Supreme God King

Chapter 1512: Conquer you!

The person has not moved, the anger has arrived!

Zhang Qixian strode, unpredictable, and he had a kind of dominance to suppress the mountains and rivers between his feet. The moment he slashed his palm, there was a sense of terror that made Meng Fan die immediately!

Standing in place, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, even though he felt the strangeness of the other party, but the whole person was still motionless, raised his hand and punched the Emperor Fist.


Fists are facing each other, and the figures are staggered!

The two figures collide in the air, with their fists facing each other. Although they are both in the sacred realm, their respective combat power is definitely not as simple as the sacred realm. Between this kind of collision, the entire sky is suddenly shattered. This kind of overbearing Huanyu faded!

Behind him, Yue Han's expression moved, staring at the field, an inexplicable smell surged in his eyes.

There is no doubt that both of them are the arrogances of the world. Looking at the ages, they are all evil evildoers who have never appeared. They are young but they have reached the level of old monsters. Only in this kind of golden master can they meet To.

This kind of person should be the hero, Ge Shijie!

Any one of them may suppress several eras, but they collide together in this Shenyuan Tower. It can be said that two tigers are fighting each other, and there must be one injury!

In particular, both of them were previously selected by the emperor gate, making them the spokespersons of the new generation of emperor gates, and they have put great resources on them. Now is a good time to see who is strong and who is weak!

In the sky, it was only for a moment that Meng Fan and Zhang Qixian didn't have any hands left, just like two sharp soldiers, they directly collided and brought out their strongest combat power!

There is no doubt that Zhang Qixian is extremely angry with Meng Fan, and wants to seize the prestige of the world's first arrogant in the opponent's hands. Under this situation, one move is an absolute killer move, extremely cruel!

Bang, bang!

The sky burst, and Zhou Tian exploded. At this moment, the silhouettes of the two of them were intertwined, but in an instant, they did not know how many hits and collided together. The terrifying waves of air overflowed, causing the sky to tear apart, and I don’t know how much space was broken. .

Thousands of confrontations were issued, sparks flew everywhere, and everything fell apart!

In this kind of fight, everything is covered with two people as the center. Such a fierce collision can be said to have plunged the entire world into a huge spatial vortex. Anyone who gets close is bound to be impacted by the air waves in it. And death, even sacred, is no exception.


At the next moment, the sky collapsed, and one of the figures retreated back, taking a few steps, yes. . . . Meng Fan!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Meng Fan's body was stable, the blood flowing in his body, his eyes could not help but chill.

For many years of battle, countless lives and deaths, Meng Fan has encountered a lot of Tianjiao, especially in this kind of close combat, a few people are his opponents. But today, someone broke the myth and suppressed Meng Fan in this kind of confrontation.

Before Meng Fan was able to smash Zhang Qixian with a palm of his hand because he had been preparing for a long time and suddenly attacked, but now this kind of confrontation has made Meng Fan feel the strength in the latter's body, all the power in the world gathers, and the vitality burns. , With one hand, it has a supreme divine power, coming from the void, suppressing everything!

Under such a fight, it turned out to be a few steps away from Meng Fan. How powerful is this!

"Not bad!"

Yuehan smiled slightly and said softly.

"Kill him, Zhang Qixian, it is enough to prove your worth. If this is the case, you will get greater support from our emperor, and you will have a greater chance!"

"of course!"

In the void, Zhang Qixian proudly said,

"This is just the beginning. Don't worry, Yuehan, I won't let you down. You and I have agreed to kill Meng Fan, and I am a man who is qualified to be you. Today... you are behind you. Just watch a good show!"

"it is good!

Yue Han nodded, and with a move of her delicate body, she walked directly towards the stele of Emperor Feather Martial Arts, a look of excitement appeared on her pretty face.

Emperor Yu martial arts!

This kind of treasure is placed here, but it is an opportunity for the descendants of the emperor's gate. Now Yuehan is naturally not polite. After stepping out, he came to him, and his jade hand stretched out, a kind of terrible The meaning of swallowing is to come, obviously to swallow this living emperor feather martial arts and strengthen oneself!

Even though there is a great enemy like Meng Fan on the side, but with Zhang Qixian facing him, Meng Fan is helpless. Obviously, the division of labor between the two is quite clear. One intends to kill Meng Fan, the other intends to devour martial arts, and does not give the latter anything. opportunity.

This pair of dogs and men!

Meng Fan could not help cursing, stepping out, trying to step forward to stop Yuehan, but Zhang Qixian's figure has already blocked all his way, surrounded by aura, coldly said.

"Your opponent is me, Meng Fan, why are you scared?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan also understood that if he did not defeat Zhang Qixian now, he would never have the time to pay attention to Yuehan. He could not help but sigh softly, and said slowly,

"Unfortunately, I am afraid that this Emperor Feather Dao will not be complete. No matter, Zhang Qixian, you really think you have been empowered with a martial art of the three sacred realms. Don't I know?"

The tone was calm, but the moment Zhang Qixian spit out, it changed Zhang Qixian's expression, a little moved.

Empowering Budo!

This sentence was spit out from Meng Fan's mouth. Maybe others don’t understand what it is, but the top powerhouse fully understands its meaning. This kind of martial arts is mysterious and mysterious. If you get the living Emperor Feather Avenue, you can completely swallow it. It becomes itself.

However, there is still a path in this world, which is to initiate martial arts. Before this, Meng Fan faced this opportunity even more, which was the destruction of the **** king he saw when he broke through.

Once you accept the empowerment of martial arts, it means giving up oneself and completely letting other people's martial arts replace oneself. It is also because the opponent's martial arts is extremely powerful, so even if one's own realm is not enough, it can show that kind of ultimate power.

It is precisely because of this that in Zhang Qixian's breath, there is that kind of corpse mountain and blood sea of ​​killing mood, in fact, it does not originate from it, but from the person after his martial arts!

These two ways, one is self-centered and walks out a way of self, the other is a complete copy of others, seeming to be the same, but there are essential changes.

In other words, Zhang Qixian at this moment is actually a powerful person who has completely copied the ancients, whether it is breath, martial arts, etc., although powerful, but it makes Meng Fan... Disdain!

"Good eyesight, it seems you know!"

After a while, Zhang Qixian recovered his composure and sneered.

"But so what? You must die in my hands, and cast my power with your blood!"

After being exposed, Zhang Qixian's breath became more violent. Although his strength has improved, this is not a glorious thing after all. It is out of the heart of the cultivator, and it also caused his palm to explode, that kind of corpse mountain and blood. The breath of is followed, flooding the sky, crushing everything!

Beneath the handprints, where Meng Fan was in the tens of thousands of meters, there was murderous intent, even if it was in the eighteenth floor of the Shenyuan Tower, he was shocked by this powerful aura, making the surrounding space impossible. The trembling of the living, everything faded, only the handprint in the void, as if to penetrate everything!

But under this infinite aura, Meng Fan licked his **** lips and said calmly.

"Okay, martial arts are superior and inferior. Since you have your path, let you take a look at my path. Do you want to be the number one arrogant in the world? Humph, I will persuade you and let you know about this one. The name is not something you can possess!"

The tone was like electricity, and at the same time Meng Fan strode out in the next moment, and the mark in his body flickered during a move, accompanied by the boiling of heaven and earth, the tidal energy of heaven and earth merged into Meng Fan's body, making Meng Fan whole At this moment, human beings have doubled in size above the sky, bones hit, creaked, crackled, and landed with one foot. A tiger-eyed, violent aura spread to the sky!

Go against the gods, swallow the world!

Now Meng Fan, who has cultivated him to the **** level, can be said to be the great master of this Inverse Shenjuan himself. It is completely compatible with his own martial arts. It is different from the previous Inverse Shenjuan, and has a similarity, that is, this This kind of terrible power that swallows everything and turns everything into itself.

It was just a moment to make Meng Fan's combat power not know how many times it had been improved. The sudden outbreak can be said to happen in the blink of an eye, but it is earth-shattering and destroying everything!


The palms of the fists faced each other again, Meng Fan descended like a great emperor, and the emperor fist blasted away like a thunder. Each fist fell was a force that distort everything, and once again collided with Zhang Qixian's handprints.

The two were staggered in the air at the same time, and their respective forces impacted, causing the void to explode. In just a moment, they did not know that they fought again thousands of times.

"Eagle hitter!"

Under such a fight, Zhang Qixian roared, the whole person changed, the runes flashed, and the palm shot out. That kind of billowing killing intention in the midair is a full tenfold increase, and the vitality between the handprints is flooded. , A jet-black Kunpeng turned out to be transformed, coming towards Meng Fan!

With a single click, it is already a god-level technique!

In this moment, this hand is hidden in the endless murderous intent, like a single blow in the storm, it seems invisible, but it is earth-shattering, completely cutting off all vitality!

And between the electric light and flint, Meng Fan's whole body was cold, and his whole body was violent in the air. No need to say more, only three words,

"The Great Seal!"

A stamp presses the sky, and the power suppresses the sky. In an instant, you can see the golden handprints between the sky and the Kunpeng interlacing, bursting out endless sparks.


The air wave burst, and the heavens and the earth paled. Among them, one could see a figure retreating quickly. It was Zhang Qixian. At this moment, he was sprayed with blood and his body broke apart. Obviously, he was in a blow before this A slight disadvantage.

With own martial arts vs ancient sacred martial arts!

Even though he already knows that Zhang Qixian is incomparably terrifying and has inherited the sacred heritage of the past, although this path is wrong and there will be great troubles in the future, but now there is no one in the same realm as his opponent, but for Meng Fan, anyone is in his own There is only one battle, only... Punish!

One step fell, and came, Meng Fan said calmly at the same time,

"How about it!"

In the midair, Zhang Qixian swallowed a bite of blood, then shot out again, coldly snort,

"Serve what?"

Hearing what Zhang Qixian said, Meng Fan stepped forward, breathing in, and at the same time he punched him and laughed.

"Well, my cultivator wants to be credited. Today I say to convince you, so you must... to convince you!"

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