there was even a hint of... Fear!

Shinto, not only can reach the realm, in ancient times, there is a kind of peculiar person who can first be as gods in the flesh, but it is rare and has long been lost, let alone in the eternity, even if it is in the world. For a hundred thousand years, it was only a few people, but Meng Fan was one of them.

"Your information is too backward. Eternal time makes you very complacent. Do you really think it is sacred?"

Meng Fan sneered. The news that his body ascended to God had already spread all over the world, but the old man in front of him didn't even know it. He stepped out in one step, the soles of his feet were like electricity, and he stepped forward quickly. The palm print of the sky came directly, towering with one hand.

"The Great Seal!"

The three words fall, the verbal method follows, and the vitality riots!

In the past, in the eyes of Meng Fan, there was an extremely sacred statue, but today is completely different. I have to say that he has not killed Meng Fan in countless crushes. He has truly risen. To reach his level, he has a This kind of fearless feeling, even the emperor.

Against the Liu family!

This is what Meng Fan is doing now, not just to help Mu Yuyin make a move, this is only a small part of the reason, the real thing to do is.... . To report the revenge of the crushing year is to deter the emperor!

Perhaps this kind of behavior is undoubtedly against the sky in the eyes of other ordinary people, but for Meng Fan, now that he controls the chaotic valley, he is already the master of chaos, and in this Middle Ages, he can be one of his opponents. There are really not many people.

Even the Emperor Clan is not as unshakable as he was in his eyes. If he does not beat the Emperor Clan, perhaps he will face more troubles. Among these ten thousand realms, strength is always the first, so there is Necessary to show strength.... . It is even more critical.

Disaster is about to come!

In the future against the restricted area, Meng Fan and the entire dark alliance will inevitably use their best efforts. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Meng Fan will use this imperial family Liu Jialiwei to tell everyone in the Middle Ages about its powerful methods. , Is a kind of shock for Meng Fan, truly speaking with strength.

The brave wins when meet on a narrow road

In this world of vitality, facing the strong, the weaker, the easier it is to suffer. The latter will gain an inch. On the contrary, there is a kind of people who are strong when they meet the strong, and continue to develop, which will inevitably reach the reach of ordinary people. To the point, this kind of person... . It is Meng Fan!

Once it is printed in the sky, and when it is lowered with one hand, it has the meaning of killing the gods!

Under this handprint, it can be said that Liu Yilong's complexion suddenly changed, like a dead gray. It is absolutely impossible to think that the combat power of a young generation can reach this level.

"Five-colored Qi Tianjia!"

With a loud roar, Liu Yilong's whole body changed, and a seven-colored armor appeared around his body. It was an ancient divine object, and it had reached the tenth rank.

Surrounded by his vitality, the whole person is covered with a strong defense, and at the same time the vitality in Liu Yilong's body is boiling, flowing continuously, surrounding him, and then blasting out with a palm, resisting away.


Above the sky, the Great Emperor of Meng Fan landed with a seal. Under this seal, everyone could see the two peaks of vitality interlaced in the void and blasted together.

But just a moment later, the golden light penetrated everything. Even if Liu Yilong, the ancestor of the Liu family, had the help of a tenth-order god, it only blocked for a moment, and was given alive by Meng Fan's outrageous torrent of vitality. Blast away.


Blood spurted out, and Liu Yilong's body flew out. Under the impact of the air wave, his own Tier 10 battle armor was directly torn, tattered, and blood flowed out. The whole person almost died, if not before this. Under that blow, he used the most powerful defense force, probably already dead under Meng Fan's handprints.

"Boy Meng Fan, the old man and you... are not at odds!"

The blood spurted out, making Liu Yilong's whole body look tattered now. The blood and dust were completely fused together, like an old beggar, with a roar, but only after a moment, his body turned and left. Turning into a streamer, he headed directly towards the Celestial City, no longer fighting Meng Fan.

A sacred statue, fleeing in public, and its opponent is only in the realm of quasi-gods. This scene can be said to be enough to set off an uproar and cause both the Liu family and the outside power to be speechless. However, Liu Yilong can't estimate this at all. The miscalculation of Fan's strength caused him to be seriously injured, and he was killed during the previous confrontation. It is conceivable that if he was under this tower, he would be slaughtered by Meng Fan.

Forever as a god, but the more afraid of death, so at this moment Liu Yilong ran faster than anyone else, and within a few breaths, he came to the city of Heavenly God.

With a raised eyebrow, Meng Fan stepped out, striding towards the God City in a stride, but at the moment he was about to step on it, the spirit in Meng Fan's body was suddenly moved, and he felt a kind of murderous intent.

Ancient God Array!

Surrounding this heavenly **** city is an extremely terrifying ancient **** formation. Even if it is not known how long, it still gives Meng Fan an instinctive vigilance. The people who deployed this big formation in the past are extremely terrifying, and it must be A strong man who has reached the three sacred realms is actually able to keep the strength of the past here and integrate it into this great formation.

As long as Meng Fan took one step forward, he would encounter the attack of the ancient **** formation, and the strength of that person would also recover, giving Meng Fan a powerful suppression.

The power left by a powerful man in the three sacred realms in the past was shot, but a kind of murderous opportunity was not something Meng Fan was able to face with confidence. , As powerful as Meng Fan, it is also difficult to fight against the power left in the **** city, to be precise, it cannot fight against the former character.

The latter must be one of the most powerful ancestors in the Liu family. Although I don't know who it is, he is at least one hundred thousand years ago.

With a sneer, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Liu Yilong, don't you want my life, get out!"

When he came to this heavenly **** city, Liu Yilong was panting, blood flowed out, wiped the blood on his face, and faced Meng Fan with a roar.

"Boy, what are you, the old man can kill you at any time!"

"Then you come out, what are you running?"

Meng Fan responded indifferently.

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Liu Yilong was speechless for a while, gritted his teeth,

"Isn't it okay for the old man to rest for a while? Come here if there is a kind, come here if there is a kind!

"There is a kind of you out!"

"Come on here!"

"There is a kind of..."

Under the Celestial City, everyone looked at each other, full of millions of people watched Meng Fan and Liu Yilong bargaining under the Celestial City like old aunts on the street, but everyone was jealous of each other and would not move forward.

And after a few breaths, Meng Fan finally didn't bother, his eyes swept around, and immediately sneered, and said calmly.

"Very well, since you won't come out, then God City... don't want anyone to come out!"

While speaking, Meng Fan sat in the void, dressed in black, with hair fluttering, moving with the wind, the whole person is above the sky of God City, unmoving and fearless, his breath spreading and blocking Everyone who lives in the entire Celestial City. . . . . . Where to export.

one person. . . . . Suppress a city!

The weather is more than 30 degrees, without air conditioning, I feel that I can still update normally, I am too good!


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