Supreme God King

Chapter 1493: You owe me one hundred thousand lives!

Qi said that there is no robe, the same clothes as the son!

The sound of sigh fell and spread throughout the world, extremely calm, but there was a special rhythm in its voice, which spread to anyone's ears in this world.

Vaguely. . . . . Have a little familiarity!

At the same time, as everyone’s eyes could see, it was discovered that in the place where the dark guards had been defending before this, there was already an extra figure, a blue shirt, black hair, and a body standing on this sky. Young man.

It looks like a scholar, extremely calm, but his eyes are incomparably deep and shocking!

Meng Fan!

Just for a moment, there was a riot in the field, and billions of people were amazed!

Even if he hasn't appeared for ten years, even if he has been silent for a full ten years, but the moment he appeared, countless people in the field can directly recognize it.

In an instant, the eyes of countless figures in the sky were here, and Qin Hong, Yang Qing and others all trembled in an instant, feeling that the blood in the body was rapidly accelerating!

"Meng Fan!"

Qin Hong's two words are sonorous and powerful, and he didn't expect the latter to really break through. At this last moment, he stood in this dark alliance. This time the Four Heavenly Pride came to compete with him, so they were only helping Meng Fan to protect the dark alliance, but now they finally saw the righteous master, but for an instant it was to let them kill Ling Ran and stare at his figure.

Known as a **** for a hundred years!

In the past few years of retreat, although they had been in Meng Fan for a while, they still suffered endless pain after breaking through, but both Yang Qing and Qin Hong were thinking of Meng Fan vying for the first place in the world. After Tianjiao, this endless pain was naturally gone, so now I see Meng Fan, only to be so excited.

At the same time, the tears of all the dark alliance people were about to fall, looking at this familiar figure.

Regardless of whether Meng Fan can win or not, but at the moment of his appearance, everyone in the field feels enough to follow his life and follow his death. This is the idea of ​​many dark guards. For them, The two words Meng Fan are faith!

"Qi said no robe, and the same clothes as the son, willing to follow Brother Meng Fan to the death!"

The dark guards roared, and a full 30,000 people stood in front of Meng Fan. Even if the blood kept falling and the flesh shattered, they just held the steel knife in their hands without taking a step back.

A glance across the world, Meng Fan stood, looking at the dead blood shadow, and finally slowly uttered a few words.

"Sorry... I'm back... it's late!"

As the voice fell, it could be seen that at this moment in Meng Fan's deep eyes, it was already gradually reddening, and his pupils spread, as if he wanted it. . . . Bleeding!

You don’t need to ask him, he can feel, whose blood is between the world and the earth, and who is fighting hard in him. Those dead people don’t know how many people have been drinking with him, together Laugh and fight together, but now. . . . . Heaven and man are separated!

On this piece of land, I don't know how many dark guards spilled blood!

After these words, countless people in the dark alliance bowed their heads, including Ling Daiyou, Lin Tang and others, who were already tearful and unable to utter a word.

They are not blaming Meng Fan, but mourning for the many dark alliance brothers who have died. Under such a world war, even if the dark alliance has continuously expanded itself for many years, they have made countless preparations, but it is difficult to be here. In the troubled times, everything is preserved, and there are still a large number of brothers who die in the world, unable to look back!

This is the cruelty of the war, this is the world today, without sufficient strength, even the ants!

"Meng Fan, I am waiting to come today just to try it with you!"

In the sky, Wang Soul stared at Meng Fan, his body frozen, and slowly spit out a few words.

Before Meng Fan came out, the four great arrogances helped his dark alliance to fight, but now Meng Fan is already born, and the four of them are not doing it. Like the king's soul, Qin Hong and the two are more eager to try, and want to target Meng Fan and kill him!

After all, for Si Tianjiao, the most important thing is to compete with Meng Fan!

Hearing that, Meng Fan's eyes were opposite to him, he was silent for a moment, nodded, and said slowly,

"Okay, wait for me to finish my business first!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time, Meng Fan's gaze no longer looked at the other people between the world, only one glance passed, and finally it fell in the direction of the restricted area, directly opposite to the ancient **** of the great spirit.

Looking around, suddenly the world was frozen at the same time, and under the collision of the two of them, the entire week was completely sealed off.

Facing Meng Fan’s blood-like eyes, even the Great Spirit Ancient God was a little uncomfortable, as if he felt like a demon staring at him, and the black death air in his body could not help but skyrocket, and the magic sea churned. Completely remove that trace of fear in my heart, saying indifferently,

"Why, are you Meng Fan, the little beast who broke out of the restricted area that day?"

A word, full of endless mockery!

But Meng Fan didn't respond at all to this, he just walked step by step towards this great spirit ancient god.

"Oh, don't you even have the courage to talk in front of the old man?"

The Great Spirit Ancient God sneered, facing the coming of Meng Fan, just standing between this world and the earth, with a swaggering look.

"With you alone, you have to want to do what an old man? Do you know the strength of the old man? It's ridiculous. You are just a kid born in these hundred years, and the old man has been arrogant for 80,000 years. It’s better to come out. Now, when you come out, the old man just wants you to see what strength is, and you can beat the old man harder!"

While speaking, the black death air surrounding the ancient **** of the great spirit formed a large array of magic seas, the runes flashed, suppressing the world.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan is the core of the entire dark alliance and the lord of the chaotic valley. Now that the ancient **** of the great spirit sees Meng Fan, he also understands that once Meng Fan is killed, then the entire chaotic valley will not attack and destroy itself. .

Even if there are many masters of Shinto, but most of them are fighting because of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan Ruosi is undoubtedly a huge help to the restricted area, so at this moment, he put on the appearance of a senior expert, waiting for Meng Fan's shot, and it is also a kind of crush on his spirit!

However, Meng Fan seemed to have not heard about it. He just kept stepping forward, step by step, and finally before he came to this endless sea of ​​magic, he still didn't stop his footsteps, he was facing this sea of ​​magic with his body. Impacted away.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, this guy was born tens of thousands of years ago, and he possesses very poisonous powers. The exercises he practices are even more so. Once he gets close, the countless poisons on his body are extremely troublesome!"

In the distance, Fen Tianling roared to remind Meng Fan!

Meng Fan turned a deaf ear to this, only one step fell between the magic sea, facing that kind of plague-like mist, the whole person didn't even have the vitality to resist, and just walked over.

Such a scene is too amazing!

Even Cao Qiushui, Yang Qing and others couldn't understand Meng Fan's movements. Even if they were sacred and powerful, they would never be able to ignore the forbidden zone technique and ignore this powerful and extreme black death spirit.

After all, this is the existence of the Second Divine Realm, that kind of plague-like mist is simply a nightmare for the entire ten thousand domain powerhouse, once it is touched, it will be extremely troublesome.

Even countless strong people need to spend countless years before they can get rid of it. Once it enters the body, it will be compatible with the bone marrow and swallow all the vitality in the monk's body.

But Meng Fan walked over like this, how daring, for countless people, this kind of behavior is simply present. . . . court death!

"Why, are you looking for death like your subordinates? It's really a virtue!"

In response, the Great Spirit Ancient God sneered and flicked his fingers. That endless plague fog turned into countless tentacles and directly grabbed Meng Fan.

Just for a moment, the world was gloomy and cold, under the endless mist of plague, the world where Meng Fan was located was completely imprisoned and submerged by this kind of magic sea, but in a flash, everything seemed to be turned into bones, including Among them, Meng Fan is no exception!

However, at the moment when the Demon Sea was tumbling, Meng Fan, who was standing in it, strode out, but... . Calm and nothing, under countless eyes, just walked over.

Even if it is surrounded by that kind of devilish energy that swallows everything, roaring one meter away from Meng Fan, it was actually swallowed by Meng Fan naturally. There is no extra action at all. The black death energy is the best between the world The power of yin and coldness, but when I met Meng Fan, it turned into nothingness!


Seeing this scene with my own eyes made the world and the earth amazed. Whether it is a dark alliance or a strong person in the forbidden zone, they have never seen this kind of picture. The forbidden zone battles the world and transforms everything into life wherever you go. Du himself didn't know how many people had been killed with this perverted technique, but in front of Meng Fan... It's invalid!

The latter seems to be a black hole in itself, it is nothingness in itself, containing everything, even the most gloomy power, the moment it touches Meng Fan, it completely disappears.


At this moment, the ancient spirit of the Great Spirit finally changed, and an unprecedented look appeared on the old face, which was absolutely one of the few in the past 80,000 years.

However, before he could react, the sky suddenly exploded, and a fist rushed straight towards him, golden body, punching out to open the sky, an unstoppable force was above the world.

It was just the moment of action that caused the hairs of countless top powerhouses in this world to explode. Even if they were not in the field, they felt a big threat. Meng Fan did not make a move before, and no one could find him. Powerful fluctuations, and now at the moment of the impact of blood and blood, everyone in the world felt it, just like Burning Heavenly Order, the Empress and others suddenly shrank their pupils and smiled with joy.

Because at the same time, everyone felt the powerful force in Meng Fan's body. The sea of ​​blood was tumbling, and the Yuan Qi circling under his body had a powerful force like a law. This power represented a complete breakthrough. ,Arrived…. . Holy Land!

In ten years, countless silences, after the physical body ascended to God, Meng Fan actually took the same step that several people could take in ancient times. In just over fifty years, it was. . . . Asking the gods, watching the past and present.

I have a cold, there was no update yesterday, I will write more if I am better.


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