Supreme God King

Chapter 1503: joint

A strong man who is infinitely close to the realm of the gods!

This sentence alone was shocking enough. Meng Fan's heart jumped, and he couldn't imagine that this supreme existence would notice him and let the whole Tianji Pavilion cooperate with him?

Although the purpose of the Emperor's Gate and the Tianji Pavilion may be the same, they are very different in terms of this method. If this does not restrict Meng Fan's freedom at all, then it is not unacceptable for Meng Fan.

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan nodded and smiled.

"Since the five elders are waiting for the kid, then... naturally I saw you!"

"it is good!"

Bai Lanling smiled, and immediately led the way, leaving the void directly.

Four people moved, and after a stick of incense, they saw an extra grass cottage on a certain mountain peak in this world. It was temporarily built. After a while, five people walked out of them. They were very old, dressed in hemp robe and each hair. Fluttering, after seeing Meng Fan’s eyes, they all smiled softly and said in unison,

"Welcome little friends!"

The tone was calm, but the moment the breath touched, the blood in Meng Fan's body was boiling.

The five holy ones!

This is definitely the existence of the top five assassins in the Tianji Pavilion. Just under the feeling, it is possible to find that although the five people are hidden, each looks like an ordinary old man, but the earth-shattering murderous intent is hidden. In the body, there is no leakage.

This also made him feel a horror, and the two of them were even more terrifying. Once the strong murderous intent broke out, there was no way to target himself except to escape.

Arched his hands, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"Boy Meng Fan, have met several seniors!"


The headed old man smiled slightly, looked at Meng Fan carefully, and smiled after a moment.

"It really deserves to be a person whom the Sect Master values, his grade is so small, but he has already stepped into the Divine Origin Realm. It is really scary. The old man is still struggling in the Profound Origin Realm when he is in your grade. It took three thousand years to make a breakthrough!"

Hearing that, Meng Fan just smiled and said in a deep voice.

"But the old gentleman already exists in the second realm, and the kid doesn't know how long he is from this realm!"

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, as long as you fall into the tactics of those old guys at the Emperor Sect, it will be fine!"

Another old man from the Tianji Pavilion smiled.

"If you can come, you should just choose to believe that I will wait, otherwise, you will never risk yourself. Lan Ling should have told you before. I waited for the five old bones to ensure the safety of the little friend. , Protect the road for you, even in the temple, as long as it is a little friend, other old immortals should never want to hurt the little friend!"

The voice was calm, but this kind of promise was too big.

It will take a while to reach the temple on this journey. If it is targeted by the emperor's gate, it is really hard to say, but now that he can get the support of this Tianji Pavilion, it makes Meng Fan less worry about the future!

And one more friend is one more way. To this day, Meng Fan is no longer the ignorant young man, naturally he knows when to work around and when to insist.

After hesitating, Meng Fan is the arch of his hand.

"Then the kid is.... It's better to be respectful!"

Being able to get the unconditional support of Tianji Pavilion was in itself a great help to Meng Fan.

The latter can go to this day, but definitely not only relying on beheading the enemy, friends are also very important, especially a powerful and unpredictable friend like Tianji Pavilion!

After a brief conversation, Meng Fan, the five elders of Tianji Pavilion, Bai Lanling and others set off on the road, and Meng Fan is the six sacred ones, and walks together!

This kind is terrifying, I am afraid that a strong man who has stepped into the three sacred realms needs to hesitate three points!

With such a lineup, naturally there was no disturbance all the way, and nothing else happened until the time of the temple.

Ancient temple, where several gods and kings left behind!

When they came to this kind of place again, both Meng Fan and the other elders of Tianji Pavilion showed a look of awe and an instinctive yearning for this place.

After all, since ancient times, I don’t know how many sacred people have stepped into this place, choosing to enlighten the divine way.

After Meng Fan and the others came here, it was not surprising that the people of the temple turned out to be, and on the contrary, the old man of Heaven came out in person to meet Meng Fan.

When the old man came to Tiandu, Meng Fan couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Uncle Master, how did you know that I came here?"

Hearing this, the sky glanced at Meng Fan and snorted coldly.

"Not only do I know that you are here, but I also know that you should be here for the Shenyuan Tower!"


Meng Fan nodded, already guessing something.

"Hmph, let me just say, before the emperor door Yuehan Xiao Nizi led a group of boys here and asked to enter the Heavenly Secret Pavilion. This was nothing at all, but Ke Lao was also very positive about not dying. Wang Soul and many temple juniors stepped into it.

This is what made the old man a little curious, thinking with his toes is to think that there is a conspiracy, otherwise, the last injury of Ke Lao's death is not light, and he will definitely not be so active in arranging these things! "

The old man sneered,

"Thinking about it, except you, it seems that no one else thinks that both of them are so resentful, so... It seems that they want to prepare to deal with you in this Shenyuan Tower! "

Hearing the words of the old man in the capital, Meng Fan's eyes suddenly chilled.

Unexpectedly, he had the help of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, but he didn’t hide from it. With the five elders of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the Emperor's Gate had already come here in advance after knowing that it was impossible to intercept them. Prepare to choose to enter this Shenyuan Tower with him.

Even if Meng Fannai is the elder of the temple, this Shenyuan Tower is forbidden from heaven and earth.

Like an imperial palace, it is an independent space, and people from outside cannot interfere. In other words, if you want to enter here, things inside are completely independent, then there is a possibility of life and death.

In order to deal with him, the emperor really... . Take great pains!

"What do you think, Meng Fan, if you don't want to go in, then you can hide here for a while, let them out first, and wait until they come out, you can go in again!"

The old man said.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was silent for a moment and asked with his hands.

"Master, will there be old monster powerhouses entering this Shenyuan Tower?"

"will not!"

The old man shook his head and said calmly,

"Senior brothers from the beginning are not stupid. This Shenyuan Tower contains many martial arts experience left by the sacred and powerful people of the past, and the time and space in it is self-contained. It is not the same as the outside world. It is absolutely nothing in my temple. Going to the Holy Land, any opening requires qualifications.

At the beginning, the brothers value you very much and they will not let you suffer crushing harm, so if you turn it on, this time you will only let the juniors in, but the kid led by the little Nizi in Yuehan is very powerful, plus Ke Zunzhe etc. The king's soul prepared by people and the many disciples who have been practicing asceticism in this temple, I'm afraid you... are enough to drink a pot! "

More than a pot!

People who can be selected by the eyes of the emperor gate alone are scary enough. With the addition of the role of the soul of the temple king, although Meng Fan defeated the four great princes in the debate that day, it does not mean that these four people are not scary. It's just a relatively one-to-one situation, but here is the temple, the land of the king's soul, everything is just bad!

Meng Fan muttered in his heart, but after thinking about it, he said in a deep voice.

"Thank you brother, but I still choose to enter it!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the old man in Heaven suddenly slapped his face and said angrily.

"I know you, you are competitive and eager to fight fiercely. Under the pressure of no old monster powerhouse, you just want to compare with them whose fist is bigger. You don’t care how many people are. Boy, the old man really can’t talk about you... But, this character likes the old man, just like Senior Brother Xuanhuang back then!"

He sighed, but it gave Meng Fan a sad look on his face, which immediately caused the old man to shut up and changed the subject.

"Since you choose this way, then I won't say anything, but you want to be careful. Not only are the boys brought by your Yuehan, but also from the gods tower itself, which is quite terrifying. I have gone twice, one of which only walked eight floors, and once only walked ten floors.

Among them are the martial arts left behind by too many people. These martial arts are the souls of the former supreme powerhouses in the past, and some even gave birth to self-consciousness.

If you want to comprehend them, you first need martial arts not to lose to them, and even fierce debate, and some martial arts are extremely terrible, including the ancient spirit of the strong man in the past, once you enter it, even hundreds of years They are all unable to come out, the whole person is obsessed with that martial arts, unable to extricate themselves! "

The tone was filled with a reminder, which immediately caused Meng Fan’s whole body to tremble, clearly knowing that this is not a vain, and that this temple can be classified as one of the forbidden places. Between the world and the earth, both hands are Number of them.

"Thank you Master Uncle!"

Meng Fan arched his hands, but a fierce look flashed in the depths of his eyes, his eyes full of warfare.

The latter has been rampant around the world for many years, and the rise of the Quartet has never been afraid of war.

But now the emperor's gate is aggressive, chasing all the way, even for Meng Fan to chase into this temple, naturally aroused Meng Fan's full murderous intent, as the old man in the sky said, above this kind of thing , The more you fear, the more the enemy's arrogance will be. The only way Meng Fan has for many years is to hit his opponent trembling and kill his opponent. The opponent who hits sees that he can't raise his head!

Gently squeezed the palm of his hand and spit out a word in the corner of Meng Fan’s mouth.

"Zhang Qixian... I'm afraid that after you enter the temple, you will become a Zhang Qi ghost!"

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