Supreme God King

Chapter 1490: Great Spirit Ancient God

Kill him!

The Four Great Tianjiao said at the same time, but in an instant the verbal method was casual, and the tone was sonorous.

In this voice, there are countless killings, making the sky tremble this week, and the sky pales. At the same time, Cao Qiushui and Yang Qing can be seen outrageously, palm prints appearing, sweeping the sky.


In just a moment, the heavens and the earth had faded, colliding with the five ancient handprints in the restricted area.

Behind him, the expressions of the Empress and others moved, and each felt joy.

No matter where Cao Qiushui and others came, it would be a temporary rescue of the dark alliance after all. I don't know how much their pressure weakened, and the aura of a group of strong men broke out, brazenly shot, together to deal with the five ancient restricted areas.

In the past, the five forbidden areas were ancient but had the absolute upper hand, crushing the dark alliance and causing a big crisis, but now there are four more sacreds such as Qin Hong, so everything is different.

Even though Qin Hong and the others had just broken through the barrier and were young, their strength was based on ancient methods.

Even for a hundred years, there are many opportunities that I don't know, and too many resources have been used to reach the point it is today.

Between the fingers, four palm prints opened the sky, colliding with the ancient black death air in the restricted area, annihilating the world and causing a big burst.

Countless space fragments overflowed, and Qin Hong and the others did not give up in the midst of the bombardment. One by one, the blood exploded, like the same sun standing in this sky, the hot breath was enough to burn everything.


Zhou Tian collapsed, and the thunderous sound spread throughout the world. This kind of collision was really terrifying, and the entire void was distorted, creating a large spatial vortex.

Within ten thousand meters, everything will be covered, wherever you go, all beings will be wiped out!

In this spatial vortex, it is comparable to a natural meat grinder. The monks in the forbidden area and the dark alliance are hiding far away. If anyone approaches this meat grinder, they will inevitably fall into it. Turned into countless flying ash.

Now there are four more sacred statues of Qin Hong, not four ants, which have greatly changed the situation of the battle.

In the blink of an eye, the power intertwined, the palm prints appeared, and the power opened to the sky, a burly figure strode over, with hair flying, eyes horrifying, with a supreme brilliance, and at the same time a palm smashed.

The vitality came out of the body and turned into a long mountain, the golden light shone, crushed on the black death energy, and suddenly caused a big burst. It was Qin Hong who shot it.

Now, after the first battle in the Chinese capital, the latter's Xiu Xin was almost shattered by Meng Fan in an instant, but after Qin Mieren’s awakening, ten years of tempering, he shot again here, and I don’t know how much stronger it was at that moment. Times!

Definitely a **** of war on earth, his burly figure strode out, and every step was a kind of domineering force that crushed all directions, displaying the Zhongtian secret technique to the extreme.

After his accomplishment in the divine way, his whole person was completely different, his combat power increased several times, his palm prints fell, and he split all directions. Even if he was a sacred body of black death, he was directly cut down by him, with a palm hit. It opened and landed on its shoulders, causing a cloud of blood to spread across the sky.


The ancient screams in the restricted area, backwards, a look of shock.

The latter is just a younger generation of juniors, a strong man who has emerged in a hundred years, but his cultivation is comparable to his ten thousand years of time, which is amazing.

What a evildoer is nothing more than this!

But now the people around this world are even more shocked. Of course, countless people know Qin Hong, the latter was defeated in Zhongdu and left, and countless people are rumored that the latter has been abandoned.

But now it seems that Qin Hong not only cultivates his heart without breaking, but breaks and then stands, fails and succeeds. He has gone through a Nirvana, and has less of a leaking edge than before, and has an invincible method!

This one is not Tianjiao, who is Tianjiao, who can turn into a **** from the pressure after being defeated by Meng Fan, to the point where a small group of people in ancient times can reach.

The blow succeeded, Qin Hong expressionless, and continued to move forward, cutting out the handprint like a blade.

The same is true for Yang Qing and others beside him. Their respective strengths have increased and they have reached a new world. Now they are naturally merciless. The secret methods of several people are revealed, tearing the sky.

In a few breaths, the form of the entire field was changed. Previously, the five ancient forbidden areas controlled everything, but now everything is reduced to the hands of Yang Qing, Cao Qiushui and others.

In addition, the Burning Order and others took action, causing the entire week to be blocked, and several monks who touched the gods used large means to destroy the ancient forbidden area!

Bang, bang!

The sky burst, and countless black death qi bursts into pieces. At this moment, blood spurted out of several restricted areas, and the blood in the body vibrated.

Even if they were sacred before eternity, it was difficult to resist the supreme brilliance of Qin Hong and others, and they retreated step by step.

At the next moment, the ancient five restricted areas glanced at each other, and a cruel connotation came out. The latter can span tens of thousands of years, and naturally they are not ordinary people.

Only in an instant, the five people's palmprints changed, and the runes flickered, which made the five people's blood boil at the same time, and an unparalleled evil aura burst out of the five people's bodies.

"Black Sky Five Poison Array!"

The five people screamed at the same time, their old voices were harsh, white hair fluttered, palm prints interlaced, countless runes slapped out of their palms, covering the sky around the sky.

Only for a moment, the entire void was sealed, everything was still, and the sky was completely frozen.

Around these five people, like a magic sea, the billowing black death aura boiled, forming a series of tall giants!

Standing around the sky, and rushing towards Qin Hong and others, under the sacred power of the five forbidden areas, an ancient killing array was placed on this sky in an instant. Among them, the golden iron horse, a black death atmosphere. The giant transformed is incomparably powerful and shocks.

Ancient Killing Array!

This kind of big formation was born for killing and made for killing!

Under this kind of killing formation, the entire Void Demon Sea was suddenly tossed, and the billowing black death aura raged, resisting the attacks of Qin Hong and other powerful men, and being suppressed by such a powerful Demon Sea.

"Secret of the restricted area, but it's useless!"

Yang Qing sneered, disdainfully.

"With so many powerhouses I have waited for, any method is just to delay time!"

The voice is extremely confident, and Qin Hong and others nodded. After all, they are now different from the past. The people of the dark alliance and the four sacred Qin Hong already occupy a considerable advantage over the number of top powers. Even if the Five Great Sacreds had the help of the Ancient Killing Array, it was difficult to win this battle.

However, at the next moment, one of the old forbidden areas sneered and said sternly,

"Girl doll, you are so naive... Do you think I will be able to live to this day only if I can only rely on my strength, hum, if there is no real trump card, how can I fight with you? You are still too Too young!"

While speaking, the ancient qi and blood in the five forbidden areas circulated, and the black death qi covered the sky, making this ancient killing formation completely boiling, and completely imprisoning Qin Hong and others.

Under such an ancient killing formation, it is as if the heavens and the earth are blocked. Although it is not enough to help the forbidden area and others to win, it is possible to turn this 10,000-meter heaven and earth into their absolute domain.

Under this condition, the entire world is covered by the monstrous magic sea, and it is completely dark!

And in the next moment, Yang Qing and others all changed their colors, including Fen Tianling, Qin Hong, Cao Qiushui and others, all their eyes flashed, looking towards the void at the end of the darkness.

Where the devilish energy billowed, a faintly sour smell was spreading around, making people vomit, the world changed color, and at the end of the demon sea a figure came out, a black robe, white hair, and incomparable eyes Sharp, full of breathtaking eyes, suddenly appeared in this world a very short old man.

Another sacred forbidden zone!

The crowd was shocked, and countless people's eyes were focused on the sky, and they didn't expect that there were holes in the restricted area.

The five great sacreds had already been dispatched before, but it was unexpected that these five people were not the strongest figures who attacked the chaotic valley this time, but were the little old men who had been hiding in the void.

The latter just standing between the heaven and the earth makes people feel extremely uncomfortable, looks scary, and that smelly breath spreads throughout the heaven and earth.

If the people under the Tianyuan realm smelled it, they would immediately fainted, even more terrifying than the plague, surrounded by this endless sea of ​​magic, just walked out!

"Holy... Second Realm!"

After a while, Yang Qing's red lips struggled to utter a few words, and all the strong men above the sky were shocked, including Fen Tianling and others, all looking at the little old man in shock.

Divine Second Realm!

This is definitely not as simple as one-step difference. Although the sacred realm is only third-order, it has reached the sky one step at a time, and the strength and gap between realms are completely different.

The gap between each step is even more terrifying than all the previous cultivation efforts. In countless years of time, how many Tianjiao generations have been blocked by one of these levels.

One step difference, the difference between heaven and earth!

Even if a few people in the field can be called gods for a hundred years, but if they want to step into the next level, if they can be considered extremely enchanting before a thousand years ago, let alone there is still endless possibility of failure.

And once you step into these two realms, you are bound to be respected in the eternity. It is as powerful as a temple and must be given the title of strong man in this realm, and there are absolutely not many. There are no more than a hundred people in the temple... . It is conceivable that the power of such a realm is so powerful.

Now in this void is actually a strong man who has stepped out of such a realm. The short old man's gaze swept around, like a human-shaped mouse, surrounded by mist and sharp monkey gills, but it revealed an infinite fierce meaning. Faced with many sacred powerhouses, he smiled sensibly and said slowly,

"Jie Jie... Guys, I don't know if you still remember me. My name was 80,000 years ago... Daling Ancient God!"


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