Supreme God King

Chapter 1510: Shenyuan eighteenth floor!


Such echoes of the Shenyuan Tower made Meng Fan's heart trembled, feeling that the world he was in was completely opened, and there was a vaguely powerful attraction that surrounded him and Yuehan at the same time, and wanted to draw away from this space. .

It seems that what Yue Han said is absolutely true, this Emperor Feather Pearl should be the key to get through the 18th floor of this Shenyuan Tower!

At this moment, Meng Fan’s eyes flashed, and his big hand stretched out. Apart from anything else, he grabbed Yuehan’s shoulders, and the smooth skin fell into Meng Fan’s hands, but at this moment, he had no time to take care of it, only to completely heal Yuehan. They were tied together, making it impossible to break free from their shackles.

Feeling the majestic strength on his shoulders, Yue Han's silver teeth were about to be crushed with hatred. No one would treat her as a fairy on weekdays, but after encountering Meng Fan, he didn't have this treatment at all, and he couldn't help but let him. She ran away.

However, even though there is a lot of hatred in his heart, Yuehan is forcibly suppressed, his pretty face is pale, the vitality in his hand is running, and the emperor feather bead blends, at this moment, the whole person is empty and spiritual, with the vaguely powerful aura coming from the void. , It completely penetrated the world where she was, and was absorbed into a strange virtual space, and the two of them disappeared directly from these twelve levels!

Just for a moment, there was nothing in the Shenyuan Tower, but it was in the bitter cold place of the outside temple!

Among the twelve red-clothed elders who were sitting still, at least five of them opened their eyes and looked in this direction in amazement. For the existence of this group of people who have already stepped to the limit between the world and the earth, they also felt exceptionally shocked. .

"this is……"

"The eighteenth floor!"

The old voice reverberated, extremely hoarse, and it was definitely not many that could make this group of people like this, and the number of times the Shenyuan Tower was opened in this eternal time was not a few.

However, none of them was awakened at that time, but now the five of them opened their eyes, because among the fifty thousand years of time, it was the first time someone stepped into the eighteenth floor of this Shenyuan Tower!

The highest level, and also the most secret level, should be one of the supreme secrets of this temple!

Only this kind of old monster knows what is being sealed in these eighteen layers, all of which are forbidden, countless difficulties, unless it is the ultimate power between heaven and earth, I am afraid that no one can come here by virtue of theory. The eighteenth floor, but now it seems that two juniors actually did it!

"Is it through Emperor Feather Avenue? This should be cheating, right?"

"Everything in the Shenyuan Tower has its own rules, and I can't interfere. Since the rules in the tower allow it, then...not count!"

The voices of the two elders sounded, and in the end this place gradually became calm, but the five awakened elders did not mean anything to be asleep. Instead, they looked at where they were slightly interested, full of inexplicable the taste of.

And in the inner space of the Shenyuan Tower, the void teleports, and the air of chaos is enveloped!

At this moment, Meng Fan was even more shocked. With his strength, it is already the limit to be able to step into the fourteenth floor in the next twenty years, but he did not expect to follow Yuehan, a big enemy, with such a chance. , Directly stepped into the most critical and terrifying eighteenth floor of the Shenyuan Tower!

Such an opportunity in life is really dumbfounding!

But just for a moment, Meng Fan was back to normal, his energy and blood circulated, and the whole person fell into the most highly alert state, because everything is still unknown, I don’t know what is in the eighteenth floor of this Shenyuan Tower... !


Space splits, heaven and earth appear!

After a few breaths, Meng Fan and Yue Han finally came to this piece of heaven and earth through the endless void.

In the next moment, Meng Fan, who had just arrived, exploded all over his body, and his entire body stood upside down, wishing to make a move immediately. Because the moment he came to this space, it turned out that Meng Fan felt a strong feeling. . . . . Forbidden zone breath!

There is nothing wrong, it is the restricted area!

The entire ancient pagoda was filled with that extreme atmosphere of the restricted area, which shocked Meng Fan incomparably. At this moment, the whole person was in hesitation. Surrounded by this rich atmosphere of the restricted area, it even gave him the illusion that he was not in the ten thousand realm, but came into the restricted area.

The whole world is a bleak, with endless suppression, but it has never been discovered before.

Not far from him, there was a stone monument. Looking at Meng Fan's gaze, he found two large characters written on it, Di Yu!

Just a glance, it made Meng Fan’s eyes feel burnt, the latter stone monument standing here is too terrifying, and what should be contained in it is Emperor Yu’s supreme martial art, which truly reaches the three sacred realms at the peak. The state left behind, even if it is a mere trace, is too horrible.

With Meng Fan's current cultivation base, there will be a feeling of crushing.

"How is it possible that Emperor Yu's martial arts is here, because his cultivation is so terrible, and there are other people, but they are surrounded by the endless atmosphere of the forbidden zone!"

Meng Fan's heart was shocked and hesitated.

And Yue Han, who was beside him, frowned, full of doubts.

After a while, the two came to the martial arts stele of Emperor Yu, hoping to get some information from it, but surrounded by the rich atmosphere of the forbidden area, even if the martial arts stele of Emperor Yu was covered with The hazy atmosphere of black death seemed to be completely suppressed.


Yue Han held the Emperor Feather Pearl, whispered softly, and at the same time the aura blended into it, earnestly interacting with the martial arts in the Emperor Feather Stone Tablet in front of her.

Under the induction of the emperor feather beads in his hand, this martial arts stele finally trembles slowly, and the ancient aura becomes stronger and stronger, as if there is a powerful force that wants to break through it, and wants to break the long sky. .

And in the faint, the light flickered, as if there were countless screens flickering, unfolding.

"This is... the instinctive memory record of this martial arts stele!"

Yue Han murmured, and Meng Fan had even forgotten their relationship at this moment. They stared at it as far as they could, and carefully looked at this piece of scenes. Instinctively felt that it looked like a kind of The ancient secrets are about to unfold!

Between a few breaths, Meng Fan stood in place, capturing countless things from this scene.

The light flickered, and there were scenes of people dying. Millions of people were submerged in an instant. Between the sky and the earth, there was a **** color. That kind of endless black death air was overwhelming. Heaven and earth are completely swallowed.

And you can see the strong in countless tens of thousands of domains resisting, rising to the sky, and confronting the many strong in the sky. However, under this battle, no one can resist the powerful crush in the void. Even though there are countless strong people among the rebelling ones, the sacred are all in rows, enough Ten thousand, how powerful is the power, but there are thirteen rays of light in this void, which is the source of this endless black death, as if it is the source of evil between heaven and earth, suppressing everything.

"Forbidden area hall, thirteen hall masters..."

"Save the common people, save us!"

"In any day, will be able to level the restricted area!"

Countless voices came out of Meng Fan's ears, and the scenes of the scenes continued to flicker, and finally they became a piece of practice. After a few breaths, I finally understood what the eighteenth floor of this Shenyuan Tower was, including the martial arts steles of countless powerful people among the ten thousand domains, but what was really sealed was. . . . . The martial arts of the thirteen hall masters of the restricted area hall.

Standing in place, Meng Fan was struck by lightning. According to what he saw from this martial arts stele, the past world wars and ten thousand domains fell, and countless people died, but they were unable to fight against the restricted area. The strong at the level stood up and fell, but in that general confrontation, it was only blocking the opponent's powerful offensive.

Because in this forbidden area hall there is a rumored thirteen hall master, one of them. . . . They are all gods and king-level existences, suppressing heaven and earth, it is the most powerful group of people in heaven and earth and ten thousand domains at the beginning. It is the supreme law, and everything in heaven and earth and ten thousand domains is regarded as pigs and dogs, reduced to fish!

The thirteen hall masters swept the world, and they could cut the **** king. In that kind of battle, I don't know how many talented and amazing people have fallen!

Later, even if they succeeded, it was only because the thirteen hall masters felt that the price was too great, and some of them were seriously injured and sleeping, while there were hundreds of millions of creatures among the ten thousand domains. . . . . Since then disappeared, heaven and man will be separated forever!

Later, the temple placed the martial arts of the former thirteen hall masters in the highest level of the forbidden area, and then countless Tianjiao left their martial arts here and turned them into a stone monument to fight against it.

Only in these eighteen levels, relying on the ability of Emperor Yu, it is only on the periphery, and it includes the martial arts of the 22 god-king powers from ancient times, plus countless steps into the three sacred realms. The strong are all putting their martial arts here to fight against these thirteen people.

In addition to the entire Shenyuan Pagoda, in ancient times, Wanyu didn't know how many Shendao powerhouses merged with martial arts and fought against the thirteen hall masters, but it was the scene now.

The powerful martial arts of these thirteen hall masters surpassed them, completely suppressing the core of the entire eighteenth floor. Even if the martial arts of countless powerful men are placed here, it is difficult to resist the terrible breath of these thirteen people. Completely suppress!

Common people are ruthless, exclusive in the restricted area!

In the faintness, Meng Fan seemed to see that kind of picture, it seemed to be an absolute law, under such power, it was to slaughter everyone, even if the power of the king of the gods was fighting against it. To enter the path of fall.

This is the greatest secret of the eighteenth floor of the Shenyuan Tower. The martial arts that suppressed the thirteen hall masters in this restricted area are already so powerful, even if they are hundreds of millions of creatures. . . . . In front of it, it was just a snap, and there was no capital to fight it.

Since ancient times, countless gods and powers have been united and cannot be killed. . . . The thirteen hall masters at the core of the forbidden area hall, this is. . . . How desperate! <

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