Supreme God King

Chapter 1515: Forbidden zone chaos

Yuehan, Zhang Qixian!

Standing alone on this sky, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, but a trace of murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

Obviously, he had missed the best time to kill the two Yuehan, but in this world, Meng Fan only knew how to come, but he didn't know how to go.

The Emperor Feather Pearl was smashed by his own hands. Under this situation, Meng Fan was completely sealed in the 18th floor of the Shenyuan Tower, unable to leave.

The only way to get out of here is to wait until the time comes when the temple opens the portal, and naturally takes his body away. However, it is already impossible to chase Yuehan and Zhang Qixian, and no one dares to come here to disturb Meng Fan!


Meng Fan shook his head, took a deep breath, and said calmly.

"But this chess immortal has helped me increase the speed at which I merged with the sunset. Sure enough, there was an epiphany between life and death, if it weren't for the pressure of his kind of enemy.

I'm afraid I can't understand that the sunset has changed this town so fast. There are a total of eight major moves. I should be able to use four moves now, but with three moves, hum, this chess immortal is unbeatable! "

The sound fell, if it came out, it would have to vomit blood to Zhang Qixian!

After a while, Meng Fan's attention was already focused on the martial arts stele not far away, and he stepped out to reach this Emperor Feather Avenue with a smile on his face.

Although Yuehan had absorbed a lot of the power in this Emperor Feather Dao, now it still contained two-thirds of the Dao power, which was pretty good.

After all, this is the Emperor Yu Dao, the martial art of the three-level gods of the past. Before this, Meng Fanke absolutely did not expect to be able to obtain this, but it was an unexpected joy.

And from the emperor gate, his rival, I don't know what expressions will be on the faces of the many elders in the emperor gate after knowing this news.

With a sneer, Meng Fan was also sitting cross-legged, his whole body motionless, but the Inverse God Scroll in his body was already absorbed, and he began to devour this Emperor Feather Avenue!

Such an opportunity is absolutely rare in this world. Even if it was in this Shenyuan Pagoda who didn't know how many strong people entered it in ancient times, it was impossible to encounter, let alone come to this eighteenth floor.

Because there are too few people who can step into this place, except for those who stepped into the three realms, how many people have this strength?

If it weren’t for the Emperor Feather Orb, it would not have become Meng Fan. Now the latter is doing it quietly, and the whole person is like a piece of crystal jade, moving with his own martial arts, absorbing the infinite mysteries of this Emperor Feather Avenue into it, and fusing into it. Self, extract the infinite mystery in this avenue.

With this kind of help, Meng Fan opened a door of power, completely obsessed with it, and martial arts confirmed each other, like a Sanskrit sound, which was of great help.

Meng Fan has done this for twenty years, which is comparable to an old monk entering the Dhyana. During these twenty years, he was motionless, only absorbed the Emperor Yu Dadao and felt quietly.

However, in the outside world, only twenty days have passed. Only this supreme place like the Shenyuan Tower will give Meng Fan and others this opportunity to use the absolute taboo field Crazy improvement in a short time.

Twenty days, if it were normal, this period of time would have been just a blink of an eye to countless people in Wanyu.

Even in the chaos of today, there are still countless people who are happy and happy, not knowing life or death.

However, there is a place in this Middle Ancient Region called Tianleiguan. This place is extremely old. It was in the past, extremely prosperous, and vast, but it changed after a day. . . . . . Thousands of miles are dead and dead!

The entire Tianlei Pass is located in this fortress of the Middle Ages, which is tens of millions of miles. It is rich in resources and countless populations, so many countries can be built.

Previously, it belonged to several great emperor clans and they were all contested, but at this moment, the world faded. The bodies of hundreds of millions of people here withered at the same time, the vitality in the body was taken away, turned into corpses, and they were completely sucked up. All the blood in the body.

In a moment, hundreds of millions of lives died!

In this place where countless creatures laughed and laughed, it turned into pieces of Jedi in this way, and there was even no room to fight back, or it was completely dead. The whole world is bloody, so many people are ruined and their wives are scattered.

Such news came out a day later and attracted. . . . The world is boiling!

In this eternal time, there have been countless battles in the universe, but it has never been such a **** scene, such a cruel thing.

This is no longer a slaughter of a place or a faction, but for the entire Ten Thousand Realm. In this core place of the Middle Ancient Realm, hundreds of millions of creatures have been killed and wiped out!

Under this situation, for anyone in these ten thousand domains, it was a fatal blow, shocking countless people.

A stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and at the moment the news came out, it made countless creatures in Ten Thousand Realms cry, countless people are already completely petrified, and countless people are indignation!

In the past world wars, killings in the restricted area targeted one place, but it silenced the emperor and the temple.

But after the first battle of Leiguan that day, everyone can't be silent anymore. These hundreds of millions of people die. If this continues, even if there are more people in Ten Thousand Realms, I am afraid it will be completely destroyed. Kill!

"Zhongtian orders, only battle!"

Finally, in the imperial capital of the Zhongtian dynasty, a figure stood on the top of the mountain and let out a loud roar, shocking the Eight Wastes, spreading throughout the Middle Ancient Territory, I don’t know how many corners it is today. The head, Qin Mieren!

The powerhouses above the three sacred realms spoke in person, before this, or in the ten thousand domains, there was absolutely no one, but under such circumstances, a dynasty. . . . . I was finally angry and couldn't call the shots. There are countless of his people and people with countless beliefs in Leiguan this day. Today, he has to fight!

"Yes, I want to fight!"

At the moment Qin Mieren spoke, a figure stood in another corner of this Middle Ancient Region, shaking the qi and blood, and a roar spread all over the world.

He is also a middle-aged man from a line called. . . . One line of Yang Wudi!

The name is invincible, this is invincible!

I don’t know how long this sentence has been spread in the past ten thousand domains. Perhaps no one can remember his name today, but in the past between heaven and earth, which word this means means supreme, meaning He is truly invincible among his peers. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years of ruling the roost, causing countless arrogants to bow their heads. He comes from a line, and is the current line of Patriarch, Yang Qing's father, Yang Wudi!

The two sacred three realm powerhouses are speaking at the same time, and they are also the emperor-level existence that controls the largest power between the world and the earth!

The five families have one dynasty and one song, and the five tribes are headed by the same line. At this moment, the top giants in the two great domains finally speak, then the twelve emperors must move together, which means this one. The war between heaven and earth is really coming!

The roar is thunderous, resounding through the sky!

At this moment, I don't know how many corners in the ten thousand domains are rioting at the same time, I don't know that people walked out of the retreat. And in the oldest temple, this moment was the twelve red elders sitting in the river for a hundred thousand years. . . . Get up at the same time!

One of the elders said slowly,

"Hanging... God King Order!"

The tone was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, but at the moment the voice fell, all the elders and all the people in the temple moved their expressions and felt a great shock.

God King Order!

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard these three words. I’m afraid that they last appeared hundreds of thousands of years ago, but now they have appeared again. This thing is a token put together by the great kings of the year. , Has only one function, that is, calling on the gods of the world to fight together!

On the next day, everyone can see that the entire temple ground glows like a star. If there is a strong person to look carefully, you can find that there is an ancient presence card in the temple, hanging in the void. Among them, it seems that there are countless runes flowing quietly, ancient and vicissitudes of life!

At the same time, among the many ancient places, someone walked out, opened eyes that hadn't been opened for many years, and saw this world again.

Some are in the valley, some are in the sea, some are in the abyss, and some are in the gate of the Zong. . . . .

Wait, this kind of the same scene comes out in different places, with the aura of silhouettes erupting. It seems to be no different from a dead person, but it came out from all over and slowly came between the world and the earth. , Quietly looking at the direction of the temple, a very emotional look appeared on his face.

The king of the gods makes the world gods!


The endless vitality before this moment has been completely concealed by the black and dead air. The whole world, without sunlight, can see rows of corpses, all turned into bones, lying between the world, Some still retain the appearance of their lives. . . .

And in its deepest place, among the endless black death air, a young figure stood, behind which were endless figures. This group of people are like demons, standing among the earth, extremely proud.

The young man, it was Taibai, glanced around and said calmly,

"Friends of the Forbidden Zone Hall, it's still comfortable!"

"Jie Jie..."

Several demon-like figures laughed, and every sound fell extremely harsh, making the whole body creepy.


Taibai smiled indifferently, looked far away, coldly said,

"God King Ling, it's really familiar, everyone... I'm afraid there is more and more powerful blood coming, let us... wait and see!"

The tone is harsh, and it blends with the many gloomy laughter in the world, and it seems to be that ordinary, frightening and weird. . . . Spread all over the world! <

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